America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 548 Sensitive Smell

Chapter 548 Sensitive Smell
Qi Ping felt that he really didn't care about anything now. What he said before was a bit one-sided, and it could be said that he was a little too cautious. He felt that it would be better for him to make a fortune in silence.

But now, he really doesn't care that much, because he has a certain capital now, and he has enough strength now.Here, people with strength and skills really don't have much to worry about; whoever makes the current Qiping is definitely not so easy to suppress, suppressing a "big man" like Qiping will make many people Feel the feeling of cold lips and teeth.

Rich people, and still have a large industry, the most important thing is that Qiping's current industries are really outstanding, and they are still at the top of the industry chain.Therefore, it is really not active, and the influence is too great; the industry that makes others equal now occupies a very high position.

Anyway, Qi Ping feels that there is nothing to be concerned about now. He thinks that making a fortune in silence is actually a very good attitude towards development and a very good attitude towards life.But there is nothing wrong with being able to make a lot of money in a high-profile manner; because of income, no one will struggle with money, Qi Ping naturally hopes to make more money.

To make money, naturally you need to make your business bigger, which naturally requires you to make your strength stronger.Obviously, all the preparations for Qi Ping are actually quite good now, and it is naturally a matter of course to enter the stage of rapid development now.

"Dad, King Kong can play football with me. I want to practice hugging and catching with him. We are the best tackles and center linebackers. We are the strongest. We can also organize defense and become commanders. I If I could run a little faster, I could be a strong side linebacker."

Xiaoyao ran around in front of his father. This kid now has a new hobby of games, which is largely the same as his younger brother; these two brats are now more interested in rugby. Very interesting thing.

"I know football is the most popular in the United States, and if you play football, it's also very popular in school. But isn't it said that quarterbacks and running backs are more popular? Why do our two brats like to play defense? Well. It’s not good, it’s thankless and it’s not in the limelight.”

My mother thinks this is not good at all. Although she supports the children to do more sports and outdoor activities, she still hopes that the children will be more prominent and handsome for these hobbies.

"I think it's probably because they like to fight more, but we always tell them not to fight, so they can do it when they play football. You can see it when you watch Lele play football, he What I like the most is to put other kids down with a fierce hug, and even triumphantly when the kids cry. I believe he is a little bully in school, the kind who always bullies the main characters in TV movies. "

Kate kicked the fat son with a smile, and Lele, who was pretending to be dead and rolling, rubbed her buttocks, got up, and then ran away.Although the little guy is still relatively young, he also knows what is good and what is bad; now it is obvious that the topic is developing in a direction that is not good for him, so he ran away quickly.

"This statement is true, Lele is really like this. I really dare not let him watch ice hockey now. This football is still very regular. Lele and the others bully the children because of the rules. If it's going to play ice hockey, they must be the executors, and then they will be responsible for fighting."

Dad's words were right, and everyone laughed after hearing what Dad said.

In rugby, the defensive team often looks violent, but this is obviously allowed by the rules.The executors of ice hockey are the core players who help their teammates vent their anger and provoke the opponent. The task of these people is to exchange balls and fight;Such players are also good and show off. They are often the stars of the team and have many admirers.

"Lele likes those more exciting things. I think it's better to teach him. I don't really support him in learning rugby. It's definitely okay to play a little bit. Otherwise, there is still a bit of estrangement from other children. But really It’s okay to become a professional or something, the confrontation is too fierce and it’s said that it will damage the brain. I don’t support our children to become professional players, it’s too hard.”

The mother's words are obviously very reasonable, because the little ones in the family are all born with golden keys in their mouths. If it makes them suffer, it must be quite distressing.Professional athletes are really hard and definitely not for kids.

"Don't worry about it. Our kid is definitely not going to be a professional player. Xiaoyao likes to mix everything up. He has learned a lot but none of them are particularly good. As for Lele, this kid really can't help it." Now, he just can't control his mouth, expecting him to become a professional athlete, that really won't work, he doesn't have that much self-control."

Dad's words are even more funny. Thinking about it, it really makes sense. This is a fact.

The family members are actually very clear about the children's personalities; for the children's future plans and the like, although the family members really have no deliberate requirements.But I have to admit that these little guys are really hard to say, because their tempers are too wild and too eccentric.

They are too lively, and their hobbies are indeed too extensive. In fact, Qi Ping also thinks that the children's ability to endure hardships and stand hard work is definitely not enough; whoever made them come from rich families, they really have no hardships Necessary; as long as you understand some sophistication and principles, Qi Ping is not willing to deliberately let the children suffer, it is really unnecessary.

The family is happy and harmonious, because now everyone knows something; the family's business will be getting better and better now, and it will soon enter a period of rapid development.This is definitely a refreshment for people on happy occasions, even if the family is already quite rich, but no one thinks that more money is not harmful.

"Dad, grandma said you are going to earn a lot of pocket money now, can you give me some? I can give you a back tap, and I can squeeze your shoulders. I don't even have any pocket money now, and it's so close to Christmas now." I don't have enough money to save." Youyou, a little money fanatic, came and stared at his father's pocket.

"Why do you want pocket money? I remember that you are the one with the most pocket money. You don't lack pocket money at all. Besides, you can help us with housework every week, so you can have a lot of pocket money Now." Qi Ping will not be fooled, although he loves his precious daughter very much, he still needs to pay attention to some principled issues.

"I want to buy a lot of Barbie dolls, and I want to buy beautiful dresses. I want a lot of pocket money, I want to save it, and I will not be afraid when the time comes. My brother and younger brother always have no money, they always have no money. I don’t want to be like them, it’s not good at all.”

Youyou's plausible words made people feel very funny, this little girl now really knows what it means to take precautions before they happen.And this little girl probably got stimulated by her elder brother and younger brother, so she still has to save more money now, absolutely not because she has no money and no savings, otherwise there will be big problems when she wants to use the money of.

The family also laughed. Although the little girl may be a bit of a shopaholic, I have to say that this little girl has a good consumption concept.She is willing to save money, and she also understands how much money she has to do; as for her brothers and sisters, they are really unreliable, they are the type who spend as much money as they have.

The consumption concept of the little guys at home makes people laugh and cry, so it’s better to stare at the little sweetheart now; I'm really a little worried, I have to train my little girl well.

Sitting together, chatting and laughing, the feeling is quite good, and it is very enjoyable; this is the greatest enjoyment for Qi Ping, he can pretend that he has enough money, more than If you pay a certain amount, the money is really just a number, and Qi Ping can pretend to say so now.

Naturally, Qi Ping also knows that he is very rich, and he will definitely not be able to spend all his life lavishly, even if the little ones in the family are lavish and the whole family spends money indiscriminately together.What's more, the family's consumption concept is generally quite good. Although my parents are now "generous" a lot, they are still a bit reluctant to spend too much money on some things.

They are all people who have endured hardships. Although they have the meaning of "upstarts", they really don't get carried away all of a sudden.So there is really nothing to worry about. The consumption ability and consumption concept of adults are really not as good as these little guys at home. These are the little things that spend the most money.

"You have finally figured it out now, right? Now you are willing to go public. I have said that a long time ago, if you go public earlier, the speed of development will be much faster. I don't know how much trouble it will save. Just It should be listed, and it must be. You can’t make trouble with money, and I think you are a little more enlightened now.”

Luo Yi is very sure that Qi Ping is willing to go public now; in the past, Qi Ping has always been staring at his own job, saying that it must be the golden job that must be left to the children.Now, Qi Ping finally sees it, and is willing to conform to the market trend.

"I think you'd better put aside all those hypocrisy, don't you just want to get some equity. Let me tell you, friendship is friendship, business is business, how much should it be. How about you, at most It’s just a little more convenient, so don’t blame me if you lose money.”

"I don't blame you. If you lose money, it must be unreasonable. Even if Buffett attacks you at that time, I don't believe that you can lose money. This is a matter of making money without losing money. I must keep an eye on you." By the way, I can receive as many shares as I can, money is always a good thing, everyone has confidence!"

Luo Yi smiled very happily, this is absolutely true; although what Qi Ping said is that business belongs to business, this is indeed true, as much as you want, you get as much as you want.But now Qi Ping has not yet listed his Fairyland brand, and now everyone doesn't know where to receive the shares; therefore, being able to receive the shares now is success.

"Look at your appearance, it's really a loss of points. I don't think you need to worry about this at all, we all have shares. The resort has part of my property, although it is very small. Moreover, our restaurant must be listed in the Under the Fairyland brand, this is an additional profit growth point. You know, every listed company is like this, and they will look for some surrounding industries."

Steve looked smug. It is true that he really wants to acquire some shares now, but he still wants to stuff all the properties he has a bit of shares into some flat industries.In this way, you can really make money, and you can still increase your wealth a lot, which is also a very sensible thing.

"I think this is really feasible. This is definitely a very good way. Everyone says that your product is quite confident, and we don't need to be strict now. I think this is how it should be. Since it is on the market, it must be It is necessary to maximize the benefits. Making money is the most important thing, and this will also make shareholders more confident."

Luo Yi is also quite sure of such a thing, which must be done; not only high-end restaurants, but in fact, wild animals also have some of his shares.This matter is beneficial to him and harmless. It seems that the equity will be diluted a little, but the total wealth will still increase a lot.

Well, it was Qi Ping who just revealed that he wanted to go public. Immediately, a large group of sharks who smelled blood rushed over.It must be admitted that these people not only have a keen sense of smell, but also have a good sense of the market. No wonder these people can make such money.

"It's true that I want to go public, but I really don't understand these things very well. I think, when the time comes, I still have to slowly add up. I will definitely have to consult with many people to help me. This is a big deal , I want to go public, but I won't. There is too much money, so we must handle it carefully."

Qi Ping is a bit stinky, but also very serious, this matter must be serious!
(End of this chapter)

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