Chapter 561

Qi Ping was very happy at first, at least he pretended to be an archaeologist, and he dug up a treasure-level existence, which is naturally something worth bragging about.Although the things dug out may not necessarily have high economic value, the meaning inside is still different, and it is full of sense of accomplishment.

But at home, it was hit.

"No, it's unlucky, don't leave it at home!"

My mother looked at it twice, not to mention what kind of antiques these bottles and jars are, or whether they are beautiful, anyway, after hearing the origin, she immediately vetoed them.

"It's really not good. I heard that the Indians were almost exterminated before, and the Spanish or someone made the plague or something. They are all exterminated, which must be unlucky. Don't leave it at home. If you If you really like antiques, go buy some decent ones.”

Dad's attitude is also quite obvious. Anyway, Qiping's stuff is of unknown origin, so don't take it home.He also knows that Qi Ping is just trying to figure out something new about these things, but he still has to talk about it.

"Don't think that old things are good things, like the Tang Sancai or something, they are all buried in the graves of the dead, and they are for the dead. You say you put this ghost artifact at home, how unlucky it is. This Antiques are still very particular, and you have to look at what the antique is when you store it at home. I think if you really like antiques, you should buy antiques and cultural objects. These things are basically ornamental pieces or handle pieces. Is it vitality, popularity or something. Anyway, it means that such things are not for dead people, so it is better to put them away."

Listening to his father's words, Qi Ping was quite speechless; he really didn't think of this, our father is actually a half-toned collector, it seems that he has watched many treasure-appreciating programs in the past, and now know these things.

Kate just looked at it with a smile on the side. She thought this matter seemed to be quite interesting, and the antiques she dug herself must be more meaningful.But she was soon brainwashed. She felt that these things were not very auspicious, so it was better not to keep them at home.

Anyway, there is no shortage of such things at home, and she knows better that Qi Ping is not interested in antiques, this is just a fresh idea.Now that I feel that these antiques are not very auspicious, it is better not to collect them.

Kate is now Amway, and she is now saying that these Indian antiques are not very auspicious; if you really want to collect them, continue to collect jade and the like.She is very clear that Qi Ping has a morbid collection of high-quality jade; it is not just because it needs to be taken out for some array arrangements, it is actually some jade ornaments left for children and family members decorate.

The children all have jade pendants of their zodiac signs, and they all take out high-quality jade and ask the master to carve it; Kate likes the meaning of jade very much, not because of the preciousness of jade, but because of the character of jade. Now Kate gradually understands the saying that jade does not go away, and she also likes jade very much.

In fact, everyone in the family knows that Qi Ping has mastered some magical technologies, which not only can make the air environment of the forest farm better.Even the jade ornaments with the least number of hands in the family have been processed to be flush, making people feel very comfortable to wear, and even the family members think that it is because of these that the whole family is healthy and healthy. important factor in illness.

This kind of thing, not only the family members think so, even Luo Yi and Steve feel the same way.They also knew about other jade ornaments, and even bought them; but wearing the jade ornaments given to them by Qi Ping gave them a completely different feeling; this was not just a psychological effect, but a personal feeling.

Therefore, some people who are close to Qi Ping know that this kid Qi Ping is very powerful; don't look at him who spends all day in the forest farm and looks like an otaku and a good man at home, but this guy has magical abilities. It's just that it's not too high-profile, such a magical technology is definitely something people are crazy about pursuing.

"Yo, you can't collect it anymore?"

Qi Ping was overjoyed, seeing Luo Yi also looking depressed while holding the treasure he had snatched earlier, Qi Ping was very happy; this kind of sympathy made people feel very comfortable, at least it was psychologically balanced.

"I thought I had dug up a treasure, and I would definitely become a big hero when I came back. It turned out that we had quarreled with Steve for a long time before we got some pretty good stuff, and this time we came back to criticize everyone I can’t lift it anymore. I dug up an antique, okay, but my parents insisted that I did something immoral. Forget it, send it to Steve, he must have no taboos.”

Luo Yi was indeed quite depressed. If he had known earlier, he would not have argued with Steve. Now, he had argued with Steve for a long time, but in the end these things still had to be sent back.If you send it back now, it will not be generous, but you will not be able to collect it; this time, even the favor is not settled, and it is estimated that it will definitely be ruthlessly ridiculed by Steve.

It's not just Luo Yi who feels depressed, Qi Ping is also the same; as long as he thinks of Steve's success as a villain, he is depressed!

Sure enough, he guessed right, this guy Steve really has no taboos, he can't wait to collect all the relics of the Indians, and then go to please his muse.

As for the cultural relics of these Indians sent by Qi Ping and Luo Yi now, he is not grateful; he has long forgotten that Qi Ping and Luo Yi helped him find various ruins and so on. Luo Yi had previously robbed him of cultural relics and would send them over if he couldn't collect them now.

This time, it really vividly explained what it means to be thankless; looking at Steve Deser's appearance, it really makes people feel quite uncomfortable.But there is no way, these things can only be given to Steve now, even if this guy is a jerk, but it is still fat and water.

"Rudolph, Rudolph! Come here, you're losing!"

On the way home, I heard the children yelling; Lele, the little idiot, is provoking the big idiot Rudolph.

Rudolph is indeed quite stupid, and the moose is actually not particularly smart; Rudolph, this kid, is really a bit disappointing.It is really too confident, this kid is a bit overly inflated; he always thinks it is the best in the world, so he is slightly teased, and he looks like he wants to distinguish himself from everyone else.

"Be careful, don't think about fighting Rudolph again."

Although he knew that the children were playing tricks again, Qi Ping didn't think it was a big problem; Lele was short-tempered, and Rudolph was more stubborn, but it was not bad, and he still knew how to measure when playing games. At least there is no danger or anything like that.Moreover, King Kong, a clever ghost, was taking care of him nearby, so there was no danger at all.

"Dad, I see."

Lele replied without looking back, this is a typical perfunctory answer; he is busy playing games now, so how can he have time to talk to his father now.

Rudolph, who was underestimated, was furious, and he ran over with his head lowered; if this stupid guy made a mistake, he could really compete with a car.Now it's just an idiot and a weak Lele, just overturned to the ground and watched from above.

Lele didn't have any intention of being afraid. She threw off her little arms and legs and ran towards Rudolph amidst the cheers of her sisters and sisters.Grabbing Rudolph's antlers, Rudolph fell to the ground with a whoop.

"Rudolph, you are not allowed to lick my face!"

Lele, who fell to the ground, hugged his head directly. This kid lost the game, and he couldn't knock down Rudolph; but what hurt him even more was that Rudolph was so dishonest that he even laughed at him after winning the game.So I can't bear it, I can't let Rudolph lick his face, otherwise I really lost too badly.

Seeing Lele rolling on the grass, and seeing Rudolph's joyful cry of 'angang', Qi Ping felt very hurt.

Rudolph is a muscle, sometimes he is really stupid and makes people speechless, but looking at it now, Lele is not very smart; although Lele likes challenges and excitement, it is obvious that he cannot win Rudolph still wants to run to hit the stone with a pebble, isn't it obvious that he is looking for abuse.

Qi Ping scratched his head. He felt that neither he nor Kate were stupid; although they were not geniuses with the strongest brains or photo memory, they could definitely guarantee that their IQ was above the average level.Why did he come to Lele and didn't get the excellent genetics of his parents? This is still a new level of stupidity.

Fortunately, that is to say, Lele is a bit stubborn, Xiaoyao and Yoyo are still very smart, and the little sweetheart is also very cute.Besides, not to mention a single muscle means that there is a problem with IQ. At most, it means that Lele's character is a little irritable, and her unwillingness to admit defeat is just a little obvious, which is nothing.

"Children in other people's homes like to throw lambs and things like that. When they come to our house, they want to throw deer and bears. I think Lele is doing it on his own. If he can bring King Kong down anytime, he will be successful." .”

Seeing the fat grandson playing on the lawn, the father smiled and said; it is normal for children to like to play, and mischievous things are cute to him.

"It's not bad. Although we always lose, we can exercise our mental quality if we lose a lot. Our Jialele doesn't like to cry. It doesn't matter even if he gets a little injury. He is a little man. In fact, the happiest thing for me is that I don't care No matter how we lose, our Jialele still maintains enough fighting spirit, which is a good thing."

My mother affirmed that the fat grandson is really excellent; although he has been defeated again and again, he never lacks the courage to challenge a powerful opponent.This is a good thing, the little guy is brave and strong.

Qi Ping thinks it is better not to say anything now. Obviously, in the eyes of parents, the children are the most correct no matter what they do. When discussing these things with parents, there must be only one answer, and that is The kids are right!
Although that is what he said, Qi Ping is also very proud; what his parents said is very reasonable, Lele is still very strong and brave, and he is a young man full of fighting spirit.This little guy is really not afraid of challenges; he has a wild temper, definitely not the kind of squeamish little boy brother, this is a cowboy kid who likes excitement and adventure, full of fighting spirit not to admit defeat.

The little ones are still young, and they are still growing; watching the growth of the children is actually a very happy thing, and watching the little ones' personalities constantly 'perfect' is actually a very exciting thing. Feeling full is a happy thing.

It is a kind of joy and enjoyment for parents to have children around and watch these little people playing, playing and growing up constantly.Even the little ones sometimes do some "stupid things" that make people laugh and cry, these are some troubles that make people feel happy.

For the time being, there is no need to worry about the wrestling contest between the idiot Lele and Rudolph. Anyway, the children are having fun, and there is no danger.At home, the concept of stocking is still very marketable; there is no need to raise a few noble sons and daughters who have no strong qualities. In fact, the family still hopes that the children will be stronger and braver.

Qi Ping was cheerful, although the treasure he dug up was unanimously boycotted by his family, and even though there was no 'actual gain' from going out, Qi Ping didn't care.At least he has gone through the process of searching for and excavating antiques. Qi Ping now values ​​these processes, not necessarily the final result.

Qi Ping really doesn't care about such things, and he doesn't lack such a little antiques. What he cares about is the fun of the process.This guy is very open-minded now, and this is also because he is not under any financial pressure now, and his current life is very happy and joyful.

The result of this is that Qi Ping now looks contented and happy; many things he values ​​are fun, process and novelty, and it doesn't matter what the result is.It doesn't even matter if it seems that you have suffered a little bit and suffered some losses; as long as the process is interesting and exciting enough, it will be worthwhile in Qiping's eyes, and that is a valuable gain.

Speaking of it, it is because the current Qi Ping does not seem to have much "pursuit", and he is too easy to satisfy now.But this kind of contentment is not bad; if there are too many greedy desires, this may not be a good thing, and people's appetites will not be satisfied in many cases.

Qi Ping thinks this is very good, he enjoys it very much, that's all right!

(End of this chapter)

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