Chapter 316

Mu Changfeng wiped her messy hair behind her ears, and said softly, "I won't hide anything from you anymore. If there is any progress, I will tell you as soon as possible..."

She could see his sincerity and his apology. The matter had come to this point, and it would not help the matter to blame anyone. If she calmed down and waited for Han Yaxuan to come to negotiate terms.

The time has come to the beginning of the twelfth lunar month in Canghe, 2017. After inquiring from many places, the Liyue army found out that the Qingzhou army was corresponding with the army from the Tianlin Kingdom and Ding Yuanhou from the Xueyu Kingdom. They managed to encircle The trend is to make up his mind to trap Mu Changfeng here.During the stalemate, the two sides had launched several small-scale battles, resulting in casualties for each.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, and being outside for a long time is not conducive to the physical strength of soldiers and horses, so after a small fight with the first army, all the Liyue army retreated to Ningcheng, closed the city gate, and temporarily rested .In this way, the coalition army and the Qingzhou army joined together. They gained this advantage and suddenly launched a general attack on Ningcheng on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Liyue army rose up to resist tenaciously.

Although this wave could be resisted, it made Empress Zhao restless.She knew that facing this desperate situation, Bu Jingyan might be able to think of a way to defend against the enemy, but she was too embarrassed to beg her, and she handed over her child to her enemy. At this time, Bu Jingyan wished she could kill her. Well, why would you pay attention to her request?

She urged Mu Changfeng several times, but he acted as if he didn't hear him, and didn't answer at all. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do, and she was always worried that the coalition forces would attack again.

Sure enough, while she was still terrified, the second round of the coalition attack came again. Seeing the ants-like enemy troops climbing up the ladder one after another, her heart almost jumped out.Although she has some experience and has seen a lot of blood, but that is in the palace, she is the one who dominates everything, instead of worrying about being broken by the enemy at this moment.

But just when the coalition forces launched their general offensive, there was a loud roar from five miles outside the city. From a distance, an iron-like troop was seen advancing towards the coalition forces, and rushed the coalition forces that had already formed a formation. All in disarray, defeated and defeated.

This army came to the rescue with [-] cavalry led by King Zhongtian himself, and there was thunderous cheers in Ningcheng.

And on the third day, an army from Japan quietly arrived in Ningcheng. After handing over documents, it was confirmed that it was General Huang Xian from Kagoshima.

As a result, the momentum of the Liyue Army became even greater, and the coalition forces that wanted to put Mu Changfeng to death did not dare to advance again, and finally remained silent for a few days.

On the third day after the allied forces retreated, Mu Changfeng, who was sitting by the fire discussing the war with King Zhongtian, Huang Xian, etc., received a letter from a soldier who presented the letter in his hand , "Prince, it is from the envoy from Qingzhou, look quickly..."

Mu Changfeng exchanged glances with everyone, he took it and quickly browsed through it, his expression changed suddenly, and then he seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

King Zhongtian looked at his face and said, "Is it related to the child?" He already knew about the child being taken away from him. At this moment, he really admired how the ruthless empress could still have the nerve to sit in the barracks.

Mu Changfeng nodded, and was about to hand the letter to him, but Bu Jingyan, who suddenly rushed in, snatched it away. She looked down and said, "I'm going too."

General Huang Xian hurriedly dissuaded him: "Second Miss is too weak to be exposed to the wind. As long as the child turns around, we will definitely help you get it back."

Bu Jingyan shook his head, looked at the snow-covered outdoors, with a determined face, "Get me a carriage!"

On the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, there was heavy snow like goose feathers floating in the sky.

At noon, the heavy snow stopped suddenly, the strong wind howled, the grass was broken, and the broken towering ancient trees made a shrill whine in the wind, like ghosts crying and wolves, which made people feel fearless.

In front of the gate of Qingzhou City, there was a dense mass of darkness, and at this moment, Mu Changfeng and other generals who had been invited from Ningcheng were standing there.Not far away, a carriage stopped there quietly, and the people inside did not make any sound.

There is a large piece in the southeast, and those with sharp eyes can recognize it. One is the courtiers of the Xueyu Kingdom, headed by Ding Yuanhou, who is dedicated to conquests, and the other is Tianlin, headed by Han Yaxuan. National Corps.She was wearing a heavy snow fur and her stomach was slightly puffed out, it was obvious that she was pregnant.Although it affected her slender beauty, she was still beautiful and moving.

On the city tower, the archers of the Qingzhou Army were watching closely, densely packed, and it was shocking to see.Standing on a crenel of the tower, Feng Yuanxi, dressed in dignified armor, and his generals looked down coldly against the north wind.

At this time, what attracted everyone's attention was a tall pole erected in an open space. A hemp rope was hung on the pole, and a bamboo basket was tied to one end of the rope. What was in the bamboo basket? Because it was too high, no one could see it, but when the howling wind transmitted the loud cry of the baby inside, everyone understood that in the bamboo basket was Bu Jingyan's baby who was snatched away as soon as it was born.

Mu Changfeng's eyes were about to burst.

Huang Xian, Zhongtian Wang and other generals stared angrily.

On the side, Empress Zhao raised her eyes and looked up gloatingly.

At this time, Ding Yuanhou led a group of courtiers from Xueyu Kingdom and said loudly in the camp: "Excuse me, Prince Liyue, is that demon girl Bu Jingyan here?"

Mu Changfeng came out angrily, Yaokong pointed at Yuanhou's old face, and said angrily: "You guys are too much! A newborn baby was hanged up high to blow the air. Could it be that you were sent by your parents at the beginning?" Feeding adults like this? You all look dignified and modest, and you look like gentlemen, did your parents teach you to treat other people's children like this?"

His words fell to the ground loudly, and the words of the men on the opposite side were even more embarrassing.

However, some people think that they have a great reason. They saw a figure pushing everyone to stand up. It was Uncle Bei who disappeared suddenly that night. There is nothing wrong with other people, but she is the most amazing sinner in our Xueyu country, so that is another matter."

"Sinner in the Snowy Country?" Mu Changfeng laughed angrily, "Why do you say she is a sinner in the Snowy Country? Did she kill people from your Snowy Country? Or did she dig up the ancestral grave of your Uncle Bei's family..."

Uncle Bei's beard was all spread out, and he was furious, "Mu Changfeng, I respect you as the prince of a country so I speak politely to you, please pay attention to your words!"

Mu Changfeng laughed out loud.

Uncle Bei was afraid that the ministers of justice behind him would not support him, so he swallowed hard, and said: "Although she didn't kill people from our Xueyu country, I don't know how many people from the Xueyu country will be killed by her. Besides, if If it wasn't for her to confuse the king, our king would not break the merits, and the king changed the last wish left by our previous king again and again for her, which violated the meaning of the existence of our entire Xueyu country. Although at this time she There is nowhere to stay, and instead, the prince is fascinated, but we can't guarantee that the king will be interested in her again in the future, and we old stubborn can only use this son to bring her to justice today, so as to avoid future troubles forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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