Chapter 540
"I don't get up, I don't get up!"

Xiaoyao's waking up seems a little too aggressive, the little guy doesn't want to get up so early now; if he hasn't slept enough, he can't get up.Although Xiaoyao likes to play everywhere, it definitely does not mean that he is thinking about playing before he wakes up!

"It doesn't matter if you don't get up, we are going to brush our teeth and wash our face, and then we will visit my aunt's house."

The fat son collapsed limply on the bed, Qi Ping smiled and dressed the little guy; Brother Xiaoyao and Lele shared a room, and it was probably midnight playing with toys and the like, and these two boys are not in the mood now , Now I just don't want to get up.

Although the children have great opinions, Qi Ping must not let these little guys have their own temper.

It is really difficult for the children to get up, and even when they brush their teeth and wash their faces, they all have bitter faces and pout their mouths, looking like I am very unhappy.However, these little ones are alive and well now; because they are really up and awake, it is naturally a lot of fun for children who love to play games.

Although sleeping is quite beautiful; but for children, what they like more is naturally playing games, which is the absolute favorite for them, and sometimes they can even lose some sleep Time to play the game, because the charm of the game is too great.

It is very important to take the children to visit relatives; since it is back to the hometown, it must be necessary to visit relatives and friends, which is also one of the most important meanings of the Spring Festival for Qi Ping.

"Auntie, auntie!"

Although Xiaoyao is not particularly impressed with his aunt, the little guy still recognizes his aunt; the little guy is very enthusiastic, cheerful, and actually very polite.This can be regarded as something that Qi Ping and Kate are particularly concerned about in the children's education. They may not care about the children's academic performance, but the children's moral character and quality must not be slack.

"Auntie, this is my sister. Tiantian, it's my little sweetheart."

Seeing that her younger sister was a little shy, Yoyo was introducing her younger sister to her aunt and grandma like a big sister; the younger sister was too young to recognize her aunt and grandma, and she had seen her before. During Chinese New Year last year, her aunt even hugged her younger sister, but My sister is too young to remember.

All of a sudden, four little guests came to the house, which must be uneasy; Qi Ping's task now is to chat with his cousin, since he is here as a guest, he naturally has to act like a guest.Therefore, eating snacks and chatting, if not because you still need to wait for someone, you must be sitting at the table and playing cards.

As for the children, they are still very curious about their aunt's house; the little ones are happily waiting for their aunt to fry the fried crispy rice. The little ones like these delicious authentic snacks very much.It's also because the little ones like to light fire very much. If it weren't for the presence of grandma and mother, the little ones would have crowded to the stove to start a fire. They like these clay stoves very much. They don't think the kitchen at home is better than this stove. Taiwan is more fun and advanced.

"Ouch, my sweetheart!"

Qi Ping was very happy to see his baby girl running over with a small piece of golden deep-fried crispy rice; although he drew a hand of cards, he was still very happy about the arrival of the little guy.Especially when the baby girl sat in her arms, the little girl shared these delicious snacks with her father in a childlike voice.

"Dad, eighty points!"

Xiaoyao came here, he knew that both father and grandfather could play cards, and they always played cards when they were at home in the forest farm, with Uncle and Uncle Rob.Although the little guy doesn't know how to play cards, he knows how to shout points and so on.

"Okay, listen to my fat son, eighty points are eighty points, I will trust my son!"

Eighty points, Qi Ping is a direct bid; although the cards in his hand are mediocre, the fat boy has already given a clear signal, so he must support it.The hole card must be good, our fat son will never lie to his father!
"You're not even allowed to throw cards. You're going to be several levels above the bar." The old man looked at it with a smile. But this is also one of the customs, "My Xiaoyao family is good, he is young and ignorant, and he has a mouth, and you dare to shout for points if you have a bad hand."

"I didn't know that the hole card was a failure. Xiaoyao has already called for points. I don't call for points." Qi Ping smiled. Although he lost with a bad hand, he was in a good mood; Friends, isn’t it just for fun, it’s not really gambling or anything, “Next time my Xiaoyao asks me to claim points, I’ll do so too.”

The mood is very good, because this is visiting relatives and friends, the mentality is naturally very at ease all the time, and all these make people feel very comfortable.For adults, this is naturally to contact relatives, chat and so on; for children, they saw a lot of interesting things at their aunt's house, and they all looked very happy .

It is indeed very happy, which is why Qi Ping's family insists on going back to their hometown every year for the New Year.

Now everyone travels all year round and so on. It is really difficult to have the opportunity to get together; but now, during traditional festivals like the Spring Festival, basically everyone will return to their hometowns.This is naturally a rare opportunity to get together, so it is really great to chat and play cards together at this time.

Qi Ping enjoys this very much, and so does Qi Ping's parents; although Kate has returned to her hometown several times, every time she comes back, she will find some interesting or curious new things.As for the carefree children, their task is still to play when they return to their hometown; here in their hometown, they can find too many fun new games!

"Every time I go home for the New Year, I have to worry about my weight. There are too many delicacies, too much food. I now suspect that the meaning of the Spring Festival is to keep eating, eating dumplings, eating big fish and meat, and what else? Need to worry about the snacks that will break, I am very worried about my weight, I don’t want to be a big fat person, I have always been very careful in controlling my weight.”

Kate muttered and touched her waist, as if she was afraid of getting fat on her waist, which was something she absolutely could not accept.

"Don't worry, we have always been in good shape. We eat healthy and well-balanced nutrition, so there is not much to worry about. If we eat now, it may be a little greasy, but it is better than some fast food and the like. , it’s really nothing to worry about.”

Qi Ping was lazily lying on the head of the bed, and it was quite normal to gain weight as soon as the Chinese New Year came; so there was nothing to worry about. Fish and meat, as for after the Chinese New Year, it is better to invest in the grand cause of losing weight and controlling weight. Anyway, there is plenty of time.

Kate gave Qi Ping an angry look. She felt that a bastard like Qi Ping was really unreasonable; but there was no way, she was really worried about gaining weight, and she needed to control her weight.Because Kate feels that she is still very young, and she needs to continue to maintain the most attractive posture; as for some people, they have no way of understanding what kind of mentality it is to pursue a good figure!
Qi Ping has been used to these things for a long time, and there is really nothing strange about this thing for him; isn't it just that he grows fat during the Chinese New Year, and it would be wrong if he didn't grow fat!
There is no need to pay attention to some troubles of his daughter-in-law. Anyway, Qi Ping knows that his figure is still quite good, so he doesn't need to think about the troubles of losing weight.In fact, Qi Ping thinks that his daughter-in-law's figure is also quite good, and those who really need to pay attention to their figure in the family may be just a few naughty kids who are greedy for food and playful.

Although Qi Ping really doesn't care about his figure, he still pays attention to some things after all; in this Spring Festival, he still really needs to pay attention to some things about diet.

Now everyone's living conditions have improved, and it's not about the lack of supplies or the economic strain. Now, everyone feels that things like big fish and big meat are nothing more than normal.When it comes to the current living conditions, let alone rich people like Qi Ping, even ordinary people usually have pretty good living conditions.

Adults will still pay a little attention, but children may not be like this; for many children, they don't care about eating a lot of snacks and the like, they are more willing to refuse.

So Qi Ping's task is to pay more attention to the children's movements; little guys, anyway, you must not really go to 'overeating', those little guys are too good to eat, if these snacks are opened Eat, it is really very likely that you will not be able to lose weight.

Of course, the importance and particularity of the Chinese New Year is not just because there are too many delicious or delicious snacks. The meaning of the Spring Festival is actually more about emotional sustenance.In addition to staying with family members, it also includes walking around with relatives and friends, commemorating ancestors, and so on.

Purity is definitely the most important and meaningful festival. Anyway, Qi Ping thinks this festival has too much special meaning for him and his family. They also attach great importance to and care about this festival, and everyone enjoys it quite a lot. This holiday, because everyone is very happy.

"Dad, I don't like making dumplings, I don't even know how to make dumplings."

The little brothers Xiaoyao and Lele are in distress now. They just can't learn how to make dumplings. These two brats seem to like playing games more. They don't know how to make dumplings and they don't plan to learn how to make dumplings.

"I see, you and my brother don't mess with me, thank God now, I shouldn't let you learn how to make dumplings." Qi Ping felt that he had really made a big mistake, and they were really happy with things like making dumplings. It's not the first time to make dumplings. They have learned how to make dumplings when they were in the forest farm, but every time they are a little curious and looking forward to it, but they will give up soon.

"Then can I play games? I want to go to the movies, I want to watch Monkey King. I don't want to make dumplings, unless you want to give me a lot of delicious food."

Xiaoyao really knows how to bargain. Although this kid doesn't plan to make dumplings, he doesn't plan to leave either; this kid just keeps walking around in the kitchen, trying to get more delicious food.

"Otherwise grandma can give me a bowl of dumplings first, so that I will have a lot of strength. I can't make dumplings now, and I have no strength at all."

The elder brother's opinion seems to be really good, which also moved Lele, who was planning to pretend to be a baby; the little guy decisively chose to be on the same front as his elder brother, and these two boys are now planning to lie first Let's talk about food.

"No, you have no chance of getting more delicious food, unless you make dumplings, or go to the movies!"

For the rascal's fat son, Qi Ping really felt angry and funny; but he had to admit that this kid's cuteness made everyone feel quite funny.It is this kind of little bastard who keeps doing some dumbfounding things that make the family have more laughter.

Both Xiaoyao and Lele are unreliable. They don't seem to like cooking at all. These two brats prefer to eat ready-made food.So now let these two little bastards make trouble in the kitchen, it is better to send them to watch a movie or something, so that at least everyone can do something they like and improve efficiency.

Yoyo and Little Sweetheart are more reliable, these little sisters are really reliable; although Little Sweetheart is too young to learn how to make dumplings, even though the dumplings that Yoyo makes are quite ugly now.But they all like to do these things, and the little girls regard making dumplings as a game, so they won't give up halfway.

"Those two little things have gone out, so it's going to be too quiet now. Originally, I planned to let them come along and let's make dumplings together. This seems unrealistic. I will never push them to make dumplings again. Well, they are still responsible for eating."

This is absolutely true, the fat sons are really worrying, these two little guys are really a little 'macho', they look like typical little boys.What they like is just playing games and the like, they are not so careful and careful.

Kate gave Qi Ping an obvious hygienic eye. Everyone has known the characters of the children for a long time, but some people just don't believe it; therefore, trying to find the so-called breakthrough point again and again is also constantly disappointing And return.Now, I hope that guy can be smarter and stop being greedy.

Qi Ping felt that he really needed to have a longer memory. The children's character was like this. It seemed that he should respect the children's opinions.Obviously, these playful little guys have too many ideas, and they can't be forced anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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