America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 544 Rebellion

Chapter 544 Rebellion

Qiping drove the cool Koenigsegg to go out, this time it was a party; in fact, Qiping's little life is still very good, his life is definitely not just staying in the forest farm or taking care of children.

It must be admitted that that is Qi Ping's favorite thing to do, but Lin Shan's life is definitely more than that, his life is quite colorful.In fact, he often runs around, and he also has his own social circle; because now Qi Ping lives a very leisurely life, he has a certain social status, and has enough money to eat, drink and have fun.

"Wow, my brother, this car is really cool!" Amar patted the front cover of the car, very envious, "Why, do you want me to modify this car for you? This is quite a challenge Sexual things, I've never done a multi-million-dollar car before, so it was challenging and exciting."

"No, my brother. It's absolutely useless. I may be able to modify other cars, but it's obviously not this car." Qi Ping laughed and punched Amal, which was an old friendship, "It seems that you The business of the car dealership is good, and I saw a few nice cars here. How about it, can I drive out to test the car now?"

"I think you should consider getting a real modified car now. You like them so much, but you have never had a real modified car. I have to say it's a pity." Amal felt helpless, and he said I know it is.

"I don't think I need a real tuned car, actually I have enough cars. I don't really have a lot of requirements for these cars, I'm just curious. When I lose my curiosity, it's very Obviously you will lose interest, so I would rather find a car with you to try it out, which is more cost-effective."

Qi Ping kicked the tires of the Ford Mustang, the modification of this car is really not up to the grade; although Qi Ping himself is not an avid car modification enthusiast, but he and Amar have been friends for many years anyway, for modification The car is also relatively familiar.This is a good buddy, we have known each other for a long time, and we have gone crazy together.

"It's a really bad car, I don't think it's appropriate. You know, some young people make some money and want to show it off, and the Ford Mustang is a nice car for young people. But you know, Not everyone can know how to modify a car, I just made some money here, and these amateurs will be the backbone of my money to support my family."

Well, Amar is really a profiteer, which is definitely a typical example of killing; this old boy is indeed doing a good job, although his car modification shop is not very big or famous, but it is not bad.Such a store is actually not bad, at least it is no problem to support a family.

Qi Ping's pastime, to a large extent, is these small hobbies. He likes driving very much, and he likes all kinds of cars; this is not a famous car or the like. Not interested at all.He's past that stage, and what he likes more now are the fun cars, the unique ones.

For example, the classic car that Qi Ping likes, in fact, there is not much movement now; every time he will receive some news, but every time he will return disappointed.There is really no way, because the cars required by Qiping are actually very good, and he is also very selective about these cars.

Therefore, it really confirmed some words, that is, those who drive classic cars are definitely rich people, and ordinary people can't handle such things at all, because it requires sufficient financial resources.Of course, some excellent classic cars not only need enough money, but also need some opportunities, so that it is possible to find such a treasure at the right time, which is a treasure that can be met but not sought after.

Qi Ping is still very good at budgeting, since he just intends to have fun and try something new, then there is no need to buy a car for modification; moreover, with the owner of a car modification shop like Amar, it is obvious to find some modified cars to enjoy the fun It's not difficult, Qi Ping is not a pedantic person.

"That's not what a billionaire should do, you know what I mean. He's interested in these normal pickup trucks with million dollar supercars, not his F650 !"

Watching Qiping drive a modified Dodge Ram pickup truck and ran out, Amar and his employees started joking; these people knew Qiping and knew Qiping's interest in these modified cars. It's really interesting.

"Maybe this is the way of life of a rich man. You have seen that he has no interest in a car that costs millions of dollars. He usually drives such a car. And you know very well that his luxury car is not Just this one, he had a lot of cars that we had to work on for years to buy, and they weren't cheap."

A little black man with dreadlocks said enviously, they are still very envious of rich people like Qi Ping; not only this kid is envious, but everyone is actually quite envious, including people like Amar Owner of a car modification shop.

"You guys go to work, I'm sure it might help you. He's got too many fancy cars, he's got money you can't even imagine, he's been in contact with people we can't believe. But guys, that's not what we have Nevermind, we still have to deal with these damn engines and oil, it's not easy!"

Well, those rich people have enough capital to squander and enjoy, but for the vast majority of people, it is better to do their jobs honestly, so as to ensure that they have money to pay rent and have a living. Money to eat; the cost of living has never been low, especially for some people who still have a little pursuit of quality of life, then it is even more necessary to work harder at this time.

Qi Ping happily enjoyed the fun of driving, and he was enjoying the different fun brought by different cars; obviously, these modified cars have unimaginable charm, because they all have different configurations and different performances. The car is definitely not a finished car driven by a 4S shop. The charm of such a car is incomparable with that of a modified car.

"This car looks good. It's suitable for young lads. You know, I think this car is very suitable for young lads. However, this car is not stable. If it were me, I would definitely not like this car, less Not shocking enough."

"That's cool, isn't it? You want to be able to take your kids, and they need a more stable car. But for those young kids, they need a car with a lot of power, so that they can attract more cars." Girl, they need to be cool enough, they're not the same as you."

When Qi Ping came back from the test drive, he was chatting and joking with Amar; drinking Coke, chatting, and walking around in the car modification shop by the way, so that Qi Ping can kill the day, which is absolutely a must for him. One of the great pleasures.Now Qi Ping likes some things more and more, and he finds that he also has more hobbies.

There is no way, now that his career is successful, and he is doing well at work, this is naturally one of the reasons why Qi Ping is proud and happy.After dealing with these things, Qi Ping felt that he should also enrich his spare time, so that people would feel more enjoyable and fulfilled.

Qi Ping is now constantly enriching some of his life, because his career is very stable, and he now has enough time to do some things he likes.And it must be admitted that the children are slowly growing up now, these little guys don't need to be taken care of all the time now, and they can let go.

So in this way, this is very good news, which means that Qi Ping has more time to do what he likes.Now there is only one little sweetheart in the family who stays at home all day, but the little guy's grandma and mother can take good care of her, so the little girl doesn't need her father dangling in front of her all day.

As for Xiaoyao, although they are getting bigger and bigger now, and their mischievous skills are getting better and better; but one thing that must be admitted is that these little guys are really difficult to serve, but speaking of it It is also easier to take care of, at least they still understand some things, and they will not be so naughty as they were when they were young.

The children have grown up, which also means that Qi Ping can now try to learn to let go slowly. Now he will have more time to do some things he likes. When trying to go crazy.

Although Qi Ping feels that his life experience is very fulfilling, he doesn't mind being more exciting. He certainly hopes that his life will become better.There are too many meaningful things waiting for Qi Ping to try, and there are naturally too many things Qi Ping is interested in.

So Qi Ping can't refuse the opportunity to try some interesting things now, and he is constantly trying to do what he likes.It also has to be said that Qi Ping feels that he has made too many discoveries now, and he has discovered too many things that interest him.

"It seems that your harvest is very good, and you are very happy now." Seeing Qiping returned home, Kate joked with a smile, "I think you may need to try a new game, for example, I think you can become A water skier, a surfer, and here in California, I think it's going to be popular, and our kids will love it."

"I don't have much interest in water sports, that's not something I'm good at. So, don't think that I'm just doing some meaningless things now, I'm not just busy playing games, I'm also saving I have enough experience. If you think about it, there are many things that children will be interested in in the future. I am summing up my experience in advance so that I can ensure that I have more common topics when I am with them."

I have to say that Qi Ping is quite talkative. His words are preposterous, but Kate can't do anything about it, because she knows very well that even if she says it, it won't be of much use.In fact, it was also because these things were insignificant and small things, because those things that Qi Ping did were all in his spare time and would not cause any conflicts at all.

This is the key, this is why Qi Ping can go out to do some things he likes so unscrupulously.He wanted to do this simply because he had enough time, which was allocated by himself.As long as Qi Ping is not doing some messy things now, then there is really no need to worry about anything. Anyway, the family will support Qi Ping.

"I am living younger and younger now. I used to be busy with work. I didn't even have much time to do things that I might be interested in. Especially after having children, I have no It's time, we've been busy with things at home. So now, we must need a little time to ourselves."

This is the truth of Qi Ping. He feels that he really needs some free time now, which is very necessary.

"Really? I don't think so at all. Maybe it seems to you that your young time has passed too fast, but for me, I am still in the youngest stage, and the current life is my favorite. life. My man, an old guy like you is starting to moan, which means you're really old."

Kate joked, she knew that Qi Ping was a bit 'rebellious' now, but it didn't mean she would be rebellious too; in the end, Kate still cared more about her family, she felt that the life she was living now was good, and she liked to bring Playing games with the children, she likes to study food, she likes to stay at home, this is her pursuit.

As for some people who like to fiddle around, let him do it himself, anyway, that is a different choice that everyone should have; as long as it does not affect the life of the family and the life of the family, there is nothing to worry about out of place.

"I'm going to go racing, I'm going to learn to play music, I'm interested in too many things now. No matter what you say, I'm going to do something I like, and I have to start going into crazy mode now Now, I will work harder when I am young and have strong learning ability, because I have found a lot of interesting things."

After drinking the juice in one gulp, Qi Ping ran to the bathroom resolutely. He was sweating all over after being crazy outside all day, and now he needs to do a good job of hygiene.The most important thing is to run away as soon as possible. My mother has a bit of a bad opinion now, and she doesn't like the son who is playing with things and loses his mind.

It's really not cost-effective, so it seems more sensible to sneak away decisively; it's also because Qi Ping now feels that his adolescence is getting more and more violent, and he has begun to burst out enough rebellious heart.

(End of this chapter)

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