Chapter 522 Time
The cosplay of Flower Fairy and Forest Princess is actually not a big problem, which is still relatively mainstream; the non-mainstream ones are like Xiaoyao and Lele, and the young ones are dolls thinking of animal shapes.

If you can’t buy it, then go to customize it; as for spending some money, it’s really nothing, Halloween is a special festival, and it’s normal for children to want some special styles and dresses. A little money is also normal.

This is a reasonable consumption, just like Qi Ping wants a super sports car and his family will support it; while children want cartoon clothes with special shapes, which is naturally a normal thing.If the family has money, then such a small request from the children is a normal request, and it is not unreasonable.

"I don't like Big Pig, and I don't like Sun Wukong either, I like Chimpanzee, I like King Kong!"

Lele jumped up and down happily, and his chimpanzee costume was finally shipped back, which made him extremely happy; it was because he and his brother's Halloween costumes were not bought back, which made him very unhappy.

"That's not a big pig head, it's Bajie. I like Bajie and Monkey King, but I still like King Kong and Pooh more. I'm going to change my clothes now, and I'm going to play games with them. Pooh and King Kong will definitely be very happy , they will have new partners."

Xiaoyao is also very happy, he can't wait to put the big bear's clothes on.

Seeing the fat sons looking up with anticipation, neither Kate nor Qi Ping could refuse their small requests.It's true, kids are so cute, how can you say no to their little requests.

Custom dolls, then it must be better than ordinary dolls; it must not be too heavy, because the children are not very big now.The air permeability should also be good, so as to ensure that the children will not be suffocated.

The two little people happily changed into the clothes of their little bear and little chimpanzee, asked their parents to help them zip up, and then the two little guys couldn't wait to put on their 'hats'.

This time, a chimpanzee less than one meter long and a small black bear appeared in the living room; these two little monsters stood upright.

"Lele, you can't stand like this. King Kong likes to crawl, and so does Pooh." Happy wanted to run outside, but soon realized something was wrong.

This time it was all right, these two fussy little guys immediately got down on the ground; King Kong and Winnie were so relaxed and happy when they crawled, but even if these two little guys were dressed up as bears and chimpanzees, it didn't mean they were real. Becoming bears and chimpanzees, crawling and the like are really thankless for them; being tired is one thing, but the key is not running fast.

Qi Ping and Kate followed the two brats amusedly, and Yoyo also took his sister's little hand and ran happily behind; Yoyo even started to envy her now, if she knew that her brother and younger brother were so good at playing, she would have to dress up as Heitan Well, let my sister dress up as Rudolph at that time, it will be more interesting,
Pooh and King Kong, who were lazily crawling on the lawn to bask in the sun, were suddenly stunned. They saw two 'little monsters' running out of the house.Although they look similar to their kind, there is a big difference when you look closely; you only learned the simplest appearance, but you didn't understand the essence.

But these two guys were just stunned for a moment, and planned to get mad; this is their home, and other little monsters are absolutely not allowed to come.But suddenly they heard the voices of the two little monsters exactly the same as Xiaoyao and Lele, which made them stunned and felt a little incredible.

"Pooh, Pooh! I'm a baby bear now, and I'm a big bear now!"

While Pooh was still in a daze, Xiaoyao happily speeded up; although wearing the big clothes made him run a bit slowly, the little guy was really happy.

King Kong has now realized that it is actually happier than Pooh; it is also because King Kong has very good eyesight and sharp hearing.It saw that the 'little fellow' running towards it was fake, it was Lele wearing a small hat, and it also heard Lele's happy laughter.

King Kong cried out happily, and he clapped his hands happily; it seems that Lele's shape really makes him like it so much.Usually it is good friends with Xiaoyao and Lele, and it always fools around with its good partners; but now Lele's appearance is really very happy.

"And me, I'm Yoyo!"

Yoyo was in a hurry, jumping up and down; Pooh and King Kong were very happy, they were rolling happily with Xiaoyao and Lele in their arms.At this moment, I saw a fat black bear playing games with a slender little black bear less than one meter in the arms; and King Kong, a big chimpanzee, was sitting on the ground; Holding a 'little chimpanzee', the thick and long lips are pouted, and now he is kissing this little chimpanzee.

This time, Yoyo became anxious, she felt that she was being squeezed out; similarly, Little Sweetheart was also scurrying around to gain a sense of presence.

King Kong and Pooh are very happy. It's not that they are seeing the same kind for the first time, but because the children's clothes are really in line with their appetite.So these two big guys are happily running around with Xiaoyao and Lele. They seem to be determined to make the new look of Xiaoyao and Lele accepted by everyone.

Xiaoyao and Lele obviously like their new look, although wearing a 'hat' is a bit inconvenient, it's a bit hot and they can't see very clearly.But they just need to take off the 'hat', they can still wear furry clothes, and they can have bear paws or chimpanzee hands, but they can be cute without the hat.

Seeing these playful little guys look very happy, watching these little guys have now entered the carnival mode of Halloween.Qi Ping and Kate really found it a little bit too interesting, and it was precisely because the children were so happy that they felt that their hard work was not in vain.

It’s really nothing to spend a little money and time; seeing the happy smiling faces of the children, watching King Kong and Pooh eat more food with great appetite, it’s enough to show that it’s all worth it.Moreover, the children were running around in the forest farm, and their showing off was praised and praised by everyone. This is the greatest affirmation for Qi Ping and Kate.

In the past, Qi Ping was skeptical about the statement that "parents' greatest pride is their children", and he also felt that the view that "the child's progress is the happiness of the parents" was a bit exaggerated.

But now, with four children, or even after having children, Qi Ping has a deep feeling for these views. He also believes that these views are not only correct, but even truth.

He likes others to praise his children. The children are lively and lovely. They are the cutest and most obedient children in the world.He also knows that his children are the smartest and most innocent. Seeing that these little guys can play carefree every day, watching them hang out with King Kong every day, this shows that The simplicity and innocence of children.

The children do have too much to be proud of, although their report cards or parents' letters every time are a bit embarrassing.But academic performance really cannot be the only criterion for judging a child, and even these are just an extremely secondary place.

The children are united and friendly, and these good qualities are what Qiping cares most about; the children are kind and sensible, they know how to protect their families, and they know how to help others. Such qualities make Qiping extremely proud, Because his children are the most sensible and best children in the world, and they are all naughty and kind little angels.

It seems a bit nasty, but in fact, Qi Ping really thinks so; his child is undoubtedly the best in the world, although his child also has some small shortcomings.But those are small things, because children have better moral character, and it is precisely because of those small shortcomings that these little angels are not perfect, but really cute.

Watching these little guys play, they are a little out of control and lawless; Qi Ping and Kate are watching the children play with a smile on the side, and their hearts are full of happiness and joy.For them, such happiness is what they look forward to, and it is also the happiness and joy they have been pursuing.

"Halloween hasn't even started yet, and the kids in our family can't wait any longer. Well, now, I know what these little guys are going to do for Halloween. There is no novelty at all, all day long You can see some little monsters running around in the forest farm."

Qi Weihui was smiling, he had just come back from his eldest son's house, and there were two fat grandsons there; he was called over by the children just now, and the little ones wanted their grandpa to be a referee for them, and they wanted the oldest Grandpa gave them some ideas.

"They're all little monsters, it's not an exaggeration at all. But fortunately, the children are still young, basically cartoon characters and the like. If there is a skeleton, vampires and the like, it's really It’s scary.” Mom laughed, she was actually a little against Halloween; but the children liked it, and the children’s costumes were really fun, so she naturally liked it.

"Now they are still young, so they are dressed cutely. In two years, I guess Benben will start to look weird. He still knows to play with his younger siblings, but I suspect that it will not be so next year. , Maybe when the time comes, I will dislike my younger brother and sister for being too young to run fast, I just heard him muttering over there just now, saying that many classmates are going to ask for candy together."

There are many grandchildren, and children and grandchildren are naturally the greatest enjoyment. This kind of family happiness will never make people feel bored.It's just that sometimes people feel helpless, because children are growing up slowly, and when children grow up, they may not necessarily want to be with their families all the time.

Especially for some rebellious children, they are still ignorant, and it is still difficult for them to understand some feelings and melancholy of parents.Especially for older people, they care more about these good times.

Qi Ping naturally knows these things, although his parents always have smiles on their faces, smiles from the heart; but sometimes they are also a little sad, that is, the age is really slowly coming up, they are now Seeing the lovely children, I am really greedy to remember every detail of the children's growth.

Moreover, this is not just about loving grandsons and granddaughters, they are actually thinking about the two brothers Qi Ping; now my parents are slowly starting to like to recall some things, some interesting things about the two brothers Qi Ping when they were young.These are slowly increasing, and now parents are really willing to talk about some interesting things, interesting things about children's growth.

Time urges people to grow old. In fact, it is also in the process of children growing up. Some people begin to grow old unknowingly; everything seems to be silent, but when looking back suddenly, there may be some small Melancholy, sad.But there will also be more expectations and happiness, because the growth of children is the greatest happiness.

Now I see Xiaoyao and the others playing carefree, and watching them go crazy in the forest all day; Slowly grow up in carefree play.Looking back now, didn't these little guys become kings and overlords in the forest farm from their infancy?

"Dad, I want to play too."

Qi Ping and Kate were still a little melancholy, baby sweetheart ran back; the little girl threw herself into father's arms and began to act like a baby, the little girl was seriously unbalanced now.Brothers don't love Little Sweetheart anymore, and brothers don't share any fun games with Sweetheart now.

Looking at the aggrieved little sweetheart with her small mouth shrunken, and seeing the little girl's uncoordinated and incomprehensible words, Qi Ping was indeed amused by this cute little guy.Although the baby girl was slapping her father angrily with her small hands, such a cute protest made Qi Ping feel the cuteness of the baby girl even more.

Well, Qiping started to make mistakes.

Little sweetheart originally asked her father for help, but her father didn't help her at all, and even laughed at her; originally, little sweetheart was psychologically unbalanced, and the more she talked, the more wronged she became.And now her father was still laughing at her, which made little sweetheart cry. The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. Now, like her brother, her father doesn't love her sweetheart anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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