Chapter 527
Seeing Xiaoyao cheering and running towards the garden, seeing his mother-in-law busy putting on a coat for Lele, Qi Ping really didn't know what to say.Especially seeing the old man holding Yoyo in his left hand and Little Sweetheart in his right, this is even more incredible.

What's more, Kate and Joshua's sister and brother are also very tacit, carrying a small shovel, carrying a sled, plus Joshua's great victors rushing to the outside of the house, this is really very interesting Stimulate.

Is it true that women are not afraid of the cold by nature, are they synonymous with beautiful and cold people?Or, those brats really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. They are ignorant and fearless to like the weather of nearly ten degrees below zero.

"It's because you guys hit it off with me, so I don't feel lonely!"

Seeing Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai standing on the sofa with their feeble sons and daughters, Qi Ping has now found a little psychological balance.In fact, it was also because Qi Ping was a little negligent. He really didn't expect Liang Shanbo and the others to be so afraid of the cold, even more afraid of the cold than him. This was indeed Qi Ping's mistake.

Especially Liang Shanbo, the bluffing ghost, is now downcast like a frost-beaten eggplant, which makes Qi Ping feel very satisfied.Don't look at Liang Shanbo's appearance of excess energy, but he really only likes blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green waters, and the most important thing is sunshine and warmth.

When they arrived in Minneapolis, Liang Shanbo and his family of four were really hurt; it was freezing outside, and they had no intention of going out for outdoor sports at all.Even if it was a warm invitation from the children, they struggled to yell that they could not go out to play. This was something that was unbelievable before, and they are synonymous with playfulness.

Under the leadership of grandma and mother, Yoyo and Little Sweetheart have slowly built up snowmen, but Xiaoyao and Lele are not only rolling in the snow, they are also attacking people everywhere with little snowballs; Grandparents or uncles are their targets now, and as long as they find someone, they want to encourage a snowball fight.

"Not fun! Not fun! I want to go home!"

The heating in the room is sufficient, so there is no need to worry about it being too cold; but the laughter and laughter outside the room strongly stimulated Qi Ping and Liang Shanbo.This restless guy started to shout at the top of his voice. He didn't like the cold weather, but he didn't like being 'confine' in the house and couldn't go out. He wanted to protest against this unfair treatment.

"I know it's not fun, but there's nothing we can do. Just wait a little longer, and we'll be able to go home tomorrow. For now, it's better to be honest, unless you plan to fly back by yourself."

Looking at the southeast and northwest running happily in the snow, seeing these guys rolling in the snow, Qi Ping sighed.Let's look at Liang Shanbo again. This is really a typical example of pampering. They obviously want to go out to play or something, but they are afraid of the harsh environment. This is really disappointing.

"Not fun!"

"Not fun!"

Perhaps because Liang Shanbo, the head of the family, took the lead, Zhu Yingtai also began to howl; Romeo and Juliet were also restless, especially seeing their long-term playmates only caring about playing in the snow outside, which made them even more psychologically unbalanced.Although the eyes are fixed on the little sweetheart, the mouth is never idle.

"Dad, let's make a snowman!"

Yoyo opened the door, and she warmly invited her father; although she was shaken by the cold wind, Qi Ping immediately showed his acting skills like an Oscar winner.Even if you don't like the cold weather, but the baby girl warmly invites you, then you need to participate in the snow game.

This is not a joke, the family is used to sharing good things together; now playing such an interesting game like snow, don't look at the children playing quite crazy, but they still know that their father is not there.As for the number of Liang Shanbo, even though the children were warmly inviting at the beginning, their parents said they were afraid of the cold, and the children now know that they can't take Liang Shanbo to play in the snow.

Seeing that Qi Ping came out dressed like a big stupid bear, Kate just laughed; she naturally knew that Qi Ping was afraid of the cold, but she didn't expect that Qi Ping was so afraid of the cold.Now seeing Qi Ping forced to smile and being pulled out by the children, she finds it quite funny.

The children are definitely very happy and enjoy playing games in the snow. For the adults, their greatest pleasure is actually to play games with the children.But in this, Qi Ping must be excluded. He is indeed willing to play games with the children, but it is certain that he does not mean it from the bottom of his heart, because being cold is really a torture for him.

Making snowmen and playing snowball fights, these games are actually quite interesting; don’t look at Qi Ping’s character who is afraid of the cold now, but if he really plays with the children, he really doesn’t care about the cold.

"Dad, it's not fair. You're a grown-up, so the snowball you made is too big. You can't run around standing up, you have to sit, or we can't beat you."

Seeing that his father dodged again, Lele jumped up anxiously; he and his elder brother attacked his father together, but every time he would be dodged by his father.This is really not good, it’s only fun to play games like Dad’s; and Dad is so good, he always catches Lele and brother, every time he will be hugged by Dad and fall on the snow and then throw snowballs .

"Father cheating, this is definitely not good. Grandpa, uncle, you have to help us. Dad is too powerful, he is now a big monster, we have to defeat him."

Xiaoyao got up from the snow, the little guy didn't care about the snow all over his body, he was going to contact more allies now.But now, Qi Ping was scared to death; he must have no pressure to defeat the two brats Xiaoyao and Lele, he is fast and strong, and he must not have the slightest pressure to bully children.

However, if this caused a crowd to attack, it would definitely be a disastrous defeat.Leaving aside the fact that the father-in-law is always healthy and strong, the key is that the physical fitness of Joshua, a professional athlete, is absolutely no worse than that of Qi Ping, even better in terms of explosive power and speed.If this really made the father-in-law and brother-in-law all of a sudden become the children's allies, then Qi Ping felt that his greatest awareness should be lying on the snow and holding his head.

Seeing that the father-in-law and brother-in-law are getting ready, they are gearing up to attack Qiping, which is really scary all of a sudden.Right now, it's better to hurry up and prepare to escape.

However, when he was about to run away, he suddenly noticed something was wrong; Yoyo and Little Sweetheart ran over at some point, and the two little sisters hugged their father's legs as if they had succeeded in a trick.

This really made Qi Ping panic, it means that there is no chance to escape, okay? There are two small sandbags hanging on his legs, so he really can't be unscrupulous and step on the snow without a trace.The most important thing is that once you really let go of your long legs and run, it will really make the little girls fall on the snow.

So now, it's better to be honest; although it won't hurt if you fall on the thick snow, but you really don't need to be so serious when playing games.

Xiaoyao and Lele happily ran over with the little snow ball, and happily threw the little snow ball on their father's body; they still recognized the face, because the big monster father threw the snow ball on their heads just now .

"I surrender, I admit defeat, you can't continue to bully me!" Qi Ping rolled on the snow with his head in his arms, and now it was hard not to roll, "Children, you should know humanitarianism, I have already surrendered."

"No, you were bullying me just now, I've given up." Lele won't give up, the little guy doesn't know how to pinch snowballs now, he directly grabs a handful of snow and throws it at his father's face Throw it up.

Qi Ping is busy rolling on the snow now, covered in snow slag; there is no way, now he has caused a crowd to attack.Playing crazy, not only Xiaoyao and Lele, Yoyo and Little Sweetheart are busy bullying Dad now.In fact, for children, being able to play games with their father is a very fun thing, although now the little ones have found the fun of the game, which is to bully their father.

It is true that he is a little afraid of the cold, but Qi Ping doesn't feel it at all now; he still thinks it is a psychological barrier at first, but now he has started to roll on the snow unscrupulously.Rolling snowballs and building snowmen with the kids is actually a lot of fun.

"Children, come here quickly, we are going to start getting ready to go sledding now." Joshua is busy greeting the children now, although the children are busy playing with making snowmen and snowball fights, but now they will definitely More fun games, "Call your dogs quickly, we're going to start sledding, this is the best fun."

Hearing the uncle's greeting, the children immediately became excited; because this is the uncle's house, the uncle really knows how to have some more interesting games.

The great victor ran over obediently. It looked like he had undergone a lot of training. It looked like he had trained enough.Although generally speaking, the dogs that pull sleds are dogs such as Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes or Samoyeds, and it is still necessary to ensure that the number of sled dogs is sufficient.

However, this is not a professional game or the like, that is, to entertain oneself at home; what Joshua here is a small wooden sled, and in this small sled that can barely sit a person, actually sit A child, certainly no problem, who makes the great winner is an excellent German Shepherd, it is quite powerful, tall and mighty.

Although the little sweetheart was a little nervous, she was very happy; the little girl was happily sitting in the small sleigh, holding on to the handrails with her little hands. She was looking forward to this game very much now.

The children cheered, and the great victor was walking slowly with a small sled; his strength was at the level of a strongman among dogs, but dragging a small sled to walk slowly was definitely not too difficult .

The children were jumping for joy, this brand new game was a little bit new for them; the little ones were really looking forward to it now, this was their newfound fun game.Obviously, the little ones are now attracted to such a brand new game, and they simply cannot refuse such a fun game.
Qi Ping also felt that such a game seemed quite interesting, and the little ones obviously liked such a game, and now they were completely addicted to this brand new game.For children, they are willing to try new and interesting things, not to mention these fun games.

"Dongfeng, come here quickly, you want to play games with us."

Xiaoyao ran to catch Dongfeng, and now Dongfeng is busy digging snow pits with his paws, which is also a game he has never experienced before.It seems that it likes snowing, and likes such different scenery and games. It is also an existence with an adventurous and exploratory spirit in its bones. It seems that it will not be content with the status quo. As long as there is a chance, it will definitely have fun.

Dongfeng was pushed over by Xiaoyao, although Dongfeng still seemed to be obsessed with the game of shaving snow, but being pushed away by Xiaoyao, it couldn't help it.Although it is really stubborn, Xiaoyao will definitely not be able to make Dongfeng move, but Dongfeng has always been very obedient and docile, so it will not disappoint the one it loves.

The southeast and northwest are also knowledgeable now. They have done a lot of work in the past; for example, patrolling the forest farm to catch bad guys who might break into the forest farm; voles.

They really do a lot of work, and they also play games like fetching frisbees; but it is obvious that even these well-informed dogs are now attracted by these novel games.For these guys, they are staring at the great winner who is leisurely pulling the sled and walking slowly on the snow. This is a completely different 'world' for them.

"I think people are getting sucked into the game right now and obviously I made a really good decision and I'm the smartest and most sensible guy because I've never been one to get out of life. Guys, Now it’s time to start asking me more, I’ve grown up and you guys can’t tell me what to do and what not to do, obviously I have a say in some things.”

Joshua is proud, he has some rumored girlfriends now, but it doesn't mean that those women can make him ignore his family.He is also very happy, because his family has always been taking care of him; and now, he can slowly do something for his family, which is the happiest thing for him.

(End of this chapter)

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