America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 512 The Joy of Changing Your Mind

Chapter 512 The Joy of Changing Your Mind

Driving for a long time does make people feel more tired; although Qi Ping has never been a long-distance driver, he has always been very clear that driving for a long time is really not something that people feel enjoyable .

Fortunately, he doesn't need to rely on driving to earn money to support his family. He takes a break when he's tired, and goes to a rest stop for a cup of coffee.So along the way, Qi Ping felt that it was quite interesting.Especially on some empty roads, enjoying the fun of high-speed driving is also very good; sports cars, you can't just attract the attention of others on the crowded roads, showing their performance on the road is the best. important.

"Qi, we need to hurry up. We've got a little too much time at the Red Rocks, and if we don't hurry up now, we might end up in a motel for the night. I don't want to be in a motel, I like hotel beds , I like the bathroom in the hotel." Steve's phone call came, and the kid was driving crazily ahead, and now he was in a hurry.

"I don't have too many requirements on where to sleep, as long as the environment is not very bad, just give me a bed. However, I like those delicious foods, and I can't bear to have to eat those bad ones again and again. Hamburg." Qi Ping also felt that he needed to find a more prosperous city, otherwise he would really feel wronged.

Don't look at Qi Ping and Steve who are shouting to come out to be down-to-earth or something, and are also ready for poor travel; but in fact, they are not like that at all.If there are conditions, the two of them will definitely not be stingy, and they will not wrong themselves.If there is no other way, they may have to live in motels and eat bad fast food.

Crazy racing, speeding up, this is to take a break earlier; it is also quite interesting to taste New Mexico wine.Although the more famous red wine regions in the United States are Pana Valley and Sonoma, there are actually some wine regions in New Mexico.Maybe it's not the best American red wine here, but it's okay to try.

"What our restaurant lacks is some atmosphere, you know what I mean. Our restaurant is outstanding, but everyone knows that's because there are enough good products to back it up, delicious vegetables, fruits from Wonderland Forest Farm. But In our restaurants, there’s a real lack of heritage, you know, every great restaurant should have their style, but we obviously don’t have it here.”

Steve complained while eating the steak, not only complaining that the food in this restaurant tastes so-so, but also complaining that his own restaurant is not up-to-date.

"I think so too. The only thing worthy of recognition in our restaurant now is that it has very good food. But our restaurant really lacks the necessary background and culture. I always think that it may take enough time, but now It doesn't look like that at all, and we've been ignoring something very important."

Qi Ping has indeed realized some things. Although he doesn't care much about the high-end restaurant run by the partnership, Qi Ping also knows some things.The restaurant is indeed very good, and the word of mouth is also very good; but obviously, it is too difficult for the restaurant to break through the bottleneck and go further; because a good restaurant often needs some connotation, not just that the restaurant has food.

Delicious food is naturally the foundation of a high-end restaurant; but if you want to be different, or want to be the best restaurant, you really need to improve your style.The culture may be a bit exaggerated, but the connotation, sentiment and so on are still necessary, so that it will appear to be recognized by high-grade consumers.

Walking around and looking around is a good way to gain knowledge; although Qi Ping and the others are unlikely to become a restaurant operator, but I have to say that if they are willing to put more effort into running the restaurant seriously, then there is definitely no harm of.It seems that they all realized some small shortcomings of the restaurant, as long as they are willing to work harder to improve and improve, then maybe the restaurant can go further.

It's just that this matter seems a bit unnecessary, because the restaurant is not the main industry for them, it's just a small sideline.Now that the restaurant has a restaurant business model, there is not much benefit in running over to point fingers at this time; in fact, the most important thing is that the restaurant can now have a considerable output, so there is no need to do anything extra.

It is natural that everyone would like to see the restaurant become better, but it is better to let nature take its course; after all, making the restaurant look a bit higher does not mean that it can immediately increase the restaurant's revenue by how much. Category.There is really no need to spend much energy on such a thing, it is not realistic at all.

Now there are too many industries and enough income, so for some small income such as part-time jobs, both Qi Ping and Steve are a bit contemptuous.Some things are just like this. I feel that there is no need to do more. It’s not because I don’t know that it’s not good enough, but because I don’t think it’s necessary.

Eating, drinking, and feeling pretty good; and then the boy Steve went to have fun again, which is typical duplicity.What I said before was that I was not used to living in a poorer place, but it was all fake. What Steve was worried about was actually not being able to have fun.It's not a big problem for him to rest or something, the way he rests is different.

Qi Ping has no objection to having fun; it’s also good to relax, anyway, it’s not a meat show like Steve, you can control it!
Stretched lazily, after washing up, he almost kicked the door; that boy Steve must have been exhausted, and he hasn't moved for a long time.Forget about him for now, it's better for Qi Ping not to wrong himself.

Oatmeal, sausage, and French bread, the breakfast is still very good; anyway, Qi Ping can eat it, and whether it suits his appetite is actually not a big problem.Although this is not a star-rated restaurant or anything, it's not bad; if you have money, then don't wrong yourself.

As for that boy Steve, he probably would have died eating a hamburger while driving later.But I think that kid doesn't care about these things, because Steve, who eats and drinks, can make up for it. That's not what he cares about the most, not at all. His focus is on other things.

It’s a bit like eating and sleeping in the open, although I enjoyed it at the beginning; but gradually I will feel some fatigue and the like, and the time spent driving every day is a bit long, which is a bit boring.

So at this time, you need to pay attention to the combination of work and rest. At this time, you can’t be busy driving all the time. This time the trip was full of fun.

Flush they are for the enjoyment of traveling, rather than traveling for the sake of traveling.So at this time, some adjustments are indeed needed, and the following plans need to be temporarily changed; there is nothing wrong with this, because such small changes will make this kind of travel more fun.

Since it's a trip, of course, it is necessary to ensure that happiness and enjoyment are the first; as for the others, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Come on, man. You know we didn't bring Pooh and King Kong this time, in fact, even if we took Pooh and them, I don't think it's a lot of fun to fight alligators. Man, for hunting us Maybe it's better, but catching alligators, I never thought it would be interesting."

Steve had a bitter face, his face changed after he arrived in Louisiana; it was hard to not change, because this guy Qi Ping was really crazy, and at this time he actually thought of participating in crocodile hunting this matter.

In the United States, crocodiles were once endangered animals; however, after protection in recent years, such endangered animals have changed from protected objects to hunting objects.And it's hunting season for large reptiles like wild alligators in states like Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.During the August-November season, people can legally hunt wild crocodiles, and there are even competitions to see who can hunt the bigger crocodiles.

"Steve, we're just going to have a look. You know, we've only just gotten here and it's going to take a while to get our hunting licenses. I just want to go and have a look, it's dangerous to catch alligators Things, I know that the danger of this is far more than hunting. Don't worry, I'm just curious."

Although Qi Ping said so, Steve didn't think that Qi Ping's words had much credibility; although hunting licenses are not easy to get, it's just not difficult for some rich people big.And Qi Ping is obviously not a person who is short of money. As long as he finds something he is interested in, he is willing to spend money.

As for catching crocodiles is a dangerous thing, it is really easy to understand; crocodiles are ferocious, and if they fail, the hunter will either die or be injured.Hunting crocodiles is a job with no room for error, and if you are not careful, your life will be in danger.

Everyone knows these things, but many times rookie hunters like Qi Ping will bring experienced hunters with them when they catch crocodiles for the first time.With the escort of the old hunter, this is naturally able to ensure safety to the greatest extent, and it can also minimize the danger.

Steve has already figured it out now, don't look at what Qi Ping is saying over and over again, he just went to see it, to see it and so on.But Steve believes that Qi Ping is definitely not just curious; didn't you see, Qi Ping is thinking about something now.

It's not that he wants to catch a crocodile to break the record, but Qi Ping is thinking that one hunting license can kill two crocodiles; if he is lucky, the whole family can change into crocodile leather shoes and crocodile belts , wallet or something.

I haven't gone here yet, and I'm already thinking about crocodile skin ambitiously; it's really hard to believe that he just said something like 'curiosity' and 'go and see', it's too unconvincing .

Qi Ping is really curious and looking forward to it; he has some knowledge now, but he has never tried such a thing as crocodile hunting.It's quite exciting to think about such a thing, the prey is a crocodile, this is the top hunter, okay?

Heartbeat, it must be heartbeat; as for what is just to see and so on, Qi Ping also thinks it is just shouting slogans.This was a coincidence, and the timing was just right; it was already the hunting season, and since it was such a coincidence to meet such a grand event, it really couldn't be missed.

For these fresh and interesting things, Qi Ping felt that there was no reason to miss them, who made him like such things.

Qi Ping is indeed interested in such things, quite interested; he just thinks that it is better to be in time than to be in time.This timing is really a coincidence. If he really meets the right opportunity, Qi Ping doesn't mind to try it himself. If he really catches a crocodile, it will be enough for him to show off.

Hurry up and have a look, and get ready by the way; Qi Ping is a typical type of action, who makes this matter so attractive to him, and he feels that he has no reason to miss these things.

At the age of [-], the cost of one or two hundred dollars is a small amount of money for Qi Ping; although such hunting licenses are claimed to be randomly selected, they are actually not the case.Rich people, their hopes rarely fail; even if they do not obtain hunting licenses through formal channels, there are too many ways for them to obtain hunting licenses, and at most they just spend a little more money.

Of course, the hunting license is actually the most important thing, and the main thing is to learn; especially for a rookie like Qi Ping, he has a lot to learn.

Forget about guns, renting guns is not very convenient; but bows and arrows are no problem, plus you need to learn how to operate fishing lines, etc., it is really a bit much.Anyway, Qi Ping just took a crash course; it seems that he has learned some knowledge, such as the use of bait, and also knows some regulations with various names formulated by the competent department.

But the most important thing is that Qi Ping is willing to spend money, which also makes him quickly become a crocodile hunter with a hunting license. Now he is not only driving a rented yacht, he is not only driving two Enough for an experienced crocodile hunter and a whole lot of equipment.

Now Qi Ping is really armed to the teeth; just look at his posture and Steve will know that Qi Ping is definitely planning to beat up a few crocodiles and go home!

(End of this chapter)

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