I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 176 "Please give a good review"

Chapter 176 "Please give a good review"

【Even if you hesitate and delay, your emotions are still defeated by reason.Because even if you only waste a second here, Da Vinci who doesn't know where may be a little more dangerous.You obeyed Holmes' words, followed him silently, and walked to the entrance of the roller coaster. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [To be honest, among the modern knowledge given to me by the Holy Grail, I thought about the amusement park as a place, which might be very interesting and suitable for painting.It's just that now, all my good guesses about the amusement park have been destroyed by this hateful amusement park. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: 【Especially this roller coaster, it is designed to torture people! 】

[Before you guys came here, Katsushika Hokusai had played this so-called "game" once. Of course, she didn't have a good impression of this game, and even felt a little disgusted with this roller coaster.You looked at her frowning and the rare disgust she showed, and a little fear of this game appeared in your heart. 】

[You already know that these enemies can't really let you "play games" and let you leave here comfortably.These games are probably all "pranks" under the guise, and they must have been overdone pranks.Even if you're just guessing, you can think of many ways the enemy could use to torture you. 】

[You have played a lot of games before, and you have some guesses about the "infinite mode" that Lailier said just now. That "infinite mode" probably refers to the number of enemies. Dr. Lailier's experimental subjects should be all It is not difficult to produce a mass product, if you really want to kill these experimental subjects, it will really be an "infinite" battle.Among them, the most interesting experimental subject is Abigail who was transformed by Lailier. According to Dr. Lauriel's game rules, it is very likely that you will be forced to deal with your former companions by yourself. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Miss Arong. Please tell us about this game.Dr. Lailier just said a few words in a few words, can you go into more detail? 】

【Matthew on the side asked Katsushika Hokusai carefully. She was originally a cautious character, so she naturally wanted to know all the information about this game.After Matthew Kyrielight finished speaking, Holmes on the side also finished his investigation of the roller coaster and interrupted. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [The vertical distance at the highest point is more than 150 meters, and the vertical distance at the lowest point is about 15 meters.There are no guardrails, no seat belts on the seats, and no protective measures for the entire compartment. It is really a high-risk facility.Moreover, the entire track here is still in a roundabout type. If it is really driving, the estimated time for a cycle will exceed half an hour. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [If you can't kill all the enemies, I'm afraid this roller coaster will really keep going, looping on this track endlessly.hehe. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Such a dangerous facility, logically speaking, 100% should be banned from driving.Lixiang, although you don't have any physical injuries, you should be careful when encountering such things that are very unfriendly to ordinary humans. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior!It's okay, it will be fine if the senior is behind me in a while!My shield can protect seniors! 】

【"But, Mash, you're also injured." Your gaze passed over Mash's body, and you saw the large and small scratches and abrasions on her body. You couldn't help but worry and said, "Do you want me to give you Use command spells to restore your body?"]

Matthew Kyrielight: [Don't worry, senior, although I have lost the power of a subservant now, this set of exoskeleton equipment designed by Da Vinci is very reliable! 】

【You look at Matthew's comforting smile, but you still haven't said some words in your mouth.You chose to believe in Matthew. After all, Matthew said so because he wanted to protect you.There are still two command spells left, Da Vinci's situation is unknown, and there is a decisive battle with Kujo Josuke at the end. You grit your teeth, feeling very depressed.At this moment, Katsushika Hokusai spoke. She should have sorted out her language and expressed her understanding of the game. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [Well, it's actually similar to what Mr. Holmes guessed. I also played a round of this game, which took half an hour. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: 【In the beginning when Abigail and I came here, there were no enemies, let alone traces of the Master.We wasted about 10 to [-] minutes, all the time was used to survey the terrain and find the enemy.As a result, after that, Abigail was suddenly attacked, and she directly attacked me without making a sound. After that, that Liliel Svendik appeared. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [Daddy said that Abigail's spirit was controlled like brainwashing, and I saw her obediently follow Lailier Svendik and leave without saying a word.At that time, the annoying doctor said: "Come and play a game, if you win, I will return your companion to you."]

Katsushika Hokusai: [I had no choice at the time. The only thing I could do was to listen to the doctor and play that nasty game obediently. Only in this way could there be a slight chance of saving Abigail. But , Although that game is the same as what Lailier Svendik said, the rules are simple, but I still lost.Even my dad always helps me, but I still.]

【Katsushika Hokusai's eyes revealed a look of guilt, with a trace of unwillingness on her face, she bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth.She can be said to be aggrieved, and at the same time you are more aware that this game, as Lailier Svendik said, has many shortcomings.But these shortcomings do not detract from the difficulty of the game at all. 】

【Under the watchful eyes of the three companions, Hokusai raised his head, suppressing the injustice and self-confidence in his heart, and the rare anger displayed on his face at this moment.The girl who had been smiling cheerfully and was only touched by the painting showed her strong emotions on her face at this moment. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [This game is all about killing the enemies.There are many types of those enemies. Some of them can pretend to be people you are familiar with. I saw them pretending to be like you; , either want to make me fall from the sky, or want to kill me]

Katsushika Hokusai: [My round failed because I didn't kill all the enemies.However, those enemies are just like ants, they are endless! 】

【Wait until Katsushika Hokusai finished speaking, you heard Holmes' calm and calm voice appear in your ears.At the same time, a sharp ringtone suddenly reminded me that the game was about to start along with the heart-pounding countdown. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Is that true? It seems that if you want to win this game, you must find loopholes in its rules.But the simpler the rule, the more difficult it is to find loopholes, the rule of "kill all enemies", its loophole]

["Drip———, it is detected that all game participants have boarded the roller coaster, and the game is about to start. Please find a seat in the roller coaster compartment before the countdown ends, and please do not try to climb over the track, Get out of the car. Doing the above dangerous behaviors may cause hidden dangers to your life.”]

【"Please note that the enemies will come one after another after the game starts, kill them, and the last surviving party will win."】

["After the countdown ends, the game will officially begin. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,——"]

[Amidst the sound of the broadcast coming from nowhere, you all sat on the seats in the roller coaster car one after another.This seat has no safety belt or any protective measures, which obviously cannot give people the slightest sense of security. Thinking that you will fight at a height of more than 100 meters in the future, and you may even walk upside down, you give a wry smile, Cover your chest and feel the beating heart of "Bang Bang—" Sure enough, you will still be afraid. 】

【"The three, two, and one games have officially started. All game participants are welcome to participate in this game. I wish you all a good gaming experience in this project."]

【"How can there be a good game experience." You opened your mouth and complained, wanting to use this method to relieve your tense emotions. "I will never go to an amusement park again, especially, I will never go to any kind of roller coaster feeling, and I will definitely become afraid of heights after that"】

【You heard Matthew making a faint sound, and you couldn't help turning your head to look at her.Matthew probably heard you talking to himself, and showed a comforting expression. On her pale and bloodless cheeks, there was a gentle smile that you are familiar with. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior, I will do my best to protect you.If we can get out of here, let's go to the playground together next time.Although this is the first time I have come to the playground, I will definitely have the opportunity to go to the playground again when everything is settled. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [When the time comes. The new playground must be full of laughter, it must be a beautiful place. 】

【You were fascinated by Matthew's gentle eyes, and after you couldn't help but nodded, the urgent fear in your heart also subconsciously dissipated a lot.Even, you are now in the mood to think about how to deal with those enemies. 】

【"When the enemy comes out later, I'd better wear this goggle." You took out the goggle that Holmes gave you from your clothes, held it in your hand, and explained to everyone at the same time: "Ah Rong said, Those monsters can camouflage, and I just wear this glasses, which should be able to help everyone. Although there are some side effects, I can’t give up this item because of this.”]

【Seeing what you said, Holmes nodded in agreement.He pulled away a smile, and at this moment, he adjusted his clothes slowly and said to you. 】

Sherlock Holmes: 【Well, very good, Lixiang.But you don't have to worry, as long as the heroic spirit has magic power, the command spell you used on me before is enough to restore my injury.Although I am not a heroic spirit who is good at fighting, but I can fight now, so you don't have to worry too much. 】

【You look at Holmes and show you a comforting smile, and you realize that your state just now is a well-known panic.Matthew and the others must be taking care of your emotions, so at such a critical juncture, they still devote their energy to comforting you. You feel a little like laughing, and the moving emotions are piled up in your chest, and they are about to overflow. 】

[That's great, although it's a time when you might die soon, but with such a group of companions, you can say that you have no regrets. 】

[However, the event that interrupts this moment of warmth will come soon.With the "creak, creak——" sound of friction between the wheels and the iron rails, you feel that the carriage you and others are riding in has begun to move, and the scenery on both sides begins to leap from slow to fast, and the whistling wind ringing in the ears. 】

[You unconsciously hugged Matthew's arm beside you, gritted your teeth and waited for the speed of the roller coaster. Without any safety measures, you can only seek help from your classmates.However, you have waited for a long time, and you have not waited for the speed of the roller coaster to compare with the wind as you imagined. It is actually traveling at a constant speed, and the speed can be said to be slow. 】

【Seeing your surprised expression, Katsushika Hokusai at the side curled his mouth and spoke. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [This roller coaster is at this speed, because there will be enemies. Although they want to fight with us on the track, they must not be hit by the carriage. If that is the case, it will be a big problem for us. easy. 】

【"So that's how it is, I thought this was a bit too exaggerated." You rubbed your nose and said a little embarrassedly.In fact, you feel that human beings are generally afraid of heights. Even if you don’t have a fear of heights, but you don’t dare to look down now, you can’t guess that the speed of this roller coaster is very slow. 】

【Just when you were about to let go of the hand holding Matthew's arm, you suddenly felt a strong shock, followed by Matthew's loud warning, and some sand that was not blocked by the shield.Matthew stood up, took two steps back, without turning his head, and said to you with tense muscles. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior!Stay behind, please hide behind me. There are enemies!The enemy drilled out of the ground is a similar, sandworm-like monster!careful! 】

[When you heard Matthew's words, you felt as if a light rain suddenly began to fall on your head, probably because the dark clouds slowly began to gather, and a large shadow appeared on the soles of your feet.But, strangely, it was still a fine weather with clear skies just now?You instinctively looked up, and saw countless fangs, mixed with red flesh, entangled together. 】

[It looks like a gorgeous flower, except that the sharp yellow fangs act as the petals, and the throat dripping with mucus acts as the flower heart.The long body is a huge and bloated strip of meat, protruding from the ground, and exuding a stench mixed with the smell of blood in the wind. 】

 Thanks to c14lzy for the January ticket support! ! ! Author No. 1, Ji, went to see the Cup of Heaven on time!Black Sakura is really a cool girl [The next monster that appears on the roller coaster is a large collection of monsters from Left 12 Survival + Resident Evil. In short, it is just two words: "disgusting". 】

(End of this chapter)

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