America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 535 New look

Chapter 535 New look
Qi Ping is very busy and has many things to prepare; although he has always only cared about the things around him, he doesn't like the kind of people who like to meddle in their own business.However, Qi Ping is now considered a big family and a big business. Sometimes, he really needs to pay a little attention to the influence, and also needs to pay a little attention to the so-called social image and sense of responsibility.

For many people, Christmas is a holiday and a time of carnival; but for many people, Christmas is also a time of loss.Obviously, there is a lot of cost to having a carnival Christmas.

The United States claims to be the most developed economy, but the gap between the rich and the poor is quite large; many people actually live under great pressure, and many people can only live on relief funds.There are indeed some people who are lazy and take the blame for themselves, but there are indeed many people who really encountered some difficulties, and they have nothing to do.

This is what Qi Ping and his family started to prepare for the Christmas dinner; inviting some homeless people, distributing some supplies, and helping everyone have a more pleasant Christmas, this is actually quite meaningful.

In fact, this can be regarded as a way of educating children. Although there are some things in it that want children to learn to be grateful, it also means that they want children to know some social reality.

After all, the children are born with golden keys in their mouths, and the little ones really enjoy the rich food and clothing. Although Qi Ping and Kate have always sent the children to public schools, they have to admit that the children are here I stayed in a public school for a while, and when I grow up, I will definitely be sent to a private school with higher quality education.

This is the case with Xiaoyao, the little ones gradually realized something different, they never lacked toys or snacks.But other children, in fact, really do not have such conditions, they will always envy Xiaoyao them.These are actually some things that children gradually realize.

Now, looking at the crowd queuing up to receive daily necessities, the children are actually a little strange and strange.But they were in a good mood, helping their parents and distributing some items; in fact, these were just small toys that children liked, and they also distributed some toys to other children.

Seeing the children happily playing with some other children, Qi Ping felt very happy; this is also a good experience, the children are now busy playing games with these new friends, they are now Just happily sharing the game Sanweijing.

"Dad, can I change my hairstyle, I want a lot of braids too."

On the way back, Xiaoyao began to have some thoughts, in fact, this was also one of Xiaoyao's thoughts during this period of time.When I was in kindergarten, there were quite a few children with very interesting hairstyles, which Xiaoyao was somewhat envious of.

"But if you have to braid a lot of braids, it will definitely hurt, and if you have all braids, you can't wash your hair, it will be more itchy. Are you sure you want braids? If you want it That's fine too."

Kate was kind of amused, she didn't really care much about the kids' hairstyles or anything like that.This is indeed the case in the United States. Children don't necessarily want to have a crew cut or something. In fact, some personalized hairstyles are not a problem.

Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, what he liked was the hairstyle with ditches and dreadlocks that are more common among African-Americans; it’s just that such a hairstyle is really not easy, it takes a long time to make such a hairstyle, and such a hairstyle Once compiled, it must need careful maintenance and the like.Washing hair and the like is a bit of a luxury for ditch hair, and it can't even get wet, which needs to be careful.

It's cool to look at, but definitely cumbersome; and that's the case with kids, it's a nice hairstyle but definitely not easy.The little guys are still too immature now, and the little guys still have some life experience.

"Then I want the cock's head, and I want the sides to be shaved off, and all I want is this lock of hair."

The little guy made gestures, and Qi Ping finally figured it out; Xiaoyao thought of Mo Xigan again, and he was really able to toss around.Anyway, Qi Ping felt that Xiaoyao was better than him, and he knew about hairstyles at a young age.You must know that Xiaoyao's Lao Tzu has always had either straight or broken hair, and basically there are no weird hairstyles.

It's really like this, Qi Ping is worried that Xiaoyao might want to develop into washing, cutting and blowing a little bit; at a young age, he has started to be smug.But it's nothing, as long as it's not a particularly outrageous hairstyle, Qi Ping can accept it.

Xiaoyao happily went to the hairdresser, the little guy was chatting endlessly with the barber, and at the same time excitedly shared some of his experiences with his younger siblings.The result of this is that little Lele has already gone to think about his new hairstyle; because her brother's hairstyle is very cool, Lele doesn't want to continue to be a little mushroom head.

Yoyo is better, what she likes is that her mother helped her braid several beautiful braids.So she doesn't want to cut her hair, she likes to keep her hair long and braid it often.As for Little Sweetheart, the same is true for the little girl. Although her hair is always messy, the little girl still likes to have long hair.

Watching a Moxie fuck a bullet, Qi Ping smiled wickedly; these two little guys are showing off their new hairstyles now, but they may soon regret it.There is very little room for modification of this kind of hairstyle. It is estimated that the children will have such a look in the next period of time. They will not have much capital to change their hairstyle for a while.

"When I was young, if I wanted to change my hairstyle, you said it, and you said it if my hair grew longer. Now that the children have these weird hairstyles, you still say they are cute!"

Qi Ping felt that he was really treated differently, and the children's new hairstyles were praised by the whole family.But when I think about it, I was really a crew cut when I was a child and basically graduated from high school, I am really speechless.

"That's not the case. When you were in China, if you had a weird hairstyle, it would definitely not be allowed in school. It's different here, and the teacher doesn't care. Our baby has a personality. , it’s also because the environment is different.”

My mother spoke conclusively. She thinks that the children's current hairstyles are very good. It is also because this is the United States, so some of the children's more avant-garde hairstyles are allowed.In fact, in China now, many children's hairstyles may not necessarily be 'duty and proper'.

Qi Ping thinks it is better not to say anything, anyway, it is actually useless to say anything.In fact, watching the children running around happily and seeing the cute and interesting new hairstyles of the little ones, Qi Ping is actually very fun.The children are lively and cute, which naturally makes people feel quite happy.

"Dad, King Kong doesn't have long hair."

Sweetheart came wobbly, with two 'huge' parrots on her shoulders, obviously that's it.The little girl is still a baby, but Romeo and Juliet are big; but the little girl is like this, she would like to have Romeo and Juliet on her shoulders, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai always stood on Daddy's shoulders same as above.

"Do you want to braid King Kong too?"

Qi Ping hugged his baby girl and kissed him. He naturally knew the baby girl's thoughts. Now that the little guys have changed their new look, they are naturally showing off to their little friends.As for King Kong and Pooh, in fact, they have been moved for a long time, and they are also non-mainstream and loyal believers.

"Pooh is angry, and King Kong is not happy either."

Little Sweetheart was sitting in her father's arms, and the little girl pouted and said unhappily.At home, the one who likes to take care of her little friends the most is definitely Little Sweetheart. She likes her friends very much. She always wants to do better, although many times the little girl is too young and weak to do it. Better, but she is really serious, hardworking and patient.

Qi Ping was teasing his precious daughter, explaining that King Kong's appearance is actually very difficult to change; but Qi Ping is very clear that the little girl is too small now, so some things are difficult to understand clearly .But Qi Ping is very patient, because he is happy to take care of his precious daughter, and he enjoys watching the children grow up.

"Dad, I'm going to buy a big plastic flower. I'm going to put big plastic flowers on both Pooh and King Kong. They'll be happy just wearing petals. Let's go buy plastic flowers. I have pocket money. Let's get a new car." !"

Youyou ran back in a hurry. Although she was braiding sweet and cute little braids, the little girl was definitely in a hurry.The little girl has a good imagination. Knowing the reason why King Kong and Pooh are unhappy now, the little girl thought of some good solutions in time.

Listening to the little girl's hard-working explanation, Qi Ping finally understood some of the little girl's thoughts, which is indeed very imaginative and very pleasing.

The solution for the kids is simple, buy a few plastic petals to wrap around their necks.At that time, the stamens will be the cute big heads of Pooh and King Kong. As for the lace, it can be roses, sunflowers, or those beautiful flowers. This will definitely be quite interesting and fun, and Pooh will be happy.

Qi Ping naturally quite supports these ideas of the children, because the children are indeed doing quite well in these things.So he took his precious daughter's little hand and walked to the garage. The children actually liked Dad's beautiful new car, but the car was too small for two people.

Taking Yoyo for a stroll in San Diego, Qi Ping naturally knew that the baby girl must want to buy some lovely petals for Pooh and the others.But the little shopaholic actually likes to go shopping. She is now targeting her father, in fact, because her father doesn't know how to shop, so Yoyo can make up her own mind.

The little girl is a very independent person, especially when shopping, she even likes to give advice to her brothers and make decisions for them.Follow grandma and mother, it must be discussed with them, and even I can't express too many opinions.So sometimes, it is better to take Dad to go shopping, because Dad really has very few opinions.

As for the little girl's thoughts, Qi Ping is naturally very clear, but he will not say much.It's very simple, because the baby girl is still very thoughtful, as long as it is not too out of line, in fact, Qi Ping will not say anything, although many times the little girl's ideas may be relatively naive, but this is not wrong As for the way, who made the little girl still a little too young now.

"Dad, you and sister should go home quickly, or Pooh will be really angry!"

Lele ran over, the brat was thinking that his father and sister would come back sooner; he was really not interested in shopping or anything like that, but he knew very well that as long as his sister went shopping, she might not come back for a while Family.Lele is firmly opposed to going shopping with his sister. He would rather play games at home than be dragged by his grandma and mother to go shopping with his sister. That's really not fun at all!

"Go away quickly, I told you many times not to stand in front of the car! I'm going to get angry, do you want to be beaten?" Yoyo was angry, the little girl was very dissatisfied with her brother blocking in front of the car, "I'll go back I will teach you a lesson when I get home, so go away, or I will definitely spank your ass!"

"I'm not afraid, you can't beat me anymore!"

Lele walked away muttering. Although he said so, he really couldn't beat his sister, because her sister was bigger and taller than him.Xiao Lele is really controlled by her sister a lot; her brother is his best playmate, but her sister always educates him.So compared to his brother, Lele must be a little afraid of his sister, because her sister really wants to educate him.

Qi Ping looked at the pair of younger brothers arguing amusedly, he didn't need to say anything now; in fact, it was like this, although the children were always arguing, their relationship was really good.Even though sometimes Lele will be scolded by his sister to cry, but he still loves his sister very much, because he knows that her sister is for his own good.

Just start the car and go shopping with your precious daughter; now the family has started to smug mode, and it seems that everyone is full of enthusiasm for this matter.Still, we really can't delay any longer, we have to hurry up; not only because King Kong and Pooh are angry, but also because Qi Ping knows that once the baby girl gets excited about shopping, it will definitely take a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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