I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 201 "Cold-Blooded Animals"

Chapter 201 "Cold-Blooded Animals"

Nishio Nishiki walked slowly from the first floor of the Antique Cafe to the second floor, and came to Kaneki Ken under Irumi Xuan's defensive eyes.

"Senior Nishio?" A person who was unlikely to come to the antique coffee shop came here, Kaneki Ken couldn't help asking. "How will you be here?"

"Thank you so much—" The corner of his mouth twitched, Nishio Nishiki replied pretending to be calm.

Sensing Kaneki Ken's surprised gaze, Nishio Nishiki took a deep breath before calming down.He first opened his arms to show that he didn't bring anything, and then he simply opened the hem of his jacket, exposing his seriously injured abdomen.

With the frequency of breathing, the place tightly wrapped by the bandage began to bleed non-stop again, dyeing the snow-white bandage scarlet.

"Thanks to you, I made a complete hole in my stomach. It's been so many days. But it won't get better at all!" Xi Weijin gritted his teeth and said straight to the point: "And, my lover And was captured by that damned gourmet! It's all thanks to you!"

After finishing speaking, Nishio Nishiki pulled out a fluffy piece of cardboard from his pants pocket, which looked like an invitation to a banquet.

Nishio Nishiki wanted to throw the invitation directly to the ground in resentment, but he thought of his lover who is now alive and dead, and looked at so many ghouls in the antique coffee shop.Although these ghouls in the antique coffee shop are all weak guys in Nishio Jin's eyes, but he is seriously injured now, and he has no right to be arrogant here. The most important thing is that Nishio Jin still counts on these Ghouls can help him save his lover.

Nishio Jin, who has always been arrogant, arrogant and indifferent, gave in with a wry smile in his heart.In the end, he could only stare at Jin Muyan with bitter eyes, but he couldn't do anything. He just handed the invitation letter to Jin Muyan.

Under the gaze of a bunch of ghouls in the antique coffee shop, Ken Kaneki was taken aback, but still accepted the invitation.It seems that the wrinkled texture has been clumped together. This invitation letter looks like it has been poured out of anger, but it still exists here.

"Inviter Yue Shanxi?" Kaneki Ken read out the last line of the inviter's name in surprise, and then looked at the content of the previous invitation: "Please Jin Muyan to have dinner together and enjoy delicious food"

"Why is the invitation letter sent to Kaneki Ken with you?" Kirishima Touka noticed something strange and pointed out decisively.She glanced at the distraught Xiwei Jin, and said, "Besides, don't you always dislike troublesome people?" Then why did you come to Antique at this time?

"I don't want to either! But" the voice was high-pitched at the beginning, but then gradually weakened, Nishio Nishiki stretched out his hand to press his forehead, buried his face deeply, and said hoarsely, "The food that bastard Gourmet invited Kaneki to eat, It's my lover, Guimo!"

Hearing Nishio Nishiki's words, several ghouls who knew him in Antique Cafe couldn't help showing surprised expressions.Although they are not very familiar with each other, after all, they are neighbors who live in the 20th district. Everyone knows a little bit about Nishio Nishiki's personality.

"Didn't you always say that your girlfriend is just your food reserve?" Shiina set her eyes down, and flicked the cup on the coffee table with her slender fingers, making a crisp sound: "You still say that human beings are not worth trusting?" This kind of nonsense, what are you performing now, slapping your face on the spot?"

Although Setsuna Shiina said that she likes to find a human boyfriend, it is sincere and does not aim at predation.They were always killed in the end, but that was just punishment for lying.

Since she said at the beginning that she would love me no matter what, and then regretted it after knowing my true identity, this kind of man is not worthy of her mouth at all in the eyes of Shiina Setsuna.

Even though the men he meets again and again are full of lies and half-hearted, Shiina Setsuna still likes human beings very much and longs for a warm love.

'Anyway, a cold-blooded monster like a ghoul cannot be compared with a human being. 'Looking at Nishio Nishiki, Shiina Setsuna thought coldly.She didn't believe that Nishio Nishiki would have any sincerity for his girlfriend at all, and this time he begged on Antique's head, at most it was to follow the girlfriend's excuse to help prey, right?

His seriously injured appearance is probably unable to prey, and if he can't eat human flesh wounds, he will never be good. If he wants food, he just talks about it, making excuses for love.

"Human beings are unbelievable!" Nishio Nishiki was very excited: "But, but Takamo is different!"

Nishio Nishiki looked at the sneering expression on Shiina Setsuna's face, and agitatedly said the truth that he didn't intend to say before: "I really used to treat Takamo as a reserve food, and I was about to die when I was pierced through the stomach by that bastard Kaneki When I was there, I really thought about eating Guimo."

"But, Guimo, she didn't resist me at all." As if recalling what happened at that time, Nishio Jin said in a daze, with an indescribable tenderness on his face: "She said she was willing to sacrifice for me." Life, as long as it's me, it doesn't matter. How can I let such a woman die!"

The truth that Nishio Nishiki said surprised everyone. This kind of love between humans and ghouls is as incredible as the love between hunters and prey, and it is as cherished as flowers growing in the desert.

The store manager's calm expression became softer, he sighed, and said gently to Nishio Nishiki, "Then, how do you want everyone to help you, Nishio-kun."

"Antique, as a neutral ghoul organization in the 20th district, will not deal with another ghoul for the sake of a certain ghoul."

"I know! But this invitation letter, at first glance, is Yueshan's invitation to Kaneki!" Nishio Nishiki heard the store manager say: "Only Kaneki can make that gourmet guy return my Takamo... I I can do it myself, but if Jinmu doesn't show up, I don't even know where Guimo is!"

"Forget it, Senior Nishio, I'll go with you." Kaneki Ken looked at Nishio Jin, pursed his lips and said.

"Kaneki, you bastard!?" Kirishima Touka rolled her eyes when she heard Kaneki Ken's words, "What are you trying to do? Do you know the strength of a gourmet and you just agreed? And that bastard Nishio Nishiki attacked you before." You forgot all about it?!"

"I didn't forget, but"

However, I can't just stand by like this.Ken Kaneki smiled wryly, and said, "Ghouls are just like human beings, they have family affection, love, and all kinds of rich emotions. I am not a cold-blooded monster. I just realized it now."

"Just because I realize this, I want to help Senior Nishio." Kaneki Ken looked firm: "I was always obsessed with the identity of a human, but I have long been a ghoul and can't stand up to Sora Jun revealed his real purpose, but he couldn't make friends with Kujo-kun as he imagined. I'm a half-baked guy, so I have to be more decisive."

The store manager smiled in satisfaction, the anger on Dong Xiang's face disappeared unconsciously, and Nishio Jin even showed a moved expression awkwardly.Everyone in the Antique Cafe knew at this time that Kaneki Ken, who has been wandering between humans and ghouls for a long time, finally faced up to his identity.

But at this moment, an indifferent female voice sounded.

"Don't get me wrong, Josuke is a different existence from you, and it would be too ignorant to see Josuke as your former self." Shiina Setsuna seemed a little angry, but on the surface, she was not at all. Not seeing any sign of anger, she stood up abruptly, and said sarcastically, "Ghouls are just like humans? Are you kidding, how could it be the same! You haven't experienced the cold-bloodedness of ghouls yet!"

How can a ghoul, such an inferior creature who can abandon everything for a bite, compare with humans?

Shiina Setsuna sneered, and then walked away, leaving only a slender and tall back to everyone.

"I go first."

The door of the living room was closed casually, and everyone could hear the sound of high-heeled shoes walking away gradually.

Looking at Kaneki Ken in a daze, Kirishima Touka rarely kindly explained: "Okay, Setsuna is not targeting you."

"Uh, nice."

"If I meet such a disgusting mother, no, that kind of woman is not worthy of being called a mother." Dong Xiang showed a disgusted expression: "I'm afraid I will also lose confidence in ghouls, thinking that ghouls are cold-blooded guys of."

"Dong Xiang." The store manager called Kirishima Touka's name faintly, with a hint of warning.

"Ah, I see. I won't say what Setsuna doesn't want to say." Kirishima Touka curled her lips and said, she turned her head and glanced at Nishio Nishiki, and then looked at him in a daze after being trained by Setsuna Kaneki Ken: "Let's go, hurry up, pack up something, I'm on duty at the coffee shop today, and my time is limited."

"Eh? What are you packing?" Jin Muyan asked Dong Xiang, a little confused.

"Are you an idiot! Of course, go to that lunatic gourmet to save Miss Takamo!" Kirishima Touka looked directly at Kaneki Ken: "The store manager has said that Antique is a neutral organization, and Miss Ryoko and Hina have no fighting power at all. , who else do you think can go with you? Oh, is it possible that you still think that Setsuna will go with you too?"

"No!" Jin Muyan quickly denied, but his emotions were very high.Just now he spoke the truth, but Shiina Setsuna threw cold water on him, thinking that everyone was not going to help Nishio Nishiki.Now that Dong Xiang is willing to help Xiwei Jin, doesn't it mean that she listens to her own words and regards herself as a friend?

It seems that Dong Xiang no longer cares about calling herself a half-baked person.
"Hmph, that's good!" Dong Xiang walked directly to the direction of the stairs, ready to go back to her room to get some things, among other things, she still had to wear the mask.

"That. Thank you." Seeing Dong Xiang leave, and other people in the coffee shop also busy with their own affairs, Nishio Nishiki walked over to Kaneki Ken's side, and apologized embarrassedly and said: "The previous thing, sorry."

"It's okay." Seeing that Nishio Nishiki's apology was sincere, Kaneki Ken accepted it. "It was indeed a little too much for me to attack the senior before."

"That's right, I relied on your Hezi, really beat me to death!" Speaking of this, Nishio Nishiki couldn't help it: "I don't know what kind of hatred we have! It's you who came to me in the first place!" The territory came to hunt!"

How can I explain to him that I just became a ghoul at that time and was too hungry and irrational to look for the smell of human flesh? Jin Muyan smiled and didn't speak.

Kaneki Ken didn't speak, but Nishio Kam thought that the two of them could just smile away their grievances, and Guimo still had to rely on Kaneki and Dong Xiang for help.After thinking about it, Nishiojin also shared a piece of information as reciprocation.

"Ah, by the way, I remember you mentioned a name before, what seems to be Kujo Josuke?"

"Ah, yes!" Although there has never been any intersection, Kaneki Ken always feels that Kujo Josuke and himself are very destined, and pays special attention to him.

This attention is mixed with admiration for Josuke's excellent conditions, the longing that "as a human being, he can be very powerful", and a little bit of the desire to protect the other party as he used to be himself.

Kaneki Ken always felt that if Kujo Josuke encountered the same thing as himself, he might not think that he was so weak, but would become the kind of powerful one-eyed king that the bar owner said.

"That's right, this Kujo Josuke is quite famous recently." Nishio Jin paused and said: "I have been seriously injured recently and dare not go out hunting because the white pigeons have been wandering outside. I remember there was a That's the name for the white dove."

"Well, that's right, I met him today." Kaneki Ken nodded: "Josuke is already a first-class investigator."

"Hey, you don't seem to be afraid at all. What do you mean by [already a first-class investigator]?" Nishio complained: "It should be [it's actually a first-class investigator, damn it!]"

"Anyway, this guy is quite famous recently, you should avoid him and go away." Nishio Jin calmed down and said, "I don't know if you guys know each other, but this guy is not easy to mess with, although he is a guy without Quinker. The rookie Baige, but the ghouls who died in his hands can't be counted with one hand."

"Moreover, they were all passed through the chest with one hand, crushing their hearts to death." Nishio Nishiki looked at Kaneki's surprised expression, and said, "You know, the hardness of the skin of ghouls is comparable to steel, It's impossible for a purely human being to do that."

"Someone is spreading the word that this empty note is actually a ghoul."

"Impossible!" Ken Kaneki interrupted Nishio Nishiki's words with an extremely serious expression: "This kind of joke can't be true at all. Moreover, even if Josuke is not human, his abilities will not be affected by the change of identity. changed."

"Uh, why are you so excited?" Xiwei Jin rolled his eyes unbearably: "All right, all right, you can just be friends with Bai Ge, I'm going to find my Guimo"

"No, we're not friends yet—"


When the ghouls in the antique coffee shop in District 20 didn't know, a battle and this conversation happened almost at the same time, and the reason for the battle was exactly what Ryoko Diguchi had hoped.

"Through CCG, can I kill Jason to avenge my husband?"

Obviously, although the white pigeons don't know what Ryoko Dikou is thinking, they will definitely not let go of the arrogant ghouls in front of them.

"You said it would be fun to accompany us? Hehe, that's just right—" Mado Wuxu widened his eyes and rushed towards Jason: "Let's have a fun game!"

 Thank you for your support of the January ticket for the super cute tooth essence! ! ! (The previous 1 starting point reward was missing a 6000, and 0 has been added)

(End of this chapter)

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