I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 177 "The Emperor's Luck"

Chapter 177 "The Emperor's Luck"

"Simply, this scene, isn't this a fucking gigantic version of the gravedigger! This chrysanthemum-like mouthpart, wow, it's really the mouth area!" Kyle couldn't bear to look directly at it, and played a little bit at the CG on the game interface. Hundreds of bad reviews, who wants to see the mouth of a mutated sandworm, worm, who can kiss it? "When the biochemical crisis appeared before, I had a premonition that these monsters would appear. I didn't expect this to happen. Damn it!"

After several swear words in succession, the corners of Kyle’s mouth twitched. He glanced at most of the injuries in his team, and thought that the enemy team on the opposite side was probably full of evolved new monsters. Muttering to himself: "No way, I said before [Heroic Spirits can definitely kill these zombies] and so on, and now it wants to hit me in the face?"

"Has the 2333 anchor been brainwashed by the face-slapping crisis? Killing is definitely possible. These monsters are at most on the same level as the ghouls in the Xingyue world, and the heroic spirits can still be killed. Of course, a large number is very bad gone."

"I don't know why I remembered the Sea Demon. It was the one summoned by Bluebeard in the Fourth Holy Grail War. It was the one against King Arthur."

"Shut up upstairs! This is a serious game, there are absolutely no tentacles! Or are you interested in this kind of big bug with a huge mouth in the abyss!"

"Hey, hey, the topic is wrong! Don't you care about the enemies that will appear next? I bet, there will be various disgusting monsters, such as brain eaters, lickers, and sweepers."

"Don't, if those monsters really appear in turn, you can definitely kill them if you kill them, but I feel that my spirit will suffer a lot in that way, and the people of Chaldea who have never seen these things must be even more It’s the SAN value that is crazy!” Kyle said with a wry smile, imagining the mixture of the Moon World and Resident Evil, and the hairs on his body stood on end. "No, I can't set FLAG!"

Unfortunately, when Kyle finished speaking, a reminder popped up on the game interface.

[Status update:
Fujimaru Tachika: SAN value: 77 (-3)

Note: Your SAN value drops by more than 10 points in one round, and you will get a negative BUFF for one round.

Fujimaru Tachika's current status: "schizophrenia". 】

"What should I say?" Kyle looked at the word "schizophrenia" and was silent for a while before continuing to speak. He saw that the barrage was swiping 23333 and 6666, and he was about to be annoyed: "Hey, Are you really my fans, why do you laugh so happily when I draw out such an unlucky DEBUFF!"

"Actually not, I don't know why other people laugh, I laugh because I think you are lucky, the host! You actually got self-harm! What a simple DEBUFF!"

"I agree with the upstairs. I saw a UP master draw a [Delusion of Persecution] before, and that Gudazi immediately felt that everyone was going to harm her, and then refused to accept protection, and fell directly to her death at a height of [-] meters."

"! What, it's really going to die!! My god, it's too scary!"

"Um, the other anchor I watched didn't draw [Delusion of Persecution], but [Cannibal]. It's really scary that Gu Dazi bit Ma Xiu, anyway, I immediately quit that live broadcast room That's it, I came here to watch the live broadcast."

"So the host [schizophrenia] is quite good. If you get some difficult DEBUFF, it's better to honestly hurt yourself!"

"Maybe splitting into a super powerful personality hahahaha!"

"Okay, okay, you're right, although I still think it's best not to have DEBUFF." Kyle glanced at the explanation of the bullet screen, and his mood recovered strangely. He thought about it and said to himself: " Anyway, the debuff for this round has already been released, so I can use the goggles to my heart's content without worrying about the debuff."

Kyle gave full play to his Ah Q spirit, and he also heard the tragic deeds of BE from other anchors from the audience, so he felt full of strength again.He turned his gaze back to the computer screen, ready to continue the liver game plot.


[There is no way to move your legs, no way to make a sound, you feel like you have fallen into a strange state, with weak hands and feet and dilated pupils, there is no way to react at all.Oops, is this impact too strong? You think in your heart, move quickly, or this bug is about to attack! 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Well, this kind of creature is not in line with my aesthetics, especially it actually frightened the lady. This is definitely something I can't forgive. 】

[Just when you were panicking, you heard only a few very dull beating sounds, accompanied by the roar and wailing of the monster, the black shadow above your head that nearly covered the sky and the sun disappeared. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [I ran away, under the attack of my baton technique, this strange creature is still alive.Although there is only one breath left, this vitality is also a bit tenacious. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [I have never seen this bug before!Damn it, that doctor, she must have temporarily added a lot of weird monsters as enemies! 】

【The worm disappeared. After being injured, its huge and bloated body crawled back into the ground in just a few seconds. There are only dots of smelly mucus on your body, reminding you that this is not an illusion.You took a few deep breaths, not caring about the smell of the mucus, and finally recovered, feeling your limp limbs return to normal. 】

【"Thank you, Mr. Holmes." You managed to pull out a smile, then returned to the seat you had just sat in a half-slump, and said, "It's okay, Miss Arong, it's not your fault that there are new monsters. It’s okay, I’m not hurt at all, it’s just that I was shocked for a moment just now, don’t worry haha.”]

[Cross-growing teeth layer upon layer, scarlet flesh sticking to the fangs, barbs on the skin can be seen faintly on the bulging body, the most frightening thing is its throat, like a dirty sewer pipe, bone residue and digestion Liquid makes for a bad party.You shook your head, pushing these associations out of your mind. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior, we were attacked by that strange insect just now when we reached the lowest point of the orbit.Its length is at most 20-30 meters. If we reach a high altitude, it is completely impossible for it to attack us again. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior, it’s good that you are right behind me, my shield is very strong, don’t worry!The accident just now, I will not let it happen a second time! 】

【You feel that Matthew is a little guilty because she failed to kill the monster just now and let the monster scare you. At this time, the expression on her face is a little apologetic.She turned her head and spoke to Holmes and Katsushika Hokusai with a 100% serious and serious expression. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Mr. Holmes, Miss Arong!Sorry, can I ask you one thing?I need to protect my senior with a shield, so I can't leave this compartment to attack. If there are enemies again, please trouble you! 】

[This girl who has always been weak and gentle, puffed up her chest at this time, and used a rare strong tone.You look at her and think, Mash is really like this because of you, she has the courage because of you, and she is willing to give up her life for you.But why are you being treated like this by her, based on how you are trembling now? 】

【You don't want your senior to become a poor character protected by your junior, so you gritted your teeth and stood up.You took a step forward, reached Matthew Kyrielight's shoulder, patted her, and said, "It's okay, Matthew, it was just too sudden just now. Next, I will assist you Yes. Whether it’s healing magic or mana replenishment, I’ll do my best!”]

【Looking at your swearing look, Katsushika Hokusai raised a smile on his face. She and Holmes looked at each other and said. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [Even if you don't tell Mash, we will fight!Mash, just protect the Master well, and leave the matter of defeating the enemy to us! 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [Master, I will prevent you from using healing magic!Although these enemies are strange in size and numerous in number, I can still kill them! 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Then I'm looking forward to Lixiang's support, and Matthew, I also believe in your shield. 】

【You and Matthew Kyrielight exchanged glances, seeing the attitudes of Mr. Holmes and Katsushika Hokusai, you can't help but feel a lot better.But just at this moment, an indifferent female voice sounded on the radio again. 】

[It's the voice of Lailier Svendik, her unique way of speaking makes people feel deeply uncomfortable, at this moment, you hear her say: "Papa papa (applause), do it Very good, the first work I released was successfully pushed back by you. It is a product I improved by combining worms and sandworms. It has both the vitality of worms and the flexibility of sandworms."]

[The broadcast seems to be doing science popularization for you, and the introduction to the strange insect is very detailed: "I named him "Grave Digger". Its length is generally about 25 meters to 30 meters, and its teeth have a huge bite force , can bite off steel bars and concrete, has the characteristics of Zerg, and has a strong reproductive ability.”]

【"So, it is a social animal, everyone, please be careful."】

[Although the literal meaning is a well-intentioned warning and explanation, but when it comes out of that Lailier Svendik's mouth, it feels like a cursed taunt, "Just kill one, it lives in groups" like this And full of the sense of cursing us for being killed by hordes of gravediggers. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: 【When I was playing the game before, the doctor didn't explain like this time. Sure enough, she was watching our joke, how annoying! 】

【Katsushika Hokusai frowned, jumped to the front of the carriage, took out his huge writing brush and put it beside him, and made a vigilant gesture. 】

Katsushika Hokusai: [Master, I'd better stay on guard at the front of the car. If I encounter monsters I'm familiar with, I can also explain their characteristics and weaknesses to everyone as soon as possible! 】

【"Okay, thank you! Ah Rong!" You nodded gratefully, and saw a few figures on the track ahead, they must be the enemy, you thought.So, you walked behind Matthew, while protecting yourself, you prepared to provide some help to the heroic spirits within your ability. 】

【Probably aware of your approaching body, Matthew tilted her face slightly, turned her head and said to you.Listening to her gentle voice, you also want to reply her with a word of comfort.Matthew has made many sacrifices for you, she has always believed in you and protected you.Facing such a girl, no amount of thanks can be overstated. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Well, senior, that's fine, it's okay!I will not put down the shield! 】

【"Hehe, don't leave me and run away." You smiled and didn't hear yourself say this, and in your puzzled and shocked eyes, you continued to hear yourself say: "Anyway I must get out alive in the end, Matthew Kyrielight, you must protect me."]

[? ?What am I talking about!In the end what happened! "Thank you, Matthew, I really trouble you." "Protect yourself and don't get hurt." "I'm fine, Matthew, you have to be careful." Obviously these words are what you want to say, But that’s not what you just said!You find out in horror that you can no longer control your own body, not only the words that come out of your mouth, but even your own actions. 】

【You feel that your whole body is completely shrunk under Mash Kyrielight's shield, and the healing magic that was ready to be released has disappeared.You completely relaxed and nestled in a safe position, selfishly and selfishly said: "Okay, you have to protect me, my life is the first, you know?"]

[Heroic spirits have very good hearing, so obviously, everyone present can hear what you said.You were sent under the shield and couldn't see their expressions clearly, but you knew that this terrible silence was their answer to what you just said. 】


【Especially this tentative inquiry. 】

[Status update:
Matthew Kyrielight: Doubt (40%↑)
who is it?This person can't be a senior!Senior. It is impossible for senior to say such a thing! 】

[Status update:
Sherlock Holmes: Doubt (60↑)
Such words are not 100% from Lixiang's will.What happened just now, was it biological parasitism, or mental pollution? 】

[Status update:
Katsushika Hokusai: Doubt (40%↑)
Master? ? ?Are you, the Master?How could it be possible to say that kind of thing to Matthew!Are you possessed by some kind of ghost? 】


"After the calf, overturn the car, this time, come on, who of you said that [schizophrenia] is a good attribute, and it will not cause a catastrophe!!!" Kyle felt his head was bald, and he looked at it without tears. Seeing the doubts of the three of them rising together, I felt that I was going to hang myself on the southeast branch. "Tens of thousands of years of hard work, once back to before liberation???"

"This will make things worse, system, I hate you! Let's go!"

 This is the manuscript saver!If nothing else, I should be home today! ! !finally! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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