America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 536 The New Year

Chapter 536 The New Year

The new year is here again, although according to the custom of Qi Ping's hometown, it is considered to be one year older after the Chinese New Year; but now in the United States, the new year is a new year after New Year's Day.

Qi Ping felt that he was one year older, and the children were one year older.

"Happy New Year!"

Xiaoyao yelled, and then ran out to play games; the little guy didn't have much impression of New Year's Day, and cared more about his own games.Anyway, for him, the meaning of some festivals is that he does not need to go to school, and then he can play games crazily at home and in the forest farm. This is his favorite thing.

Since the new year also has some New Year's plans; for Qi Ping, his New Year's plan is to enjoy a better life.The current career is doing very well, but it also needs to strive for better development; while developing the career, it is even more important not to neglect the care of his family, which is what Qi Ping cares most about.

In fact, Qi Ping really doesn't like to make a schedule and the like, he thinks that the plan is worse than changes; but obviously, Qi Ping is not willing to do this, but the family members all hope to see Qi Ping make a list.

The reason is simple, the family members don't have much confidence in Qi Ping; therefore, Qi Ping must make a work schedule, and then come to supervise Qi Ping's work progress.This is very important to the family members. They all know that Qi Ping is a lazy person. If there is not enough pressure, he must have no motivation.

"One, I will keep an eye on the development of various industries in the forest farm, and ensure that there will be no regression in various industries in our forest farm this year. There is really no way. Our vegetables and fruits have already reached market saturation. Now there is no way to guarantee some more progress in these industries of ours."

If it is equal, the family members are still quite satisfied; they all know about the forest farm, there is really not much room for improvement in vegetables and fruits, and even the resort is the same, basically this is a saturated state.This is also a strategy of Qiping, that is to ensure the hunger of the market, so as to ensure the product grade and price of Fairyland Forest Farm.

Seeing that the family members are basically satisfied with Qi Ping's first work arrangement, it also makes people feel more relieved.Forestry, this is naturally the core of the industry; although there are many profitable industries now, the family members all think that forestry is the most important industry, which must be taken seriously.

"Second, this year we will launch the second generation of cattle from the ranch. The technology of fairy cattle is relatively mature, and the growth of wagyu here is also very good. Now that the technology is mature, we will start to increase the amount of slaughter. The second generation We will speed up the breeding of fairy cows, and I plan to open up the supply of the first generation of fairy cows."

If it is Qiping, the family is still quite satisfied; because the second generation of Xianniu is relatively mature, it must represent that the first place in the beef cattle market must be changed. The best beef now is the newly launched Xianniu .As for the so-called open supply, it actually means increasing the output of pastures, which does not mean lowering prices.

"Then the Japanese will definitely be tricked by you. Originally, they sent wagyu over here, but there is no progress yet. The second generation of fairy cows from your side has already been pushed out." Squeezing the Japanese wagyu market, Dad still seems to feel very satisfied.

"That's right, Little Japan's wagyu beef is definitely going to die. They can only take the third place in the world at most. They said it's miserable. The price of the top market is set by me. Now they can only look at my face Work done." Qi Ping's pride made the family feel very satisfied; now that Qi Ping can achieve the current results, the family is also very proud.

Qi Ping's current plans really make his family feel more satisfied; although Qi Ping is very lazy, he has to admit that Qi Ping has really done some good things, and he still seems very clear about what he should do. things to do.Such a work plan is absolutely satisfactory, and he has not forgotten his responsibilities because of his current comfortable life.

He began to feel proud, because Qi Ping felt that he had received more affirmation; in fact, he also knew very well that these work plans of his did not have many special features at all, they were just a steady rise.In fact, everyone in the family now knows that drastic reforms are of no use at all. Now it is only necessary to better protect these current industries, which can represent that the family's economy has always been excellent.

"I also plan to buy a small ranch this year. We will take out the second-generation fairy cows for special breeding. The second-generation fairy cows are not yet fully mature, and it is actually a little pressure to fully launch them in large quantities."

Now the ranch is definitely an important growth point for the income and profit of the family; after several years of development, the income of the ranch has become more and more abundant.But Qi Ping is absolutely not satisfied, because he knows very well that the breeding technology of the breeding cattle is mature, and there is enough accumulation of high-quality forage seeds, which must mean that it can start to expand production better.

"The third point, I just want to keep an eye on some of our new industries. In fact, we don't have many places to intervene in wildlife sanctuaries, but our island resorts will definitely open for business in the middle of the year. Some new profit growth points. And our dog park, this year is just laying the foundation, our focus is to accumulate technical reserves.”

Qi Ping talked eloquently, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong; he is a big boss anyway, why does it seem like he is giving a work report now? !Looking at the family members sitting on the sofa, they are all his immediate bosses. Now Qi Ping feels that he is at most a senior wage earner, a professional manager.

This is also good, let the family members be their own leaders and put pressure on themselves. This will indeed make Qi Ping show a stronger aggressiveness.And Qi Ping is also very satisfied with some things now, that is, through his own efforts to create better material living conditions for his family, this is the greatest affirmation of Qi Ping's serious work.

Qi Ping's attitude is quite correct, and Qi Ping's performance naturally makes his family more satisfied; it seems that this is the case, although Qi Ping always likes to be lazy, but it is relatively reliable at critical moments.This is quite satisfactory, so there is no need to break the casserole and ask the bottom line. It is also because the family members only need Qi Ping to work hard. This does not mean that they really understand these things, they just need Qi Ping to feel enough motivation.

The work report really does not have any pressure for Qi Ping, because he knows these things well, and he just needs to explain them.These things are not difficult for Qi Ping at all; sometimes they are a little smug, although we are not workaholics, but this definitely does not mean that we just know everything.

Qi Ping's pride seems to have enough reason, and it is also a reason why the family members feel dumbfounded.It seems that there are quite a few such people, and it may be talent; just like studying, even if some people work very hard, their grades may not be as good as those of those who are not particularly hardworking.

It can only be said that God is unfair, and God does have some preferences for some people.And the current Qi Ping seems to be favored by God, so this guy can easily achieve success in his career, and he can achieve a goal that most people can't achieve with a lazy attitude. Wealth figures.

Although I said so, I did feel the unfairness of God; but the family members are more happy, because Qi Ping is their family, and these achievements of Qi Ping are also the reasons for the family members to be proud. In the simplest way, Qi Ping These achievements of Ping are also what they are proud of, and this can be regarded as their achievement.

This is naturally the case for parents, Qi Ping is their son; they are of course indispensable for raising and educating such an accomplished son as Qi Ping.

As for Kate, she is also very proud; she has found such an excellent husband with great vision. She and Qi Ping are in harmony, and the two of them have built a happy family together.This is actually what Kate is most proud of.

As for the children, although they usually bluff, sometimes they have a lot of opinions on their father.But children still love and adore their father, and they often claim that their father is the best father.Obviously, the children are also proud of their father, because in the eyes of these little guys, their father is the best father in the world, the best in the world.

Although my parents basically don't praise Qi Ping, they still have to suppress it every now and then.But they have to admit that they are still very satisfied with some of Qiping's current achievements, they rarely praise Qiping, this is to avoid Qiping's complacency.

As for Kate, she has a one-on-one personality; Kate will definitely point out the bad things her husband does.But Kate has never hesitated to praise where Qi Ping has done a good job.You can pat your chest and say that Kate is a fan of Qiping, even if sometimes Qiping does not do well in some things, Kate can still find some more advantages of Qiping.

As for the children, it goes without saying; the little ones are still a little ignorant at such a young age, but as long as it is what Dad says, they will still listen patiently.This is indeed the case for the little ones. Most of the time, they use 'what Dad said' as a standard for judging the right or wrong of something, because they know that Dad can't be wrong.

I have to say, it's really easy to spoil people like this, Qi Ping thinks that this kind of "personality cult" really makes people get carried away sometimes.So he felt that he couldn't be knocked down by sugar-coated bullets. He needed to keep a clear mind, and he absolutely couldn't get carried away just because of the current achievements and praises, otherwise it would be bad.

Qi Ping has also learned to pretend and show off now.

"In the past year, we have done a lot of things, and we have indeed achieved some good achievements. I am very proud of everyone, and I am very satisfied with your performance. However, I hope you will continue to maintain this aggressiveness, Because I believe in everyone's ability, I believe that with everyone's joint efforts, Fairyland Forest Farm will become better!"

Well, as a boss, sometimes you really need to learn some speeches and the like; in other places, Qi Ping will not boast, because he thinks that he may have more money, and the bad speeches are not just people To challenge reason is to become a joke.But in his own industry, Qi Ping can speak freely, and his employees will applaud.

Because Qi Ping is a very good boss, he created an unimaginable wealth almost from scratch.It is also because of Qi Ping's efforts that his industry is constantly developing and his wealth is constantly increasing; from this point of view, Qi Ping is really a successful entrepreneur and is worthy of everyone's learning.

Sometimes it is like this, when a person has achieved some good achievements, people seem to treat such successful people with different standards.In them, the advantages will be continuously magnified, and the disadvantages sometimes seem to be no longer disadvantages; even some trivial things that were originally nothing can become interesting things that everyone talks about.

Qiping has such a capital now, and he is now a successful person worth learning from many people; learning Qiping's "hard work" and Qiping's visionary investment awareness also requires a good study of Qiping's Thirst for knowledge, the general idea of ​​​​a genius on the day of learning.

This is really not an exaggeration, Qi Ping didn’t work hard, how could he earn so much money; if Qi Ping hadn’t worked hard and foresighted, how could he have established a brand of Fairyland Forest Farm, and it was even more impossible for him to seize the first-class The vegetable, fruit and beef markets, and even the current tourism industry have all been robbed of a large piece of cake by him.

Besides, if Qi Ping didn't have enough knowledge accumulation, he is unlikely to become an honorary doctor of Princeton University.Although it may be because Qiping donated some money or something, the top universities in the world also have some pride. Looking at Qiping's successful cases of air transformation, this is enough to explain a lot of things.

Therefore, Qi Ping is a genius; he is very smart, hardworking, active in thinking, and full of creativity.

If you don't say that and don't praise it like that, who will believe it; you let a person with mediocre qualifications create such an achievement, how come there are only a very small number of people in the world who can stand at the top of the pyramid.

Could it be that they all have some magical opportunities instead of through their own efforts? !

(End of this chapter)

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