America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 566 Sudden Accidents

Chapter 566 Sudden Accidents

It is definitely a good thing to be stronger; Qi Ping understands very well that if the products and his company in his hands are not strong enough, maybe at this time he is asking for others and being controlled by others.

And when he is strong enough, he can formulate some rules, and he doesn't need to look at other people's faces to act too much.At this time, he is completely in control, and he can execute his established plans better and more freely, because he doesn't need to worry about those messy things at all, and he doesn't need to worry about the influence of competitors.

After all, the world still relies on strength; especially for entrepreneurs like Qi Ping, the products in his hands are the most important and core competitiveness.At this time, with a good product, of course, you can take the initiative even more. At this time, you can guide it instead of trying to fully meet the needs of the market.

This is definitely a good thing, at least for Qi Ping, he can save a lot of trouble, and he can sit at home and wait for the money with peace of mind.

Indeed, his company and his products seem to have just gained a foothold now, but such products are so outstanding, far surpassing similar products on the market, that it seems that there is no competitor at all You can wrestle with these products of Qiping and compete for the market.

So, rest assured, as long as it is not the kind of fuss that takes too many steps at once or is nonsense, it is based on the current situation.It's really the same thing, waiting to collect money at home, even if it's "living on its laurels", Qi Ping doesn't need to worry about a rising star who can catch up in a short time.

Because the advantages are too obvious, because now Qiping holds the right to make rules.

Look at Little Japan now, they are the most stressed now; they were the dominant players at first, but now they have no chance to catch up.Even these guys who were originally the only ones who were thought to be able to catch up to the fairy cows in the Fairyland Ranch have now recognized the reality, and they just hope to become 'loyal' followers.

"Brother-in-law, it's over, something happened to me!"

Joshua called, a distress call; compared to his sister, he preferred to talk to his brother-in-law about something.Because the brother-in-law is trustworthy and is his dog-headed military advisor.

"Come on, what's the matter? If I can help, I will help, but if I can't solve it, you'd better not open your mouth, lest everyone will be hit."

Qi Ping lay on the sofa and said casually, my brother-in-law is now an adult, and now has a job and income, and he is still at the level of a "successful person" that everyone thinks.So naturally there is no need to care about everything like Joshua did when he was a child, let alone giving some pocket money is a kind of good care.

"I may have a child, it scares me to death!"

Joshua is like an eggplant beaten by frost, even through the phone, Qi Ping can feel Joshua's depression and injury.It's just that these words really startled Qi Ping.

As for Joshua, you can call him a playboy, but if you want to say that he is more dedicated, it’s actually not a big problem. This is a complex of contradictions.Although it is normal for many young people to have children when they are very young, even in high school and college; but Joshua definitely does not want to have children early, just look at his nephews and nieces , he has long been frightened by these little devils.

"Are you sure it's your kids now? It's your responsibility, Joshua. This is America, and you know, abortion might not be a very good thing. Of course, having kids doesn't mean you're going to get married." .”

Well, Qi Ping is really wicked enough; but such a thing is really nothing. In the United States, I don’t know how many people have several children but are not married, and I don’t know how many people are married. After many years of marriage, there was no movement to go to the wedding ceremony; therefore, Qi Ping gave a very safe answer.

"It's my child. I haven't changed many girlfriends recently. We have been living together. But brother-in-law, I'm not ready. I don't have any plans to be a father so early, and of course I don't want to get married plan. I admit that I am serious about Annie, but I can hardly guarantee that I will always love her."

Hearing Joshua's words, Qi Ping rubbed his temples straight, which is really bloody; it should be that the legendary girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly, which caused Joshua's distress, but it's not bad, at least It was Joshua's serious girlfriend, not a woman he met in a nightclub or some other occasion, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

There are many such things in the United States. Many women give birth to children for the rich, and then ask for money under the banner of child support.In the eyes of such women, a child may be a long-term meal ticket. They don't care so much at all, as long as they can get the money, this is the fundamental reason why they have children.

Qi Ping feels very tricky and a headache now, but such a thing is really difficult to solve, and he has no more ways to do it.So I can only give Joshua some more conservative suggestions, and it is better to let nature take its course.

In fact, it is also necessary for Joshua to chat with other people, such as the father-in-law; after all, Joshua is not too young now, and this is normal.It's because Qi Ping is only Joshua's brother-in-law after all, and it's right to take care of Joshua, but it doesn't mean that Qi Ping advises everything, even if he seems to have a way of doing business.

Kate was frowning, and she seemed to be very entangled in her hesitation to speak; it was obvious that she also knew what her brother had done, and she also knew that his brother was now in some difficult troubles.

If it were her, she would like children very much; but she also knows very well that not everyone likes children as much as she and Qi Ping.As for her younger brother's character, Kate couldn't be more clear. Even though she has four children to take care of now, even if she has her own family, Kate actually still worries about her younger brother's affairs.

"What can we do, let Joshua give birth to the child first. It's not bad, he is a serious girlfriend this time, that's not bad. Let them continue to look around, if they can get married naturally in the future It's a good thing, it doesn't matter if Joshua doesn't like that girl, at least the child is by his side. Anyway, it's not a big problem if he's not married."

Qi Ping was dumbfounded by his mother's words. It seemed that his mother was really old; getting married in the United States was definitely a big deal.Many rich people dare not get married, because marriage is not necessarily insurance; once they get divorced, the division of property is scary enough.

"It can only be like this now. We can't encourage Joshua to encourage abortion. I know Joshua is not ready yet, but this is what he caused, and he needs to bear it all. I hope that after this time, he Can grow up. Obviously, Joshua has been too smooth since he was a child, so he didn’t have too many setbacks at all, he was not strong enough and brave enough.”

What the mother-in-law said made Qi Ping a little embarrassed. After all, the mother-in-law was more or less blaming Qi Ping; who made Qi Ping, a rich brother-in-law, treat Joshua better, and Qi Ping always gave Joshua Instill some messy ideas.

So Joshua is really good at eating, drinking and having fun. If it weren't for his love of baseball, he probably wouldn't be able to become a professional baseball player.

Isn't this obvious? There is a rich brother-in-law who always teaches about eating, drinking, having fun, and enjoying life. It is really difficult for people to carry forward the spirit of hard work.This is how Joshua is being taken into the ditch now. This kid is a California boy, and enjoying life seems to be the first priority.

In fact, this matter still has the "precept and example" of the bastard Steve. Joshua was educated by the playboy Steve, and it really is true that he has changed girlfriends since high school.There is a rich brother-in-law who always gives some financial support secretly. When he was 16 years old, his first car was a Porsche, and occasionally he was able to get Steve’s sports car and the like, trying not to attract the girls in school. It's hard, not to mention that Joshua himself is still a handsome guy, and he hates sports.

Therefore, Qi Ping completely trained Joshua to become a playboy; Steve also said more than once that Joshua is actually more talented than him.Because Joshua is not only "rich", but also sunny and handsome. No matter how you look at it, he is the type of Prince Charming, and he is really accurate in picking up girls.

The whole family felt very difficult because of Joshua's unexpected situation here, and felt that they were really hit head-on right now.This matter must be a little troublesome, because Joshua, the person involved, seems not ready to be a father at all; it is also because everyone knows Joshua's temperament, so whether Joshua can handle this matter well Things feel worrying.

"Dad, can I have a lot of chocolate? I don't eat it myself, I want to share it with my friends. Neither Tiffany nor Eva have so much chocolate, I want to share with them."

The blind man came, and Lele looked at his father expectantly; the little guy wanted to share the chocolate at home with his little friends, he knew that the chocolate at home was more delicious.This kid really knows how to please little girls. These chocolates can ensure that the already popular boy will become an even more popular boy.

Gritting his teeth, he was going to refuse straight away, but he still couldn't refuse; the fat son looked expectant, which made Qi Ping unable to bear to refuse.Besides, what a big deal it is; after all, it's because Lele's mind is very simple, not as complicated as adults.

"You guys need to pay attention, our kids will definitely be more popular, their dad is a billionaire, maybe when they are 16 years old, they will drive a supercar like Qi's Koenigsegg. I can Guaranteed, those girls will come rushing over like sharks smelling blood."

Mark opened his mouth. Although this was not the time for joking, he still couldn't help it; the most important thing was that because of Joshua's incident, it really woke everyone up, which made everyone even more Empathize.In the final analysis, Joshua was really grown up by everyone watching him.

"Now I just hope that our children are more sensible, and I hope they can be more serious about some things. I am still very confident. Both Qi and Kate are family-oriented people, and they will definitely be able to educate their children well. "

Qi Ping was relieved by the strong support of his mother-in-law, which seemed to be the same reason; Qi Ping has a good education here, so there is no need to worry about the children going astray.

"Kate likes children so much, all her ideals and pursuits are her family, but look at Joshua again. They are still biological siblings, but they are completely two extremes in such a matter. Don't tell me boy There's a difference between being a girl and don't tell me I'm being influenced by my parents, I wasn't like Joshua when I was young."

The father-in-law has deep grievances, and it is a great thing to be a grandfather; but Joshua, this kid, is really not at all reassuring.

Well, the little pride that had just emerged in Qi Ping's heart disappeared in an instant, and it was difficult for him to have some confidence after being hit by the old man.

This also reminded Qi Ping that although he felt that the children had the right to choose the way of life they liked, it was better for the children to be more cautious when it comes to feelings.It doesn't have to be consistent or absolutely attaching importance to family, but when it comes to dealing with emotional matters, I hope the children can mature a bit.

Joshua, this little bastard, is really worrying. Originally, Qi Ping still enjoyed such a leisurely life at home, but because of such a situation, things changed completely.It's not necessarily bad, but there must be some pressure, because this matter of my brother-in-law is really hard to talk about and deal with.

It was also because of Joshua's lesson from the past, and looking at the children running around, Qi Ping immediately felt full of pressure.When he first met Joshua, Joshua was actually not much older than Xiaoyao and the others, just a brat, but now, Joshua has already made such a big commotion.

In the final analysis, time is really fleeting. Maybe children will grow up in the blink of an eye, and they will be able to do many unexpected things.So at this time, it is really necessary to pay more attention to the growth of the children. If you do not accompany the growth of the children, maybe the children will make some detours in the future.

Such a price is too great, and Qi Ping does not want to bear it, let alone let the children get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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