America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 521 Preparations for the Halloween Chapter

Chapter 521 Preparations for Halloween
"I want a monster costume, and I want to play a big monster." Xiaoyao shouted excitedly, he was really looking forward to Halloween; it was also because the kid was getting sensible now, and he now naturally knew that those games were very interesting. Fun.

"I want a big bear's clothes, or a gorilla's clothes, so that I can go out and play games with King Kong and Pooh. We are good buddies, we are exactly the same." Lele now also has her own ideas, see It still seems quite reasonable.

"I want the clothes of the big bear, and my brother wants the clothes of the gorilla. We don't want cartoon ones, we want them to look exactly the same." Xiaoyao immediately made a decision, and he also got his brother's strong support.

Qi Ping felt the pain in his brain, he was really dumbfounded now; but looking at these demands of the fat boys, he could only choose to agree.After all, it's a children's day.

Halloween, in fact, is a bit of a ghost festival. Compared with Chinese people who avoid ghost festivals, Americans seem to like this festival very much, especially children. Before October begins, they are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of Halloween at the end of the month.

From the origin, Halloween is also a religious festival, which means that the energetic summer is over, and the cold winter representing death is coming.On this day, children will dress up as all kinds of weird and scary ghosts and knock on the neighbor's door to beg for candy.

The happy Halloween of Americans also has a positive effect on the psychological growth of children. It enables children to treat such a heavy topic as death with an optimistic attitude.This is why some funerals in the United States are a little different. Although they are still sad, they seem acceptable in many cases.

Halloween is a children's festival, their carnival; but for adults, they value Thanksgiving more. It is a festival for the whole family to reunite. It is really similar to the Spring Festival.

For now, don’t worry about Thanksgiving, which is yet to come. What you need to do now is actually prepare for the children’s favorite Halloween.In fact, Qi Ping also likes to take the children to play together, watching the children play happily and crazy, so it is also a very happy thing for Qi Ping, he is busy, isn't it just For these lively and playful little naughty ghosts.

Xiaoyao and Lele, these two stinky boys, some of their preferences seem to be relatively normal; as for the little boy, it is normal to be more curious.Besides, they hang out with King Kong and Pooh all day long, so naturally they have a special affection for their good buddies.

In fact, it is not ruled out that the costumes of these two boys in the previous Halloween were too standard; either they were cartoon characters or superheroes, which was not fun at all.Now, they need to change their attire, so that they will feel fresher, so as to conform to the characters of these two brats who love the new and dislike the old.

The little guys have the ideas of the little guys, and the little boys have the ideas of the little boys; then the little girls naturally have their ideas.Such differences in personality and gender will also lead to differences in some of their hobbies, and their choices will naturally lead to differences in dressing and the like.

Little sweetheart is too young now, the little girl doesn't know some things yet, the little girl actually doesn't have much idea about festivals now.There's no way, who made her just a tiny little girl now.She is only two years old now, and it is unrealistic to expect her to know about festivals now.

Although Little Sweetheart is a little younger now, she has a reliable older sister; now Yoyo has too many ideas, and the little girl is actually discussing with her older sister, although according to the current model, she is basically her older sister Helping her decide.

Princess Barbie, this is what little girls like; and among the princesses, there are a lot of princesses such as Rapunzel, Mermaid Princess, and Swan Princess.The little girls are busy now, they are choosing their favorite princess, and now it seems that Yoyo still has more ideas.

"Can my sister be a forest princess? My sister likes Romeo and Juliet very much. My sister can be friends with Pooh like me. She should be a forest princess, because we can all be friends with small animals, and we can all understand what our friends say if."

Youyou thought about it for a long time, this is also because she has too many favorite princesses, now she needs to choose the most suitable princess for her younger sister to dress up.In Yoyo's view, the younger sister is the forest princess.

"Yes, of course she can become a forest princess. Today, you can be a forest princess or any other princess. In fact, in my father's eyes, you have always been my princess." Qi Ping nodded straight, and the baby girls These small requests are really not a problem, "My sister has become a forest princess, so what kind of princess does my Yoyo want to be?"

Kate is also very happy, because Yoyo really loves her sister; the princess of the forest actually likes Yoyo very much.

Yoyo usually has a wild personality, she is not a lady at all, she is a naughty girl; but I have to admit, Yoyo is really a good sister.Compared with her brothers, Little Sweetheart will definitely rely on her sister more, because her sister will always take her to play games, but her brothers always go to play games by themselves.

"I like flower fairies, I want to protect our family, and I want to be a Samberina, so that I can be stronger and braver, and I can be quite powerful." After thinking for a long time, the little girl finally made it. made his own decision.

Qi Ping and Kate were laughing and listening to their baby girl's opinion. The little girl's small ideas naturally need support; Qi Ping and Kate also felt that Yoyo is really powerful and sensible, and knows how to protect the environment and protect their own homes.And the little girl is not only full of curiosity, she is also quite brave and responsible.

These choices made by the little ones are actually quite good; Qiping and Kate are quite happy and satisfied, not only because the children are innocent, but also because the little ones have shown a good character now , Even when they are playing games now, they have shown that they value their families and know how to protect the forest farm.

These are actually not what Qi Ping and Kate deliberately asked the children to do, because these principles cannot be said dryly and asked the children to do.What's more, the children still need to accept it by themselves; this also needs to be taught by Qi Ping and Kate, because they are the best teachers for the children.

I took the children to buy their strange equipment. Since it is Halloween to dress up strangely, it should have professional equipment.This is the case every Halloween, the streets are full of children dressed as various mythical and cartoon characters.

Even some adults like this kind of game very much, so these young people with bigger brains are able to show all kinds of strange looks, that is a complete dance of demons.

"Dad, I also want a bell. Pooh and King Kong both have bells. I will also bring a bell when the time comes, and I will go to town with them to play games."

In the supermarket, the little ones really started to have fun; especially in the area where people buy all kinds of strange clothes, it will definitely be more fun to watch people of all sizes busy wearing some interesting clothes.At this time, the children have also entered the state, and now they start to imagine and look forward to wildly.

"Okay, then you can go to grandma, so that you can get the bells you want. But now it is difficult for Dad to find suitable monster clothes for you, and you are free, you may not know, such doll costumes are still a bit hot It's stuffy." Qi Ping is also starting to have a headache now, ordinary doll clothes are worn by adults, and only some part-time workers wear them, such clothes must be uncomfortable.

But now, Qi Ping still can't find a cartoon doll suitable for Xiaoyao and Lele; they don't want that kind of cartoon, they want 'realism'.Such a result naturally greatly increases the difficulty. It is very difficult to find fully enclosed doll costumes worn by children, especially bear and chimpanzee costumes.

"I'm not afraid of the heat at all. I'm not afraid of the heat at all. I made an agreement with Pooh, we have to be exactly the same, and we're going to play in the town together. I also made an agreement with King Kong, and then we'll leave everything candy. We have agreed that we will go together, this time you and mom are not allowed to follow, brother will take us there."

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Qi Ping and Kate were stunned; they really didn't expect that the children already had some small plans of their own, and this still excluded parents.

Quickly asked, this is the children's plan; led by the eldest child, Benben, together with the Qiping family, Luo Yi's family and Steve's family, this is to organize a boy scout troop. He planned to run to the town with Pooh and the others. This time, he planned to run to all the houses in the town, so that he could go home with a lot of chocolate or candy.

This is not allowed, the children are still a little too young now; although Benben is ten years old now, he is only half a child.It would be impossible to expect him to take care of so many younger siblings at once. The youngest sister, Sweetheart, has just learned to run not long ago; and the second boy of Luo Yi's family is actually not very old.

It would definitely be quite inappropriate if a group of children with an average age of about five years old were released to go out and make trouble.Benben himself is still at an age where he needs to be taken care of and protected by others, let alone having to take care of so many younger brothers and sisters, which is definitely not possible.

Although King Kong and Pooh are going to go with them now, such a powerful bodyguard can protect everyone on the side of force.But they don't know that they are smarter than others, they can only execute, but they don't have much ability to judge things at all, so it is definitely inappropriate.

Speaking of which, the Halloween festival in the small town of Ramona now has one more feature this year; although all over the United States every Halloween is full of demons dancing, and many places have some special features.But this year's Ramona is definitely different.

King Kong and Pooh have also been invited to participate in Halloween now; the residents of Ramona know the existence of King Kong, although they have only heard about them in the past few years, but they gradually saw that they would participate in some group activities, They are actually quite popular.

In the past, I just went to some simple flea markets, and sometimes I ran out of the forest farm under the leadership of Qi Ping; and then I ran to the pasture with the forest farm owner on horseback, which was quite interesting and interesting.Although it needs to cross some streets, the residents of Ramona are no strangers. It was Qi Ping, a billionaire, who took his partner to inspect the ranch.

So Qi Ping was also very happy after getting the invitation. Although it seemed a bit dangerous, he just needed to pay attention to it.Qi Ping is quite familiar with Pooh's character; when the time comes, the family will follow, and it will be almost the same; besides, since it is the invitation of the residents of Ramona Town, it must also show that they are prepared.

This matter is definitely not about making a name for the tourism in the small town of Ramona; although many people now know that Ramona has a wildlife sanctuary, where there are many animals, and it is relatively The strange and smart type has indeed gradually become a business card of this California town.

But this is really not the reason why Qi Ping wants to take Pooh and the others to advertise in a small town in California. What he fancy is that such a game will make Pooh and the others very happy.That's all, as for making Ramona gain some fame and the like, such things can only be said to be a bonus, anyway, this matter is irrelevant to Qi Ping.

What Qi Ping likes and cares about is his family; as for making contributions to the society and the community, let’s do it within his ability, and this kind of ability should be established without harming his interests. Under the premise.Speaking of which, they are pitifully few, and Qi Ping doesn't care much about those things at all.

Now that Pooh and the others can go to Halloween in a fair manner and go to the carnival with the children, such news must be very good for them.Although their life in the forest farm is very happy and interesting, Qi Ping thinks that Pooh and the others can get more interesting experiences, and as long as he can do it, he will go all out to strive for better.

(End of this chapter)

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