Chapter 528
The kids played really crazy, so that the little ones looked drowsy after boarding the plane; there was really no way, they really didn't want to go home or go to school, so the time for the return trip was very short. It was delayed, it was when it was getting dark and then reluctantly wanted to go home, and even Little Sweetheart said that she didn't need to study and could continue to stay at her uncle's house to play in the snow.

Obviously, the children are really fascinated by the charm of playing in the snow now. The little ones think that snow is really fun; not only can they build snowmen and have snowball fights, but their favorite thing now is actually riding a sled.These games really left the little ones without the slightest ability to resist, they played them thoroughly.

"Go home! Go home!"

Liang Shanbo is happy, it finally doesn't need to stay at home in this icy and snowy place; although it has been a little downcast these two days, it is alive and well when it boards the plane.It has flown quite a lot, so it is naturally rich in experience. Things like going home are also quite experienced for it, and it can understand the meaning of going home.

"Yes, let's go home. Don't quarrel now, we will be home soon. If you quarrel again, the plane will turn around when Xiaoyao wakes up, and then we will have to watch the snow and have a snowball fight."

Qi Ping threatened Liang Shanbo, and as expected, when he heard that he was going to play in the snow, Liang Shanbo, an energetic guy, immediately became honest, and he stopped talking all of a sudden.It can be seen that he went out to play in the snow, which already caused Liang Shanbo to have enough psychological shadow. This energetic chatterbox has now lowered his head and is silent.

"You have such a great ability now, and you are better at bullying Liang Shanbo now. But I feel that you are not afraid of the cold now, and I know that you are very happy when playing games with the children. That's it , that’s just a psychological hint; you’re constantly hinting that you’re afraid of the cold, but when you’re brave enough to take the first step, it’s definitely okay, it’s a matter of course.”

Kate teased Qi Ping. She naturally knew that her husband was more afraid of the cold and liked California with ample vision; but now she also saw that Qi Ping took the first step "bravely", although it may not be proactive.However, this is already a very good start, which is quite satisfying.

"I'm going to get a sled for the kids, and I know there are dryland sleds. I think the conditions are ripe, we have a thick lawn on the site, and we have pretty smart sled dogs at home. Dongfeng they will like these, they will like to drag Running around on a sled, especially going crazy with the kids."

Although there are still some psychological shadows, Qi Ping is still a very competent father; seeing that the children like to play in the snow so much, Qi Ping can't make California snow down.But as for the fact that children like to ride a sled, there is really no difficulty in this little hobby of children, and Qiping can meet the children's small expectations.

"I've always suspected that you'd be the best buddies with your kids. I'm just expecting now that when our kids grow up you don't drink with them and talk to them about chasing girls. Of course I hope you The relationship with the children is very close, but I really don't want to see you and the children acting like tight buddies, that will only affect my status."

Kate joked that her little worry was a real possibility; just look at the way things are going, kids and their dads are best friends.Although the children may be afraid of their father at times, she clearly knows that the children really enjoy playing games with their father because he is very good.

Qi Ping smiled smugly, and he felt that this was also pride; obviously, he never thought that it was the best to act like a strict father in front of the children.The authority of the father does not mean that it is enough to make the children feel afraid; he feels that he has done a good job, the children are willing to share a lot of little secrets with him, and the children are willing to chat with their father, which is naturally the best things.

The husband and wife were chatting in low voices, and they were accompanied by the weak Liang Shanbo family of four; the children, tired of playing, were going to sleep and rest.The four in the southeast, the north, and the west are also dozing off on the thick carpet. They are also playing crazy now. It is the first time they have seen snow, and pulling the sled is also very tiring, because there are four fat children in the car. There is a queue waiting to ride the sleigh.

Fortunately, the family's private jet is equipped with flight attendants, so there is no need to worry that the four children cannot be carried down in one go.More people are more powerful, because the conditions at home are really better now.

The four in the southeast, northwest, and north are sleepy-eyed. There is no such thing as a vigilant and excellent shepherd dog. They are really virtuous.It seems that there is really a lack of vigilance. They are now retired, and they have completely entered the state of retirement.

Obviously, from the previous busy and tense state, I have entered into the joy of enjoying life leisurely.Very well, Qi Ping is very happy to see his little brothers begin to enjoy such a life, they must be very happy.

"Not fun, not fun at all!"

Liang Shanbo couldn't wait to fly out of the plane. For it, going out to play this time was the least fun place; Liang Shanbo is also a well-informed parrot, having been to many interesting places.But it was obvious that this time he was excitedly waiting to go out to play, but ended up returning home disheartened, which disappointed the bird so much.

"Why isn't it fun? Tell me about it." Qi Weihui was amused when he saw the car coming to pick him up. He didn't expect that the most fun-loving Liang Shanbo would look very unhappy. This is not right, "Give me Tell me, what's going on with you, isn't it fun."

"It's cold, it's not fun! There's no one at home!"

Liang Shanbo began to pour out bitter water. This is because he met his relatives, and now he has too much dissatisfaction that needs to be poured out.It felt that it was completely cheated this trip, and ran out enthusiastically, but it didn't know that it really locked itself at home for two days. Only at home will people feel safer, at least it will not be frozen.

Qi Weihui didn't pay much attention to Liang Shanbo, the four of them were chirping and pouring out bitter water, which really made people laugh and cry.There are too many things these few can say, and it is also handy to complain; although their words are sometimes a bit confusing, but what they say is really easy to understand. This time I went to Minneapolis All the treatment and all the game items of Si are already known.

"Grandpa, I miss you."

The little sweetheart is indeed grandpa's little padded jacket. Although the little girl is acting like a baby, she really makes people feel quite warm.Especially the little girl hugged grandpa's neck happily, pouted her small mouth and kissed grandpa several times affectionately, which made grandpa happy. This is definitely his greatest happiness, because there are so many cute The little guy is always thinking about grandpa.

"Grandpa, I want to drive, why don't you drive my car?"

After sleeping on the plane, Xiaoyao was alive and well; the little guy's big eyes rolled around, he didn't see his car, and felt quite stressed.Golf carts, ATVs, these are all the little guy's handy, and even now he doesn't need the protection of his father, he can start to trot in the forest by himself on horseback.

"I don't drive so many cars now. If you drive, you will definitely not be able to take your younger siblings home at once. We have to go for a rest now. The younger brothers and sisters are already tired. We have to go home to take a shower and get ready for bed. It's gone." Qi Weihui opened the car door and stuffed Xiaoyao into the cab.

This is another small talk, Xiaoyao has too many ideas now, the little guy muttered that he wanted to drive, and now he can go fast and so on.From Xiaoyao's point of view, he is really a very powerful brat now, and things like driving are really not difficult for him. For example, the little guy is driving a beach car now, and he can really play some simple games Stunt driving or something.

I have to say that Xiaoyao is really a brat with a wide range of interests; there is basically nothing he doesn't like about fun things.Although he doesn't intend to become an expert in a certain industry, but this little guy is really a stinky boy with a lot of experience and a lot of experience. He must be a Lohas family and a qualified player.

When they got home, the children immediately became excited; although they were still a little drowsy before, they must feel quite comfortable when they arrive at the home they are most familiar with and feel most at ease.And the little guy also felt quite happy at his uncle's house. They played a lot of interesting games, so naturally they were talking endlessly.

And I haven't played games with King Kong and them for two days, so the little guys are playing games with their good friends in their arms.The little ones are no longer lethargic, they are full of energy now.It is certain that these brats have gone home, and they don't plan to go to bed for a while. They still have a lot of games to play.

"Go to bed quickly, or you won't be able to get up tomorrow. You still have to go to school, or you'll be late." Pushing Xiaoyao into the bathroom, telling him to be good and not cause trouble.As an elder brother, Xiaoyao still has to be a role model, who would let him have many little followers.

"Going to school again!"

Xiaoyao murmured that he really had no way of going to school; it was certain that Xiaoyao didn't like reading.But he still knows that there are some things that everyone should do. You must not say that you don’t want to go, you can’t be disobedient; besides, even if you don’t like reading when you go to school, you can still play games.

"Brother, I want to take a bath too. Let's have a water fight. I also brought the little chubby pig, who can swim now."

Lele ran out, seeing him holding his clean clothes and carrying the foam piglet, Qi Ping knew that these two brats must be restless taking a bath.Forget it, in order for the sons not to fight in the bathroom or forget the time in the water fight, he should go to bathe the fat sons; if these two brats take a bath by themselves, it is really very likely that they are quite sloppy Yes, they definitely take a bath as perfunctory as they can, they don't particularly enjoy the comfort of taking a bath.

Even if they go home, they will not live in peace; especially with these skinny children, it makes people feel that they can't be careless at all times.Fortunately, the conditions at home are relatively good, so this will definitely save a lot of trouble. At least now, there is no need to worry about not having enough bathrooms or queuing.

"I'm exhausted. I was exhausted from playing games with them, but now I have to take care of them. I really have a headache. You are such a big brat, and I need to help you take a bath. I have said it many times. No, I won’t stare at them, they must not even use shower gel. Even if they like bubble baths, they can’t wash them clean every time, or they can’t use bath salts.”

Exhausted, after putting the kids to bed, it was really midnight.

"It's not because the boys are like you, our daughter doesn't have this problem."

Kate is a little funny, the sons are really not very keen on taking a bath; but the daughters, even if they are usually dirty, are very serious when taking a bath. They are all children who love to be clean.

"I used to feel that having more children would be fun and make me feel very happy. But now, I often feel that taking care of children is too tiring. I can guarantee that these four children are enough. I Think we should stop having kids, at least until they're a little older."

This is absolutely true. In the past, Qi Ping really felt that more children would bring more blessings; now it has not changed much. He feels that he can take good care of the children, and because the family conditions are very good, he does not need to worry about having more children. I can't take care of it.

However, he was a little too naive at the beginning, and now he just thinks it is too challenging to take care of four children at the same time.

"I think so too, although we now have four children, they are all lovely. But the age gap between them is too small, which is not good. We can take care of four children now, but it does not mean that we can take care of more children. .Unless, they grow up."

Although I like children very much, four children are really too much trouble; Kate has learned to be smart now, at least until the children grow up and become more sensible, it is absolutely impossible to have any more children.This is not a question of money or not, but a matter of taking care of it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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