America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 546 Unexpected Things

Chapter 546 Unexpected Things

Qi Ping is a very good boss. He can encourage his employees very well, and he can also urge these people to work hard. Anyway, if you want to be lazy and fool around, once such a thing is caught, it will definitely be fine. Good fruit to eat.

As a capitalist, Qi Ping is becoming more and more qualified now. Qi Ping can feel at ease about exploiting and oppressing those under his control.Who asked him to pay the wages, these wages cannot be taken for nothing, the wages we give out every week are actually not a small number, so we must prove that these wages are worth the money!
Generally speaking, I am satisfied. The development of Fairyland Island is worthy of recognition for the time being; it is definitely worthy of recognition, but it is naturally impossible for Qi Ping to say that because the current achievements are completely satisfied, he still needs the employees under him. Keep up the good work, because there are still many areas that need to be improved in Wonderland Island.

What's more, although the details are still being worked out, although the employees are still being trained; however, the island resort has not opened yet, so there is nothing to be proud of at this time, and the current achievements are just phased achievements.Even, this achievement is the achievement of the construction party, and has nothing to do with the management under him.

Well, that's the way it is said; but it also needs a little praise and affirmation. It's a good way to hit a stick and then give a sweet date, which is naturally needed at this time.Anyway, you must not make people feel proud and complacent. You must continue to work hard and contribute all your strength to the development of the island resort. This is a good employee!
"I want to go diving. I have learned some before, but I am not very proficient. Don't we have a diving instructor here, let him take me to dive. I am very curious about the sea in the Caribbean."

This is absolutely true. Qi Ping also learned some diving before, but it was just a little splash in a relatively shallow place.But now, this is the Caribbean Sea, and now I'm the only 'lonely family', so naturally I can do whatever I want, and I don't need to worry about the follow-up impact at all.

When the boss opened his mouth, naturally someone started to get busy; Paltrow is also the manager of the resort after all, so he will naturally get involved in personnel matters.So he knows more or less about the diving instructors and water sports instructors recruited by the resort.

Although it is not fully staffed yet, and although more of them are still running in and training, there are already people here.After all, it is not difficult to recruit these coaches and the like, but these people must need to be retrained before they can work.

The technology is excellent, that's for sure, if the technology is not enough, it is unlikely that you will work in a top resort like Wonderland Island. This place serves the super rich, and of course high-quality services are required.Technology is one thing, but service attitude and safety awareness are more important; so technology alone is not enough, you also need to know how to make those rich people feel safe and interesting.

Now, this is considered a small assessment; because this is the boss, it is a more special existence than those rich people who come on vacation.

The boss, after all, is one of his own; the boss is rich and true, but he should be easier to get along with and not be so harsh.But maybe, the boss is here for the assessment now, so the current requirements will be more stringent, maybe!
There was no need for managers or supervisors to remind him. As the leader of the diving team, Martin already knew the meaning and importance of this matter.The boss is here to inspect, not only to see the construction progress of the resort, but also to conduct a thorough inspection of the capabilities of these employees.

In fact, this is really not the case, Qi Ping is just a little curious; about the Caribbean Sea, that is really heard too much.Although I have been here a few times before, it was basically for work, or maybe with my wife and children; so there were some exciting things that I couldn’t do at all, and at that time it was more about seeking stability.

But it’s different now. Since there is no burden and no need to worry about the impact, it is naturally better to try something you like, so that it will be more exciting, so that it will not appear to be a waste of time; work Naturally that's important, but learning to relax while doing a good job is also a great way to spend time.

In fact, Qiping wants to see the bottom of the Caribbean Sea. I heard that the Bahamas has strict protection of the ocean; it is said that the corals here are protected, so the trafficking and destruction of corals is naturally not allowed.Moreover, the Bahamas is a tourist attraction. The sea water here is relatively clear, and naturally it has different beautiful scenery.

Anyway, Qi Ping didn't say that he wanted to go to the bottom of the sea to find the treasures of the legendary pirates of the Caribbean. Such a thing is really too difficult and risky, and more importantly, it needs luck.Qi Ping didn't think that he could find the pirate's treasure just by splashing twice in the shallow water, that was really unrealistic at all.

Now, he just wants to play; for Qi Ping, the work has been settled now, so he needs to relax at this time; he is very satisfied with the development of the island, and he thinks he is in a good mood.

So play wildly and experience some more interesting things a little, so that you can live up to your investment in this island resort.This is your own territory, you can't be ignorant of what you say, and you can't enjoy it just for making money!
Although Qi Ping's idea is very simple, other people don't think so; who makes Qi Ping the big boss, these rich people are often unpredictable.What's more, everyone knows that the boss came here this time to inspect, so naturally he needs to be careful at this time, so as not to be criticized by the boss.

It is true that Qi Ping is the big boss, but he is very clear that there is a reason to specialize in the art industry; the simple reason is that diving seems to be a very beautiful thing, and it is also more exciting.But in fact, there will be some small dangers; so at this time, it is better to be patient. Although the diving instructor keeps reminding, you still have to listen patiently. This is responsible for yourself.

Taking a small speedboat towards the coral group not far away, Qi Ping still felt very relieved; it seems that his own island resort is really very efficient, and he has already checked some points in advance. There are some investigations in the sea area.

This is naturally very good. Knowing the surrounding environment means being able to know where the scenery is better; in fact, this is also avoiding some dangers. This is the most important thing, this is a Excellent qualities that a great service team should exhibit.

Obviously, the employees of Wonderland Island Resort are very serious and hardworking. They are preparing with all their strength. They are creating and striving to become a better first-class service team!
This is indeed an unexpected surprise, and it also makes Qiping take a high look at the leadership of the resort; this is an obvious thing, because these people are really doing a good job, and they have completed the resort very well. The preliminary preparations that are needed now are already in the best state.

Everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, this is the current state, and this is the best proof.

Under the leadership of the diving instructor, Qi Ping entered the sea. In fact, Qi Ping knows a little bit; although he is not a master or something, Qi Ping still knows some tricks and so on.So for diving to a depth of about five meters, Qi Ping still thinks it's a little bit easy to catch.

Qi Ping lay patiently on the bottom of the sea, and now he is waiting patiently; because this time, what he came to see was actually a shark.It is said that there will be sharks here, but this requires luck; but you also need to be careful when watching sharks. It is better to follow the requirements of the diving instructor; it is good to lie there motionless, and the most important thing is to wait patiently.

Although there are some good coral fish and the like here, the scenery is not so beautiful; actually coming here is just to see the sharks.

Unfortunately, there was still nothing to gain; although it took more than an hour to wait, the shark still did not show up.It can only be said that there is no reason for fate, after all, those sharks will not give a face; it is also because this is a place where sharks will appear relatively more, which does not mean that it will definitely appear here.

Qi Ping naturally understands these principles, so even if he is a little disappointed, there is no reason to be dissatisfied or angry.Even if you are a big boss, you still need to have the demeanor you should have. Respect is mutual. Qi Ping doesn't want to be a boss with a weird temper. That's not good.

It can be regarded as a happy return, because this time the inspection looks quite good, the development of the island and the status of the employees are quite good, which is enough to make Qi Ping feel satisfied.

Therefore, it is better not to continue to delay here; although the island is very good, the facilities are basically complete.But after all, it has not been completely perfected here, and there is still room for improvement; it is also because Qi Ping has been out for several days, and it is time to go back.

Not only because he misses his wife and children, but also because Qi Ping still has a lot of other work to deal with; a big family and a big business naturally mean that there is still a lot of work to do.Qi Ping understands this truth very well, so even if he feels uncomfortable grumbling, he will never shirk what should be done.

After taking a shower and changing into a loose T-shirt, Qi Ping is sitting cross-legged on a large chair; he is holding his chin with one hand and clicking the mouse with the other, he is now in the working state.Anyway, being idle on the plane is also idle. Since there is a job coming, it is better to solve it. This matter is very important.

Qi Ping has always been like this. If he doesn't have a job, he must be lying dead at home; but if he has a job, he must want to handle it perfectly.

The reason is very simple, because it is related to his interests, and also because Qi Ping knows that his career development is now in a relatively stable state.It seems to be a lot easier, but it definitely does not mean that you can slack off; therefore, Qi Ping will never slack off on what should be done, and will even be more serious.

In fact, it can also be said that the current business development has reached a bottleneck period. Qi Ping does not plan to raise funds and go public, so it is basically a private industry at this time.I make a lot of money and my development is very stable, but I often encounter some troubles and harassment. Who makes the cake here in Qiping look so attractive, everyone is excited.

Many people are staring at these industries of Qiping, which is undoubtedly a big cake; although many people say that the return rate of land investment in the United States is relatively low, but such a high-end market as Qiping, so sure It will not be low, the rate of return is still amazing, and the prospects are naturally quite good.

Qi Ping has almost monopolized some markets now, and the other vegetable farmers and ranchers who are squeezed out have no power to fight back; of course, this refers to those original first-class pastures and farms. He is so short-sighted that he thinks that he can dominate the vegetable and beef markets, because this market is too big, so he only needs to occupy the top market.

"Going public can indeed make a lot of money, and it can also quickly form an interest alliance with some people. When the time comes, everyone will earn money, and then there will be a lot of resources and channels. But if it goes public, this It’s not something I can decide, maybe when I am unlucky but the board of directors will be kicked out.”

Qi Ping is still thinking about it. Listing means that the assets will increase several times. This is indeed quite exciting; however, there are also many risks.Qi Ping thinks that it is better for him to be steady and steady now, and these industries are all in his own hands, so he doesn't need to worry about others pointing fingers at all, he is God, and what he says is the golden rule.

Each has its own advantages, each has its own risks; listing naturally has reasons for Qiping's heart, and what he values ​​are those resources and connections.However, the risks involved are also very worrying; he hopes to leave a golden job for his children. If it goes public, the children's golden job may not be 100% secure in the future.

Thinking about these things is really a bit of a headache, and it really needs Qi Ping to think carefully; the interests involved in this are too many, too big, and Qi Ping cannot be slack in the slightest. He must do his best now. just go.

Because this matter is related to the long-term development of Lao Qi's family, this matter is definitely not a small matter!
(End of this chapter)

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