Chapter 562

Qi Ping's current task is to do a good job as a nanny. Now he is mainly responsible for taking care of the bear children, which is almost the same. This is his most important job.

The children are yelling and holding hands; they look good, full of scenes of brothers and sisters loving each other, making Qi Ping, a father, full of a sense of accomplishment.

It’s just that you need to see a little bit, and you don’t need to listen; otherwise, along the way, you will hear Xiaoyao complaining that his brother has brought too many toys, or Youyou said that his sister walks too slowly.Of course, there were also Lele's protests, and the voice of Little Sweetheart pestering her brothers and sisters aggrievedly.

This is something that can't be helped, even if the little guys have a good relationship, there will always be some small differences; but the little guys still have some things in common now.That is to blame parents for some things, complaining that Pooh and King Kong can't be brought this time, even Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai can't be brought along.

The little ones are used to this now, although they always have to be with their little friends; but they also know that once they fly, it is difficult to take King Kong and them.The older Xiaoyao and Yoyo are still complaining about some things. They are very unhappy when they hear that King Kong and Pooh will be locked up for a week when they fly.

That's okay, the children are growing up, and they understand more and more things now; when they were young, they would cry and make noise whenever they heard Pooh and they couldn't follow, but now they can understand these things Things are over, although they really still don't understand what quarantine is, but they know something.

This is growth, and this is a sign that children are slowly becoming sensible. It is very gratifying and very proud. After all, this is a sign of children's continuous growth.

Although the children may have some small grievances in the process of growing up, this is normal; after all, not everything will completely follow the children's wishes.They still need to know some common sense about some things, and they also need to learn some small compromises. Anyway, everything can't be left to their temperament.

The little guys boarded the plane holding hands, and the process was quite gratifying; although the posture of Xiaoyao holding his sister was a bit difficult, although the little sweetheart was definitely a little uncomfortable.But as the big brother, Xiaoyao still knows how to care about his younger sister, knowing that it is not safe for her to walk up the stairs by herself, so he has to hug her to feel at ease.

"I want milk, I want juice!"

After handing over the small box to grandma, Lele started yelling; his little mouth was never idle along the way, and he was already thirsty now, so he climbed onto the big seat by himself, and the little guy started wanting drinks.

As for the box, Lele is not tall enough and not strong enough, so he has no way to put the box and can only ask for help.Don't think that Lele is impatient and unwilling to admit defeat. In fact, he is still very aware of how much he has, and he will choose to recognize the facts when things are obviously impossible.

Sometimes this is the case, children just like some encouragement, they will be full of confidence when they get the affirmation of adults, and they will do something within their ability.But what's more, these little guys still need the care of adults. Who makes them just kids now? There are some things that kids want to do well, but they really don't have the ability. This is the reality.

The whole family is out, this is going on vacation; this time it is going to the fairyland island, the island resort of their own is finally open to the public, and now the preparations have been completed.This is a good thing. After investing so much money and spending a lot of time, it finally has achieved results.

This is indeed a good thing. The children are still young, but they have a persistent enthusiasm for going out to play; and for the adults, they are naturally willing to go out and enjoy the different beauty.Especially their own industry, so they are even more enthusiastic. They all want to see their beautiful island.

"Our family bought an island, but I can't find it on the map now, so I usually look at the photos and think it's not bad. Now, I should go see it too; I was talking to Luo Yi's mother yesterday. Chatting, saying that I don’t know where our island is, and I don’t know what it looks like after spending so much money on our island, this is unreasonable.”

The mother who holds her little granddaughter is very proud. Her own property is increasing, and her own good things are getting more and more. Of course, this is something to be very happy about.The youngest son has a successful career, which is naturally the capital of her pride.

"Yes, I haven't been there either, and Qiping has been a little more. A few kids in our family have been there too, but only once, and I guess they won't recognize them when they get to the island. That's not okay, why? Saying that they are also small bosses, if they don’t know their own land, it’s not good to say it. If they want to go to the island to play in the future and have to pay money and queue up to apply, it will be a big joke.”

Dad was joking, but he was actually very proud and happy; although his family had enough property, no one would think too much of good things.Don't look at my own island that has just opened to the public, but it is said that there are too many applications; even if the price is quite scary, there are still many rich people flocking to it, and there are even a lot of rich people People are just trusting relationships and looking for ways.

This is something to be proud of. Qi Ping feels that he has really done a lot of things to make his family feel proud.As for the current Fairyland Island, he really felt very proud; although it cost a lot of money and a lot of time, it was all worth it.

Of course it is worth it. In terms of doing business, although it is a huge investment, it has turned a relatively ordinary Caribbean island into a fairyland level on earth.It will become a resort and a place that rich people yearn for; although it seems that it is difficult to recover the cost immediately in a short period of time, the prospect is bright and the income will definitely be high.

These things are indeed worthy of Qiping's pride. He now has a lot of properties, and he now has too many properties that are at a level with rich returns.But obviously, Qi Ping doesn't think there are too many good things, he still hopes to have more good things at home.This is an obvious thing.

And aside from career matters, being able to bring a different beauty and enjoyment to his family is also an aspect of Qi Ping's pride.Although the current forest farm has beautiful scenery and there is a sea view villa on the west coast, there is obviously no such thing as living on an island. This is a brand new experience.

Not to mention the current children, even the adults are a little excited and looking forward to it at this time. They are also looking forward to enjoying those sunny beaches and blue sea and blue sky on their own islands.

These are indeed a different experience, and they are indeed things that everyone is looking forward to.

So now Qi Ping can be very proud, and now he can really feel that he has done a lot of things right; not only in business, but most importantly because he can bring more beautiful enjoyment to his family.Money is of course very important, but Qi Ping's current material foundation is already very good, and he doesn't rely on such a good house to live in a resort.

Qi Ping still has some understanding of the island. Although Qi Ping is not paying attention every day during the development of the island, he is not too relaxed anyway. He still keeps an eye on the development and construction progress of his own island.

So he still has a good understanding of the island, at least he knows a general idea.

But the family is different, let’s not talk about the four children, they probably have forgotten the fact that they have an island, they don’t even have such a concept, even if they have been to the island with their parents , even if they may have thought of some more interesting places and things on the island at some point.

As for Kate, she has been to the island a few times, but not more than three times; her impression of the island may be more based on the time of development, and more on the photos and videos she saw.In fact, now that the island has undergone a major transformation, she naturally knows about it; however, when the island has become a beautiful holiday island, she doesn't have much intuitive experience.

Not to mention parents, they naturally knew that their family had acquired an island, and it took almost a year to develop and build it, spending tens of millions of dollars.But they don't have much feeling about the specific scenery and customs of this island; but they are still very confident, and the youngest son is still good at business.

The whole family went out to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the fairyland island, and went there to enjoy some different holidays; these things are really worth looking forward to, and these things are what everyone is very enthusiastic and devoted to now.

"Big boat, Dad. Big boat, we're going on a big boat!"

The children have boundless energy, although a few little ones took a nap when they were on the plane, and even when they just got off the plane, they were all listless.But it recovered quickly, maybe it was just a relief, maybe it was just the effect of a piece of chocolate, and it immediately became alive and well.

"Yes, we are going to take the big boat."

Qi Ping hugged his little daughter and said happily, "Sweetheart is really amazing, and little girls are not afraid of strange environments and the like."In fact, the little girl thinks things like taking a boat are very common; her own forest farm has Muse Lake, and there is a villa by the sea, and the little girl usually runs happily on the yacht with bare feet.

"I like the sea best, and I want to go fishing. Dad, let's catch a big shark."

Lele happily lay on the railing of the deck and shouted ambitiously, the little guy has changed his clothes; he is shirtless and wearing beach shorts, this is a very dedicated guy, since he came to the beach, of course he wants to It is only necessary to put on 'professional equipment', which is also a sign that the little one feels happier and more involved in playing.

"I know you like the sea, but Dad doesn't have the ability to accompany you to catch sharks. Dad can't catch sharks, and sharks are too fierce. Brat, you can't be too greedy, you can't do it yourself unreachable things."

Qi Ping teased his fat son, and the ambitious Lele was really an adventurous guy; but for this brat who liked challenges, Qi Ping was a little dumbfounded.This kid loves excitement too much.

The little ones started to play again, yelling at the sea; this is a different experience from the Muse Lake. Looking at the blue and vast sea, it really makes people feel open-minded.Moreover, the sea breeze and waves will make people feel extremely enjoyable. The charm of the sea is indeed very different from the calm Muse Lake.

"It's really good, and it feels different from our sea view villa in California. The Caribbean Sea is indeed very famous, and this feeling is different from the Pacific Ocean."

Dad smiled and looked at the vast sea in front of him, he seemed to like this sea very much.

"What's the difference in the sea? Isn't it all water? I can see no difference between the seas on both sides. The scenery and climate are similar, and they are still very clear. I think you think this place is good because it is here. There is our family’s island, so you have a lot of feelings now, and you think this place is good.”

My mother dismantled things very simply, she just couldn't see any difference in this sea; but if this sea also belonged to her home, then maybe she would have a higher opinion of this sea.As for the sea that is not my own, I haven't actually seen anything special about it.

Well, Qi Ping can't say too much about this matter now, he actually thinks this sea is very good.It seems that there are some differences between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, but seriously, there seems to be not much difference. Anyway, what my parents said is reasonable, but they have different opinions and starting points.

In the final analysis, things from your own home are the best, especially in things that don't seem to have too many obvious differences, so feelings are the biggest distinguishing mark.Obviously, the things at home are the best, because they belong to me; if it doesn't have much to do with my home, what's the use of being beautiful.

"Grandpa, let's go fishing, I want to catch a lot of fish, can you hang the bait for me, I can't!"

Xiaoyao ran over, the little guy needs grandpa's help now.

"No, there is no way to fish now, our boat is still sailing. When we get to the island, grandpa will take you to go fishing. We will catch a lot of big fish, and at night we will eat the fish caught by Xiaoyao!"

Although this sea is not our own now, but being with the one we love the most is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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