America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 550 It's All Professional

Chapter 550 It's All Professional

For the game of rugby, the children are completely in love with it; now that there is another fanatical rugby fan in the family, it is naturally King Kong, and now he can't wait to hold the rugby all day long.

The kids are going to school, so it’s good that it runs around holding the rugby by itself; although it can’t pull the boss of Qiping, but the southeast and northwest winds are here, they actually like to run while biting the rugby, although Rugby is a bit big and a bit difficult to pick up.

"I think it's still necessary to get a set of equipment with them. For King Kong, it's the kind of oversized football uniform. Look at it now, if you don't play football with it, I guess I will have to beat me in the future!"

Qi Ping was a little dumbfounded, King Kong was leaning on the sofa and watching the rugby game with his legs crossed; this virtue is really quite fun, especially when he saw the more exciting place, which is dancing, he definitely has a rugby fanaticism Some marks for lovers too.

"It's normal. When he was young, he liked Monkey King very much. I know he has read Journey to the West many times. Now, it is not surprising to have an extra rugby. There is nothing this smart guy can't do."

Kate is full of confidence, and she has absolute confidence in King Kong; King Kong is so smart, it can naturally understand some rugby games.Anyway, this guy is just eating, drinking and having fun at home. Now that he has found a new hobby, it is good to support him. There is so much to say.

Well, Qi Ping felt that he really had nothing to say now, in fact, what he said was not important now.

Obviously, the family is very supportive of King Kong's new hobby; isn't it just playing football, which is really nothing.Such sports need more support.As long as King Kong is happy, as long as King Kong doesn't make major mistakes of principle, then the family will support him; small football, let King Kong go.

Well, now that he has said that, Qi Ping will naturally not say anything more; in fact, he is a person who dotes on King Kong and others very much. Anyway, his family supports him now, so it is logical for him to do this up.

I was very happy to drive a supercar to buy football equipment for King Kong. I chose the No. 18 jersey of Peyton Manning in the Indiana Colts; MVP-titled football player.It is also because of Manning's family, a family of sports and football, which is the most famous 'family gene'.

Forget about leg pads and knee pads, just get King Kong a large jersey, and add a large helmet, which is basically enough.It is estimated that King Kong must be very happy. It is going to become a sports star now, and it must be supported.

But you can't favor one over the other, the southeast and northwest also need to wear sportswear, but luckily the dogs' football jerseys and the like are not rare items.As for Pooh, forget it, that guy doesn't like to wear clothes; let alone Liang Shanbo, if they change into clothes, then they will definitely be chased and scolded, Qi Ping doesn't like to make trouble for himself.

King Kong was indeed very happy, dancing happily; this set of equipment made him look happy, and it also completely inspired this guy's ostentatious attributes.Wearing a hat and wearing clothes, this is running around; going to show off, not only the neighbors, but also the resort, where there are many people.

Seeing this smug guy go out to show off, Qi Ping felt very satisfied; he felt that he was really doing a good job in this matter, at least his little partner was very happy.So in this matter, Qi Ping naturally feels that he has done a good job, and this is what he should do.

Taking care of his family members and making them live a happier and happier life is what Qi Ping thinks he should do most.Compared with such fulfilling things as taking care of his own family, things like the company's listing seem less important, and it is no longer the most important thing in life that Qi Ping thinks.

"How about the exchange of equity? You have to figure out something. It's better for you to get more equity. At least the initiative must be in your hands."

What the old man said is obvious, the company's listing and financing is naturally very good, and the skyrocketing wealth will definitely be rejected by no one.But this is a family business that I have worked so hard to build. If it loses control after it is listed, it will definitely be quite distressing.

"I must know this in my heart. I must hold more equity in my hands. The dominant power must be in my hands. I also know it in my heart. I don't have much experience in office struggles, board struggles, etc. I still What I prefer is to occupy a hilltop by myself. And some of the equity that I released must be a certain amount, don’t I still have a few hardcore people here, and the dominant power must still be in our hands.”

Qi Ping said with a smile that he must be very clear about this matter; Jobs was kicked out of the Apple he built, and this is the most clear struggle.Although Jobs later took control of Apple again, but a lesson can still make people very awakened.

Things like equity cannot be ignored; it is because Qi Ping is not a good manager or something, he doesn't know how to control a large listed company, and he really doesn't have much experience.

So it is better to hold the initiative in your hands, and you need to be careful; there is no big mistake in being careful, because Qi Ping doesn't want the foundation he has worked so hard to become someone else's wedding dress.These things must not be ignored.

A lot of equity must be released, but Qi Ping not only needs to hold a large proportion in his hands; but also brother, Luo Yi and Steve, this can be regarded as his own team, such an alliance of interests Still very reliable.Not only because of interests, but also because of relationships, it is certain to advance and retreat together.

The matter of going public must not be neglected in any way, and it must be carefully calculated now; this matter must be more careful, because it is definitely the first time for a company to go public, and when there is no experience, it is natural that it needs to be better. It is absolutely necessary to be careful at this time, and it is also necessary to study modestly.

Qi Ping is doing pretty well now, and his staff team is quite strong, and Qi Ping has participated in many meetings; although he half understands what he listens to, but generally speaking, he has a good prospect and Qi Ping Wealth and equity can also have sufficient protection.

Now I have seen a lot of various materials, and Qi Ping has carefully studied a lot of them. All kinds of data are very good, and the staff is now doing their best.High salaries are not free, these people's abilities are still very good, it is worth paying a lot of money to invite these people to be consultants.

Qiping, who is humming a song, is very satisfied, and the listing is proceeding in an orderly manner; now many people are trying to contact Qiping, hoping to get this high-quality potential stock, after all, these investors love money , no one would think too much money, the fairyland forest farm is really excellent, this is a business that can make money without losing money.

"My man, I don't think you have any sincerity in this business at all. You should know that my Oracle company is one of the top [-] companies in the world, and my company is the company with the highest market capitalization. Do you know what I mean, I don't agree with the equity exchange, I can pay for a portion of the shares."

Larry Ellison is quite upset. His Oracle company is the second largest software company in the world. As for Qiping’s Wonderland Forest Farm, it is really good, although it can be said to be the number one in the world; however, it is only agricultural and animal husbandry products, comparable to If you don't go to an IT company, it won't work at all.

"Well, I think I'm sincere. I'm willing to take my company public, not to make some money. I want to form a larger alliance of interests now, so I'm looking at a stock exchange. You should know that my company has great potential, and everyone wants to get some shares."

Qi Ping said with a smile, although Larry Ellison is rich, it is nothing to Qi Ping; our money is indeed not as much as yours, but it does not mean that we are short of money.So, this is just to have a good chat. It is obvious that there is no such thing as who is stronger.

In fact, Qi Ping also knows that the equity exchange must be 'unfair'. After all, it seems that Ellison's Oracle company has more market value.However, our company actually doesn’t have any big problems; at most, it’s better to exchange more for less, and it’s better for everyone to find a balance as much as possible.

It's not bad to have some friendship with a super predator. After all, Qi Ping arranged a spirit gathering array for Lanai Island, and there is nothing short of money or two.Although there are some restrictions and the like, although Ellison did pay Qiping a lot of labor fees.But he did owe Qi Ping a favor, and the two of them gradually developed some friendship.

Not a buddy or something, but a casual acquaintance; so now, that's fine.With a good channel, it is natural to know some 'inside information' better, which is indeed very good for Qi Ping.

Although Qi Ping is now a big business, he also has a good circle; but such a top rich man like Ellison, in fact, is the only one who really has some friendship with Qi Ping.And with Ellison as the introduction and guide, it can indeed expand Qiping's network and learn more news.

Qi Ping is chatting with Ellison with a smile, and more is to ask Ellison for some opinions; although Ellison is a very arrogant person, you have to admit his ability. A small workshop turned into a software company with a super high market value, this is part of the ability to reflect.

So it is still very important to learn from the experience, especially for a rookie like Qi Ping, it is even more important.Even if some of Ellison's suggestions may not be absolutely applicable, it is still necessary to learn more. Now Qiping needs to absorb knowledge like a sponge, especially when the company goes public.

After chatting for a while, I feel that I have gained a lot; Qi Ping's biggest reliance now is because the company in his hand is optimistic about everyone, and the potential of Fairyland Forest Farm is huge.So at this time, Qiping also has a reason for the lion to open his mouth to carry out some equity exchanges and the like, which is better.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket. There are still a lot of eggs for Qiping to choose from; what he wants are all high-quality 'eggs', and he has money.

This can be regarded as a little trick. Many companies like some equity exchanges, one is to avoid risks, and the other is to form a better alliance of interests.This matter is not harmful to Qi Ping, and he is happy to do it.

"Dad, let's go play football!"

The fat son rushed in, Lele was very happy; when he got home from school, all he was staring at was playing games.Although she has never been able to beat King Kong, Xiao Lele still likes this game very much.

"Dad, I also want football clothes, and I want to wear hats. I can play better with hats and clothes, so I can beat King Kong."

Xiaoyao is very eye-catching. Looking at the football cap King Kong is wearing, Xiaoyao thinks that he needs this too; now this is not just Xiaoyao, Lele also really wants a set of professional football equipment, so that the game will be cooler .And, it will definitely get stronger.

I was amused by the children's innocence, but Qi Ping agreed with a smile; there is no reason not to agree, it is a good thing for children to like sports, and they must be supported.He encourages children to play more sports on the lawn, and he encourages children to take part in sports.

Whether you are a boy or a girl, sports are not only good for your health, but you can also learn a lot in the process.So, that's definitely a good thing; the kids might still have to pay for the toys, but the sports are absolutely fine, Dad pays.

But not now, I forgot about the children when buying equipment for King Kong, Southeast, Northwest; so let's wait and buy equipment tomorrow.Now, it's better to play games with King Kong, and see if we can join hands to defeat Comrade King Kong this time.

Seeing that King Kong is so proud and beautiful, the children feel unhappy; in fact, Qi Ping is also upset, he thinks King Kong is too ostentatious, it doesn't know what it means to accept it when it is good!


Qi Ping let out a scream, the ball thrown by the fat son was not high enough, he managed to catch the ball; but before he could run with all his strength, he was directly tackled and knocked down by King Kong!
A lifetime of wisdom was ruined, and Qi Ping didn't want to wake up; it wasn't the pain, but the laughter in his ears was really shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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