America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 526 Going to Play in the Snow

Chapter 526 Going to Play in the Snow

"Grandpa, uncle has a lot of money. We don't want to bring these. The plane can't fit them. Pooh can't even fit them, and the big suitcase can't fit them either." Lele felt distressed seeing her grandpa busy packing.

"My child, your uncle is not as rich as you imagined. He has money, but he also needs to save. You should know something. Athletes just eat their youth. They need to earn a lifetime in just a few years. Savings, he doesn't have a stable and rich output like your father. And you know, your uncle likes the peanut butter at home."

Mark is willing to chat with his lovely grandchildren, he loves spending time with the little ones; no way, who let his precious daughter have these four cute naughty children.As for his disappointing son, there are a lot of gossip news, but if he really wants to talk about a grandson, it still seems to be useless.

Don't think that American parents just don't want to take care of their children, especially some families in the south, such families are more traditional.Emphasis on family and education. The way of education may be different from that of the East, but they also hope to reduce the pressure on their children as much as possible. They all hope that they can do more and bring more relaxation to their children. Life.

"Uncle doesn't like us anymore. We are going to go to college, but he said he doesn't have time. Uncle is a big bad guy. He only likes to play baseball now, and he also likes his friends." Youyou sighed like a little adult Said, the little guy looks a little sad now.

"Nothing, your uncle welcomes you very much. It's just that he has a job and a life of his own. You should be clear about some things. Joshua is now a professional player. He can no longer be with you every weekend. Playing the game, he has too many things to be busy, such as training and continuous improvement."

Mark was busy packing his luggage, and he was going to see his son who lived in the ice and snow, so he had to make good preparations.In fact, for these parents, even if their children have already started working, in the eyes of these parents, their children are actually still young, so they will think about taking care of their children, that's all.

"Honey, don't you think a grandma needs a thick coat? It's Minneapolis, and it's cold out there. Believe me, my sweetheart, you'll wear a thick coat too, like a dumbass." Stupid, fat little bear." Catherine was very happy holding her cute little granddaughter, and these cute little guys would make her life happier.

"I don't want to be a little bear." The childish little girl was very thoughtful, but she was quite smart, "I like the little white rabbit, it is the cutest."

The little ones were very happy to go to find their uncle together. Basically, they had never seen snow, but uncle showed them a lot of photos. Such beautiful scenery made them feel quite yearning, and the little ones also Feel quite interesting.

Making snowmen, playing snowball fights, or skiing, the little ones are full of yearning now.Obviously, the little ones can't wait now.

Qi Ping is moaning and sighing in various ways now, he really thinks that the brats don't know what to do; it would be great to stay in the warm California, but it would be really uncomfortable to go to the freezing Minneapolis .Obviously, Qi Ping is afraid of the cold; but in the impression of the children, they seem to really not know what the cold is.

The children really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Of course the snow scene is beautiful, but it is also very cold.But this can't be helped, no matter who makes the children so innocent, most of the time they do it according to their own preferences.Some things really need to let them experience some things in person to be able to understand some things.

Now these children are like this, and the children are really like this; the snow scene, now looks beautiful and romantic to the children.But whether the little ones can bear these beautiful scenery is another matter; in any case, it is really necessary for the children to experience those things in person.

"We are going to let the children experience these things now. I know you don't like the cold. In fact, our children will definitely like the climate of California more. But we can't let the children not experience other scenery, believe Me, this may just represent some of your personal opinions, because I actually like skiing very much, and I have been looking forward to it. If it is not because I don’t have the right partner, I will definitely go to Mount Hood to ski, or even to Switzerland.”

Seeing Qiping's moaning, Kate gave Qiping a fatal blow; she was giving Qiping his carbine back, and it was obvious that there was no way to refuse now.My wife likes skiing. Although she didn't know how to ski before, she has already mentioned this. As a good man, there is really no way to ignore this matter.

"I see, we're going to Mount Hood, is that in Oregon, it seems close. If you really like skiing, we can go to Maine, to Colorado, I know there are a lot of ski fields there." Qi Ping felt that he really had no way to escape to the cold place now.

I really don't understand these people, they all grew up in warm places, but they still like to run to cold places, nothing to say!

There is no need to worry at home, mom and dad can still take good care of Pooh and the others at home; as for Chipping and Kate, they will take their children to Minneapolis with their mother-in-law and husband-in-law.In fact, this time I went with them, and there were a few from the southeast, the northwest, and they also played the role of sled dogs. In fact, they are slowly retiring now.

There are four in the southeast and northwest, and they are really about to retire; the average dog is in his early ten years old.Although there are several in the southeast and northwest, they are actually slowly entering the state of old age; they are now in their final prime, so Qi Ping now wants them to start retiring.

The North, South, and South are actually very happy, they were raised at home when they were little, and they actually really enjoy being with their families.But they are loyal dogs, and their sense of responsibility is also quite good. They are definitely the type that work hard.

And by now, they should be retiring too; enjoying life, not retiring until they are really too old to move.It is also Qi Ping's responsibility to let his family enjoy a good life.Obviously, the southeast and northwest can't just work, they need to seize the time to enjoy a good life now, so that Qi Ping will not wrong his family.

It is very interesting to watch the children playing games with their dogs in their arms; on the large seats, the children also have their playmates, all of which are quite interesting and fun.For children, they are never too much fun to play with.

Liang Shanbo and the others don't worry about these things at all. Anyway, they really have a lot of playmates, so they don't need to worry about falling out of favor.Besides, even if they are not particularly familiar with the southeast and northwest, they are not unfamiliar. After all, they have been together for a long time, and they are all good friends.

The generous Liang Shanbos, their status is definitely not what they care about, they only care about their status in the eyes of Qiping or the children, they also care about the status of King Kong and others.Obviously, they just need to ensure that they have enough playmates, there is no need to be so stingy.

"It's like this every time, but I love the environment. It's not like drinking good wine on a plane or having a good steak, it doesn't matter. I love seeing my kids here, even if They're so loud and noisy that it's impossible to get any rest or sleep."

Mark smiled and looked at the children making noises dotingly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it; when taking a civil flight, he might like a quiet environment.But on the family's private jet, he certainly wouldn't feel used to it without the kids making a fuss.

"Me too, although we don't use private jets very often, but I do think the use of this plane is to provide a better quality of travel for the children. Believe me, they are not quiet characters. If you let them It must be quite difficult for the children to take civil aviation, and they will feel that they are not free."

Qi Ping said decisively that he did the right thing. He knew that he had provided a better living environment for the children, which should be praised.Qi Ping is very clear about the little characters of the children in the family; if they are really made to sit on chairs for hours and not be able to play games, unless they are tired of playing and sleeping.

Even if there are two generations, Qi Ping and the old man can still chat; they are both family-oriented people, and they are very responsible people.They have been working hard to improve the quality of life of their families, and they have done a good job; and the two of them will also be proud that they have achieved good results in educating their children.

The children were all covered with thick clothes, and at a glance, they were really small round balls.Especially the youngest little sweetheart, the little guy believes that now he can no longer raise his hands above his head, and now he has left two big black eyes exposed to the air, which is really fully armed.

"Haha, look at what you all look like. Look at me, guys, you should learn from me, you should be brave, it's just some snow."

Joshua was amazing. He just put on a sports down jacket and went out. Compared with the fully armed army that is afraid of the cold, he is really too 'thin'.This kid really doesn't look like a child who grew up in California. He looks like a child who grew up in a place of bitter cold and the extreme north. He has adapted to the cold.

"We actually didn't exaggerate that much, it's just that we didn't get used to it at first. Don't say anything more now, just take us to the car." Qi Ping is also fully armed, and the cold protection measures are well done, but the cold is not cold , but wearing a little thick makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Sweetheart, Uncle is holding you and walking with you. You should miss Uncle, can you give Uncle a kiss?" Joshua was very happy, all the family members came, and he had no reason to be unhappy, "Uncle will take you to go skiing, You know, Uncle's great winner is very powerful, I just bought a sled, when the time comes, our sweetheart can sit on the sled and play happily."

"Uncle, and me, I want to make a sled too!"

Lele jumped out impatiently, the uncle only saw his younger sister now, which made the little guy a little anxious; he came to play in the snow, and he wanted his uncle to take him to play games, so now he has to follow decisively Just follow your uncle's footsteps.

Not only Lele, but Xiaoyao and Yoyo are also running to pester uncle now; uncle sent them a lot of videos or photos, some of which were pictures of snowmen, snowball fights, etc., and the uncle’s dog pulling them Video of sleds running wild in deep snow.

These are what the children envy and look forward to. They want to come to their uncle's house to play in the snow, isn't it because their uncle is always stimulating.For children who are very playful, going to play in the snow has become their expectation, so they are pestering their parents on weekends. They want to spend the weekend at their uncle's house for fun.

"Your car looks good, it's quite big." Looking at Joshua's car, Qi Ping decisively felt that a job should be reserved for Joshua, and the money in this kid's pocket is probably going to be spent, " How much did it cost you? I don't want to see your salary not enough. Boy, you're working now, I'm not going to give you a love emergency fund."

"It's not that expensive, you know, a lot of athletes have a good income, they are very good at spending money. I bought it from a teammate, he will not continue to play in the Twins, and this car The car was too new for him. At less than $20, I think I made a lot of money."

Joshua was proudly showing off his new car, he no longer looks up to sports cars; he gave everyone a shock and kept it until now.

This is a P4XL sports truck, which claims to be the largest off-road vehicle in the world; it is nearly seven meters long, [-] meters wide, and weighs six tons, which is really scary.

Qi Ping has known about athletes owning many luxury cars; he also thinks that Joshua's car looks really cool. As for the price, it should be a little bit cheaper, because the car itself is not cheap, let alone There are modifications.It's just that such a car is really a bit of a waste. He was worried that Joshua might not be able to afford this big toy.

But it's okay, he won't ask Joshua to be like him, everyone has their own favorite lifestyle, as long as Joshua is happy, not to mention that he can still make a lot of money now.

(End of this chapter)

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