Chapter 554

Qi Weihui was quite upset. He felt that his precious grandchildren had been cheated away, and he felt that he was wronged for losing.

"Children, trust grandpa. King Kong doesn't understand tactics at all, they only know how to work alone. This is not a good thing, you should know the meaning of a team. You need to defend and attack together. Although you may have very good abilities, but You also need to learn to trust your teammates, so that is the success of the team."

The old god Mark is sitting on the sofa, holding his baby granddaughter, and looking at the grandson and granddaughter sitting beside him, full of sense of accomplishment.

"But we still couldn't catch Pooh, he was too fat. My sister and I were already lying on top of him, but he was still able to run to the end line and score a touchdown." Although Xiaoyao believed in grandpa, the little guy also had troubles.

"No, my boy. I've seen Pooh and King Kong. They're terrible teammates. They don't know how to pass and cooperate. They're black holes. Think about it, when they pass the ball. No, they don't; so on the defensive end, you guys need to work together and just grab one of them."

Hearing what grandpa said, the children cheered. They seemed to have found a good way, and found some tricks to defeat the big devil's team.

"On the offensive end, you need to be clear about your tasks and positions. On the defensive end we need to be united, and on the offensive end we need to maintain enough unity so that we can win. Run more and cooperate more. You need to be good at finding opportunities. Then Come down and I will guide you well, and you will definitely win the game."

Mark is full of a sense of accomplishment. It is actually very interesting for him to play and compete with this group of little guys.Although he has not retired yet, he is still taking care of his flower garden, but there is no pressure anymore, he just can't take time off.

With that time to make money, it is better to play games with the children, which is actually more enjoyable for him.As it is now, it is naturally the best thing to become the most powerful coach in the eyes of the children.

This is indeed a very interesting thing. Children can play and make trouble now, but many times, when children play and make trouble, they can get a lot of 'support'.Just like now, because of the children's game plan, the adults in the family are all fighting for advice.

This looks very good, everyone has found quite interesting things, and now everyone is striving to find more sense of presence in this game.

Because this kind of game is not only fun for children, but also for adults, they can also find full fun in children's games, and everyone is full of enthusiasm now.

"I think I can figure out that little bit of tactics, why these little things don't listen to me. I'm so mad, their grandpa is amazing, right? I have nothing at all!"

Qi Weihui was speechless for the lack of cooperation of his grandchildren. These little guys really looked down on their grandpa.This is really underestimating grandpa, how can grandpa have a few brushes, grandpa is actually quite good at outdoor sports, okay?

"It's still the children's impression that compared with their grandpa, you are more rigid. If you talk about growing vegetables, they will definitely follow you. But when it comes to sports, you really don't know as much as their grandpa. You Don't be unconvinced, you can see for yourself, whether these little things always hang out with their grandpa."

Some people still dismantle the stage, which makes people feel quite speechless.It doesn’t really matter whether it’s the truth or not, anyway, the family thinks it makes sense; especially in the eyes of the children, it’s basically the absolute truth; because grandpa is indeed better at sports than grandpa, looking for grandpa Playing some games is actually more appropriate.

Qi Ping doesn't care about these things at all now, and in fact there is nothing he can do if he wants to; in the final analysis, it is because the children have their own cognition that grandpa is not good at rugby, and so is father in fact.If it's playing basketball or football, you can find Dad; but obviously, the children are not interested in these.

So now, what grandpa said is more worthy of affirmation for them, so that they can win the game, so that they can find opportunities to defeat the big devils in the game.

The kids have figured out the knack now, they need to be a team, they need to learn to work together.This is what the grandpa told them, and the little ones also think it is quite reasonable; as for the implementation, it may be a bit difficult, but the naive little ones don't think so, they think they can do it.

The children have found their coach now, and they are pestering grandpa to practice tactics and so on; although they still lost badly in the game, these stubborn little guys think that what grandpa said is right, so for Grandpa's tactical arrangements are also very acceptable.

Being serious with these stubborn little guys is definitely making yourself uncomfortable, so obviously no one is serious.

"Dad, hurry up and get ready to go!"

Xiaoyao's little face is covered with some small oil paints. These little guys are not very capable, but they have a lot of flamboyance; I don't know where I saw it. I think athletes' faces need some oil paint to look cool, so Xiao There are so few small marks on the little faces of the guys.

"I know, we'll set off after I've settled Heitan. You have to choose whether you want to take the car or the carriage. Just take care of your own affairs and don't need to worry about me."

Seeing the swarming appearance of the doll legion, Qi Ping felt that it was better for Xiaoyao to take care of his own affairs.

"I want to ride Rudolph, and Rudolph doesn't want to be in the car. We're both the same, I can ride Rudolph to school, it'll be cool."

Lele came out, not afraid of the hot weather, this kid was actually wearing a football cap so early, this fully armed man guessed that he would suffer from heat stroke before he even got to the sports field.But the stubborn boy can't make sense, let him suffer a little bit to know what's good, let him go.

"No, Rudolph can run along by himself. It will take a long time and the speed cannot be slow. You will not be able to bear it." Qi Ping tugged at his sleeves helplessly, and Heitan was tugging at his clothes again.

"Then I'll ride Rudolph. The car won't fit, and I'm older than my brother. Second dad, I'll ride Rudolph. We can still talk, you ride a horse and I ride a deer. Second dad, can you? I A lot of friends have come over, I also want to be cool, I don’t want to be a good student and a good baby all the time.”

Well, the little nerd Benben popped up, this ten-year-old boy is really sensible now; the friends he invited this time are basically girls.He wants to show off in front of the girls now, so it doesn't look bad.

There is really nothing bad about it. In the final analysis, it is because Benben is no longer a five or six-year-old child, and he still has some abilities.As for reading and so on, Benben does have good academic performance; as for outdoor sports and so on, even though he has been in the forest farm for so many years, this naughty boy became fond of reading when he grew up. It is more than the second dad of the big doctor.

"Go and talk to your mother, as long as your mother agrees. At that time, our father and I will show up a bit more, but you have to be careful, Rudolph is not gentle at all when running, he is not like black charcoal."

With the permission of the second father, Benben cheered and ran away; now he doesn't talk about looking at his younger brother, he just wants to inform his mother, and then he is ready to ride a deer with the second father Playing fields, that would certainly be attractive.As for Rudolph's unsteady running, actually Benben thinks it's all right, he is quite good at riding horses and deer.

"Be careful, walk slowly with Benben. We are in front, you just follow."

The eldest grandson wants to ride a deer, and the grandfather naturally supports it. Children should be lively and tough. Ben Ben used to like reading too much, so he was not lively enough.Now that Benben is rarely mischievous, and there are people watching over here, Qi Weihui is naturally relieved; although the youngest son is usually unreliable, he is still very reliable in major matters.

"I know, you should start first. Don't run too fast, or Benben and I really won't be able to catch up."

Qiping got busy, and fastened the reins for Heitan and Rudolph; Rudolph buckled the saddle for it, so that it could be ridden.As for Heitan, Qi Ping is not willing to part with it; now when Qiping rides a horse, he never puts a bit or a saddle on Heitan; because it makes Heitan's mouth uncomfortable, and the saddle will crush its fur.

Rudolph felt a little wronged for the time being. Who told him to carry this brat Benben on his back? This is not running around the door twice, so the actual situation of Benben still needs to be considered.

King Kong and Pooh naturally had to take the car, which would save some energy; the children squeezed into the spacious car with them, and this group of troublemakers naturally had a lot to say, and it was estimated that they were still thinking about it at the last moment of the game. It might be more fun during the competition if you use condoms to make friends or something.

Now, several families are busy, very busy; although this seems to be a children's game, but several families attach great importance to it.

Because this is the weekend, the whole family can go out to participate in some family activities, and because such an interesting competition looks very 'official', there are contestants in several households in the forest farm.

Except for the little sweetheart who can't run fast in Qiping's family, there are three little guys who want to compete; the elder brother didn't come, but the sister-in-law still has to watch the two kids.Luo Yi's family also has two stinky boys, and Steve's family also has young players; this time the little naughty boys in the forest farm are going to participate in the competition, which naturally makes everyone attach great importance to it.

The car started, and besides King Kong's 'car', there were two or three small cars. These were the parents. The children participated in the competition, and they would actually contribute more.The children only need to participate in the competition happily, but these parents really have too many things to do; for the children's competition, these parents do more behind-the-scenes work, which is more cumbersome , but it will be worth it.

"Ben Ben, let's go!"

Taking care of his nephew, Qiping looked at Benben sitting on the saddle, full of vigor.

"Second Dad, I get it. I'll just follow you, don't worry about me."

Benben is also full of ambition, he thinks it will be cool for him to appear on the stage like this; he is actually very famous in school now, not only because of his good academic performance, but also because he lives in the forest farm.

Although Benben’s private school is full of children from relatively well-off families, they are also curious about the Fairyland Forest Farm. After all, not everyone can live there, and there are many beautiful rumors about the Fairyland Forest Farm in San Diego.As for Benben, he always has some photos that are liked by other students, because there are King Kong in the photos.

In fact, Benben has also brought a few good friends to his home to hold a party, and those friends will also promote some things in school.But they don't have the chance to play with Pooh all day long. For these little boys and girls, Pooh's charm is too great.

"You are in front, and I will follow behind and watch. Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up."

Qi Ping shook the reins, and Heitan kicked and began to trot; although Heitan was not a thousand-mile horse, it was smart enough to know some meanings of Qiping.

"Stand up!"

Benben shook the reins happily, and Rudolph began to run rumblingly; although Rudolph is just a deer, the moose has grown up and is even no smaller than ordinary cows and horses.And Rudolph's beautiful big antlers are actually quite majestic, this is definitely a strong stag!

Benben is definitely going to become a starlet, and this kid's wish of showing off is probably going to come true; although the town of Ramona knows that there are deer in the forest farm, and there is a deer that seems to be particularly smart.But it must still be a gimmick to let a half-grown man ride into the town like this.

This time there will be quite a few people coming. It's not just that the residents of Ramona town are almost all mobilized, even many people and many media will come here.Because such a unique game is really attractive, not to mention the legendary fairyland forest farm rarely has such a grand occasion where all members are dispatched, especially those animals that are very attractive.

The people who came to watch the game this time actually didn't have much expectations for the children's performance; instead, they were full of expectations for the animal team's performance!
(End of this chapter)

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