Chapter 537

"Ouch, my fat son!"

As soon as he entered the door, Qi Ping was amused; Lele was sitting on the sofa happily eating caviar, and his sister was sitting next to him. The little guy was eating caviar with his sister like a good brother.

"You just ate up all the money Dad made today. I asked if you could keep a low profile. What's so good about eating caviar like this? You should at least chill it or use toast."

Seeing the fat son doing his own thing with the caviar in a spoon, Qi Ping really couldn't laugh or cry.The caviar at home is definitely not bad. Although it is not the best caviar that costs thousands of dollars per pound, it is definitely not bad.

Others eat caviar, that is, spread a thin layer of caviar on ice, or just sprinkle a few caviar on Western food.But when it comes to our house, it's good. We really pay attention to practicality and portion size, and they are all in one big spoonful.

"Grandma said eating caviar is good for the eyes!"

Lele started to fight back. The little guy likes to eat caviar, and grandma also said that eating caviar is good for the eyes, so Lele can be unscrupulous.He wanted to have better eyes, so he had to eat more caviar; the younger sister also had to eat a lot of caviar, so that her eyes would also be better.

Qi Ping became speechless, and his mother really found a lot of theoretical basis for the fat grandson's hobby.Qi Ping doesn't know whether eating caviar is really good for improving eyesight and protecting eyesight, but he knows very well that when Lele eats caviar, he has absolute peace of mind, because caviar is not only delicious, And it's good for your body.

"Go, go, let me go. It hurts to eat some caviar from you, right? Why are you like a miser? No matter how much money you make, it's useless if you don't spend it. My family is just eating some caviar. I can’t bear it. You bought a car for more than 100 million US dollars, if it is bought into caviar, how long will it take for my family to eat it!”

The mother was angry, and ran out directly to drive Qi Ping away; of course she knew that caviar was expensive, but what's wrong with a fat grandson who likes to eat caviar.Didn't I say that caviar is good for the eyes, and the family doctor also said that this delicious thing is not harmful!
"I can see that no matter how much money your fat grandson eats and spends, he should be. But if your son spends some money, it will be a waste of money!"

Qi Ping tried to resist, but he was also teasing; the fat son likes to eat caviar, so eat it, Qi Ping doesn't care much about the money anyway.This is one of my son's hobbies, and this amount of money is affordable, so the family won't be burdened by caviar.

"It's good if you know it. I think it's worth spending more money on my grandchildren. If you want to spend a penny, I will weigh it. If you are unreliable, you will spend money indiscriminately. Buy Can you finish driving so many cars? Each car is more expensive than the other, and not all of them are practical. Aren’t you just wasting money?!”

The mother's counterattack was even more violent. Now she never mentioned that her son's car was beautiful or energetic.The reason now is that my son has too many cars, and the reason now is that he is extravagant and wasteful, like a nouveau riche.

He was speechless because Qi Ping knew exactly what he said was wrong; reason was not on his side at all.For the sake of precious grandsons and granddaughters, my mother must be able to say that black is white; it is also because of these lovely grandsons and granddaughters, sons don’t need to care at all, and they can suppress them as they want.

"By the way, where's Xiaoyao?"

Qi Ping felt a little strange, Xiaoyao and Yoyo didn't see it; these two little guys don't know where to play games now, they should be playing at the door; King Kong and the others are basking in the sun, and the children are supposed to be playing games at this time It's right to fight with them on the lawn.

Now there is no slapstick here, and I haven't seen it in the house, which must be a little abnormal.

"Are you going to denounce you? The more I look at you now, the less pleasing you are. I don't have much ability other than extravagance!"

What my mother said made Qi Ping even more stunned, my mother is a little angry; think about it carefully, we have not provoked the empress dowager recently, and we dare not offend the majesty of the empress dowager if we have the guts.

No, it seems that my mother was influenced by the children, and it was because of the children's "condemnation" that the more they looked at us, the more they disliked us.This is even more wrong. Let’s not say that we are definitely the number one idol and hero in the hearts of the children. It is because we have done our best to play games with them during this time, so there is no reason not to make them happy.

This is still 'condemned', why condemn it!
Qi Ping felt that he was wronged, he felt that he had been treated unfairly; what to say, we should not be so low in status; anyway, we are also the head of the family, okay, we should give some face, we must not say If you want to denounce it, you can denounce it, let alone be so inexplicably disliked because of trumped-up charges.

"Lele, Dad hasn't made any mistakes recently. Tell me, why did my brother and sister criticize me? How did I offend them?" Holding the little girl on her lap, she ate a large spoonful of fish roe fed by her little son with peace of mind. Sauce, this is really the feeling of finding the head of the family, and the feeling of opening your mouth for a meal.

"I don't know, my teacher didn't tell me. But my brother and sister said that my father made a mistake, that my father destroyed the environment, and that my father left little animals without homes."

Hearing what the fat son said, Qi Ping was taken aback for a moment; then he seemed to have some inspiration and a little bit of awareness.

Holy crap!

We send our children to school in the hope that you teachers will teach the children to be sensible. This is definitely not to ask you to let the children fiddle with things like environmental protection.Besides, our children are still so young, what kind of things do they know about environmental protection?

Environmental protection, environmental protection is really a headache; although Qi Ping thinks he has done a good job, his forest farm is very good, the environment is beautiful, and the ecology is very good.However, this definitely does not mean that Qiping is an environmentalist.

In fact, Qi Ping generally supports some environmentalists; because these people have ideals, they hope to make the environment of the global village better and the living environment of human beings better, at least these ideals People don't want to see the earth's environment continue to deteriorate.

However, Qi Ping also feels that there are some things that really cannot be said about the power of one or two people, or even one or two countries.Besides, there are so many countries in the world, and the situation in each country is different; each country has its own ideas, so why is it that a very small number of so-called representatives have the final say.

Everyone has their own ideas, and each country also has some actual conditions in each country.Therefore, it is really difficult for you to come up with a standard that requires everyone to implement this system, which is not reliable at all.

Of course Qi Ping knew that the earth's environment was deteriorating, but could one or two countries really be blamed for this matter?Even the United States, which has a very good environmental protection, hasn’t exterminated too many animals on the North American continent; and the U.S. government is now sanctimoniously accusing some countries of doing poorly in environmental protection. , Have the high energy-consuming industries been transferred?

The United States is now economically developed, why do you ask us to follow some of your standards, and let the people have enough food to develop the economy!Besides, you have so many cars in the United States, is this not polluting? !
Qi Ping is breaking out in a cold sweat, not that he cares about major events in the world now; he actually thinks that he has done a good job. Although we are not environmental protection volunteers, we have not done any evil things. thing.

Qi Ping asked himself what his conscience had done, and he was able to stand up; but the children are not like this, these innocent little guys not only regard their parents as idols, but sometimes they will also hear what the teacher said heart.In the minds of these innocent little guys, they still have no way to understand some practical things. They still live in a naive world. Many things in their world are right or wrong, and there is no reason!

"Dad has so many cars, my brother and sister are all angry!"

The nonchalant Lele couldn't understand what his brother and sister were thinking, anyway, the teacher didn't tell him these things; the little guy didn't think there was anything wrong with having too many cars for his father, he liked his new car very much, it was very cool !

Sure enough, the fat son still told Qi Ping what he was most worried about; Lin Shan did a good job in environmental protection in the forest farm, but it was not absolute.He can only say that it is a good deal, but it is really nothing to do in some details.

For example, the scooters on the ranch are basically electric golf carts; but there are also some cars in the forest farm, such as Lin Shan, Lao Ge, and Luo Yi.And in the flush garage, his cars are really not too small; it must also be admitted that the displacement of these cars is relatively large.

Lin Shan does not allow other people to drive, but his own people are fine; golf carts are environmentally friendly, which is naturally clear, but golf carts and the like can’t be driven, the speed is too slow, okay?

"Dad, why do you buy so many cars? Don't you know that there is no place for baby polar bears now!"

Xiaoyao and Yoyo ran out, and immediately found the 'culprit' who made the baby polar bear homeless; they want to protest now, and they must make their father realize their mistake.

"It's convenient to buy a car. We need a car to go out. If we don't have a car, we can only walk." Qi Ping felt that he could still fool these innocent children, so although he was sweating a little, he would not be attacked There are things to say; besides, Qi Ping doesn't think there is anything wrong with this at all, and he speaks with confidence.

"We can take Tietong and buses, we can have a lot of public transportation!" Youyou put her hands on her hips angrily, she was very angry at her father's obsession, "You can't buy so many cars, or the air will be bad, polar bear The babies will have no home to live in, and they won't be able to catch fish!"

Opened his mouth, Qi Ping really didn't know what to say; it's all the fault of those damn teachers, how do these children understand these principles now, you have no way to explain the practical needs to them clearly, so don't say it What a weird environmental idea.It's okay now, you irresponsible teachers have a lot of mouths, but we will be dumbfounded, okay?

Qi Ping is now thinking about whether it is necessary to send the children to private schools with higher education quality; because those unreliable teachers are really a little bit of control, they told the children to protect Environment is a good thing.But they really didn't analyze clearly to the children that too many people are because of actual needs.

In fact, Qi Ping is a little bit uncertain. If we are really environmentally friendly, we can buy low-emission cars or even Tesla electric cars.But obviously, Qi Ping didn't notice these things; his cars are really more expensive than the other ones, with excellent performance and actually not small displacement.

Looking at the two little guys who had just been brought into the ditch by the teacher's whimsy, Qi Ping felt that he was really speechless for a moment.If you really want to explain it to the children seriously, it is really difficult for the children to understand; if you want to say that the children have done something wrong, it is definitely not the case. It is actually very good for the children to be environmentally conscious.

It's just that Qi Ping really feels like the second senior brother Wu Neng looks in the mirror now, he is really not a human being inside and out.He now explains that the children don't understand; if they admit their mistakes, what should they do with the car? Could it be that they will be sold or they will leave a bad impression on the children that they know their mistakes and don't correct them.

This must be unrealistic, and it also made Qi Ping quite speechless; he was a little at a loss all of a sudden, and he was just a little worried.But no matter how you look at it now, it is developing towards the most unfavorable side for him. The most important thing is that Qi Ping really doesn't know what to do, and he really has no clue for a while.

Seeing the smiling Kate following behind the children, Qi Ping decisively asked his beloved wife for help; he kept winking, hoping that this time his gentle and kind wife would rescue him from the dire situation again.

Kate is very good at such things, and she has rescued Qiping from the misery of the children more than once.

But this time, Qi Ping is destined to be disappointed; not just disappointed, dumbfounded, but also a deep sense of betrayal.All the bad things are now done by that bad father; and the children's mother has always been so kind and perfect!
"Support environmental protection and give baby polar bears a home!"

Seeing Kate raise a small flag from behind, and Qi Ping wailed and collapsed on the sofa, he was completely at a loss!

(End of this chapter)

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