America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 547 Technology Is the Key

Chapter 547 Technology Is the Key

Now it is necessary to hold a family meeting, because this is a big matter, so everyone needs to work together, so as to ensure that the thinking is as comprehensive as possible.

Although my parents say they don't know how to do business, they have decades of life experience anyway, and sometimes they can really give Qi Ping some good advice.

"If this is listed, how much more money will our family have?" My mother is very concerned about this matter, and the interests are the most important.

"There should be several times, and there may be more and more. Let's put it this way, our company and products are well recognized by the market, and shareholders are also confident. Therefore, our market value will increase a lot, several times I guess it's not a big problem."

Qi Ping thinks this is the truth, not self-promotion; he has full confidence in the products under his hands, so he is quite optimistic about the prospects after listing.

"I think it may be more than that if it goes public. Our products are definitely the best, and we cover a wide range of fields. But in every field, we have achieved unimaginable results. Our competitors have no There is no way to catch up with us. We are a dominant company, so once our company is listed, the wealth will increase many times, and it is very likely that it will become more and more valuable.”

Kate is full of confidence in her own business, and she has developed some habits over the years; for example, her products are the best in the world, which is absolutely true.As for other people's products, they are native chicken tile dogs. In front of their own products, they are completely enemies, and they can be easily defeated.

Hearing what the daughter-in-law said, the parents were a little moved; in fact, they are not ignorant of the stock market, and they also know that the stock market in the United States is relatively stable.This is a developed country, so the return on investment in the stock market is relatively solid; although there are some risks and the like, the rules and regulations here are relatively complete, and there are no more inexplicable situations where you will be cut off from the leeks and dive into the market.

For things like going public, the family members still feel very confident; because they all know that their products are really good, so there is no need to worry too much about things.

It’s just that they know a little bit about risks; not only that the stock market is prone to turmoil, but more importantly, they are worried that once they go public, they will have the final say and some people will have the opportunity to intervene in their own industry inside.

Originally, I wanted to leave a reliable golden rice bowl for the children, which is a cornucopia and inexhaustible; but it seems to be another matter when it goes public.Because it is true that the assets have skyrocketed, the children can also get some equity in the future; however, it is not absolutely reliable, and I am still a little worried that there will be a little deviation.

"If you can really make a lot of money and get to know more talented people like you said, I think it's not bad. Whether you leave a forest farm for your children or save money in the bank, it doesn't matter. Similarly, when the time comes, you just need to prepare in advance, so don’t worry about too many things. The real money is when you get the money, and if you don’t put the money in your pocket, it’s not called making money!”

Dad expressed his opinion. He thinks the listing is quite reliable; the most practical thing is when the money is in hand, and didn't you see that the richest people are only trembling after the company's listing?Moreover, the money of those rich people is in the stock market and in the bank; the money of those people cannot be easily taken away.

Therefore, it is actually not a big problem whether to keep money or keep property.

"I think it's better to keep it on hand. How should I put it? Our family has the final say, and then we don't have to worry about messy things. Don't you also say that some people's companies have gone public, which is to get them out of the house." Yes. It’s so wronged to think about it, the property that I have worked hard for will belong to other people.”

My mother's attitude is more cautious and conservative. She feels that the current situation is actually the safest; it is also because there are some things that have not been said, that is, the current industries should be left to the children. This is everything.The family has enough money now, and there is a lot; so there is no need to go public or the like, and the money can't be spent.

Therefore, it is better to keep a real cornucopia in your hand, so that the children can enjoy a rich life in peace and security in the future.

The attitudes of parents are very obvious, and this is where Qi Ping has been struggling. It is true that each has its own advantages, but the risks in it are also large enough.Each has advantages and disadvantages, so it is difficult for people to make a decision with complete peace of mind, because the things involved are too big.

Whether to leave some unimaginable wealth to the children or to leave a reliable golden rice bowl to the children is indeed a difficult decision to make.Because of these, it is actually really hard to say.

"I think you are worried about things that are too far away. We are doing what we should do now. Our children and grandchildren have their own blessings. We will do our duty well. If our children are really There is nothing we can do if we don’t live up to expectations; we have a clear conscience, and we will close our eyes when the time comes, so why not worry about it?”

Dad's attitude is very obvious, he just thinks there is no need to arrange the children's future so perfectly; this matter is also impossible, because it is difficult for you to guarantee that all children are filial and virtuous, maybe When will Lao Qi's family come out with a prodigal son or something like that.

Therefore, as long as you do your own thing well, you really don't need to think too far, it is also unrealistic.

In my own generation, it is enough to ensure that the children are well educated and create good conditions for the children; as long as they do their best, then it will be fine.One generation does well the work of one generation, and you really don't need to think about what will happen a few generations later; that is no longer your responsibility, and there is no need to worry about yourself.

Mom and Dad are starting to argue again. Although they all think that each has its own reasons, it is difficult to make a choice immediately.Because they are very clear about some things, for example, everyone has their own reasons, and this matter really has to be counted, that is, no one is right or wrong, because everyone is right.

"Mom and Dad, I think we may have fallen into a misunderstanding now. I think we may have forgotten some important things now. What we leave to our children should not be just some wealth, but more importantly, knowledge and morality. It is the most important thing. What we have to do is to better educate our children so that they have a correct understanding.”

Kate's timely appearance can be regarded as a timely break from her parents' continued arguing, and now she has found a good starting point, and now she can open up the situation.

Qi Ping nodded, Kate's words successfully attracted everyone's attention, and everyone thought it was the most correct thing to do.Obviously, knowledge and morality should be taught to the children; of course, at this time, if they can leave enough wealth to the children, that would be a great thing.

Teach the children some things first, let them understand how to behave themselves is the most correct way; wealth is of course important, but education is obviously more important, this is the key, and this is what parents should do most things.

Mom and Dad are now discussing education again. The children are still young, but they are generally good in terms of personality.Although these little guys may be so mischievous, it must be admitted that they have no obvious character defects, and some bad habits that everyone thinks children should not have are obviously absent.

This is a good thing, and everyone is relieved now; so the thing to do now is to continue education, which is the most important thing, so that children can be sensible and able to grow up Avoiding those mistakes, this is what parents should do, and the top priority in children's education.

So now it’s starting to go wrong. Now it’s obvious that everyone doesn’t care about the issue of listing or not. What everyone cares about now is actually the education and growth of children, which is the most important thing.

The speed of this crooked building is a bit fast. Shouldn't this be about issues such as listing, why has it now become an educational matter that continues to stare at the children.This is indeed not right, although Qi Ping also admits that this matter is very important, but there should be a difference in priority, which is very obvious.

"Hey, the things I'm talking about now should be more important. We should pay more attention to these things now. I think it's better for us to go first and discuss this important thing, and wait for other things to talk about."

Qi Ping needs a sense of presence, and he feels that he must make sure that his words are not heard; although his family has always supported him in career matters, he has always been in charge of them.But now this is a major event, Qi Ping feels that he still needs the help of his family members to make suggestions.

"I don't think this is a problem at all. I think you are still a little narrow. My buddy, we all know that you have the ability to replicate a ranch, forest farm, or an island. I know you have that technology, we There is no need to just look at these industries now. Although I admit that I like it here, this is our home. However, I think as long as you are willing to pass this technology on to our children, then there is no need to worry about these things .”

Kate's words made Qi Ping stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up; at this time, not only Qi Ping felt pleasantly surprised, but also his parents felt hopeful.

On the one hand, it is to earn more money, and on the other hand, it is actually leaving a golden job for the children; it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. This is the most important thing.As long as you master some of Qiping's local cities, you don't need to worry about the children not having a golden job; the golden rice bowl is not a forest farm or a pasture, but the technology mastered by Qiping.

"At this time, we need to make a careful calculation. Let me ask you. Can you teach your baby that technique? Also, is this technique difficult to learn?" My mother is more concerned about this matter now, and everyone is talking about it now. Stare flush.

Qi Ping has mastered a magical technology, although the outside world has been discussing it constantly, although the family members also think this matter is quite confidential.But the family members do know that the skill that Qi Ping masters is to make the environment better; although everyone does not know where Qi Ping learned it, it is real.

It definitely exists. At first, everyone thought that the unique environment of the forest farm was naturally generated, but gradually found something different; maybe Qi Ping did some tricks here, so the environment will get better.It may also be that Qi Ping has mastered the mystery of the better environment here, so he can show his might.

The pastures and islands have actually become better because of Qiping's magical methods; and many rich people have paid for Qiping before, because they have taken a fancy to Qiping's technology to improve the environment.Although Qi Ping seldom makes shots, although there are still many people studying it now, it has to be admitted that no one has mastered this skill yet.

"This is a unique skill that other people can't master." Qi Ping's words made the family feel a little worried. They all know how profitable this skill is, but it is not necessarily a good thing if it is too difficult to learn, " I'm not afraid of other people's research, they don't understand the tricks in it at all. If you follow the picture, it will be a mess by then."

"Just say that only you know how to do it, other people can't learn it, right?"

Dad was a little angry, he thought it was not enough for Qi Ping to learn this skill; this should be able to teach children, this technology is the golden hen that can really lay eggs.

"You can learn it, as long as someone teaches it. But this skill is not easy to learn. I plan to wait until the children grow up to teach them. The environment of the forest farm is likely to change. This is not a once-and-for-all. This skill must be passed on. It will go on. It’s just how to pass it on, which is skillful, and I’m still thinking about it.”

Qi Ping is telling the truth, he knows that everything he has is due to a magical encounter; and these years, Qi Ping has been constantly exploring and summarizing.Some experience and some research can naturally be passed on better.

"That's all right, teach the children real skills, and then there will be more forest farms. Now, it's not a bad thing to make more money!"

Well, now the opinions of the family members are unified like never before, and the real ability and technology are the most important; as for the forestry farm, it is actually not so important.

(End of this chapter)

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