America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 531 New Business

Chapter 531 New Business
Lele started to be busy taking caviar from the refrigerator, and now he is very busy entertaining his good friends; the little guy likes caviar, and he likes food.Therefore, it is certain that it is impossible for Lele to become a professional athlete, because this kid is a complete foodie, so he will not control his diet like some athletes.

"Hurry up, do you still have caviar? You won't finish the caviar again, will you?"

Xiaoyao felt that his brother's speed was a bit slow, and he suspected that his brother had finished eating the caviar again; Xiaoyao knew his brother's love of food very well.My younger brother likes to eat caviar, and my younger brother also likes to eat chocolate. As long as it is delicious, then my younger brother must like it very much.

"There's a lot of caviar, I can't finish it. Brother, help me." Lele shouted loudly, so that he would not feel that his brother wronged him; in fact, the family loves to eat caviar, it is true It's him.

Usually, this kid often sits on the sofa and opens a can of caviar, sits there and eats caviar with a spoon, just like eating ice cream; even if other people want to eat caviar, it must be Helele Say hello, because it looks like the caviar at home is Lele's, he will definitely remember how much caviar is in the refrigerator, because he is very worried that he has no caviar to eat, and he will worry that grandma will always say that he took the caviar again Finished.

Lele is now generously taking out the caviar, isn't it just to entertain some of his good friends; Pooh and the others have been running around pulling the sled hard these two days, so they must be a little tired.

Although the children will complain, once Pooh and King Kong pull on the sled, they must play by themselves.But the children and Qiping really have a virtue, that is, they are very protective of the calf, and they don't allow others to say that Pooh and them are bad.Even if the sledding is not the happiest, Pooh and King Kong still need to be praised, and the delicious food naturally needs to be given to Pooh.

Xiaoyao and Lele quickly opened the jar of caviar and poured it directly into Pooh's mouths.Yoyo is better, she took her younger sister to feed the southeast and northwest slowly with a small spoon.

Qi Ping really took it easy, the price of these caviar is naturally not cheap, but there is nothing to feel bad about.As long as Pooh and the others can eat and digest, Qi Ping is willing to let them eat.As for money or not, there is no problem at all; how much is a jar of caviar, and this is not the top caviar. up.

"You are going to buy caviar again later. The caviar in our family seems to be consumed very quickly. Many people go to restaurants to eat caviar, and you can only see a few caviar sprinkled on it. But in our family, Even the most stingy would be spoonful portions, and a jar of caviar wouldn't even be enough for the kids."

Kate was a little funny. Watching the children making trouble there, she really felt quite interesting and amusing.

"What I don't understand the most is how children like caviar, especially Lele. Moreover, he never eats caviar very much. It seems that he just bites the caviar directly. There is nothing delicious. Perhaps, only refreshing."

This is the truth, Qi Ping is not really keen on caviar; especially Lele's 'primitive' state of eating caviar is at best just chilled.This kind of caviar is fresh, but I haven't seen much to eat.Qi Ping even suspects that Lele likes to eat caviar just because he has developed such a habit, not necessarily because he really likes to eat it.

After running around outside, he got acquainted with the 'pet dog' market; Qi Ping is really excited now, and he thinks this may also be a good profit growth point.

How much attention is paid to dogs in the United States? It is very simple to say that many Americans regard dogs as their family members.Although not every dog ​​is expensive, there are indeed some stray dogs in the streets and alleys; but I have to admit that as long as they are clean dogs, they can still enter the pet shop.

And those dogs with good pedigree and smart enough are naturally very popular.

As for police dogs, they are naturally quite popular; a good police dog must have sufficient potential and intelligence.Then the price will naturally not be cheap; for example, NBA star Karl Malone bought two police dogs worth 2004 US dollars in 1.2 and donated them to the police.

The price is really exciting; if you meet some obedient, smart and loyal dogs, you will not be robbed crazy.

It's no secret that Fairyland Forest Farm has good dogs; although you don't expect to get the four most intelligent dogs, but if the conditions are right and you get some of their bloodlines, then maybe you can get enviable loyalty, bravery and A powerful dog, this is definitely an irresistible temptation for many rich people.

Good dogs are hard to come by, just like those excellent racehorses in Wonderland Forest Farm; their bloodlines are constantly being optimized, and they are now getting stronger and stronger.These good horses and dogs that I want now are really priceless sometimes.

Going out for a run, this is because some money fans are obsessed; it is also because I used to feel that this may not necessarily mean that it has great potential, and it is a bit thankless.So Qi Ping didn't have much interest in it, but after running around, he realized that there really is no small business, only people who can't manage it.

The pet dog market is really too big, which means it has great potential; as long as it works properly, there is really no need to worry about not making money.

Money, anyway, Qi Ping would not be too much; look at the children at home, these four snacks eat a lot of good things every day.With the addition of Pooh and the others, the daily food expenses can really be spent by more than one or two pennies.

Besides, they already have four children, and when the children grow up, they need to give them some starting funds and the like.Some of the core interests of the forest farm must not be sold, but the children should also have some careers to do; when the time comes to divide the family property, it can't really just let the children stare at a cornucopia and only share the dividends.

Now do more industries, although they may not necessarily be core interests, but these small industries can also be left to the children.Anyway, Qi Ping thinks that now that he has a big family and a big business, it must be beneficial but not harmful.

"I think this can be done. It won't hurt you to find more things to do. I'm afraid that if you stay at home all day, you will be busy if you find more things to do. Making money or losing money is not a big problem. Anyway, this business It's not too big, just let you toss about it."

The mother's attitude is obvious, as long as her youngest son can find something to do; as for a person in his early thirties, he seems to be retiring all day long, which is really unreasonable.Therefore, she must be quite supportive of her younger son's desire to find something to do. There is nothing wrong with this matter and she must support it.

"You can do this if you want. We are definitely not as good at business as you are. If you are optimistic about it, you can do it well. You haven't seen a loss in business. It's better to do more when you are young. Lest you lose your energy when you get older. Now that there are many children, it is also a good thing to leave more property for the children."

Dad also has the same attitude, there is nothing wrong with doing more things; although it sounds like this may not be a particularly profitable business, it is also compared to the current situation of my family.If this is done well, it must be very easy to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. This is actually a very good business, enough to support a large family.

It seems that the family members are very supportive of his choice, so this also makes Qi Ping feel proud.Don't think that he will be excluded at ordinary times, but it's just that he didn't find the right direction; in fact, his family members quite recognized him, especially in terms of career, Qi Ping really felt that he was right at home. feeling.

Needless to say, who let his "qualifications" have too many outstanding certificates, which is enough to make the family feel convinced of Qi Ping's ability to make money.In other matters, the family members may doubt Qi Ping's ability to toss; but in terms of doing business and making money, the family still quite recognizes Qi Ping.

The family members all felt that Qi Ping was very capable; just because he was lazy, it didn't mean he couldn't make money.As long as Qiping is willing to endure hardships and stand hard work, the wealth of the family will definitely be greatly improved.

Now it seems that Qi Ping has found some things to do again, and his industry is about to expand again; although it is still in some plans, there is no big problem in the actual implementation.Who made Qi Ping rich now, and he also has a group of good talents in his hands, so it's no problem to make suggestions and so on.

This is definitely good news, and it can increase Qi Ping's wealth a little bit; in fact, as a capitalist, this can be regarded as continuously squeezing the surplus value of those employees.As for the possibility of hiring some more people, it definitely doesn't matter; even if Qi Ping needs to pay some wages, compared to the value created by those employees, Qi Ping must have made money.

I believe that the government of Ramona will also feel happy. Qi Ping is the rich man of Ramona, and this is constantly creating some jobs and driving regional economic growth.This should definitely be supported; there is no doubt that Qi Ping, the golden phoenix, can also bring some political achievements to these officials, and Qi Ping is definitely their 'big rich man'.

Needless to say, Qi Ping feels that he has enough reasons to do more things now, and he feels that he has enough reasons to implement some ideas that don't seem particularly suitable now.

He now has funds, technology, and good contacts and markets in his hands, so it is relatively easy to make some achievements.This is definitely not starting from scratch. This can greatly reduce the amount of labor and ensure a greatly increased success rate. This is definitely the best thing.

Thinking about it, it is natural to start to act; although Qi Ping is not the kind of fiery person, he is definitely a person who will start to act when his heart is moved.In Qi Ping's opinion, he was indeed a little lazy before, and in many cases, his views were rather one-sided; therefore, he has not yet seen his potential and value better, which naturally means a slight delay Some money-making progress has been made.

Fortunately, Qi Ping has come to his senses now, he has slowly realized his strength now, and he knows how to maximize his benefits and become bigger and stronger.This is a good thing, and it is not a remedy after a dead sheep at all.

Unknowingly, Qi Ping has really created a large part of the industry now, and sometimes even Qi Ping feels that he doesn't have so many actions at all.But after such a careful calculation, there are really a lot, and there are still quite good profits, which is a very good result.

Forest farms, there are resorts, vegetable and fruit planting bases, and even aquatic products are all a small part of it; as for horse farms and the like, they are already making good profits.As for the ranch, the benefits over there are really good now; if you set up a large ranch to raise some top beef cattle, the income will definitely not be worse than that of the forest farm here.

And although the island is still under development, it will definitely become a top resort that rich people flock to; as for high-end restaurants, this is really just a small pocket money.And the wild animal sanctuary that was tossed out in order to keep his own forest farm less troublesome, actually has a very good income.

Looking at it this way, Qi Ping feels that it can be said that his family has a big business, and his current industries are widely distributed.Although many people think that it is high-tech, it or something that makes a lot of money, once it is listed, the wealth will increase many times.However, Qi Ping's foothold in agriculture and animal husbandry plus his involvement in the tourism industry actually has a lot to do.

It's really 360 Five Elements, the champion of the industry; Qi Ping's current big movement is definitely a leader and giant in the industry.Even though he is usually very low-key, there are still too many people paying attention to Qi Ping's movements at this time; I have to admit that Qi Ping really has energy and can be regarded as a weather vane.

This is nothing to be proud of, because Qi Ping feels that all his current achievements are really a matter of course. His current wealth is all slowly accumulated by himself.

And Qi Ping seems to be interested in the pet market now, although it has not been completely spread; but some people think that the wolf is coming, and some people think it is nothing more than normal, who makes Qi Ping have the ability I have the ability!
(End of this chapter)

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