I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 186 "Daily Life of Contemporary College Students"

Chapter 186 "Daily Life of Contemporary College Students"

The slender female teacher was wearing a simple shirt and long skirt, walking around slowly on the podium.She looked at the test questions on the electronic screen, and then at the students in the lecture theater who didn't know what they were doing, as if she was a little hesitant about who to ask to answer this question.

Although the University of Tokyo is the number one university in the country, the students are also the pride of heaven in various fields, and their attitude towards learning is also very serious.However, what the female teacher taught was not a professional course, but a simple "Western Oil Painting Art Appreciation". Not only was the class management very loose, even in the final exam, she never made it difficult for the students.Obviously, no one will pay attention to this dispensable elective course.

Maybe they chose my class just because it was very simple, the female teacher thought, she has always been short-tempered in the eyes of her colleagues, and she is often joked as the "Yamato Nadeko" of Japan in the new century.This time, she just wanted to choose someone to answer the question, and she struggled for a long time, for fear of calling someone who didn't know how to embarrass each other.

Looking at the students in the classroom, those students who were sleeping, playing with mobile phones, and flirting with each other really made the female teacher feel helpless.

In the end, it seemed that some classmates discovered her predicament, and jokingly said: "Mr. Shiina, I can do this question too. Choose me haha!"

Teacher Shiina glanced at this classmate. He is obviously the kind of student who chose this class because his exam is easy, and he is dressed extravagantly and has a frivolous temperament. How should I put it, although Tokyo University has many descendants of high-ranking officials and nobles , but her impression of these students has not been very good.

"No, thank you, classmate." Shiina Setsuna rejected the classmate in a bit of embarrassment, then pursed her lips and walked to the desk, browsing through the list.Now she has to hurry up and decide who to answer the question, otherwise, if she drags on, her difficulty in choosing will get worse.

Not Yamamoto, Tsuchiya. No, Gassan. Not even this one!Finally, Shiina Setsuna saw a name she was satisfied with.Kujo Josuke, she remembers that this student has good academic performance, because of his gentle personality and handsome appearance, he is very popular among girls. He should be able to answer this question!

Forget it, don't think so much!
"Kujo Josuke." Setsuke Shiina finally called this name. She looked at the classmate who stood up, and smiled a little embarrassedly, as if she felt a little sorry for letting him stand up to answer the question. "Please answer this question, please?"

"The Sistine Madonna", made by the Italian painter Raphael from 1513 to 1514. This painting was a gift from Pope Julia II to the black friars of the Sistine Chapel in Piacenza, and Raphael was entrusted And he painted the altar of this church, hence the name "Sistine Madonna."

The young man whose name was called began to stand up and answer the question. He really knew the answer to this question. Looking at the picture of the Madonna on the electronic screen, he said without delay: "Until 1574, it has been preserved in the Sistine. In the church, hence the name."

"Great! Classmate, you can sit down now, and I will increase your usual marks for you!"

Unexpectedly, this boy really knew the answer, so the atmosphere of teaching would not be very embarrassing, great!Shiina-sensei thought happily, she carefully observed this Kujo Josuke, and it was indeed very similar to the rumors, he doesn't like fighting, he is humble, and has excellent abilities
"Then let's continue the class. Just like what Kujo said just now, this "Sistine Madonna" is a representative work of the Madonna by the Italian painter Raphael Sansi. The characters in this painting are life-size , it is famous for its sweet and leisurely lyrical style."

The voice of the female teacher's lecture gradually returned to its usual state, and the students who had attracted attention because of a questioning turmoil began to go about their own affairs again.Sitting down without changing the color of the empty interface, the afternoon sunlight hits the desk through the classroom window, and the contents of the textbook are somewhat blurred under the strong light.

Normal social activities are nothing to the current Kongjo Josuke. Although he was still a little unhappy when he was called out just now, when the eyes of the people around him are taken away from him again, Josuke's mood It became peaceful again.Finally, when Kujo Josuke sat down again in his seat, his expression did not change from the beginning to the end.

But after a while, the classmate in the front seat of Chengjie suddenly turned his head. He guessed it was because Chengjie answered the question just now, so he came to talk now.

"Student Kujo, do you like art very much?"

This is a purple-haired boy with an elegant temperament, and he looks like a standard nobleman from the outside.Different from Kujo Josuke's simple white suit, this boy wears a well-tailored red suit, which gives people an "exaggerated" first impression.

"It's okay, Senior Tsukiyama, I just understand a little bit." Kujo Josuke replied neither humble nor overbearing, staring at the books on the desk, and said: "That painting is very famous, this is what I can answer to the teacher. cause of the problem."

"Tent mieux (very good), it seems that you are also interested in art-"

As if he couldn't understand the rejection implied in Kongjo Josuke's words, Yue Shanxi moved his body a little closer to Kongjo Josuke, with an elegant smile on his face, and said softly: "Kujo Josuke, are you really Very good, I heard that you have decided to take the CCG exam, you are clearly a freshman, but you actually have the ambition to join the CCG and fight against ghouls."

"The University of Tokyo is one of the few universities in the country. After graduating from this school, the door to the high-level society will be opened for you, and the future after that can be said to be immeasurable." Tsukiyama Xi said: "You are so perfect for this I’m not interested in my life path at all, and I chose to join an institution like CCG. It’s incredible.”

Kujo Josuke's expression did not change, he was still looking down at the books on the table, he didn't respond to Tsukiyama's meaningful words, he just said lightly: "Because my relatives were killed by ghouls, So I want to join CCG."

"However, senior, even though you are a senior in the fourth grade, you are only listening to this class out of hobby." Kujo Josuke raised his head, met Tsukiyama's slightly dilated pupils, and said slowly: "But It doesn't seem good to disrespect the teacher so much in class."


"Student Yueshan!"

Teacher Shiina's slightly angry voice came, and Yue Shanxi looked back, only to see Shiina Setsuna already in front of him.The smile on her face couldn't be maintained, her black hair was hanging over her shoulders, her chest seemed to be heaving with anger, and her pretty face was stained with anger: "Although I have no way to threaten a fourth grader." students, but it’s a bit too much for Ms. Kusama? This is a class at the University of Tokyo. Since Katsuzan has chosen my class, he must at least—”

"I'm really sorry, beautiful lady, it was my negligence just now."

Looking at Shiina Setsuna's face, Yue Shanxi smiled wryly in his heart, he sighed helplessly, and his attitude became more gentle: "It was my mistake just now, but please believe that I chose it because of my hobby. from your class."

".That's good. Anyway, I'm just a teacher who teaches elective courses." Shiina Setsuna received Yue Shanxi's apology, and she had no choice but to let it go. She pursed her lips and glanced at the empty note with a little apology. Chengjie.

Because I called his name just now, he must be targeted by Yue Shanxi.

Shiina Setsuna didn't know anything about CCG, so she blamed it on herself. She walked to the side of Kujo Josuke and said to him, "Kujo-san. Please come after class. Come here."


Faced with what could be called an accident, Kujo Josuke silently glanced at Tsukiyama Xi.The boy sitting in front of him, probably because he was reprimanded, has become a lot more honest now, and is sitting peacefully in his seat.

It's a bit troublesome for Kujo Josuke, but what's more troublesome is that he can't easily kill this person yet.Tsukiyama Xi is the only heir of the Tsukiyama family, and the Tsukiyama family has a wide network of contacts in the Japanese financial circle. In this world where the social order has not yet collapsed, Kujo Josuke will not easily take the initiative.

At least not yet.To find the most perfect timing, the least noticeable location, the most seamless alibi, Kujo Josuke moved his fingers, looked at his long nails, and silently put his hands under the desk.

This singularity is called "a bit troublesome" by BB.It seems to be just a peaceful and normal human society, but undercurrents are surging in the darkness.A monster called a ghoul, probably something in common with a ghoul, is now trying to break the order of this society.

Moreover, the science and technology of this society has advanced to an incredible level, especially in the fields related to biological science and weapon manufacturing, and various man-made biological weapons emerge in endlessly.

These are actually okay, but there is no clue about the whereabouts of the Holy Grail, which makes Kujo Josuke feel a little troublesome. BB said that the will of this world is very vigilant, and she can only know that the place called Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau (CCG for short) is a core anomaly in this world, and there may be news related to the Holy Grail.So Chengsuke now has to risk the threat of "leaving the ordinary" to try to join that CCG and find relevant clues.

"The Holy Grail in this world is very strange." Back then, BB said with embarrassment on his face: "It seems to be different from the Holy Grail that deliberately went to Senior's side before. It should be running away."

Therefore, in order to be able to join CCG, Kujo Josuke even falsely reported his age and "admitted" to the University of Tokyo.Kujo Josuke did not come to the University of Tokyo for the sake of success when he said before that he gave up the perfect path to success, but he actually misunderstood it. The reason why he came to the University of Tokyo was because "if the school is better, CCG will accept him. higher".

The time of a class passes quickly, especially if the teacher in charge of the class does not delay the time on purpose.Kujo Josuke saw the students around him packing up their things noisily, leaving the classroom one by one, and also picked up their textbooks and walked outside.

A girl stood at the door of the classroom. Although she wore a long ponytail, she was still a beauty who reminded people of Japanese dolls.Although his temperament was somewhat gloomy, the delicate and beautiful feeling of his appearance remained undiminished.

Seeing Kujo Josuke's approaching figure, the girl's eyes lit up obviously.


Asakami Tengno looked at Kujo Josuke so intently that he ignored the gazes of others looking at her.She stared at the tall young man with a mixture of admiration and longing.

"It's just that get out of class is over, so... shall we go together?"

 In this world Tokyo Ghoul + Resident Evil, this time it is a real office worker 233!The new heroic spirit is Teng Nai, a very good young lady~
(End of this chapter)

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