Chapter 532
"Dad, I can raise a dog for you."

Yoyo popped up again, the little girl's film is now thinking about the dog park that Dad is still preparing, the little girl thinks that she is the best.She is really good at raising dogs; she often played with them when she was a child, and every time she had puppies, she had to raise them at home for about a year, and she would take them to play games of.

"No, you can't help Dad raise a dog. You are too young now. If you really want to raise a dog, unless Nanfeng has a baby." Qi Ping doesn't believe in baby girls, if Yoyo goes to raise a dog Let alone the fact that she is too young to take care of her, just because of the playful nature of the little girl, the dog she brought out must have a personality that only knows how to eat, drink and play.

Youyou pouted and ran away again; she doesn't have that much patience, the little girl is going out to play games now.She brought her brother's little chimpanzee clothes, and now she is going to play games with King Kong.Although I can't ask for candies and chocolates now, it's good that I can play games.

The little devil at home is really capable of tossing around, and Little Sweetheart started to greet her little friends in a childlike voice; Little Pony, and hardcore followers Romeo and Juliet, these are the followers of the little girl.Now that I go out to play games with my sister, my little sweetheart is naturally very happy; my brother and sister don't have to go to school, so my little sweetheart is also happy.

There is no need for Qi Ping to care about the children's affairs at all; it is no problem for Yoyo to play with little sweetheart at the door, after all, Yoyo is now a five or six-year-old child, and still has some abilities.The most important thing is because this is a forest farm, there are no cars or pedestrians, so it is absolutely safe, and it is a good thing to let the children make trouble.

This is considered to be one of Qiping's prides. His children can have a carefree childhood, and they can run happily in the forest farm.These are much happier than those in the big cities. The children here don't have much to worry about. They only need to do the things they like.

"Didn't you say you were going to set up a dog park? What are you doing now? Didn't it turn off again? You can't do this, it's like this every two days. You set up a resort, and it takes half a year. There is no movement yet." Seeing her son start running to the study again, the mother called Qi Ping in time.

"Nothing, I have never been idle. Our family's island resort has always been under development and construction. It can't be built in a day or two. It really takes some time. It doesn't mean that a few villas are built. That’s good, I’m still building docks and the like, and it will take time. For islands, one year’s development time is considered less.”

Qi Ping yelled that he was wronged. In fact, his parents just saw that his family bought an island at a huge price, but his son never went there. This made his parents a little dissatisfied. They felt that Qi Ping Ping was a little lazy.

"Then you can't do this, even if it's in development, you should go and see more. You can calculate for yourself how many times you have been there in such a long time. If you have a plane and time here, you can go there It’s convenient. If you have time to hide in your study and play with your gun, why not go and see your island. Just by reading your email, you can know how far the island has been developed.”

Dad also has the same attitude, although he knows that his son's family has some good management talents under his family; but most of the time, he thinks that he should not delegate power too much.There are some things that you really need to see for yourself, and you must not just believe what the people say.

Anyway, my parents just think that if Qi Ping was the emperor in ancient times, he must be a faint king who ignores the government.It seems that there are a large group of ministers under him, but in fact, those ministers often have their own ideas and small calculations, and they often have some deceptive things.

Qi Ping feels that he has been misunderstood, but such misunderstandings have always existed; Qi Ping thinks that he adopts a scientific and modern management method, but in the eyes of many people, Qi Ping's management method is really 'too Advanced' too.Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a lunatic, and it is obvious that Qi Ping is too far ahead now.

Qi Ping thinks the problem is not big, but the family members think that Qi Ping should manage the property in his hand more; he really likes to be lazy, he always prefers to hide in the study and play with the guns in his collection, he doesn't want to go long distance at all Running around to the Bahamas Islands, he still likes various remote control commands and other things.

There is really no way to explain these things, and it is really unnecessary; Qi Ping feels that although he does not do it himself, there will be no mistakes. He can guarantee the healthy development of various industries, and he is used to it With the management model, he can guarantee that he will not be deceived by those managements.

It's better to continue going to the study, now Qi Ping has collected too many guns; obviously, Qi Ping's study is now an arsenal no matter how you look at it.In addition to storing some guns in the safe, he also hangs many guns on the wall, and even on the desk. There are also some beautiful and classic guns here.

Everyone has their own hobbies, Qi Ping doesn't like dressing up, and he doesn't have much interest in luxury goods.But Qi Ping really has no ability to resist some classic guns; it can even be said that his collections are definitely valuable, and there are countless guns worth thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars in Qi Ping's collection .

"Daddy, can I come in?"

The people in the study were pushed away, Xiaoyao and Lele pushed and shoved; the two younger brothers were very polite, they knew that they had to say hello when they entered Dad's study.They are no longer like when they were young, they can directly break into the bedroom of their parents. Now they will politely knock on the door and then enter their father's study, just like their father will knock on the door when they enter their room.

The little guys ran over happily, and the two little guys sat on Dad's lap, one on the left and the other on the right; Know how to play with guns, but they already know that, Dad loves a lot of guns, and the little ones will play with these.

"Papa, we can't shoot deer and bears, or Rudolph and Pooh will be angry. But I like to go hunting with Papa, and we can shoot big fat pigs and rabbits, and the worst big bad wolf. "

Xiaoyao muttered, the little guy obviously has some preferences for things like hunting.It's not like dad is quite fond of hunting, but the little ones are actually no strangers to it all.Hunting is actually very fun; but it also requires some attention, for example, be careful not to hurt the feelings of Rudolph and Pooh.

"Dad, I want to play with guns too, can you take us to play with guns?"

Lele raised his own expectations, which is why he and his brother came to find his father; the little guy is very playful, and his brother is the type to meet and love.So it's not surprising that the two brothers have some small expectations for things like trying hunting, going to the range to play with guns, and so on.

Qi Ping is naturally willing to take the children to play games. Although the children are still young, it is really nothing.In the United States, many adults will take the children to go hunting when the children are very young; this is really not a big problem, but it is necessary to educate the children and pay attention to protecting the children. .

With Dad's permission, Xiaoyao and Lele are very happy; the little guys are now working hard to help Dad maintain these guns, and they all pretend to want to take these guns apart, and then wipe the dust inside clean.

"Go, go, go out to play. Dad will take you to play games in two days. Don't mess with my gun now."

Resolutely drive away the fat boys. Although these guns of his are usable, most of them are collectibles; I really doubt that these guns will die soon, because these brats are typically doing bad things with good intentions, or they have no good intentions from the beginning.

Xiaoyao and Lele ran out happily. They were not good at maintaining guns at all, but they were actually quite good at talking nonsense.Now, since Dad agreed to take them to the shooting range, that's fine; fine work like dusting or oiling guns is really not what the 'rough and careless' carefree and Lele are good at.

"How did I hear that you are going to take Xiaoyao and Lele to shoot guns? They are only so old now, you just take them to play with guns. You are also serious. This is not Texas. You let the children die at such a young age. Go play with guns."

My mother has a lot of opinions. Hearing the fat grandchildren yelling and showing off that they are going to play with guns, my mother can't sit still now.As for the 'culprit', my mother is naturally not polite, she just wants to severely criticize her son who is not up to date, it is really inappropriate to take such young children to play with guns.

"It's not a big deal, I heard from Mr. Qiping that Kate and Joshua would play with guns when they were very young. Is it, Kate; I heard from your father that you had a gun when you were not ten years old. Now, it seems to be under his name." Dad thinks this is not a big problem, he thinks that this kind of pastime is actually not a problem at all, and it is quite fun.

"Yes, Dad, I had a gun when I was very young. But, I feel like I was cheated on, and those guns are really boring. I can be honest, I was cheated; you know, that Although the gun was given to me, I never saw it a few times, it was just my dad trying to use me to buy another gun."

Kate is now starting to object, and even at this point is starting to backfire; it's clear that she has a gun, and actually has two guns to her name.However, the children are now too young to let them play with guns, and she has a big opinion.

Qi Ping felt that he had been betrayed, Kate should have supported him; but now, obviously, he had suffered the worst betrayal.Because Qi Ping is very clear that although Kate is a good wife and mother, she is sometimes like some American girls; in the United States, it is really not a problem to have a gun.

Anyway, Qi Ping is very clear that if Kate goes to the shooting range, then she must have a pretty good number of targets; when it comes to playing with guns, Qi Ping got some advice from Kate when he first fell in love.It must be admitted that Kate is really good at disguising. She has become a good wife and mother now, but Qi Ping, who knows Kate best, knows that she actually has a rather violent side, which must not be underestimated.

Dumbfounded, I originally planned to bring the brats to some new and interesting games, but now it seems that this is being attacked by a crowd.This, even a little on the line, the family members seem to not support this matter.

Qi Ping felt that he had to think carefully about some things now. Although he had promised the children some things, he definitely couldn't go back on his promises.It's just that after taking the children to dabble in new and interesting games, it must be better to think about how to educate the children.

It's an interesting thing, anyway, Qi Ping doesn't think there's anything bad about it, and the family doesn't think it has too many negative effects.The most important thing here is guidance, which is the most important thing.

"Traitor, you traitor!"

When no one was around, Zipping began to punish Kate; it was heartbreaking to be betrayed by someone she trusted the most.

"I don't think I'm a traitor. I should be bashing you. You've let me down. Look at our kids. I always thought they might be gentlemen, ladies. But now, they look better than those on the ranch. Kids grow up to be wild. Now, tell me to teach them to hunt. God, you madman!"

Kate directly pinches Qiping's neck, her dream of cultivating a gentleman and a lady is really gone; because the children are really too unrestrained, they have lived in a wide space since they were young, which naturally makes the children open-minded while having a wilder lifestyle, also due to the influence of their companions.

Qi Ping and Kate started to fight again, belittling each other; but one thing is certain, they will not interfere with the children's personalities, and it doesn't matter if the children are not gentlemen and ladies, because the children are happy.

(End of this chapter)

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