Chapter 551
Qi Ping covered his waist and sighed, especially when he saw the prodigal daughter-in-law snickering there, not to mention the depression; this is really ruined a lifetime of wisdom, and now I really can't hold my head up at home.

Being cheated, being cheated is too miserable and too big; it can be said that he was cheated, if it weren't for those mischievous ghosts, it would definitely not be so miserable.In fact, it's not just the children cheating on their fathers, King Kong, the loyal dog leg, is now giving the leader a sap, completely nailing the boss to the pillar of shame.

"You said whether they still have a conscience, I don't care at all when I'm hurt, I'm still doing what I should do!"

Qi Ping was very annoyed. Seeing the children running on the lawn yelling, he felt all kinds of serious psychological imbalances.

"I think this is normal. Our children always think that their dad is the most powerful and superman. So I don't think they think dad will get hurt. They trust you."

Kate said jokingly, although the words are beautiful, but only Qi Ping can understand all the bitterness in it.

"What about King Kong? It's very good for children, and it knows how to hold back its strength. But you don't know how miserable I am. Have you ever seen a wrestling match? It's the most cruel and inhuman horizontal hug and heavy fall. I almost fell It's too barbaric to lose my breath, I don't have such a good ability to resist blows!"

Looking at King Kong who is still conspicuous despite wearing a football cap, Qi Ping is seriously unbalanced.

"I think this is normal. This is a normal natural cycle. You often bullied it and King Kong when they were young. I know you like to carry them around. Now that they have grown up, although you can't carry them anymore, But they still know that you are very strong and strong. Besides, I don't think King Kong is merciless, or you wouldn't have the chance to complain here now!"

Kate was merciless, she didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with this; although Qi Ping suffered a big loss, it was not a big deal.But looking at it now, a certain person is too hypocritical, a man should be MAN, don't act like a baby here to win sympathy, it won't work.

"Are you my wife? Do you want to stand on the same front as me?! Your husband is injured now. It's fine if you don't feel sorry for him. It's too much to be cynical and sarcastic here." Already!"

Qi Ping was furious. He had suffered a big loss and was ashamed to be thrown across the Pacific Ocean, but now he has not received any expected comfort from his most trusted wife, which is really unreasonable.Qi Ping is shameless now, anyway, he has no face now.

"I'm just on the side of the truth. I don't think King Kong did anything wrong. In fact, I encourage King Kong to teach you a hard lesson, and it's precisely because of the lesson King Kong gave you that I saw your shameless side. Boy , I now know very well that not only do you not admit defeat, but you are also the one who makes excuses and excuses if you lose, you can't afford to lose!"

Kate put her hands on her hips and looked righteous. She obviously didn't think Qi Ping's current 'unreasonable trouble' would have any effect.Anyway, she doesn't think that Qi Ping has any say in this matter, because the matter of being hugged and thrown is largely Qi Ping's own fault.

Glancing at Kate, he decisively chose to keep his head down and rub his waist; as a man, you really have to be a little bit responsible.All of this is really done by myself, so I have to climb the road I chose, crying!

Qi Ping was humiliated severely this time, but it was just a little more fun and interesting material at home; in fact, Qi Ping was slightly injured, the problem is not big, so naturally there is no need nervous.

It's just interesting, and the family doesn't pay much attention to these things; in fact, it's not just Qiping, even the children are similar.

Sometimes it is like this, Xiaoyao and Lele are really too crazy and naughty, so even if the family members are taking care of them, sometimes it is hard to guarantee that there will be no little touches.However, there is no need to make a big deal out of a molehill. If you have a minor injury, you can simply deal with it. There is no need to think that the child is too precious.

Qi Ping and Kate are very relieved about this, they think this is actually very good; children should be like this, a little beating does not matter, it is just a small wound anyway, there is no need to feel distressed because of a small injury.

And the attitudes of the parents are similar. Although they have always been regarded as darlings, but the little ones sometimes suffer a little injury, they can actually accept it.Because it's not just because Xiaoyao and the others are boys, even if it's Yoyo; if you get a little injury while playing the game, just take care of it, there's no need to say that you just go to Xingshi to ask for help.

This is very good, although the children were born with golden keys in their mouths, the little ones enjoy the rich food and clothing; Qi Ping admits that the children sometimes appear to be delicate, after all, they are children of rich families.However, children are definitely not the type to be held in the palm of your hand for fear of being touched, or held in your mouth for fear of melting. The little ones are still very responsible.

This is a good thing, and children should be like this; a little beating can actually better cultivate some strong qualities in the children, at least Qi Ping knows that his children are not so fragile, they are still very good .

"Grandpa, I won Pooh today. I beat him, I hugged him, and then my brother came to help me. We stopped him together, but he refused to admit defeat. He still bit the ball and ran forward, angry. Kill me!"

Lele was covered in grass clippings, and his little face was not only stained with sweat, but also dirty; but the little guy was very happy, and ran forward hand in hand with his grandpa, having a great time.

"We didn't beat Pooh, he was too strong. We stopped him, but he carried us for touchdowns. We didn't win, Pooh won."

Although Xiaozhen Xiaoyao felt very depressed, this kid felt that he should win. It turned out that Pooh won. Although there were two people hanging on him, he successfully broke through.

"But watching the game is like that. No one can run under the pressure of two players. Pooh is too strong, so we can't do this. Pooh is very good, and I am also very good."

Lele started to quarrel with his brother, and the little guy felt that he hadn't lost; if it was really in the game, the other kids would have no chance to get up when he hugged him.Although Pooh is different, everyone can't be judged by Pooh's standards; so this should win, and Lele stopped Pooh, then this means that the game has won.

Seeing the two fat grandsons quarreling, Qi Weihui just watched with a smile on his face; for him, the children all won, and they all made sense.

That boy Pooh is really amazing, if there is really a strong athlete like Pooh, then the rules of the game should be changed, otherwise there is really no way to win.So looking at it this way, what Lele said made sense; it was an impossible task to be able to break through in the face of two powerful opponents.

It’s just that what Xiaoyao said is right, the result is that Pooh won; although it has two powerful defensive team members hanging on it, some players are like this, they can turn the impossible into possible by virtue of their strong personal strength .So the touchdown, this is Pooh's success, he made a strong breakthrough, which is "the weak wins the strong".

From this point of view, it can be seen that what the two little guys said is very reasonable, they hold their own opinions, and their indirectness can be tenable.In this way, there is no need to say anything more. Since what the children say is reasonable, there is no need to go to arbitration or the like, which is the last thing that should be done.

"Hurry up and wash your face and hands, we are going to eat!"

Hearing grandma's greeting, the children immediately ran to wash their hands and prepare to eat happily; watching the swarming little guys scrambling to the bathroom, it really made people feel very happy.

"These brats really don't make people feel at ease. I have given them a lot of trouble with my old bones. After playing this way for an afternoon, and the game is so intense, they don't feel tired at all now. I don't know these things The little guy is so powerful because of his small size, could it be that eating more beef means that the calf demon king is infinitely powerful."

Qi Weihui thumped his back, he felt that his age was not too old; although there was a saying that children and grandchildren make people grow old, compared to the children who have been crazy all afternoon, he really felt that he was getting older.

"Don't be old, you are very powerful now, riding a horse, herding a cow and so on is not a big problem. This is a 60-year-old man, you can still compare with children, right? Your strength is one day Children are getting smaller every day, and their strength is getting stronger every day. When you are tired from playing, you have to rest for a long time before you can recover. Our children will be fine after playing and sleep, which is incomparable!"

Although what my mother said is very reasonable, it still makes Qiping on the side feel a little sad; parents are indeed getting old slowly, even if they look very young now, but this is only compared to their of peers.

In the past few years, my parents have lived in a very good state, not only because they have a worry-free life now, but also because the environment in the forest farm is very good; however, the laws of nature are like this.It is true that my parents are in good condition now, but in fact you have to admit that they are getting old slowly.

But now there is no need to be too sad. Qi Ping feels that his greatest achievement now is to take good care of his family; not only to create better conditions for the children, but also to enable parents to live in a favorable environment. Living a carefree life under the same conditions, my parents can definitely say that the past few years are the happiest years.

Live a happy life and make the family live happier. This is what Qi Ping feels is the most important thing now. He has indeed worked very hard and succeeded.

"Dad, is it okay if we want to play a game? We want to play with Pooh and King Kong. We are already very good. Grandpa promised us that we will form a team and we will beat everyone."

When eating, Xiaoyao still thinks about playing games, competitions and so on. The little guy likes the current games very much. He wants to start playing games and training with King Kong and the others every day when he comes home from school.Now that they are cooperating more and more tacitly with King Kong, it is natural to consider things like competitions.

"OK, no problem. Since you have arranged it, then we have agreed. I think this is a very good proposal, and we can indeed participate in some competitions. Our current training effect is really good, and now is the time Let everyone know how great we are.”

Qi Ping nodded straightly, which naturally made the children start to cheer; the little guys are all crazy, and they are quite interested in participating in some interesting competitions.The more people there are, the happier they are; so now that Dad has agreed to the competition, the children will definitely be quite happy and satisfied.

Kate also smiled and watched the children's troubles, she enjoyed it all; in fact, it was like this every day, and there was no need to eat, sleep, and sleep at home.At the dinner table, everyone came together to chat happily about some interesting stories of the day. This is also an important occasion for the family to connect with each other. She knows that the family enjoys such a moment when the whole family sits and chats together.

Qi Ping doesn't care about his waist at all now, although he is still a little uncomfortable now, but a little discomfort in his waist is really not something that Qi Ping needs to be concerned about all the time.Now, he has even become the children's dog-headed military division; how to organize a team and what kind of opponents to find, the dog-headed military division actually has a great say.

The same is obviously true for the children, although the father was stopped by King Kong, grabbed fiercely and quit the game, which made the children feel very funny, and even laughed at the father.But this does not hinder the children's admiration for their father. Now that their father is still a big hero in the hearts of the children, their opinions are naturally taken seriously by the children.

"I think you still need to think about some things now. Now you have to prepare well and cultivate the feeling of King Kong and Pooh for the game. They are too powerful, so you have to educate them well; just look at your dad, you guys Knowing that Dad is the best, but he was still injured. So, don't let your opponent get hurt too!"

Originally, Qi Ping was still chatting with the children about the game with great interest, but after hearing Kate’s words, Qi Ping suddenly felt very resentful; It's important to know things evenly, but don't be so straightforward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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