Chapter 545 No Fool
Flying to the fairyland island in his own private jet, Boss Qi Da is going to inspect the development progress of his own island. Now he wants to see if his investment is worth it.

Sleep, drink some wine, and surf the Internet by the way, this flight is actually not boring at all; it feels good, although it may be a little unaccustomed to not have children around, but it is really quite comfortable a state.If the children were also on the plane, then it would definitely not be so quiet and comfortable, and it would basically be a state of chicken and dog jumping.

There is no way for the plane to land directly on the fairyland island, but it doesn't matter; the island is relatively small, and the land is naturally very expensive.In fact, it is also because Qi Ping feels that if a small airport is built on such an 'original ecological' island, then it is really a bit inappropriate and unsuitable.

It's actually pretty good to get off the plane and then take a yacht; anyway, it's not too far away, just over an hour's flight.In fact, if you want to go to some private islands for vacation, you really need to travel by boat; Qi Ping thinks that if conditions permit, it may be necessary to build a small helicopter landing field, so that will work.

One is to prepare for emergencies. After all, the island is "isolated overseas". Although it is not far from the big island of the Bahamas, it really needs some safeguards.After all, those who land on the island are rich people, and the lives of these rich people are relatively precious, so there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Secondly, it’s because these rich people live a finer life, so I’m a little tired from the several hours of flying time on the way; besides, I just got off the plane, so what if I get seasick again by boat.Therefore, it is better to use a helicopter, which is relatively fast and stable; especially considering that some people may be with wives and children, they need to be more careful.

In the final analysis, it is because this is a private island resort, and only rich people can come to this small resort; those who can go to the fairyland island naturally go for the environment here.It is true that the environment is important, but the quality of service should also keep up; rich people go on vacation for enjoyment, not just for breathing fresh air, they want to experience complete relaxation.

At any rate, the family has also done a little bit of tourism, and it is still flourishing, so Qi Ping naturally knows these things; the environment is very important, of course, but the quality of service is also indispensable. These two are equally important. It is the quality that a top resort should have, and it must not be 'adulterated'.

Although he is a big business and knows the unique selling points of his own island resort, this definitely does not mean that Qi Ping can slack off; in fact, Qi Ping's business is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more serious and careful.

With the development of his career up to now, Qi Ping naturally has quite a lot of experience; it seems to be smooth sailing, but Qi Ping knows that he must not be careless during the process.

Especially the Fairyland brand of his own industry has definitely been established; so Qi Ping pays more attention to the benefits of this brand at this time, and he attaches great importance to the value of his own "Wonderland" brand.

Brand value, this is the most core part of the brand management elements, and it is also an important symbol that distinguishes the brand from similar competing brands, or the core value of the brand is also the essence of the brand!
The high value of Disney and Coca-Cola is not because of the value of the brand; if it is real money, how could it be valued at tens of billions of dollars? It is not because of their brand value; because of these brands, consumers Just more confidence.

And now Qiping is like this, he is very concerned about the value of his own brand; because he is very clear that this is a unique opportunity, as long as he manages well, he can definitely occupy the highest position in the market.

The tourism industry has great potential, and Qi Ping is full of ambitions for this market; as for the fruit, vegetable or beef market, Qi Ping has always been staring at it.And now he has indeed done a good job and has received enough recognition; however, Qi Ping doesn't want to be just a flash in the pan, he wants to make a real global overlord aloof.

At this time, we should keep improving, and at this time, we should pay more attention to details; these are very important to Qi Ping now, and they are also very important to the industry under his hands.Even if he has a lot of good professional managers under him, Qi Ping will not relax his supervision because this is his industry.

The blue sea and blue sky, together with the white sandy beach, look beautiful; and the tropical-style wooden villas, palm trees, and coconut trees that match the environment make the environment look even better.

"It looks good. The infrastructure here is basically mature. I am relieved now, but you can't relax. I think you need to pay more attention to some details now."

Qi Ping visited the island resort under the leadership of Paltrow, the manager of the island resort. Although it was a bit of a swan-spot, he was generally satisfied.Satisfied is satisfied, Qi Ping is not hesitant to praise, but he still needs to continue to supervise; capitalists, how can it be possible to just be satisfied with the current achievements, or continue to exploit.

"Yes, BOSS. We are constantly refining the details, we are constantly making our resort better; we know that it is very good now, but there is still a lot to improve. We will start training now Waiters, butlers, we are also looking for suitable water sports instructors, safety officers."

Paltrow's words made Qi Ping very satisfied, and he was very satisfied with the employees under him who consciously strive for excellence; it should be like this, although they have done a good job, but they should continue to improve, such a good employee!
Looking up at the coconut trees, some of them grew here themselves, and some were transplanted; in fact, some of the landscape trees here must need to be transplanted, otherwise the island would not be as picturesque as it is now.

He should have brought King Kong with him, otherwise the five- to seven-meter-high tree would be a piece of cake, and it would be a trivial matter to climb up to pick a coconut or something.But now, although I want to pick a coconut and drink some fresh coconut juice, I still forget it. I don’t qualify for climbing a tree. The most important thing is that the tree is too tall and it’s not easy to climb.

Qi Ping is continuing to visit, the villa is still in the final decoration; what is more important is the style, so there is no need to be resplendent, otherwise it will not match the style of the island.

"Each villa has a swimming pool and garden, and the private dock is directly connected to the garden, where there will be a small yacht. If tourists have a private yacht, they don't need to worry. Although it is not a deep-water dock, ordinary yachts can stop easily. .And besides each villa is equipped with a small pier, our resort also has a real deep-water pier, I believe that even if it is a [-]-ton ship, there is no need to worry, because we still need some supplies.”

Paltrow's words made Qi Ping very satisfied. The requirements in the plan have been implemented, and it seems that there is nothing missing, let alone perfunctory.It seems that Paltrow and the others are doing well, the supervisors are doing well, at least they have not been fooled by the construction party. This is a big deal, and the island cannot be fooled.

"By the way, although our island has some good fresh water resources, it seems that it is not enough now. How are the water storage facilities prepared, and I reminded you to pay attention to electricity before, and this should also start. But I don't see it now, which seems wrong."

After turning more than half a circle, Qi Ping felt very satisfied in general; but Qi Ping still has a little doubt now, this should not be all.

"The wind turbines are at the other end, and the wind here is not very strong. In fact, our islands are not particularly rich in wind power generation, but I think it is enough for use. And we also have backup diesel generators, so we can guarantee that there will be no interruptions here." Electricity, on the premise of ensuring enough clean energy such as wind power and solar energy, we will not use diesel generators, which are just for backup. And our water storage tanks also have sufficient reserves, but they are not beautiful here.”

That's what Paltrow said, and Qi Ping is quite satisfied; but hearing is hearing, seeing with his own eyes is the most important thing.This time, he came to the island not far away to see these things with his own eyes. Qi Ping will not be fooled by some simple rhetoric, what he needs is seeing is believing.

Although Qi Ping also knows that he is not a particularly outstanding boss, he is not a very ambitious boss; but it must be admitted that Qi Ping still has some weight as a boss, he still knows what he should do, he knows better How can I ensure that I will not be fooled by the employees below.

Qi Ping has seen those energy guarantees with his own eyes, and he feels good; although the wind turbines still look a little bit out of operation, Qi Ping also knows that they are only in the debugging period.It doesn't matter if the water storage tank is empty. This water storage tank, which can store tens of thousands of gallons, is enough to ensure that the island has some fresh water reserves.

They are in a good mood, at least the employees under them are not slack in any way, they have implemented the boss's requirements very well, and they have not taken it lightly or slack off because of the boss's 'ignorance', they still follow the rules and regulations honestly.

So now, the boss is naturally very satisfied with the situation on the island, and naturally there is no reason to get mad; at this time, everyone is in a happy state.

The boss is very satisfied with the situation on the island, which means that he is satisfied with the hard work of his employees; bonuses and salary increases may not be a dream anymore.Finding a job in this world is not easy, especially some good jobs are even more difficult. Of course, you have to do it well; what's more, this island has great potential.

In fact, what Qi Ping is most satisfied with now is the current progress of the island, although the island is still in a fairly elementary state.But it must be admitted that this place is already very good; the infrastructure construction has been completed, and now it is more about staff training and details, so I believe it will be able to open for business soon.

This is definitely good news, although the family is big and the business is big, it is not necessary to lock up all the funds because of the development of an island.But I have to admit that Qiping really spent a lot of money here, not only to buy the island, but more importantly, because Qiping's island development is too expensive, he is eyeing the top island resorts.

In this way, it will not be cheap, and Qi Ping naturally hopes to see some output as soon as possible.

Don't look at Qiping's various businesses are developing smoothly and quite stable now, but Qiping is also very clear about some things, that is, doing these tourism industries is still somewhat risky and will be affected by the general environment. influences.Although there must be a lot of rich people, but when the economy is booming, everyone is obviously more willing to spend money for entertainment.

Now Qi Ping is thinking that all his careers are of the high-end and extravagant type. Although he will not be affected too much, but this guy is like this, and he will also worry about being impacted at times. .

Therefore, earning money as soon as possible is the most important thing, and the safest thing is to get the money in your pocket; as for the others, they are all fake, and the money must be in your pocket.Especially after a large-scale investment, it is even more necessary to see some benefits, so as to bring more benefits, confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

Although Qiping's various businesses are developing well, they are all types that basically do not lose money; but Qiping is very clear that there is a difference between his various businesses that are rewarding and some are just some "hard money".

What he has to do now is to keep the record that he will not lose money in his investment; and Qi Ping is also considering some things, such as, if possible, he wants to expand the scale of his own industry.As for getting involved in some other industries, Qi Ping is not very interested.

Qi Ping is very clear that his ability lies in these crops, tourism, etc., and Qi Ping is absolutely ignorant of the stock market and IT that may have a higher return on investment.As for the manufacturing industry, it's better not to mention it to Qi Ping, because he still doesn't know anything about it, and he won't do things that he is not good at.

It's still very wise, he didn't get carried away because of the current wealth, he is still very clear about his current state, he is very clear about his weight.

So now, just doing what he is good at, achieving greater achievements in the field he is good at, becoming bigger and stronger, this is Qi Ping's biggest pursuit now, and it is also his goal in the next stage.

(End of this chapter)

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