I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 202 "Sorry, I Didn't Mean It"

Chapter 202 "Sorry, I Didn't Mean It"

"You said you want to have fun with us? Hehe, that's just right—" Mado Wuxu widened his eyes and rushed towards Jason: "Let's have a fun game!"

"Mr. Mado!——" Amon Kotaro, who hadn't decided how to fight, was frightened by Mado Wuxu's efficient action. He glanced at the calm Kujo Josuke, gritted his teeth, and finally Still chose to support Mado Wu Xu.

As for Josuke, he shouldn't have any accidents, Amon Kotaro thought.Although Kujo Josuke still doesn't have Quinke's rookie at present, but with the fighting power he has shown before, at least self-protection is not a problem.

Speaking of which, it is not necessarily who is stronger between the two of them, Amon Kotaro pursed his lips, no longer worrying about Kujo Josuke's safety.After all, I can't pierce the hard skin of a ghoul with my bare hands.

At this time, Kujo Josuke, who had no idea that his combat power had been exposed long ago, thought that Amon Kotaro's glance before he left was to let him find a safe place where he would not be affected. He looked ahead The two investigators who fought with the ghouls found a good viewing spot around them with peace of mind, and were ready to watch the battle openly.

Anyway, I don't want to get promoted and raise salary. There is no difference between ghouls and humans to Kujo Josuke, and I don't have any interest in fighting. Come out a kind of "has nothing to do with me" aura.

Well, in the fiery battle scene, there is a person exuding such an incompatible aura.

According to common sense, if a person is caught in a battle, they usually don't pay much attention to people who have nothing to do with the battle. However, it is too much to watch the show casually in this hot battle scene! ?
Jason is also known as the tyrannical ghoul in the 13th district. In terms of combat effectiveness, he must be stronger than the combination of Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro. One of the two investigators is famous for his search and experience, and the other is famous for his experience. With a solid foundation and a rigorous working attitude, if you really start to fight, the result is already predictable.

Maybe it can be said that it is a transfer of hatred. Compared with the two bugs that can be easily crushed to death, the leisurely person over there is more of an eyesore.Jason jumped to avoid Mado Wuxu's attack. His burly body was unexpectedly flexible. Has your quality become like this, it doesn’t matter if you watch your companions fight in front of you and become a deserter?”

"Who are you looking down on—"

Jason jumped up, looking at Kujo Josuke's gentle smiling face in the distance, he felt that he was being ridiculed.

"The big shot in the 13th district, why do you come to hang out around the 20th district!——" Seeing this, Mado Wuxu immediately threw out his Quink to stop him. He was obviously middle-aged, but his body function did not show the slightest bit Declining, he followed Jason's footsteps, and said with a smile: "How could I watch you escape!——"

"Run away!?——" The footsteps that were about to start suddenly stopped, Jason slowly turned his head, looked at Mado Wuxu behind him, and said in a horrified tone, "You said I was running away?"

Amon Kotaro also followed Jason's footsteps, and approached Mado Wuxu with his Quinker.He glanced at Jason's expression, his heart beat faster unconsciously, and he frowned and murmured: "S-class Jason"

"Mr. Mado!" Amon Kotaro reminded Mado Wuxu: "This place is full of containers, which is not a suitable place for Quinke to play! Jason is an S-class ghoul, we still—" Be more cautious .

"Hehe, it's not running away or something—!" Compared with Amon Kotaro's cautiousness, Mado Wuxu, who is obviously very old, is more like a young man who is easily controlled by his emotions. He didn't care about Amon Kotaro's words , but continued to provoke Jason directly with Quink: "Yamen, don't worry, the next blow will take care of this big guy!"


Just as Amon Kotaro was about to say something, he felt a gust of cool wind behind him, accompanied by a dangerous breath, and a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Appearing behind Amon Kotaro, Jason slowly retracted his left foot. Seeing the young investigator who was swept away by his kick, Jason snorted in satisfaction: "The leader of the game Or it's me, now, I'm determined to ruin you quickly—"

"Let's start with this guy who looks easy to be broken—" Jason jumped lightly, and his huge body appeared in front of Amon Kotaro again, and Amon Kotaro who was kicked into the container , watching the enemy attack but unable to do anything.

He is indeed a high-achieving student who graduated from the academy, and he has expelled many ghouls, but he has never faced an S-level ghoul, and he does not have the ability to fight alone.Amon Kotaro, who has no solid experience and no quick reaction instincts, has grown up in battle, but if he is to fight a ghoul of Jason's level now, it can be said to be counterproductive.

Don't talk about protecting newcomers, now that I'm like this, I'm afraid I'm going to end up here too!
After struggling to pull Quinke out of the container's iron skin, he struggled to stand up. General Amon Kotaro took a defensive stance, but Jason was already in front of him, and he stretched his five fingers towards his head.

"It's okay, Amen."

A flash of green light flashed, and Jason jumped back to avoid it. It was Wuxu Mado who arrived in time waving his Quinque.

"Yes!" Another trouble for Mr. Mado. Amon Kotaro gritted his teeth and stood up immediately.

"Adjust your breathing, Yamen——" Before Yamen was ready, Mado Wuxu continued his attack. He looked at Jason with a paranoid and fanatical expression on his face: "We can kill him right away." This big guy!—"

Facing Mado Wuxu's continuous attacks like a storm, Jason just jumped back lightly and nimbly to dodge. The suit behind him burst and made a sound of "stabbing--", and then two huge knuckles came out. Appeared from his lower back.

As gorgeous as a flower, the purple hezi with its teeth and claws stretched out like layers of petals, and the edges are scarlet.The two huge and flexible scales have layers of barbs, waving in the air.

With an easy flick, Linhe threw the green Quinque out of Mado Wuxu's hand, seeing that Quinco fell to the ground in half, it was obviously broken.

"You guys really want to be spoiled by me, but it's a pity—" Jason's eyes widened suddenly, and Jason let out a short but high-pitched laugh. The nervous Amon Kotaro launched a surprise attack. He just slapped the ground with his son, jumped up in the air, and flew away in another direction.

There were densely packed containers stacked on the land over there, but these containers were obviously not Jason's target.

"Josuke—!" Amon Kotaro looked up at Jason's body drawing a line in the air towards Kujo Josuke, and couldn't help shouting, hoping that his voice could remind his companions to pay attention to the enemy .

Although he believed in Kujo Josuke's strength, how could Amen let his companion be attacked by the enemy and ignore it?

"I'm tired of playing the game, and now I just want to break you, anyway, it's just a bug—" Jumping from a high altitude, Jason's strong legs sank on the iron sheet on the container, he pulled out his legs and slowly Standing up, looking at Kujo Josuke who was looking at him over there, he grinned: "I can crush to death at will!"

Mado Wuxu frowned and shook the Quink that he picked up from the side, and threw it aside after sensing that it was damaged.As soon as he looked up, he happened to see the scene of Jason's two Kazukos attacking Kujosuke. No matter how experienced he was, he couldn't help but feel a burst of panic.Such a close-range Kazuko attack, Kujo Josuke himself has no Quinke, no matter how you think it is a dead end!

No, he can no longer watch someone die in front of ghouls!Mado Wu Xu became more and more frantic, he hehe said sharply: "It seems that Jason, a big man, has already-"

However, before Mado Wuxu could say provocative words, Jason's attack had already reached Kujo Josuke.


Hearing Jason's wild laughter, and seeing two Kazuko's direct attacks in front of him, Kujo Josuke glanced at his two colleagues from the corner of his eye, no matter how they looked, they didn't seem to be able to defeat this Jason.

Gently turned to one side, dodging the attack of Lin He, and before Jason's Kazuko could take it back, Kujo Josuke stepped forward, stretched out his right hand with a displeased expression, and grasped it cleanly and neatly. Thorn Kazuko.

The thin body and the burly body intertwined. Kujo Josuke saw the surprised expression of Jason beside him, but he didn't respond. He just pulled out his hand, then stretched out his legs and stepped on Jason's back hard and kicked.

"This kind of touch is a bit disgusting."

Standing easily on the container where Jason landed just now, his right hand is holding the whole of the opponent's son.With that seemingly inconspicuous tug just now, Josuke Kujo pulled out Jason's Kazuko together with the bag in his body. The wriggling blood vessels, intertwined tissue and throbbing pieces of flesh, even through gloves Kong Tiaocheng couldn't help frowning.

It seems to have thrown this thing away.
Jason, who was kicked into the ground at this time, had no idea that his Hezi would be treated like this, would be uprooted, or even rejected?He almost didn't react, it was obvious that he was attacking just now, and that eye-catching bug was about to be crushed to death, why is it that he was kicked to the ground now?
Kujo Josuke did this series of actions in less than 1 second, which made Jason lose before he had time to react.

The feeling of emptiness in the lower back, accompanied by the severe pain that made people unable to move, this S-rank ghoul fell into an unparalleled rage.

"My Kazuko, my Kazuko, my Kazuko, my Kazuko—"

The whites of his eyes turned black in an instant, and Jason struggled to get out of the ground. His off-white suit was now messed up with blood and mud.He almost burst into physical tears from the pain, his vision was blurred, he could only grit his teeth and look at Kongjo Josuke standing on the container, remembering his appearance fiercely.

"This thing is so unbeatable." Said in a volume that only he could hear, Kujo Josuke threw Kazuko in his right hand aside in disgust. He looked at Jason's look of wanting to come up and fight himself for his life, and he had already given up on himself up.

Now, Kujo Josuke has discovered something is wrong.That's right, this race ghoul, who seems weak to him, is probably a terrible monster in the eyes of humans, right?Obviously, Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro didn't respond to the strength they showed before. If they said that their combat power was too strong, Josuke could withdraw some strength in time.

In fact, Josuke just wanted to throw Jason to the ground, and he didn't react to this disgusting Kazuko.He is a true ancestor, and he is very particular about his food. He has no interest in this kind of food, which is no different from genetically modified food.

"Josuke...?!" Looking at the picture in front of him, Amon Kotaro couldn't react for a while, he glanced at Jason, the ghoul who had crushed them just now could hardly walk because of the pain; he looked again Glancing at Josuke Kujo, the young man still had a gentle face, his whole body looked as if nothing had happened except for the scarlet patch on his right arm.

Although I know that Kujo Josuke is a very strong rookie, Matt and others in the bureau have also said that Josuke can fight him on an equal footing, but this kind of combat power is not like a human being at all——

Compared to Amon Kotaro who doubted the world view, Mado Wuxu over there was much calmer.Although he didn't expect Kujo Josuke to have such fighting power, but those things can be ignored, the most important thing now is to drive out the ghouls!
Looking at the stunned Amon Kotarou, Mado Wuxu ignored him, and said directly to Kujo Josuke: "Josuke, you did a good job, now that Jason has no fighting power, continue to put him—"

"Brother!—how are you?"

A crying voice interrupted Mado Wuxu, and Kujo Josuke turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

Those were a few ghouls in suits, they appeared suddenly but moved in unison.They quietly bypassed Kujo Josuke's location and headed straight for Jason.Without further ado, two or three people immediately picked up Jason and started running away without any hesitation.

So in a blink of an eye, only Jason's angry roar and Mado Wuxu's regretful voice remained.

"Chengjie, you did a good job this time."

Wu Xu Mado walked slowly to the container where Kujo Josuke was, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that Jason ran away."

No, I don't want to chase at all.

"Well, forget it, the harvest this time is enough. Such a big Kazuko, even with a bag." Mado Wuxu didn't reply from Guan Chengsuke, he walked up to Jason and the group of ghouls in suits Next to Hezi who didn't have time (dare not) to take it away, smiled excitedly: "If it weren't for my new Quinker, which is already being prepared, I really want to use this to make it."

Yamen on the other side walked over silently, without speaking, and his whole mind wandered away.

"Chengsuke, this is your trophy. When you get back to the game, use this thing to scare those guys!" Mado Wuxu kept talking all by himself: "When the time comes, use this as a material to make yours." Kuink, what's it called, [Jason 1/2]? No, it's too rigid, it doesn't match this big victory, how about calling it [Complete Victory]?"

 Thanks to Ji Wuming for his 233 starting point coin reward support! ! !Thanks to Yiheyu for their January ticket support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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