Chapter 317

After he finished speaking, there were endless echoes from behind, swearing at Bu Jingyan for being a vixen and witch who specializes in confusing the king.

Mu Changfeng shouted loudly and said, "Uncle Bei, do you know whose child is above?"

Uncle Bei was about to answer, but at this time Han Yaxuan stopped him, took a step forward unhurriedly, and said with a smile: "No matter whose child it is, it's not the crown prince's. Is what I said right?"

Mu Changfeng choked for breath, and Han Yaxuan had already smiled and said, "According to the crown prince's mother, she doesn't know whose family's bastard it is. And according to Bu Jingyan's personal maid, Shi Mei, she also affirmed that this son is the same as yours." It has nothing to do with it, how about it, I believe that the prince will not take irrelevant people to himself, even if you can pass this test, I believe that the entire Liyue people will not allow you to raise wild seeds for others."

Mu Changfeng was dejected. At this time, Luo Huan, the King of Heaven, stepped forward and stood beside him. He twitched his thick eyebrows, and sarcastically said: "A woman surnamed Han, why does this king think you are a demon girl? With such a gathering A lot of people, holding the banner of justice, ended up secretly communicating with Feng Yuanxi. The purpose is obviously not to destroy a certain witch, but to destroy the prince. You speak righteously, admiration, admiration. I don’t know what the Xueyu King’s vision is, to find such a vicious woman to be his queen. Is there no woman in this world? Even if there is no woman, a bitch is stronger than you Much more, don't you think?"

His last sentence was to ask the people behind him. Huang Xian and others, who were panting heavily, immediately echoed and scolded Han Yaxuan fiercely. The words were simply unbearable, and Han Yaxuan was scolded bloody.

Han Yaxuan was so angry that her face turned pale, but at this critical moment, she suppressed her anger and said sharply: "Mu Changfeng, it seems that you can give up your life for that woman, well, I will give you a performance If you don’t dare to go up to get it, my archer will not be polite. Don’t blame me for being cruel and ruthless. I shot a witch’s son into a hedgehog !"

Her words were ruthless and decisive, and as soon as she finished speaking, more than a hundred bows and crossbows behind her were aimed at the child hanging on the high pole.It was clear that as long as Mu Changfeng dared to go up, she would shoot Mu Changfeng to death.Once the crown prince died, the Li Yue army would have no leader. Will they be defeated by the coalition forces in the future?
Mu Changfeng clenched his fists and stared at her, "I've never seen a woman as vicious as you..."

Han Yaxuan sneered, "Your queen mother is no worse than this palace. If it weren't for her help, how would we have found this bastard?" After finishing speaking, she began to count coldly, "One!"

Mu Changfeng's body trembled, and he raised his head upwards. In the howling cold wind, the child's cries gradually weakened. At such a high altitude, the chill must have been unbearable, but a baby who was only half a month old, how could he bear the dangers of the world? torture?
The corners of his eyes were cold, and when Han Yaxuan counted to the second, he secretly used his internal energy, and he must save him.

Empress Zhao noticed his strange movement, immediately pulled him back, and scolded: "Prince, are you crazy? The surname Han clearly wants you to go up to die, you can't go, a child, if you die, you will die. Is it worth your life to fight?"

Mu Changfeng shook off her hand, "Go away!"

After being thrown back two steps, Empress Zhao hurriedly threw herself on him again. Knowing his stubbornness at this time, she quickly turned her head and said angrily to Han Yaxuan, "Han Yaxuan, you are too deceitful. How can I entrust the child to you? Want you to kill the crown prince? You poisonous woman, either kill that bastard quickly, or retreat quickly, or don’t blame me for beating you up, you won’t get anything!”

Han Yaxuan finally stopped counting, stroked her blown hair, and smiled softly, "Empress, you are also a young man, why are you so naive? This child can benefit me a lot. How could you let him die so easily? Tell us to retreat, you are too foolish, too naive."

Empress Zhao was also very anxious by what she said, and said with a sneer, "I am naive? Are you confused? There is no three-thirds, and I will not deal with a woman like you. Han Yaxuan, you are not relying on the child in your belly Can it cure the snowy king's Gu poison? Haha... I think you are too naive. If you dare to use that child to threaten the crown prince, I will use the Gu altar to stimulate the blood in the rough snowy king's body right now. If Zi Gu is drawn out, then even if you have a thousand afterbirths, you can't save him!"

Her words stunned everyone on the field!

Liyue's queen can actually activate the twin lore Gu in the snowy king's body?
Han Yaxuan's expression changed, "What? You can draw out the sub-gu from the king? Who are you?"

Empress Zhao laughed sharply, "Han Yaxuan, you don't need to care who I am, as long as you know that I can control your king's life and death at any time, hand over the child, or your king will die immediately."

Han Yaxuan frowned, answered irrelevant questions, and thought about it: "I heard that twin lore killing Gu is also called mother-child Gu, and brothers who are not from the same mother's womb can solve the Gu and pass on the Gu. The empress said that there is something to attract the Gu altar to encourage the Gu. Could it be that the empress also has a relationship with the king?" Blood relationship? And your only son, Mu Changfeng, is brother to the king?"

Her question is exactly the question of everyone.And she suddenly thought of something, ever since it was rumored that a baby's afterbirth can break Feng Jiu's Gu poison, the killings against her in the palace continued. ?
Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Why did you kill her?Could it be that someone is designing her?
Empress Zhao was no longer angry at this time, her face regained a lot of calm, and said coldly: "Those are none of your business, you just need to know that if you dare to let the prince go up to save someone, I will never let you go. "

At this time, not only she can imagine, but everyone can imagine that although there is a baby in the bamboo basket, it is likely to contain a more powerful hidden weapon or the like. Even if someone can stop the archers below, as long as they dare to hold the baby Many people will be injured and die by the hidden weapons in the bamboo baskets.So for the sake of the prince, even if she was asked to dig out all the secrets, she would not hesitate to do so.

Han Yaxuan thought for a while, his eyes wandered, and suddenly he laughed crisply, "Well, although I don't know if what you said is true or not, but for our safety, I decided to let him go now. But... that great man Where is your mother? Why hasn’t she come yet? Doesn’t she know that her son is about to freeze to death up there?”

(End of this chapter)

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