America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 567 Bilingual Education

Chapter 567 Bilingual Education
Regarding some of the things Joshua did, the family didn't actually worry too much; after all, Joshua is now an adult, and he is now capable of taking care of his family.

It is indeed a little unexpected for everyone, but there is no need to worry too much; Joshua is still a child to everyone, but the child will grow up one day.Even if the usual Joshua is unreliable, but you can't deny that he is still a very capable and profitable professional athlete to many people.

It’s just that in the eyes of the family, Joshua is still a child; except for the family, everyone knows that Joshua can be alone, and he is actually quite capable and outstanding.

The most important thing is that these things were caused by Joshua himself. He has grown up now, and he can't let his family help him with everything.It's part of Joshua's growth, and he needs to take responsibility for what he did.

This is not a bad thing. I believe that after experiencing these things, I believe that with some changes in his identity, Joshua will definitely mature, he will definitely learn more lessons, and there will be more in the next life. more responsibility.

This is definitely not a bad thing, anyway, Qi Ping thinks so; even if Joshua is only temporarily distressed, confused, even frightened and at a loss.But everyone has to go through such a process, not everyone knows it from birth, and many things need personal experience to have a more say.

Qi Ping is not worried about his brother-in-law at all now, he still has more things to do now, and there are still many things in his life to prepare and enjoy.Regardless of whether it is the best or not, some things are definitely inevitable, so let it be, and think about everything before it happens, or you will be in a hurry when the time comes.

The company's listing is already in the final stage. It is definitely not a matter of a day or two for a large company to go public, which requires sufficient preparations.In the final analysis, it is because of the relationship of interests, and the interests involved are too great, so no matter how cautious it is, Qi Ping is indeed very patient.

As for the cooperation with Little Japan, Qi Ping is actually not in a hurry at all; because the initiative is in his hands, now Little Japan can only strive for some benefits as much as possible, but wants to make too many conditions , then it is definitely impossible.We are all smart people, there is no reason to be soft-hearted towards strangers like you.

"Dad, I'm going too!"

Seeing her father driving the car to go out, Xiao Tian jumped around impatiently; the little girl hugged her father's leg and did not let go, her current attitude was quite obvious: If you don't take Xiao Tianxin out, then it won't work!
"Sweetheart, Dad is going to pick up his friends, and he will be home soon. You can't go now, and there will be no seat for you. You can stay at home obediently, mom and you stack blocks, we teach Romeo and Juliet speaks."

Kate wants to persuade little sweetheart, this cute little girl is a little stubborn now.

"I want to go too, I want to go too!"

The little sweetheart is making a fuss, the little girl is seriously unbalanced now; the reason is very simple, the elder brother and sister always go out to play, but the little sweetheart can only stay at home.From Little Sweetheart's point of view, older brothers and sisters go out to play when they are studying. Anyway, what my brother and sister said about going to school is a fun thing, and Little Sweetheart wants to go too.

"Okay, I'll take you there, but you have to be obedient."

Qi Ping hugged his precious daughter in a funny way, children themselves have shallow eyelids, they are curious about everything they see, and want to get mixed up.In addition, the baby girl is so cute and beautiful, who can be ruthless to refuse; seeing the baby girl's big black eyes staring eagerly, Qi Ping felt that he couldn't be ruthless.

"It's like this every time. When facing our daughter, you never know what rejection is. I hope our sons can understand, and I hope they don't think that Dad is partial. You need to tell your sons about this matter, I I don't want Xiaoyao and Lele to have any misunderstandings; I can even guarantee that when you face Yoyo, you are not as patient and stand-off as you are with Sweetheart."

Kate sighed and said amusedly that she had understood some things a long time ago; Qi Ping dotes on children very much, but he really dotes on little sweetheart.But it's not bad, everyone still hasn't changed their position on some principled matters, and it's also because although Little Sweetheart has a little temper, she is also very good at educating her.

Qi Ping laughed and said nothing, hugged his baby girl and ran to evacuate; baby girl likes to run around in a car, baby girl likes to go out to play, Qi Ping is naturally the best driver.Although it is to pick up people now, but bringing a cute little doll will definitely make those guests feel happier.

The reason is very simple, the little sweetheart is so cute and beautiful, who would not like it!This is an absolute cutie, and this is definitely the cutest, prettiest little angel, no doubt about it.

Undoubtedly, Qi Ping has also completely fallen into the charm of the baby girl, unable to extricate himself!
I took my baby girl straight to the San Diego airport, and this is the pick-up; let the baby girl sit on her shoulders, holding a small pick-up sign in her little hand.

The little girl is very happy, because she has never experienced these things; and she just ate a big cup of ice cream with her father, and the little girl is now energetic.

"Boss Qi is flattered to pick you up. Let a billionaire pick you up, and it's an honor for me to tell you! But are you a little lazy, why are you willing to let our precious girl hold the pick Machine card."

It's been a few years since he graduated, and his living conditions are pretty good now. Shi Wei looks a little bit fat now; this kid was originally in good shape, but the butcher's knife of years really made him It's like blowing air.

"I don't have time to talk to you, Biaozi, why didn't you see him?"

Qi Ping smiled and held his precious daughter in his arms. The little girl is still a little forgetful; in fact, the little girl has seen these uncles and uncles when she returned to China for the New Year, but now the little girl has forgotten.Don't look at the little girl who is usually favored by everyone, but she is still a little shy when facing strangers. Now she is lying in her father's arms and dare not come out.

"He's carrying luggage in the back. His child is a little airsick. My precious girl finally met a playmate, and she's not willing to let go. Aren't they stuck together all the time. I'll come here first to see if you're right." We are really welcome, come to the front station first.”

Although there are only one or two opportunities to get together and meet each other a year, the friendship is still there, and it has not become strange because of time or the so-called identity.After all, they were roommates and best buddies in college. At that time, the friendship was much more pure, so when we were together, we could have a lot of things to say. When we met, we were extremely familiar, and there was no unfamiliarity or politeness at all.

"Luo Yi can't come to pick up the plane today. What he said is that he will apologize at that time. He has a meeting. When we go back tonight, we will feed him. That kid is fatter than you now, and his face is round. He eats and drinks all day long. At that time, it is estimated that it will not be an easy task for us to pour him down."

Qi Ping patted the baby girl's little butt in a funny way, and asked the little girl to call someone; but the little girl called "Uncle" in a childlike voice under the guidance of her father, and immediately lay down in her father's arms to pretend lady.

Qi Ping was very happy when his friends from the university came to the United States. Speaking of which, Qi Ping always wanted his good friends to come to the forest farm as guests, but sometimes it was really inconvenient.

Everyone now has a family, a job, and a life of their own, so naturally there is not so much time.Not everyone is like Qi Ping who can "idle around" every day. More people still work step by step every day. It is a matter of course for men to make money to support their families.

It's also because everyone wants to get together to see Qi Ping's home in the United States; it's a little bit of time coordination, except for some holidays, it's really hard to get together.In particular, you don’t plan to just take a look and leave. Qiping’s forest farm has a very good environment, so you have to stay for a few more days. This must be a longer vacation, or you will need two or three days on the plane to go back and forth. up.

Zhang Biao finally walked out of the exit, hugging a lifeless fat boy; there was also a pink and tender little girl bouncing around and holding hands with her mother, this is Shi Wei's precious daughter.

"Uncle, uncle! My sister is here too, I miss my sister."

Hey, look at how sweet the little girl of Shi Wei's family is, she still remembers the uncle who hasn't seen him a few times; this made Qi Ping happy, the little girl's education is good.

"Hurry up and take us to find a place to sit. My son has suffered a great crime this trip. I was very happy when I heard that I was flying out to play. I shouted that I wanted to see your King Kong and Pooh. These dozen After an hour-long flight, I lost all energy.”

Zhang Biao loves his son dearly, who doesn't love his dear son; besides, everyone knows Qi Ping's pissing behavior, and there is really no need to pretend to be polite there.

But Zhang Biao had just finished speaking, so he was pinched by his wife; this is a guest, so he needs to be polite.That's good, it's impolite to make a request from the very beginning.Although I am an old classmate, to be a guest here is to bother others, and when I bother others, I have too many demands, which is impolite.

"Okay, let's go eat some ice cream, and the children can eat some ice cream. It's still an hour's drive to my forest farm. It's better for the children to take a breather."

Qi Ping is also the father of four children. Naturally, taking care of the children is not an easy task, and the physical fitness of the children themselves may not be suitable for flying for a long time, and they will definitely be a little uncomfortable.As for the politeness and the like, Qi Ping didn't feel it at all. He was only happy when his old friend came over.

"Uncle, I'm my sister, but why didn't my sister come? My sister doesn't even talk to me. I like my sister."

The baby girl of Shi Wei's family really has the demeanor of a big sister. In the final analysis, it is because there is only one baby girl in the family and usually has few playmates, so now seeing the children seems very happy.

"My sister and brothers are both going to school, and they have to go home after school. Can you help uncle take care of my sister now, my sister is a little shy now."

Seeing Little Sweetheart's curious and shy look, Qi Ping found it quite funny; Little Sweetheart has brought out the best in the nest now, and she was the most popular little princess when she was in the forest farm, and everyone liked her , she also likes to run around.But now seeing uncles and aunts she didn't know, as well as sisters and brothers she didn't know, the little girl became shy.

Although she is a bit shy, the little girl is still curious enough, and she often whispers something in her father's ear; for example, her sister is very friendly, and her brother doesn't talk, it seems that the little girl also wants to get to know everyone She has become good friends, and she also likes to have more good friends, but she is a little shy now.

The children can always become playmates in the shortest time. The son of Zhang Biao’s family recovered after eating a big cup of ice cream. It is also because of the elder sister and younger sister that the little man’s self-esteem exploded. They all depend on their mother's arms, otherwise they would be very shy.

Seeing the children sitting in the back seat yelling and seeing the little girl generously take out her toys, Qi Ping was very happy.The little girl is very friendly and knows how to share; in fact, the children in the family are not bad, they are not stingy, and they know how to take care of others, because there are four brothers and sisters in the family, plus there are cousins, so Everyone knows that they take care of each other, and that fun games and toys need to be shared together.

"Sister, let's steal brother's chocolate, do I know where brother's chocolate is?"

Listening to Xiao Tianxin triumphantly announcing something, Qi Ping was taken aback; although the little girl was talking in a childish voice, this matter was really shocking.

"Your baby girl speaks Mandarin well, but she seems to have a bit of an accent. Is this the Mandarin of your hometown?"

The children are chatting happily, and the adults naturally have their own topics; the children don't need to worry about them, they can get along well.

"That's right, my family speaks a lot of Chinese, and I speak authentic native Mandarin with my grandparents. Just listen patiently, sweetheart is not very slippery with novels now; the three older ones in my family are sure to communicate with you no problem."

Qi Ping is full of confidence, our family is bilingual, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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