Chapter 555
Qi Ping really didn't expect that this game really caused a big commotion.

I knew something before. For example, many parents in the town are more enthusiastic about this matter, because they know that there is a team organized by Ramona children among the participating teams.This incident, in itself, was a rave party in the small town of Ramona, but now it doesn't look like that at all.

Although this is just a small open-air stadium without a decent auditorium, there are at least a thousand spectators here.Even though football is very popular in the United States, it is obvious that the families of young players will feel more important in some games.

But now, this is really a collective activity of the residents of the whole town, and even the residents of the nearby town will come here.And here, I actually saw some cameras set up by the media, which seems a bit too exaggerated.

"Pay attention, there are too many people here. Our car can't get in, so we stop outside. You and Benben come here quickly, and then we can go in. It's all blocked at the door, we This is really a little worried that such a big commotion will cause trouble, if the order is not maintained, it will definitely be dangerous."

Qi Ping's phone rang, and he received a call from Luo Yi who was 'opening the way' ahead.

"Understood, you should also be careful. Don't let others offend King Kong and Pooh. There are always some people who are ignorant. I don't want King Kong and them to suffer because of those people's mistakes."

Qi Ping even felt a little regretful, because the current movement seems to be a bit big; once it gets out of control or some people don't listen to dissuasion, it is really easy to have something dangerous.And once an accident happens, King Kong will definitely have a hard time; although they are smart, it doesn't mean they are absolutely friendly to everyone, and there is no such thing as being bullied and not fighting back.

Safety first is the most important thing now, because Qi Ping doesn't want his family and his partners to be bullied.Now these things really need to be absolutely careful. Although King Kong is very smart and popular, once some accidents happen, people may turn their faces immediately.

Qi Ping felt that he really needed to be careful at this time, because no matter where he was, it was people's nature to like to watch the excitement.Those who can come here now are naturally full of curiosity about King Kong and the others.

After all, this is not a serious stadium, and the order here cannot be maintained well, so this also represents a lot of hidden dangers.Be careful, there is absolutely no harm in this.

"Slow down when you come over, don't worry. It's fine now, the people in the town are pretty good and know how to maintain order. When you come over, just go directly to the arena, and we will go first."

Kate’s call also came, and it seemed that the progress was very good, and it was the type that got everyone’s care; in fact, there was really no organizer for this game, but everyone understood where the focus of such a game was .So don't offend Qi Ping and his guys. As for maintaining order, it is naturally recognized by everyone.

Having said that, Qi Ping felt relieved a lot; but he couldn't be careless, he still needed to be a little more careful now.

"Ben Ben, come here!"

Seeing his nephew shaking his head showing off, Qi Ping felt that it would be better to be more responsible now; it was really the first time for Ben Ben to come to town on a deer, which naturally got a lot of attention , he has already entered the state of showing off now, so Qi Ping naturally needs to take care of it, and there must be no trouble.

"It's fine for you to hold the saddle, and I'll hold the rein for you. Don't move around, it's not good if there are many people in front who make trouble." Qi Ping clamped the horse's belly, and Heitan approached knowingly Rudolph; Benben was also very obedient, obediently threw the rein over, and now he just needs to sit on the saddle.

Heading towards the public elementary school in the small town, you can also feel the importance of this game. The number of spectators here must be quite scary, because the parking lot here can't park, and even many cars are directly The others stopped on the side of the road, which was the result of the fact that there were too many people who came.

In fact, the crowd is almost the same, anyway, it feels quite noisy now, and even seeing the appearance of Qi Ping and Ben Ben, many people poured out.Obviously, what everyone is concerned about now is Rudolph, Benben's mount. This big moose is very popular and attracts a lot of attention.

"Let's just say, I don't think this is a good time to take a group photo, let alone stand in front of them. Dude, don't disturb my partner, keep a certain distance from them, I don't think this is a friendly way."

Qi Ping is a little unhappy. Although most people are sensible, some people still go their own way. They only do what they like, and they think what they do is right.As for what was said to cause some trouble to others because of their own enjoyment, it is obviously not something that some people like this consider.

There is no shortage of such people anywhere, and now it is obvious that Qi Ping is a little unhappy because of such people.

"Come on, I don't think there is any danger in this. You can't refuse me to take a photo with it." The boy looked very excited, and he still stopped in front of Rudolph as if he wanted to take a photo. Not even going to get out of the way. "I know it's friendly, just give me a little more time."

Qi Ping pulled the boy away, and he didn't care what kind of virtue the boy was; such a person owed a lesson, but Qi Ping didn't want to cause trouble for Rudolph because of such a person.

"If you want to get hurt you have a lot of options, but don't get my guy in trouble. I'm telling you again, don't touch my guy, especially if you think you can get approval."

Qi Ping's annoyance made some people seem calmer, but some people felt quite unhappy.

"He's just a child, you can't treat a child like this." Seeing her child being dragged away unfriendly, a round aunt ran out angrily and protested. "Don't you think it's okay to treat a child like that?"

"He can do whatever he wants as a child? I can't treat the child like this. Do I want to watch him cause more harm because of his abruptness and unfriendliness? Take care of your child and don't cause trouble for me." Qi Ping is very Displeased, he knows that such people are not uncommon, with such a protective mother, it is normal for a child to be selfish.

Too lazy to pay attention to such people, Qi Ping took the rein and walked slowly towards the sports field; there must be such unruly people, but most of them are still very sensible.Seeing Qi Ping with Heitan and Rudolph, most people still give way; these people are here to see the fun and new things, and they just want to have fun.

As for those who want to find trouble, there are, but they will definitely pay attention to the influence, because those selfish people can easily arouse public anger, and such people will be disliked wherever they go.

Although there are some small unpleasantnesses, but overall it is still very good; Qi Ping also talked and laughed with some people along the way, nodding, saying hello, swaying with black charcoal He and Rudolph walked towards the sports field, because that is where the game will be played.

As for the brat Benben, he is really showing off now; he is happily sitting on the back of a deer, and now many people are paying attention to him and taking pictures.Although Benben knew all this was because of Rudolph, but being able to sit on Rudolph's back was enough for him to show off, not to mention that he rode Rudolph all the way to the town.

The arrival of Heitan and Rudolph basically announced the arrival of the most important team for this game; now in the center of the stadium, King Kong and Pooh are just playing around on their own That said, they don't feel any curiosity about these audiences now, after all, they have all seen the big world.

These little guys in the family have seen the big world, but there are still many people who have not seen such a scene; when King Kong and them made their appearance, it actually caused a lot of cheers.After seeing King Kong, although they were simply playing games and warming up, these viewers who came to watch the excitement felt that it was worthwhile to come to watch the excitement this time.

The audience felt very happy, they didn't have so many opportunities to meet King Kong and Pooh.As for those young players, they are all looking forward to it now. The children of the residents of Ramona Town are about to compete with King Kong. All this makes them feel very looking forward to and reason to be happy.

It seems that the effect is quite good, and Qi Ping is also very satisfied with the current state; obviously, the atmosphere is hot and the order looks very good, all of which make Qi Ping feel quite satisfied.

What Qi Ping has to do now is to simply talk to the person in charge; after all, the public schools here, even if it is the weekend, still need to say hello to the principal here.Moreover, the team formed by the children in the town also has a person in charge, so Qi Ping naturally needs to talk to them about something.

All of these are things that must be done, and all of this is to better ensure the quality of this game.Not just to have fun, but it's actually all about building enough safety into the game.

Qi Ping's task now is to communicate with everyone, not only the form of the competition, but also the order of the field; in fact, it also includes a reminder, because children are often indifferent, so let them know what to do Get along with King Kong.

In such a state now, Qi Ping can say whatever he wants; whoever gives Qi Ping the most say, what kind of character Pooh and others are like, who dares to say that Qi Ping has more say.

As for the order of the arena, there is no need for Qi Ping to worry about it; this is also the prosperous time of Ramona Town, if someone dares to make trouble here, it will really offend a lot of people and become public anger.

"Go and get ready, the competition is about to begin." Qi Ping smiled and lightly kicked Lele who came over, this restless kid wanted to know what dad was doing, "Hurry up and check it out, go Discuss the tactics with your grandpa, we will start the match soon."

The bluffing Lele ran away, the little guy is very excited now; the game is about to start, this crazy brat is looking extremely looking forward to it now.With so many people around now, the little guy has no reason to be unhappy, and he has no reason not to feel extremely looking forward to it.

The other children were naturally looking forward to it. Seeing King Kong in the center of the arena playing with a few children, the members of the children's representative team in the town were all envious and jealous.But they are still smart and obedient, knowing that now is not the time to pass, and now they need a lot of obedience.

"Let the boys get acquainted with their opponents, but I think you should tell them not to be afraid. Maybe they will lose badly, but my boys will not hurt them. They just look fiercer, but They have a gentle personality and they are friendly."

All the things that need to be explained have also been explained. Looking at the group of baby soldiers next to them with envious and jealous looks and watching Xiaoyao in the center of the court playing with Pooh, Qi Ping is naturally happy to be human.Since they are out to play, then let it go a little bit; since Qi Ping is willing to let Pooh and the others compete with the children in the town, naturally there is no shortage of things like taking a photo.

Such an arrangement caused cheers, but these young team members still seemed a little nervous; they kept raising their hands to ask questions, and all kinds of questions revolved around King Kong and them.In addition to the way to get along with them, it is more about the basic necessities of King Kong, such as food, housing and transportation.

"Go ask your friends, they are definitely willing to have a good communication with you, I believe you will become friends." Qi Ping resolutely freed himself from the trouble, he should not go to him at this time, kid Let's talk to the children, "Xiaoyao, Benben, come here. Teach these little guys how to deal with Pooh and them. Remember not to play tricks or scare them."

"ok, I get it."

Xiaoyao, who was biting Pooh's lips, climbed down from the bear's back decisively. In order to please his opponent, he really worked hard; he took out a lot of his brother's chocolate, but Pooh didn't even eat chocolate anymore. Feed it It didn't even eat it.If it fails, it's time to find a step down.

(End of this chapter)

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