America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 525 Trick or Treat

Chapter 525 Trick or Treat
The children played crazy and happily. Fortunately, because of the urging of the children, they came to the town earlier; the result is that the children can play games calmly, even if they take pictures with many tourists. It's been crazy for about an hour, but the kids still have time to figure out how to get candy now, because the genius just got dark and it's a good time to trick or treat.

Qi Ping and the others are all smiling, of course not because they are carrying a lot of chocolates and candies in their hands, but because the children are having fun, which is their happiest thing.

"Dad, are you stealing candy again? You should tell us, you can't steal it, this is our candy." Xiaoyao, the little stupid bear, led the way, but when he turned around, he saw his father's mouth moving. , the little guy ran over immediately.

"Father, you have to open your mouth and don't play tricks!"

Lele was excited, and he ran over quickly; with the help of his sister, he made his father squat down, and the little guy and his sister immediately tried to open his father's mouth.The little guy really cared about his father stealing candies; this time, it was Lele and everyone who worked together to get these candies, but his father really didn't have any help.

Qi Ping is so embarrassing now, the children have caught him. He is just idle and bored, and with so many chocolates in his hand, he only took one.However, this was caught by the children; now I can't swallow it, and if I continue to chew and be caught by the children, it is really embarrassing and embarrassing.

"Boys, forgive him this time. I think he knows he's wrong now. In fact, he has done a lot of things. He is helping you with candy and keeping you safe. I know he is wrong. , he should tell you. Now we criticize him and let him know his mistakes, but you also have to forgive him."

Kate came to rescue Qiping, good wife!Reasonable and well-founded, but also let the children understand some truths.This is really good, sometimes it is like this; wrong is wrong, whether it is a father or a child, they all need to know the truth, in the face of mistakes, they must not simply use their status to oppress others, that is wrong, and it is not a good person. what parents should do.

"Well, I forgive you. You can have candy, but tell me."

Lele told his father solemnly like a little adult, which also made Qi Ping so embarrassed; he really wanted to give himself a few mouthfuls, but he didn't stop his mouth at this moment, so he was ashamed.Not only was he 'taught' by the children, but he also made a fool of himself in front of his relatives and friends, which is really embarrassing.

He decisively chose to keep his mouth shut. With such a lesson, if he had the audacity to ask the children for candy, it would be a complete shame.However, Qi Ping also felt that his status seemed a bit wrong; why should we report on eating candy, without such a distinction, it really shouldn't be.

The kids were off, and they started going in groups asking for candy; trick or treat, that's what Halloween is all about.The children also have enough room for choice, they are now planning to run from the end of the street to the street, then switch sides and then return from the street to the end of the street; anyway, they plan to run all the families on both sides of the road.

"Okay, you stand there. You are not allowed to come over now, we are going to ask for candy. Second dad, you can eat candy. You can eat if you like it. We allow you to eat candy, but you can't eat it all, you are too good Eat it and have a big mouth."

Ben Ben ran over and drew a 'circle' for the adults; don't get too close, because this is a game for children.But he also knows that adults can't stay too far away, otherwise they won't be able to protect them well.

Don't talk about it at all. In fact, adults have long agreed that Halloween is a play day for children. It is also very important to exercise children's independent ability now.

It was like this before, the adults were just maintaining order, just be careful not to make trouble; as for how the children take pictures with others or appease King Kong’s emotions, these adults are not very worried, they all believe that the children can Get those things done, and the kids actually do pretty well.

Qi Ping is proud, and he will definitely not lose his morals just because of a word from his fat nephew; it would be embarrassing to be taught a lesson by his son and daughter earlier.Now, I really have to control my mouth; anyway, I am in my early 30s, and I have enough self-control ability.

For the sake of one or two candies and chocolates, it is really not enough for Qi Ping to choose not to have "self-esteem".Obviously, if it was Lele, it might be acting like a coquettish rascal for the sake of chocolate. If Pooh didn't give it chocolate, he might just want to grab and fight.But Qi Ping, who is in his early 30s, will definitely not, absolutely not.

The children started off bouncing, and King Kong and Pooh ran away happily; for them, this day must be quite happy, because they saw a lot of people, because they can have a lot of games now. Play.These are the reasons why they are quite happy; when they were in the forest farm, they were representatives of playfulness, and now that their game space and game methods have been expanded, this will definitely make them very happy.

"I knock, I knock. Liang Shanbo, you have to shout with me."

Lele was very happy, holding Liang Shanbo and letting him stand on his brother's shoulders; the little guys all crowded at the door of this family in one breath, and they are all ready now.

"treat or trick!"

"treat or trick!"

Among the clear and clear shouts of the children, this is also mixed with the sharp voices of Liang Shanbo and the others; this game must be quite fun for people who are crazy.Whether it's for children or Liangshanbo and a few of them, it will be quite interesting.

"My God, you are really here." The door was opened by a middle-aged woman, she looked a little surprised; whoever opened the door and saw a big black bear and a chimpanzee would be startled, "Children, Give me some time, I don't have enough chocolate."

"Make trouble! Make trouble!"

Juliet started shouting at the top of her throat, she didn't care if there was chocolate or not, since she didn't eat candy anyway.It is now in high spirits, and it has been very happy since it arrived in the town; so many people are playing games with it, it is difficult to think about it.

"Give me a moment, boys, just a moment."

The middle-aged woman laughed, Halloween is such a happy thing; although the door is always knocked, but there are groups of children who are mischievous, this must be a happy thing.

Soon, the children cheered; each child grabbed a big handful of chocolates, and they would only be satisfied if they couldn't hold it in their little hands.It seems that this is very fruitful, and I met a generous aunt.

"There are also Pooh and King Kong, they also like to eat chocolate or candy. Do you have toffee? Pooh likes to eat toffee, and King Kong can eat chocolate." Although Yoyo was busy helping her sister put chocolates in her pockets, she Obviously, he still noticed King Kong and Pooh jumping anxiously.

Pooh growled in a low voice, it was a little dissatisfied; King Kong scratched his head anxiously, and his little black hands stretched out to grab the fruit plate.

"Children, you scared me." The middle-aged woman has a good temper, and her husband also came out at this time; she even took a small home DV and was filming. The smiling couple is in a good mood. This is their The most unusual Halloween, "How am I going to share chocolate with your friends, I seem to ignore my guests, they are not happy."

"King Kong will catch chocolate by himself, Pooh is very friendly, you can feed it toffee, it will like you." Xiaoyao successfully put the chocolate in his pocket, but brother and Luo Yan are busy now, busy Helping their little brother pack candy; so Happy is out, he knows how to tell people to befriend Pooh.

"Hey, be brave, look at our guests, it is already impatient. This is not the tradition of the Smith family, in our family, every guest will be warmly entertained." The middle-aged man holding a DV said jokingly , especially seeing that big black bear sitting on the door with its mouth wide open, this look is so funny; it looks anxious, it's not just messing around, or letting you out if you don't give it Come to the door!

Mrs. Smith laughed. Of course she knew that this year's Halloween in the town had such a special feature, and she was prepared for it.She didn't think there was anything to worry about, just looking at these children; and during this short time together, she also felt the friendliness, naughtiness and cuteness of the black bear and chimpanzee.

King Kong happily grabbed a handful of chocolates, then turned around and ran away; his hands were a bit big, but he didn't want to carry the bag, so he grabbed the candies and sent them to his sister-in-law, who would help him keep them temporarily; What is not the big brother, obviously he is worried about the big brother, he is a big brother who steals candy.

Pooh was also very happy, and dropped two toffees into his mouth in succession; he took two bites and then swallowed them directly.This is definitely the essence of Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, but Pooh is very satisfied; the sweetness of the toffee makes it aftertaste, and he even knows to stick out his tongue to lick his mouth.

"Children, are you still making trouble now?"

Mrs. Smith was a little unfinished, but seeing that the children were about to leave now, she also knew that the children must still continue to leave.

"Don't make trouble, thank you for your hospitality, goodbye."

The children were busy saying goodbye to Mrs. Smith one by one, they were happy to get a good start, and they were happy to get enough candy.These are the reasons for the children to be happy, and they are also preparing to move on to the next family. The trick-or-treating game has just begun, and the children are really happy now.

"Trick or treat, trick or treat!"

"Hey, do you know where this is? This is the home of Megatron, are you sure you want candies here?!" A rough voice came from the room, which seemed to be full of childishness; it was a very Someone who can play and likes to mess with children, but he obviously picked the wrong 'target'.

"My God, I have a lot of candy, don't scare Megatron." As soon as he opened the door, he saw a big black bear sitting in the doorway, and 'Megatron' backed away in fright.However, amidst the children's laughter, Megatron also knew what was going on.

Another fun game and the kids got the candy they wanted; everyone had fun, both the kids and Megatron.After all, games like this are really rare.

"God, is this King Kong? I've got a call and you guys are making trouble."

The girl who opened the door was very happy, especially when she saw a chimpanzee leaning against the wall with one hand, looking like a playboy, it really amused everyone, and now many people are getting ready for this special group The little monster knocked on his door asking for candies.

The girl took a photo with King Kong happily, especially when she was still a 'nympho' and let King Kong put his shoulders on her shoulders, which was even more interesting.And King Kong is also very cooperative, taking other people's candy must be soft, that is, he needs to sell his "hue".

"It's definitely not taught by me. You have seen some cartoons, and there are such scenes in them. I remember that there are such scenes in Tom and Jerry. It is definitely taught by children, or it learned by itself." This guy King Kong After being exposed, Qi Ping also felt the need to pick himself out, which was really necessary.

Kate gave Qiping a blank look, and didn't say anything more; it was obvious that in such a festival, a little mischief or mischief really wasn't a big problem.Besides, King Kong himself is a handsome guy. He is in a wild animal protection area, which really means that there are groups of wives and concubines. Now he just lacks the eyes to find beauty.

The children are free to play now, they are quite popular wherever they go, and there are still many people following them.All this makes the children feel quite happy, and what they are playing now is really crazy; and in the small town of Ramona, most parents are thinking about these special guests and How long will it take to 'make trouble'.

Smiling and following the children, I don’t actually feel tired; the children don’t feel tired because they play like crazy.Also because the streets of the town are relatively short, in this densely populated residential area, it will really be "troubleshooting" very quickly.

"Daddy, grandpa, we're going to make trouble. I'm going to grab the candy, I'm going to take all the candy!"

The candy in the town is about to run out, but the children are still eager to go; go to grandpa's house, although the grandpa's house lives far away, but for the candy, the children will not hesitate!

(End of this chapter)

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