I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 185 "Reaper's Dream, Officially Ended!"

Chapter 185 "Reaper's Dream, Officially Ended!"

Seeing that tall figure standing at the gate of the amusement park, all the surrounding memories were forcibly refreshed, and his face was still expressionless, Xie Xinxiu couldn't help but twitch her eyelids.

What's going on, why are you standing here with a look of "don't mess with me", could it be that those people from Chaldea ran away?No, no, this possibility does not exist at all, and if they run away, Kujo Josuke is not silent, he will 100% choose to persevere in catching up and killing them all.

What's the reason? After completing the original goal and killing the uninvited guests who broke in by accident, he still has such an expression now.
Xie Xinxiu murmured and complained in her heart, but she still didn't dare to make any reaction on the surface. She really didn't want to get close to Kujo Josuke, but because of the order, she couldn't even slow down her pace.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced quietly at the colleagues around her, and saw that they all looked normal.That's right, this is in front of the big BOSS, even if you are looking for death, you won't show a little displeasure at this time, not to mention that there is still that kind of brain pit in it.
, There are people who sincerely worship the BOSS.
Although it is not incomprehensible that those people worship Kujo Josuke, the BOSS has a male god face, strong strength, and a very cold, rational, decisive personality. In short, his personality is still very attractive.However, although Xie Xinxiu herself loves to die, she really cherishes her life, otherwise she would not have switched to Kongjo Josuke's men after realizing that she might really be killed.

Although the BOSS is very powerful, but its character is unpredictable and has a high degree of insanity. Xie Xinxiu wisely chose to stay away from Kujo Josuke.

Obviously killing those intruders is just a matter of thought, but I have to call everyone to torture him, just because these intruders don't know what made him unhappy.Such a person who must retaliate. To be honest, Xie Xinxiu still lacks confidence in Kongtiao Chengjie because of the previous incident, and she is afraid that she will be retaliated against.

But even though she didn't want to be the early bird, some people still rushed to be the first person to eat crabs.Just when he was about to get close to Kongtiao Josuke, the little lunatic Jeanne Barthemelo ran over directly, shouting "Raphael", "Raphael", so don't be afraid Xie Xinxiu felt respect for seeing the deadly spirit.

"Raphael——! I've completed the task you gave me!" Jeanne Barthemelo leaned beside Kujo Josuke with a full face of excitement: "Now I can be with you Right? Adjust my jurisdiction to a place close to yours!?"

"Hey~ It's too much to take credit like this, isn't it?" Before Kujo Josuke had any reaction to Jona's words, BB over there smiled and said: "BB-chan, I have been working hard all the time. I worked hard on the logistics, and now I even acted as an undercover agent for a while, restricting and misleading their information, weakening their strength, and finally sending these people to the front of the senior~!"

"And actually, Ms. Jeanna, BB-chan was afraid that your acting skills would arouse the suspicion of the people in Chaldea. In the roller coaster area, she even ended up helping you in the end—"

The lovable school girl expressed her thoughts "wronged and aggrieved", she raised her eyes and glanced at Kujo Josuke quietly: "BB-chan doesn't have any demands, after all, senior and I are leaving soon -"

Looking at this purple-haired woman, Jeanne Barthemelo didn't know why, but felt a burst of anger.It is impossible for her to leave this dream world. After all, it is just a thought body. Even if it is vivid, it is just a character extracted from memory fragments.Even for some reason, the degree of freedom is lower than other thought bodies.



Kujo Josuke resolutely refused without even thinking about it, and then he looked up and glanced at these thought bodies, and said lightly: "Because of time, I will leave this world soon, BB, do it when I leave. Good protection work, when I come back next time, don't have this accident again."

"Hey, I understand, senior!" BB nodded and agreed. Originally, Kujo Josuke's purpose of returning to the dream world was to break the seal. Meeting the Chaldeans was an accident that she didn't expect.

Ruoyou's eyes drifted past Jeanne Barthemelo, and BB put on a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "The preparations for the next world have also been completed, and if seniors want to speed up the progress, it is also It's perfectly fine-"

"The next world." Hearing this, Kujo Josuke frowned slightly.He himself had no expectations of the journey, but returning to the base world would be impossible without these grails.

If he returns directly to the base world now, it means that all the preparations he made before are completely in vain, and the act of deliberately going back to a year ago is also useless.
Moreover, Mr. Jotaro seems to have gone to the core of the dream world, although there will be no serious problems, but Kujo Josuke is still not very happy.

Because he was not in a good mood, Josuke had no intention of wasting time with Jeanne Barthemeiro at all.He directly ignored Rang Na's eyes, rearranged the routine work for the thought bodies in front of him, turned around and prepared to leave with BB.

Seeing the backs of Kujo Josuke and BB gradually dissipating, Xie Xinxiu felt her breathing became easier again.However, she looked at the completely blank memories around her after being refreshed, and glanced at Jeanne Barthemelo, who was full of displeasure, and suddenly felt a stomachache.

The Shura field kills people. So dating in the workplace is a torture, especially when the BOSS himself doesn’t mean it.
"Everyone, go back to your own jurisdiction." Finally, Lailier Svendik said in a normal tone: "Re-handle those affected areas, and restore everything to its original state before the BOSS returns."


Returning to Kujo Josuke in the sea of ​​electronics, the first thing he saw was something he didn't want to see at all.

Joan of Arc sat on the chair with her legs crossed, staring at herself non-stop; Gilgamesh over there shamelessly escaped with her childhood appearance, sitting obediently with her legs dangling, looking like a Little boy waiting for elementary school.

Tsk, he doesn't want to bring these two heroic spirits to the next world. Although sometimes they can help a little, but in more cases they are not helpful.

Also good at attracting the attention of others
"Yo! Master!" Although Kujo Josuke didn't respond, with a cold look on his face, Jill greeted him lively.He nimbly jumped down from a high place, and started to approach Kujo Josuke with his short legs: "You are back, welcome! It's a good stay here, the appearance of gravity being reversed is very interesting! Although because only My big sister and I are two people, sometimes it will be a little boring, but it is still very comfortable, thank you, Master!"

Jill, who said this, had a sincere smile on his face. He looked like an ordinary child who came to a strange place, and he could even be called polite.But when Kujo Josuke thought about the appearance of this child when he grew up, he felt an indescribable sense of disobedience.

How did this good boy grow into the character of Gilgamesh?
"Hmph, it took so long. But welcome back, you are the one who has signed a contract with me. If anything happens, you will be too incompetent." Black Joan turned her gaze to the other side, refusing to look In the direction of Kujo Josuke, but there is still a faint trace of a smile on her face.

Facing his two heroic spirits, Kujo Josuke was a little surprised that they came here to greet him, but he put this emotion behind him in a blink of an eye.He nodded, then turned to BB behind him and said, "Before you said something about the next singularity, it seems that you are ready?"

"Of course, BB-chan is a super capable advanced AI, multitasking is nothing!" Hearing what Kujo Josuke said, BB looked up at him with "sincere eyes" and said, "However, The difficulty of the next singularity will increase a bit. After all, when I ranked the singularity order for my seniors, the higher the degree of connection with the reference world, the later. And because of the depth of the singularity, the awakening of the holy grail of the next world The level has also improved a lot—”

Showing a slightly guilty expression, BB smiled flatteringly at Kujo Josuke: "The standard world connection degree is A-level, and the singularity depth is A-level. However, BB has prepared a new heroic spirit summoning work for seniors! Definitely A more suitable heroic spirit will be selected as a helper, so that seniors can act better in the next world!"

New Heroic Spirit?The face of Joan of Arc sitting over there changed, and she stood up, looking a little unhappy, and said to BB with a sneer: "Haha? What do you mean, a better helper, do you think my strength is not enough? Do you need a new Heroic Spirit?"

"Ah, that's not true. Ms. Hei-Jean's strength is very strong—" Facing Hei-Jan's sneer, BB didn't feel any fear at all. She just continued with a normal attitude: "But Ah, disobedience is very difficult to deal with! Senior himself is not lacking in strength now, BB will naturally choose a more obedient Heroic Spirit!"

"Cut—as if anyone cares!"

Black Joan snorted coldly, glared at BB, and then looked at Kujo Josuke for a while.After finding that he was silent and unresponsive, he turned around slowly and left the spirit ion transfer laboratory in the sea of ​​electrons with big strides.

"Big sister looks a bit disappointed." Jill, who was still in place, murmured as he watched Hei-Jean's straightened back and hurried away. He raised his head and looked at Kujo Josuke: My sister and my grown-up golden one didn’t help the Master too much, but we still want to be with you very much.”

After signing the contract, there is an additional connection between the heroic spirit and the master, and there is an extraordinary bond between each other.

Gilgamesh's self-respecting character made him look at Kujo Josuke differently. Although Joan of Arc looked unhuman on the outside, she was actually softer in her heart.

What's more, when she was summoned, she was attracted by the resentment of those girls who had a crush on Josuke, and later she even saw Kujo Josuke's past in a dream, so it can be said that she understood his character better.

However, Kujo Josuke didn't understand Hei Joan's reaction.Although it is said that a new heroic spirit is to be summoned, but this is not the termination of the contract with Joan of Arc, why is she reacting so violently?
"Well, Master, the current Jill-kun is an obedient and good boy. Although he is not as strong as the golden one, he will definitely not be as rude as him!"

Seeing "only the strong but disobedient" big sister left lonely, Jill-jun here expressed his wishes obediently: "So in the next world, Jill-jun can also help! With the help of children It looks like, maybe it can play an unexpected role!"

Looking at Jill-kun's longing little eyes, Kujo Josuke was silent for a while.Indeed, children's words generally give people the impression of being weak and bully, and sometimes they will have unexpected effects, and Gil is still a heroic spirit, and he is still the child of Gilgamesh, so he is definitely not weak in terms of combat power.

But let’s forget about that Gilgamesh, the two of them have different personalities, so we don’t need to treat them with the same attitude.In the end, Kujo Josuke nodded, indicating that he agreed to Jill's request.

Although BB was a bit regretful that she couldn't get away with these two heroic spirits, she was already satisfied with being able to do so, so she said briskly: "Then, senior, we are going to carry out the summoning ceremony of the new heroic spirits next." Already!"

"This time, BB-chan is preparing to summon a very obedient and gentle heroic spirit for senior!" BB clasped his hands on his chest and nodded proudly: "Senior, you will be satisfied after seeing it!"

 Thank you hnc for the January ticket support! ! !Thanks to Mo VII Ran for the January ticket support! ! !This chapter is probably a transition chapter~ The next chapter will open a new world~!

(End of this chapter)

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