Chapter 568
When there are guests at home, everyone is of course very happy; the reason why Qi Ping is happy is that his good buddies have brought their families to visit, and this is naturally the reason why Qi Ping is the happiest.

In fact, it is definitely not just Qi Ping who is happy, the children are very happy; these little hosts are all hospitable and hospitable, they all like to meet new friends, they like to have someone become new friends and partners with them.So these little guys are entertaining their friends warmly, which is why they are happy.

"Lele is going to school, otherwise he would really hang around Xiaowei. My brat is really a hooligan. I heard that he likes to hang around little girls, but now he has learned a lot. gone."

Bringing good friends to the racecourse to ride horses, Qi Ping was a little funny when he saw Xiaowei carved in powder and jade.

"I think he only likes pretty little girls, and my son Lele doesn't like to play with them very much. You don't know how nice Lele is to Xiaowei. The chocolate is brought out and the caviar is shared. As long as Lele As soon as I come back, I will definitely hold Xiaowei's hand and take her out to play, play with bears, fight with orangutans, anyway, your Jialele has a very sense of ownership."

Listening to Zhang Biao's ridicule, Qi Ping was a little embarrassed; the key point is that the fat son, the little master, treated him too differently. They are all new friends, but there is no reason to just hang around the little girl.

"I see, if your son continues to be so serious, I'll have to observe more. Your son will be happy to give them a baby kiss when the time comes, and I've found a good son-in-law by then."

Shi Wei was also joking, these were obviously jokes; let alone Qi Ping, even he knew that such a thing was unrealistic.Darling, speaking of it, it is no longer popular now, and now it is completely watching children's free love, where did things like parents' order and matchmaker's words come from, what is the age of this.

"My Jia Lele's words are really good. If you don't object, I will be happy, and you will regret it anyway. You probably know by now what my Jia Lele's virtues are. The Great Demon King is talking about his Type. And how impatient this character is, you have seen a little bit of it."

Qi Ping is definitely not cheating on his son, this is telling the truth; everyone can basically understand Lele's character after a little look.

"Lele is not bad, your children are all good. You don't know, my little Zhang Yu lives with her grandparents, and she is used to being out of shape. To be honest, my Zhang Yu is really a bit delicate. Our family It's just a well-off family, but this has already raised a young master. I don't see you as a child of a billionaire's family."

Zhang Biao said with some emotion that he met the children of Qiping's family, and he knew about these little guys when he returned to China for the New Year; everyone knew that the children of Qiping's family were naughty, and they were very naughty.

But this is really nothing, it's perfectly normal for children to be naughty; but in Qiping's family, the children are really not considered delicate.Although these little guys are children of billionaire families, their food and clothing may be relatively high-end, but these little kids are definitely not squeamish.

The little ones basically do what they can do by themselves. They will never be fed for food and the like.There was even a party where I saw a Band-Aid on Xiaoyao's little face. Although the little guy was injured, he was still smiling, and he was even a little embarrassed because he made it himself.

They don't cry, and there is no such thing as making Qiping succumb because of unreasonable troubles; these, the little guys really performed very well, and none of the little guys are like children from a rich family. Really not the squeamish type.

It is indeed quite enviable, because too many children nowadays are too squeamish.

"I'm also envious of you talking about this. My Xiaowei is taken by her grandparents. If Xiaowei fell, her grandparents would definitely hug her and comfort her immediately. It wasn't a big deal at first, but Xiaowei must have cried a lot. It's time for small things to become big things. Xiao Wei is a little bit delicate now, it's the truth. This matter can't be said to be about her grandparents, I'm also spoiled by her, and this really made some rich ladies."

Shi Wei seemed to be a little belated, maybe he knew this a long time ago, but he didn't plan to change much.

Qi Ping just smiled and said nothing. He was really happy about this matter. The children in the family were really good at being mischievous and mischievous. Everyone in the family also spoiled the children.But if you want to talk about doting, it's really not very possible; no matter how naughty the little guys are, the family will not dote on them, and the family will pay attention to cultivating the spirit of the children.

As a parent, the psychology of pampering children is of course understandable. Who can really be cruel to beat, scold and criticize their own children; How can we be neither pampered nor spoiled.

But for the sake of the children's future, parents sometimes really have to be rational and pamper their children properly, and it is absolutely necessary not to overdo it. We must grasp the proportion, and excessive pampering without principles will do no harm to the children. One profit.

Children who are overly pampered, because they have been surrounded by their parents for a long time, don't know how to think about others, they don't know how to compare their hearts, they don't think about problems from the perspective of others, they are all self-centered, selfish and self-interested.

Qi Ping attaches great importance to this point. There are four children in the family. If the little guys are all selfish, don't say that Qi Ping is no longer there. The kids will fight about separation and things like that.

Qi Ping really hopes to see the children love each other, he absolutely does not want to see some bad things.

Moreover, once a child is pampered, the direct consequence is arrogance. Because the parents make every concession and satisfy all their demands, including many unreasonable demands, they develop the idea that they are the boss in their bones.Parents have to listen to him, dare to speak and do things on top of parents, don't know how to make concessions, don't know how to tolerate, and can't bear grievances, have an arrogant personality, and act arrogantly.

It's still the same reason, but there are four children in the family, so it is absolutely impossible to cultivate such a character; if the four little ones think that they are the most important and the most favored one by one, then they will really want to There was a commotion.

Besides, Qi Ping still has some money anyway, and the children's life in the future must be well-fed; once the children embark on the path of perverted personality, it is really doomed.In the United States, the private life of many rich second generations is a mess, and Qi Ping does not want to see his precious children become such people.

Children who are pampered often do not want to do anything, and become lazy day by day, occasionally doing a little thing is careless and undisciplined; moreover, these children are also prone to being overly pampered by their parents. Some bad behaviors and impolite behaviors are not stopped, and children don't know what manners are at all.

These are indeed very bad, because once the character is developed, it is really too difficult to change; such things really cannot be ignored at all, because children's character needs to be cultivated from an early age.

These are the results of doting on children, but the most important things may be some other things; such as psychological quality, social skills and so on.

Living under the care and pampering of parents for a long time, I don’t know what difficulties are since I was a child, because my parents solve everything on my behalf. Once I encounter difficulties, I will be at a loss, my character will become cowardly, and I will not be able to achieve great things, I will not be able to achieve great things, and I will not be able to withstand Any little difficulty is like a flower in a greenhouse. Once the greenhouse is opened, it will be destroyed by a storm.

Because of selfishness, everything is self-centered, domineering and undisciplined, arrogant, naturally unable to live in harmony with others, and communication with others also becomes an obstacle.

Interpersonal relationship is a kind of interactive and mutually beneficial communication, and a child who is overly pampered always thinks that he is the boss of the emperor, refuses to wrong himself, refuses to be considerate of others, and always acts from an unequal perspective. Naturally, no one wants to be with him Communication, its interpersonal relationship will definitely be difficult to handle.

Qi Ping has seen quite a few little emperors and little princesses, and that is really the only center of the family, held in the palm of everyone's hands.Who doesn't spoil a child who doesn't spoil one's own flesh and blood; but there should be a limit to spoiling a child, otherwise, it's not spoiling a child, but harming the child.

And many children grow up with their grandparents, which is a kind of helplessness; if the children's parents have that time, who would not want to spend more time with the children.Grandparents must be more serious and careful in taking care of children than nannies, but it is really impossible for grandparents to watch their children suffer. .

Qi Ping can't control other people's affairs, but in his family, the children's personalities are very good; in fact, for a while, Qi Ping talked to his parents many times, because sometimes they There will be some potential for pampering children, which they may not realize at all.

Fortunately, everyone in the family is now mentally prepared for this, and after having four children, the children have gradually developed some habits; as for the adults, they have already been mentally prepared, and they know the scale.Children from other families feel that it is better to be pampered, but it is definitely not possible in Lao Qi's family; not only Qiping's family, but also the education of the old brother's family.

"Sister, sister!"

Little sweetheart felt a little wronged, her pony was taken away; the little girl always liked to take the pony around, it was her sweetheart.But now the new sister Xiaowei also likes the pony, and Little Sweetheart is naturally willing to share it with her sister; but now that sister Xiaowei has taken over the pony, the little girl is naturally unbalanced.

"Sister, the pony likes me. You can't hold it like this, it hurts."

The little girl ran around anxiously, circling around sister Xiaowei; she looked at her pitifully with her big eyes, and her small mouth was aggrieved.But he didn't cry, and he was still circling around his sister, wanting her sister to return the pony to her, and wanting her sister to know how to get along with the pony.

But obviously, Xiao Wei has not realized this yet; she is an only child, and she is the only baby bump in the house, and all the good things at home are really hers.Therefore, it is difficult for the little girl to develop some spirit and quality of sharing. She still thinks that all good things are hers.

The little pony is the first time Xiaowei saw a really cute doll; she likes it very much, and it is normal to want to take it home.And Xiaowei also understands that it's not her things that can't be taken away secretly. She knows that she may only be able to play with this cute little pony for a while, and now she is not willing to let go.

Xiaowei cried because her parents asked her to return the pony to her sister; so Xiaowei got angry and cried that she would never talk to her parents again, and she didn't want to play games with her sister anymore, she is a big villain.There is another reason why Xiaowei is crying, that is, her parents promised to give her a pony, which made Xiaowei very unhappy.

Little Sweetheart also cried aggrievedly. The little guy was very helpless and confused. She couldn't figure out what happened.Because Little Sweetheart is a little too small now, it is difficult for her to understand some complicated emotions.And my sister was crying, and she was still saying bad things about Little Sweetheart, so she naturally cried aggrievedly.

Crying was crying, but Qi Ping didn't care too much about it; it wasn't that Qi Ping was cruel or something, but when it came to the children in the family, Qi Ping was definitely the one who loved the little sweetheart the most.But this scale, Qi Ping is still very concerned.

This is a conflict between the children. As long as it is not some principled mistake, then Qi Ping will not interfere more, and he will let the children solve it by themselves.Don't underestimate the children, although they are still young; but Qi Ping can guarantee that these children can handle these things well.

Many times adults just think that children are too young, which is a good excuse for them to interfere with everything about children.However, this is too underestimating the lovely children, and it will indeed make the children get used to letting adults help solve some problems.

Qi Ping simply comforted the little sweetheart, and then explained some truths to the little girl, as simple as possible so that the little sweetheart can understand.As for what to do next, Qi Ping is really not worried at all.

There are four children in the family, and the elder brother’s family also has two children, Luo Yi’s family has children, and Steve’s family has children; the forest farm is a children’s nest, no matter how friendly the children get along with each other, there will be no lack of conflicts, and they can solve these small problems by themselves. contradiction.

(End of this chapter)

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