I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 213 "Fighting and Resolute"

Chapter 213 "Fighting and Resolute"

Knowing that District 11 has not been completely destroyed by the surprise attack by the Bronze Tree, which led to the complete fall of District 11, Marutesai immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and relieved his tense nerves.

Although there were investigators who died, but to put it bluntly, it is impossible without sacrifices, so Marute’s first reaction here is not to lament those investigators who died, but to rejoice that District 11 did not fall into the hands of ghouls .

However, the expulsion of the ghouls does not mean that everything is fine.Marutesai, who has many years of experience as a search officer, frowned. After hearing the words of the search officer from District 11, he hurriedly asked, "How is Kujoichi waiting now?"

Although Marutesai does not have a good opinion of Kujo Josuke, and even doubted his identity after confessing to Shukichi, Marutes has always distinguished the importance clearly, and he will not get involved in any work. personal emotions.So after hearing that the current Kujo Josuke had expelled the ghouls, Marutesai's first reaction was to ask him about his situation. As an investigator, Marutes would consider everything for him from the perspective of his companion.

"There is nothing wrong with Kong Tiaoyi, and he is not injured." The speaker seemed to have just experienced an escape, and his breathing was still a little unsteady, but the deep admiration in his tone could be heard through the phone: "That's right For the S-rank ghouls, Kujou just took care of them all by himself, and we didn't help at all!"

"That's it, good!" Marutesai was a little surprised. He originally thought that Josuke Kujo, the inspector who had been greeted, was also the kind sent by the Hexiu family to plate gold, but he didn't expect that he had some real skills.

That’s right, we can’t be prejudiced against those with backgrounds, Marute thought to himself, isn’t Arima also specially sent by Chairman Kazuo, and the name of “White Death” is not hesitated to repeat.

"Then you count the casualties first, and report the situation to me immediately after the end. I will send some support from the countermeasure headquarters to the 11th district. During this time, you must be prepared to prevent the second attack of the ghoul group!" Marute Sai Taking a breath, he calmly and decisively gave an order to the 11th division over there.

"Yes!" The investigator on the other side of the phone replied simply.

Putting the microphone back to its original position with a "snap," Marutesai walked to the podium at the front of the conference room.The phone call just now was very loud, and the atmosphere in the conference room was tense and calm, so the investigators in the conference room almost all heard the content of the phone call.

Although now, just looking at the smile on Marutesai's face, everyone can know the situation in District 11.

"Just now I received an emergency call from District 11." Marutesai put his hands on the table, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and he looked around: "I disappointed those garbage ghouls, yes, I It's good news!"

"Not only did the 11th district not fall, we also expelled the S-class ghoul tail brothers from the previous 11th district!"

Marutesai clenched his fists under the gaze of all investigators, with a determined expression on his face.Now that the search officer is being pressed by ghouls and the situation is not optimistic, knowing the good news that District 11 has not fallen is indeed a boost to everyone.

Especially in the face of such an arrogant "Bronze Tree", this time District 11 did not fall into the hands of the ghouls as they thought. For the CCG investigators, it was a morale boost.

Although under the disciplinary norms, the investigators in the conference room did not whisper to each other even if they were excited, but the worry on their faces was removed, but the atmosphere in the air of the whole countermeasure headquarters seemed to be frozen. After the news, it seems to become fluid again.

"According to the latest information from the informant, this ghoul group that declared war on our CCG is called the Bronze Tree." Marute clicked on some information, and a lot of pictures immediately appeared on the big screen in front of the conference room.On the picture, groups of figures in crimson robes are very conspicuous. They appear in various places in District 11, and the wounded investigators often appear on the picture as the background.

"The known number of targets is more than 200 people, and it is the largest organization of ghouls that we know so far."

After hearing this news, many investigators in the audience became tense again after calming down. Although District 11 has not been taken, it does not mean that CCG has won.Their ghoul countermeasures team in District 11 couldn't let it go.

Upon hearing Marutesai's words, Chief Shinohara in the audience clasped his arms tightly, frowned, and said with a hint of worry, "These ghouls are gathering in large numbers, what is their purpose?"

"How do I know that, who can know what's going on in those ghouls' minds." Marutesai shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Anyway, it's an indisputable fact that these ghouls are not kind. Thanks to Kong Tiaoyi and others who stayed in the 11th district branch, they defended the 11th district and did not let the 11th district be taken away by them, but next time we will not be able to passively wait for their attack like this!"

Hearing the name of Kujo Josuke, except for a few people who knew Kujo Josuke, most of the other CCG investigators thought he was an experienced investigator, so that he could face the attack of the ghouls completely unharmed Repelling and repelling the enemy did not connect the rookie investigator who had become famous a few days ago with "No. [-] Kongtiao".

However, most of the people who have had some contact with Kujo Josuke have reacted. This Kujo first-class is the legendary newcomer investigator with a good background.After expelling S-class ghouls one after another, Jason and Brother Tail, it seems that this "scarlet devil" is probably going to succeed Arima Takasho as the next CCG's most feared and powerful investigator.

"And once the news of the Bronze Tree gathering spreads, the ghouls who have been acting alone so far will definitely join the Bronze Tree!" With a sudden slap on the table, Marutesai walked down from the podium in the conference room , walked among the investigators, with a strong tone: "This is a war between us humans and ghouls!"

Everyone in the meeting room looked at Marutesai. It was evening outside the window, and the setting sun was setting. The burning belief in everyone's hearts seemed to be like investigators fighting against the ghouls that were constantly devouring human beings.In the face of this kind of racial crisis, no one cares about personal grievances. The human beings who joined the CCG have already made up their minds to protect their companions, even if they sacrifice, just to see the hope of human survival.

"So!" Marute took a deep breath, and made the final mobilization on the battlefield: "Everyone here entrusts their lives to me. By the way, this is an order! You have no right to refuse—"

Marutesai's voice was a little hoarse, he waved his hand violently, and his intense emotion made his facial expression a bit hideous: "Here, we will form a special countermeasure team in District 11 and officially start to wipe out all the ghouls in District 11." !"

All the investigators gathered their energy, and their aura reached a peak. Just when Marutesai was about to make his final oath, telling everyone the purpose of CCG since its founding to inspire everyone, a loud noise suddenly interrupted his words.

With a bang, the closed door of the conference room was pushed open, attracting everyone's attention.

"Sorry——" Suzuya Jozo staggered into the meeting room, tilted his head and smiled and said, "I am the subordinate of Chief Shinohara, and my name is Suzuya Jozo—"

"Because I got lost, so I came late~"

Marutesai, who raised his aura all at once but couldn't come down, looked at Jozo Suzuya with a livid face, trembling and even being unable to speak for a while.

"Wow, that's true." Shinohara stretched out his hands to cover his face in pain, not daring to look at the expression of his colleague Marutesai. When you come to the meeting in time, you should be mentally prepared early.

What, everything is fine, it's just this off-line character——

On the other side, Jozo Suzuya had no idea what his guardian was thinking. He showed a cute business smile and greeted his colleagues:
"Please take care of me——!"


The store manager had a bad premonition in his heart, and this premonition got worse after he went out and saw many human corpses.

The organization named "Bronze Tree" has become so rampant, without any regard for the reaction of public opinion, it just started to torture and kill human beings wantonly.

"The leader of the Bronze Tree. Rumor has it that he is the one-eyed king."

After hearing Sifang's words, the store manager's uneasiness reached its peak. He immediately decided to leave and return to the antique coffee shop to suspend this investigation.

Along the way, although the store manager didn't have any worried expression on his face, he frowned tightly, and he already had some expectations about the situation in the coffee shop.The One-Eyed King knows all about Antique, and the Bronze Tree under her hand will definitely not let Antique go, and Kaneki Ken's identity as a one-eyed ghoul has probably been exposed.
However, when the store manager finally opened the door of the Antique Cafe, the scene he saw was different from what he had expected.

Although the store is still a mess, blood is sprayed everywhere.Broken floor-to-ceiling windows, shards of glass everywhere, tables and chairs smashed in the corners, and potted green plants fell all over the ground.

However, everyone in the store is still there, and that's enough.

Ken Kaneki mopped the floor with a mop helplessly, and there were about four or five scarlet mops in the black garbage bag on one side, all of which gave off a strong smell of blood.Before the store manager came, he was working hard to clean the store.

It can be said that it is a good time to fight and clean the crematorium.

"The store manager." Seeing the store manager and Sifang Lianshi rushing back, Jin Muyan temporarily stopped the cleaning action in his hands, and put the sanitary tools in his hand aside quickly with an expression of "come alive": "You guys came back."

"Jinmu." A familiar smile appeared on the store manager's face. He sniffed the smell in the store lightly, and felt that the smell of blood definitely did not belong to anyone he was familiar with.Moreover, the store manager looked at Kaneki Ken, and the obviously energetic state was not injured, so he asked Kaneki: "What happened?"

"Ah, it's nothing serious." Jin Muyan smiled and said nonchalantly: "It seems that there was an organization called the Bronze Tree just now, and they sent a few ghouls, Jason, Nicole, and Dong Xiang's younger brother. Kirishima Ayato, but it's okay, we drove them away in the end."

"." The store manager didn't speak for a while.

"Thanks to the information that Ying sent me, and Miss Asakami's help." Kaneki Ken's eyes brightened, and said: "When I was on guard, I couldn't let them get a bargain. There was no one in the store. I was injured, the blood belonged to someone else. I just don’t know why. Dong Xiang seemed to be a little angry, she said that I was not allowed to go back upstairs when I was covered in blood, and asked me to clean up the shop.”

"Well, it's okay." The store manager patted Jin Mu on the shoulder, gave Sifang a wink, told him to go upstairs first, and then said to Jin Mu: "You are doing well, Jin Mu, rest first Let's talk about cleaning later."

After hearing the store manager's words, Kaneki Ken's smile widened a little, he nodded at Sifang Renshi who was walking upstairs, and then found a seat to sit down with the store manager on the first floor.

"The store manager!" Jin Muyan saw that the store manager sat down, and before he took off his hat, he said excitedly, "I didn't make a mistake!"

"." The store manager looked at Kaneki Ken with a fanatical expression on his face, almost paranoid, and said nothing.

"Ying didn't do anything just because I'm a ghoul, we're still close friends! It was Ying who risked his life to call me when Jason and the others came to Antique this time!" Kaneki continued with a reassuring expression on his face. : "Mr. Cheng Jie, he texted me back and made an appointment for me to meet!"

The store manager nodded reassuringly and smiled charitably.

"Miss Asakami also came to help me directly with a text message and he also said that Josuke never lies, so don't worry that he will betray me and expose my identity to CCG or something, because Chengsuke has always been right There are speculations about her identity, but she has been acquiescing." Jin Muyan said: "Maybe maybe Chengjie has no prejudice against ghouls!"

"Let humans and ghouls put aside their prejudices, and the first step to real reconciliation may start now!"

"Yeah." The store manager nodded. He saw Jin Mu faintly showing a guilty expression, and he had a bad premonition, and asked him, "You still..." What did you do?
"That... store manager" Kaneki Ken's frenzied expression disappeared, and he said with some embarrassment: "I sent an enemy back to report, and asked him to tell the leader of the bronze tree that I want to report to him as a one-eyed ghoul. provocative."

Seeing the store manager's speechless and somewhat surprised expression, Kaneki Ken waved his hand and quickly added.

"Actually not, that is. The Bronze Tree and CCG are about to start a war. Their number is only more than 200 at most. After the death of the S-rank ghoul tail brothers, most of the ghouls they brought are uncontrolled. Status, the strength of the Bronze Tree has been greatly weakened. In short, if we and I cooperate with Chengsuke, we can completely control the Bronze Tree with CCG, so that we can ease the relationship with humans and tell humans that in fact, the ghouls are not all addicts. kill faction or something"

Although Ken Kaneki looked a little sorry, but his expression was extremely firm, he said to the store manager.

"I, I can't drag Antique. If necessary, I am willing to carry out this plan as a Cyclops."

 Thanks to Lengyue Tianhu for the February ticket support! ! !Thank you for the support of the blank and wasteful January ticket! ! !Thanks for the support of I am Madara is a younger brother's January ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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