America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 513 Difficulty of catching crocodiles

Chapter 513 Difficulty of catching crocodiles
Qi Ping is now preparing to catch crocodiles, which is definitely a temporary idea; who made catching crocodiles so exciting, Qi Ping couldn't resist such a new thing.

"Dad, can we have a baby crocodile?" Hearing that his father wanted to catch a crocodile, the fat boys suddenly became excited. The little guys occupied their mobile phones, clamoring for their father to catch a crocodile and bring them back. "Dad, where are you now? My brother and I also want to go, and I'll help you catch crocodiles. I'm the best, I'm very good."

"Dad is far away now. You can't come here now. You have to study hard now. Wait. Dad doesn't know if he can catch many crocodiles now, let alone baby crocodiles." Qi Ping can only coax his precious son, these little guys are really too playful, these little bastards just like to play games now.

The children are not interested in reading at all, but when it comes to playing, they must be very interested; Qi Ping is now coaxing the children every day, who let the little ones just know that Dad is out to play, they must now Those who were eager to try, all of them wanted to run out and go crazy.

For his own children, Qi Ping really knows too well; as for the little rascals at home, let them stay at home honestly now.Some games are really not suitable for children to try because they are too young now; if the children grow up, Chi Ping will definitely not mind bringing the children to participate in some interesting games.

It is definitely not an easy thing to learn how to catch crocodiles; although Qi Ping is just getting ready for battle, there is nothing to worry about.In fact, it was because he had money in his pocket and was well equipped. Besides, Qi Ping had some hunting experience anyway, so he didn't have much to worry about.

Qi Ping loaded the bow, arrow, noose, etc. onto the boat. In fact, catching crocodiles will not be an easy task, which requires enough patience and physical strength.

But for Qi Ping, there is nothing to worry about. The old hunter he hired as a consultant can naturally provide some good suggestions.For example, if you choose a public water area where the crocodile is active, you need experienced hunters to provide some help, otherwise, you might just sit back and wait in a small ditch.

"Qi, I'll put the hook in front, you pay attention here." Steve was in high spirits, although he wasn't very interested in crocodile hunting, but since he came, he couldn't miss it, "I hope we have good luck, I I don’t want to be wasted here, we must have enough harvest.”

"OK, we can contact you at any time." Qi Ping replied with a smile. Capturing crocodiles actually requires enough spirit of unity and cooperation. He and Steve are a good combination. "Let's see who sees the crocodile first." , Pay attention to support."

Capturing crocodiles requires more than courage; some large American crocodiles and alligators, which are giant reptiles, can grow to be more than four meters long and weigh a thousand kilograms. Injury or death.Therefore, hunters need to be properly trained and have team spirit.

Obviously, both Qi Ping and Steve are bringing a professional old hunter by their side, and each of them is in charge of a small boat; this is also to improve the efficiency of catching crocodiles, so as to ensure that the net is cast widely.As for spending more money and the like, then there is nothing to care about, anyway, having fun is their pursuit.

This time they ran crazy, so they had to be completely crazy. Qi Ping and Steve are not stingy people, they are actually very good at playing and love to play.Playing here does not necessarily mean fooling around, playing is actually quite knowledgeable; and Qi Ping can be regarded as having very good experience, and he can also be regarded as a person who can play.

The duo has now indeed changed their minds in Louisiana, the Pelican State where the Mississippi River runs through the state and actually has great food.The largest city here is New Orleans, but the food here is not like chicken drumsticks. The food here is a mixture of various characteristics, which is actually very good.

For example, this New Orleans seafood porridge mixed with shrimp, crab legs, and chicken legs looks ugly, but the taste is not bad, at least it is unique.Who made this seaport city nicknamed 'Big Joy'? The food here is mixed with mixed temperament, including France, Spain, Britain, the Caribbean, Africa... Even authentic Americans who come to New Orleans to order food feel like they are in a foreign country.

Qi Ping is sitting on the deck and eating delicious food. There are really a lot of delicious food; for example, these crayfish are really delicious.Although the lobster here is definitely not spicy crayfish, but this American cooking method is still reasonable, at least it is quite fresh.

"Man, other people swim in the Mississippi, but we hunt. I think, we're a lot like fishermen now. Fishermen make money on the Mississippi, but we're just paying out here. Obviously, we're the worst fishermen." Steve is also bored, and the bait doesn't move at all, which is so shocking.

"So we need to be patient, if we back off now, it's a complete joke. See what I mean, I don't like to quit halfway. I'm going to catch the gators, that's what I have to do, I have such a small expectation for coming to Louisiana this time." Qi Ping is holding his breath now, that is, he must catch the crocodile.

Well, since Qi Ping is determined to catch the crocodile, then Steve can only risk his life to accompany the gentleman; there is no way, who made Qi Ping plan to spend his time here now.Moreover, the two of them came out to play together, so they must be companions. There was no reason why Qiping wanted to catch crocodiles here, and he, Steve, was the one who made trouble.

But it can't be said that Qi Ping is selfish or something, this is a tacit understanding between the two; Qi Ping likes to do these things now, and Steve must compromise.But Qi Ping does not mean to blindly ask Steve to compromise, Qi Ping also has time to compromise; Follow along.

Sometimes, you still have to accommodate your partner, so that you can better enjoy the process of these trips.Because, this kind of travel cannot be a single person, otherwise the taste of travel will be lost.At least when you are bored, there must be someone to chat with you.

Steve, the old boy, although sometimes he is very unreliable, but he is indeed a very good friend.Qi Ping doesn't have many friends, especially some people are just business partners, not friends at all.

But Steve, it's not just a business partner, it's just a less important status, what's really important is because Steve and Qi Ping hit it off very well.Even if two people have different ideas about some things, a friend is a friend; and friends often have different understandings.

The two were chatting, and there was nothing to gain this morning, which really made people feel rather depressed; after most of the day passed, there was still nothing to gain, which really made people feel rather depressed.

You should know that during the hunting season, especially the crocodile hunting season, crocodiles are only allowed to be caught during the day, because this can reduce the risk. Catching crocodiles at night is not only more difficult, but also completely dangerous.

Some things really can't be rushed. Catching crocodiles, hunting, etc., it seems that you can take the initiative to increase the success rate.But these things are sometimes similar to fishing; although masters have a higher success rate in fishing, they will look at some so-called fishing spots; but I have to admit that this thing really needs some luck.

Wait patiently, anyway, this has been waiting for almost half a day, and it is really unreasonable to give up halfway at this time.Qi Ping still thinks that he is a kind of patient person. If he wants to accomplish his goal, he must have enough perseverance; besides, the waiting for most of the day is not fruitless at all.

There is also a little bit of small fish and small shrimps, and I also talked about some good topics with the old hunter Thomas who came to escort me together; in fact, it still makes people feel pretty good, this is just a leisurely 'vacation'.It's just that there is no large yacht and no beautiful scenery; but, it really doesn't matter, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think the scenery is the most important thing.

For the rookie Qi Ping, catching crocodiles is definitely a very challenging thing, and he is really looking forward to it now; although he knows very well that this thing is definitely not an easy thing, so there is no need to be too anxious , can't rush for success at all.

Anyway, it can be regarded as a bit of hunting experience, although I used to be in the mountains; but whether it is on the mountains or in the water, the methods may be different, but the essence is still the same.

Qi Ping is constantly comforting himself, absolutely not to be in a hurry; and for Qi Ping, he still needs to make a certain impatient playboy be more honest.This really makes people feel a little stressed. Steve, that old boy, is too thoughtful. He is definitely not a good hunter. How long has there been no movement? He is already screaming and crying. !

Patience, if you want to be a good hunter, you must have enough patience; although Qi Ping is constantly explaining to that bastard, he still cannot avoid being harassed by Steve, that bastard.Steve is reaching the limit of his patience more and more, this kid is really going to give up halfway now, such a bastard really has no patience.

So what Qi Ping has to do now is to constantly comfort and coax that old boy Steve. At least not let him implicate himself.

In the final analysis, it is that Qi Ping thinks that he must catch the crocodile, he must catch the crocodile; not only because the experience of catching a crocodile this time is something that he had never experienced before, but also because Qi Ping has long been I boasted about Haikou, if I can't catch the crocodile, it's really hard to explain to my family, it's a matter of my face.

The matter of catching crocodiles is so new, and the crocodile skin is also very useful, which has already been blown out; not to mention the special crocodile meat, but the leather shoes and the like are reserved for the family. If there is no way to finish the work, it will be really embarrassing, and I can't afford it.

How to put it this time, I made preparations in advance to go crazy this time, and everyone in the family knew about it; if the crocodile is not caught, the children may not understand anything, but Kate will definitely laugh at him for a long time .

The current Qi Ping is driven to a dead end, and he is now the type with no way out; so at this time, no matter what, he must catch the crocodile, even if it takes a little more time or energy, it doesn't matter, as long as he can catch the crocodile Alligators will do, and that's the most important thing.

Qi Ping still maintains enough patience, and he also has enough self-confidence; although things like hunting often seem to have a little bit of luck, but this thing really can't be discouraged first.This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable. Anyway, Qi Ping can't accept those depressing things. He thinks he can do better and do his best.

As for the matter of lack of confidence in himself, it will not happen at this time anyway, Qi Ping is full of confidence, this time he is determined to catch the crocodile, this is something that will succeed no matter what.Even if it seems that there is not much movement for the time being, if you are more patient, you may be rewarded.

The intercom rang. Don’t even think about it, you know it must be Steve’s emergency call; it’s just that this time it’s not like complaining like before. This time, Steve’s voice is full of excitement, joy, and of course There are some meanings of asking for help.

"Qi, Qi!" Steve shouted excitedly, he had gained something, "Come here quickly, I caught the big guy!"

Qi Ping felt that he was really powerless to complain, and he really didn't know what to say now; he was ambitious and wholeheartedly preparing to catch the crocodile, but there was no movement at all.And that old boy who has been complaining and complaining all the time has actually gained something, which is really shocking.

There is really no way to reason about these things, it really depends on luck, not necessarily hard work; but there is nothing to be stimulated now, it is important to hurry to support Steve, because the kid has not been caught yet What about crocodiles.

(End of this chapter)

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