America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 539 New Ideas

Chapter 539 New Ideas
"Grandpa, I want to eat oil sticks, this is the most fun!"

Xiaoyao's eyes are straightened, this kid is staring at the oil pan in front of him now; watching the two small noodle-like things soon turn into golden sticks of oil, the little guy gets excited, this is magic!

"Grandpa, I like this too, it's fun!"

It's the same with Yoyo, the little girl and her sister are holding hands and staring at the deep-fried dough sticks; the four brothers and sisters are all clapping their hands and looking at the owner of the breakfast shop who is busy frying deep-fried dough sticks, it feels amazing .

The old god Qi Ping was sitting in the breakfast shop. Although this is not a century-old shop or a high-end restaurant, it has to be admitted that sometimes these small shops in the streets and alleys actually have their own characteristics.

As for the children, there is no need to worry at all, because my father is busy taking care of them; it is also because of the children that most of the time everyone will be more tolerant.

"I don't like these, I don't like tofu nao."

Kate muttered in a low voice, she really doesn't like the breakfast with soy milk and fried dough sticks; although Kate can eat a lot of Chinese food, it doesn't mean she can accept everything.Even with an authentic Chinese stomach, sometimes it may not be able to withstand all kinds of delicacies from major cuisines; Qi Ping can't guarantee that he can eat most of them at most.

"It's better for us to eat pot sticker dumplings and Xiaolongbao. The wonton here is also good." Qi Ping performed in his true colors as always, and the big foodie is really good. You can be regarded as half a gourmet expert with few delicacies. But my mother still doesn’t know how to cook a lot of delicacies, not only because of the unique ingredients but also because it requires craftsmanship.”

"Our children seem to be very popular, they are very cute, I believe they are the most popular." Kate is in a good mood, and some of the snacks here are more to her liking; but what she is most happy about is that the children are popular .

Qi Ping nodded with a smile. He admitted that the children are indeed very popular; because the children themselves are all pink and jade-like and look very cute, and it is not ruled out that the children are more recognizable because they are of mixed race. Such four cute little mixed races stayed at the door of the breakfast shop, which also attracted the curiosity and attention of many people.

The little guys are indeed quite cute, and they are very popular now; one by one, the little guys have shown a tendency to be obsessed with populism, and they all like these magical skills very much now.

"I said brother, are these your grandchildren? They are all very fun, or you can stay and be my apprentice." The owner of the breakfast shop joked with a smile, these little guys have been staring at He cooks breakfast, and he has been like this since he first came, "I will teach them my unique skills and recipes, and I will ensure that everyone is a master of deep-fried dough sticks and spring rolls."

"Well, my babies are more playful. If they really want to learn this, I promise to send them to you. But my babies are not very hardworking, and you may not be able to teach them for three to five years. Can teach an apprentice."

The old man is very open-minded, and it is also because he has understood a lot of truths during this period; the family is rich, so the children do not necessarily have to work hard; anyway, the living conditions are good, and the children are happy the best, they have Enough material basis.

"It's not like your babies can't endure hardships. I don't think they have suffered hardships at all. Look at these little babies, they are all wearing good clothes. Brother, your son is promising, and your daughter-in-law is also Pretty." An old man who had breakfast also joked, Dashang Hai saw some foreigners, and everyone didn't think it was too strange.

"It's okay, I can live in a small company in the United States." The old man smiled, although he was busy chatting with others and taking care of his grandchildren, but he was busy and happy, "Be careful when you speak. , we all speak Mandarin at home, and my daughter-in-law can understand it.”

"I really envy you now. You have four grandchildren. The pressure is not small. It is really not easy to raise four children." Some old people are envious. Many old people have more children, more blessings are the concept of many old people, but now They are basically only children. Seeing these noisy little guys, many old people are a little envious.

"Four? These are the four children of my family, and my eldest son has two sons. Six, if they are together, they can blow people's heads. They just returned to China yesterday, and my eldest son is impatient and can't stand it." These four little ones are really too noisy." The old man was still very 'low-key' to show off, and he just finished speaking, and many grandparents were envious and jealous.

Six grandchildren, this is really a lot of blessings; and it must be admitted that these little guys are well-dressed and well-raised, which means that their family conditions are very good.This doesn't mean that the showy old guy has two promising sons, otherwise he definitely wouldn't be able to take care of the family so well, just look at their food and clothing expenses.

In fact, the little ones may not like to eat these breakfasts so much. They have tried fried dough sticks, sesame balls, spring rolls, etc., and they have also tasted things like wontons and glutinous rice balls.After all, the children are still young. Although they usually like to eat, they may not be able to eat a lot of food;

"Grandpa, let's go eat big crabs. Uncle said that we want to eat big crabs!" Xiaoyao climbed into the car, and suddenly became excited, "We still have to play games, I want to play games everywhere. It's very fun here, It's more fun than our house!"

Xiaoyao's words attracted the support of his younger siblings, because the little ones rarely see so many people, and now the little ones seem to have discovered many different and fun games.Because Grandpa took them to older alleys and the like, which naturally meant that the little ones were able to get in touch with more populists and the like.

For children who love to play, being able to get in touch with these new gadgets they like naturally makes them extremely happy.The little guys may not really think that Dashanghai is better than the forest farm, but the children think it is quite fresh now, and they will find it quite fresh and interesting after seeing a lot of things now.

The children were very happy, and they followed their parents and ran around under the leadership of their grandfather; they went to some historic alleys, which the children had never seen before, not to mention that the children were busy posing for photos, it was Kate Also busy taking pictures.In fact, Qi Ping also found it more fun, and he has not seen all kinds of buildings.

Qi Ping and Kate are also very happy now. Jiangnan gardens such as Yu Garden are quite exquisite; the design here is exquisite and the layout is exquisite. These quiet and beautiful Jiangnan gardens really make people look forward to it.

Pavilions, pavilions, winding paths and verandas, strange peaks and rocks, ponds and streams are set off with flowers, trees and ancient trees; these are all people's expectations. These gardens focus on the use of water features, ancient trees, flowers and trees to create a simple and rustic artistic conception , coincidentally with the Jiangnan gardens borrowed from the scenery, this is a tradition of freehand landscapes.

"I think I want to create an exquisite garden now. You can see that the scenery here is really great. I hope my garden can be more beautiful. It should be integrated with the environment. You should know me I think that if a classical Chinese garden is created, it will definitely be quite popular.”

Qi Ping is now looking forward to it. He feels that he really wants to make such a beautiful classical garden now.He is completely moved now, such a garden seems to be more in line with Qi Ping's expectations.

"Haha! I don't think so!" Kate smirked twice, and she mercilessly gave Qi Ping a fatal blow, "I don't think the conditions are suitable, and I think you don't have any conditions now. I admit it's great , but you should understand that unless you buy some more land. I believe you will not restart some construction of our forest farm; our island resort has actually been finalized and nearly completed.”

Well, Kate's words did give Qi Ping a hard time, and he knew that Kate was telling the truth.But obviously, Kate now feels that this is not enough, and she continues to fight.

"Before our tree farm resort was finished, I thought maybe you could build a classical Chinese garden there, but you didn't. Your second chance would be our island resort, but I know you'd make it Positioned in a tropical island style, so once again you miss that opportunity. So man, you don't have a chance."

Qi Ping was really upset. Although he knew that what Kate said was the truth, sometimes the truth still made people feel quite uncomfortable.Sometimes some people still have some small expectations, but it is obvious that this is directly extinguished by "reality", which is naturally quite frustrating.

Glancing at Kate, Qi Ping felt that he had to do something now, and he felt that he really needed to find his way back.He does know that these gardens are beautiful and in line with his aesthetics. Although the conditions seem not very suitable now, Qi Ping feels that he can really create some conditions.

In fact, Qi Ping thinks that neither islands nor forest farms are necessarily the most suitable for such beautiful Jiangnan gardens. He feels that these beautiful Jiangnan gardens really cannot lack ancient trees and ponds.Although these can be artificially built, Qi Ping feels that these Jiangnan gardens not only need to borrow scenery, but also need to conform to the environment.

It's just that looking at it now, Qi Ping feels that all of this is a bit too far away, and it's unrealistic to consider all of this now.Qi Ping has always believed that life is life and work is work, all of which must be separated.Although I dare not say that the distinction between decisions is obvious, Qi Ping will try his best to avoid mixing work and life.

Now is the holiday, the Spring Festival; the meaning of the Spring Festival is to be with your family. In this traditional festival, there is no need to work at this time.

Since it's not time to work, Qi Ping must not care about these things; he just has a little impulse in his heart now, and he may not necessarily want to spend a lot of money to build a 'private garden'.Such a small impulse, in fact, really needs a lot of money to really operate, and it must be carefully considered.

There is really no need to worry about these things now, all this is not the focus of Qi Ping's concern now; for Qi Ping, what he is busy with now is to take the children to play games better, he What I care about is actually to enjoy this wonderful Spring Festival with my family better.

All of this is what Qi Ping must do now; as for the work, let's wait until the right time.

In Dashanghai, I took my wife and children to find some interesting places to visit. Now I also need to find some delicious authentic snacks and delicacies. This is what I should do every time I come to a strange and charming city.Who makes Qi Ping a person who is content with pleasure now, and his family members actually like these leisurely beauty very much.

Da Shanghai, this is just a small resting place; in fact, for the Qiping family, what they care more about is returning to their hometown.Although the number of times they return to their hometown is very limited, it has to be said that there is their root; now that they have recharged their batteries and visited Dashanghai, they will go back to their hometown.

The children were noisy along the way, and they saw a lot of new things; for the children, they were still a little strange and curious about the countryside.Although they lived in the forest farm, there must still be a big gap between the forest farm and these traditional villages, which naturally caused the children to be very excited along the way.

Back home, the children are alive and well; Xiaoyao still remembers their hometown, although Little Sweetheart doesn't know this now, but she can cheer and run around with her brothers and sisters.

"My brother and I share a room, we are going to play a game!"

Lele yelled loudly, isn't this kid's main task now is to encroach on the territory; obviously, this kid is worried that there are not enough rooms, so the most important thing is to choose the room he likes first.

"You and your brother's room is on the second floor, clean it yourself!"

Seeing the fat grandchildren making noise, Dad was in a good mood; he came back early, didn't he just pack up and prepare everything, because the children have all gone home and are going to celebrate the most important Spring Festival together!

The children cheered, Xiaoyao and Lele were in the same room, Yoyo and Little Sweetheart held hands and ran to their princess room; as for Qi Ping and Kate, they couldn't pack their luggage immediately because they were busy taking care of And the kids!

(End of this chapter)

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