I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 214 "The Dream of Perfection"

Chapter 214 "The Dream of Perfection"

In the 11th branch of CCG, even when it was time to get off work, not many people left.Leaving aside the matter of working overtime, it has long been commonplace for office workers, especially investigators in front-line positions. What's more, there is an incident where the branch was almost bloodbathed by ghouls. Everyone almost agrees They chose to stay and deal with the aftermath of the attack, and no one would choose to give up their work.

As a result, Kujo Josuke, who wants to go home, is particularly obvious.

He wants to go back to District 20, one is to search for things related to the Holy Grail, which is his original purpose of coming to this world; the other is to follow the original law of life, go home to take a bath, eat, and rest early.

But if you leave work normally without overtime, you will look too out of place in front of this group of colleagues who seem to be in love with 996. This attracts people's attention, and maybe it will cause other people to discuss things behind their backs. Kujo Josuke has always been the most annoying of.

But, I killed that ghoul brother so that I can return home normally.

The painful obsessive-compulsive disorder patient feels that he is about to become a Buddhist youth after intense battle between heaven and man.

I always feel that from the beginning to the present, my temper has improved. Wasn’t it at 01:30, Kujo Josuke thought with a gentle smirk, isn’t this journey of collecting the Holy Grail really a process of reforming obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Finally, under the double temptation of the Holy Grail and going home, Kujo Josuke chose to use a language skill.

"Ah, is there something wrong with Kongtiaoyidai!?" A middle-aged man who is probably the second-class investigator looked at the young man in front of him, waved his hands in fear, "It's okay, it's okay, you can leave directly, Kongtiaoyiwai himself It was sent by the headquarters, and I am grateful enough to help us this time!"

"Yeah!" Another younger investigator also said, he looked at Kujo Josuke with admiration: "So handsome, he killed the ghouls at once, I feel that you might be the same as the legendary white As powerful as a god of death!"

"No, no, expelling the ghouls is originally the duty of our investigators, and I should also do the work after the incident." First, he smiled "somewhat shyly", and then Kujo Josuke showed something interesting. A little embarrassed expression: "However, the situation on the side of District 20 is also very dangerous. I think the current bronze tree in District 11 will not come back after the halberd"

"It's okay, let's go." An older investigator smiled tolerantly. He took a stack of documents and was sorting out, then turned around and said to Kujo Josuke: "You stay here, and you are just doing it with us. These useless paperwork, might as well go back to District 20, maybe we can drive out a few more ghouls."

"That's right! I'm getting a few white wing epaulettes!" the young investigator said excitedly.

"That's good." Nodding to the investigators who survived in the office, Kujo Josuke picked up his suitcase and left with an apologetic face.
Before leaving, he could still hear the faint voice of praise Kujo Josuke coming from the office.

"Young. Potential is limitless." "Excellent ability is rare." "It's worth watching."

Kujo Josuke seemed unhappy, but he left the branch of CCG11 very quickly. When he stepped out of the branch gate and felt the bloody air outside, he took a breath.

He had only killed a pair of ghoul brothers before, and he frightened the other ghouls after he walked out the door. Seeing that they had left, he just didn't make a move.However, even if there were not too many casualties, the bloody smell here was still very strong, at least for Kujo Josuke, who had a keen sense of smell, the smell was not pleasant.

In fact, strictly speaking, both ghouls and humans can be regarded as the food of the true ancestor, but Kujo Josuke is still a more tasteful true ancestor, and unhealthy foods of unknown origin are not within the scope of his diet.Ordinary human beings have nothing worthy of Kujo Josuke's eyes, and Kujo Josuke has no interest in this weird thing, even if its blood contains powerful power.

Accompanied by the bloody evening wind at night, the floating clouds in the sky covered the hazy bright moon.The dark sky, the corpses that can be seen everywhere on the road, and the scavengers flying around give this unusual day some scarlet color.

At this time, you can go back by tram.

Kujo Josuke thought of this, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at the map, then walked towards the direction of the subway station.By the way, he returned a message from Asakami Tenno, and made an appointment with that one-eyed ghoul at a relatively free time.

Not tomorrow. Tomorrow, Kisho Arima said he would report to CCG headquarters.Although I don't know what it is, it should have nothing to do with what happened in District 11. It is obviously another job, and it is the kind that CCG attaches great importance to.After all, the work that allows Arima Kisho to do it himself cannot be underestimated in terms of importance.

Kujo Josuke walked and thought, and came to a subway station near the CCG branch in District 11.Naturally, he had thrown away the blood-stained coat a long time ago, and he was only wearing a shirt and suit trousers, faintly showing the young but strong body of the young man.He was carrying a suitcase in his right hand, and a discerning person would probably be able to see his occupation clearly at a glance, so many people's eyes were on Chengsuke during the tram ride.

Calm and naturally cool, Kujo Josuke ignored the attention of passers-by, thinking about what happened that day.

First, I got Kuink with Mado Wuxu. I thought I would go to the ghoul countermeasures team in District 11, but I didn’t expect to meet Kisho Arima when I changed hands, and he was taken to District 10 to meet the Kazuhi clan with ulterior motives. The head of the family, and when they came back, the 11th branch was almost bloodbathed by the bronze tree.
What a rich and fulfilling day, Kujojo interface sighed expressionlessly.

When it comes to his future work, Kujo Josuke actually pays more attention to Arima Kisho. Although this person's strength is not as good as his own, it is a bit strange that he is high in the human range.Moreover, when he sent himself to repair the house again, his attitude was much colder than the first time we met, obviously he knew something.

I always feel that there are some clues that I haven't got. Kujo Josuke feels as if there is only one piece of the puzzle missing, and the clues are broken at an important place.Kisho Arima's weird attitude, the inexplicable help of the Hexiu clan, the strange social form, and the development of technology. There is definitely some secret between ghouls and humans. Maybe this is the key node in this world.

Just like the previous Singularity worlds, more or less the Holy Grail is related to the claim of the will of the world.There are isolated islands that demand "above the strong" to survive, and there are supernatural domains that advocate "absolute equality". Since this is the case, the will of this world has created two opposing races, humans and ghouls. What do you want? Woolen cloth?

With this question in mind, Josuke Kujo pursued the magic power he felt before and moved forward.He got off the tram at the station in the 20th district, feeling the magic remnants of the Holy Grail when it erupted, and pursued it all the way in the hazy moonlight, and finally found an abandoned construction site.

Although it was getting late, Kujo Josuke still chose to follow the magic power to come here to have a look. There was still time, and it was not time for him to go to bed. For dinner, he ate at a restaurant on time at 18:00 just now. Although the taste is average, it should not be too particular.

The construction site is very empty, next to the railway tracks, when there are no trains passing by, the place is unbelievably quiet.

Probably because of the disputes between real estate companies and the government. Due to various reasons, it is impossible to continue the construction. It is too common for the construction period to be delayed, even in Tokyo, where every dollar is very expensive. .Kujo Josuke raised his head and saw a tall building halfway under construction, with a lot of steel bars stacked on the roof.

And the source of the magic power, or the place where the most magic power remains, is in the corner of the construction site.There was a big black plastic bag, piled up among the clutter of construction debris, not so conspicuous in the dark.

This thing seemed to be thrown there like a trash, if Kujo Josuke hadn't discovered it now, tomorrow this big black bag would disappear into the city without a sound, together with the construction waste.

Kujo Josuke took a closer look at the black bag exuding magic power, and found that the magic power was emitted from the things inside the bag.

It was something like flesh and blood, and it was like sludge. It exuded a strong smell of blood and a stench that couldn't be dispelled.It seems to be scorched, with traces of melting, and it seems to be wriggling on closer inspection, as if it is a living creature struggling to survive.But with every wriggling and breathing, this monster seemed to be in pain again, as if it could not survive or die, it was wailing that no one could hear.

Kujo Josuke could only peep quietly through the vibrating magic power, this garbage-like thing, howling in agony with every breath.

it's still alive.

Kujo Josuke frowned, and didn't move any closer, but just stood there, some distance away from the construction waste.In this case, it is no longer possible to see what the prototype of this thing is.But obviously, this thing is garbage that has been processed by the Holy Grail, the traces of burning and melting, Kujo Josuke can also use the evil of this world of the Holy Grail in his body to do it.

As for why this thing is still alive now?

Kujo Josuke, through the Black Holy Grail in his body, perceives that this thing is endowed with a little emotion.This is the person who hides the Holy Grail, he treats this piece of garbage like this, but still keeps him alive. This kind of behavior is almost telling the visitor clearly.

He is revenge.

Let you also taste my pain at the beginning?No, this emotion, it feels like, it's your turn?Kujo Josuke closed his eyes to perceive, and found that in addition to the emotions left by the temporary owner of the Holy Grail, there were also some symbols engraved by magic power on this garbage.are some numbers.

The completely chaotic and irregular numbers made Kujo Josuke a little helpless, no matter how smart he was, he couldn't guess this thing, so he could only choose to write down these clues silently first.

I can't see anything about this garbage here, and there seems to be only so much information left.Anyway, the clues are not in a hurry, since the Holy Grail is making a movement now, the movement will only become bigger and bigger in the future.

Kujo Josuke glanced at the garbage bag, he obviously had no interest in the mysterious creature that was still howling.If the temporary owner of the Holy Grail wanted him to maintain that state, Kujo Josuke had no intention of interfering, so he left the construction site without looking back.

Kujo Josuke raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was almost 19:00, and it was time to go home. There was still time to take a bath and make a glass of milk.There is still work tomorrow, and a regular life is a must for ordinary office workers.

Speaking of which, Kujo Josuke was walking home, and a figure seemed to flash in his head.He remembered that Shiina Setsuna seemed to be trying to contact him recently, but because of work, Kujo Josuke hadn't paid much attention to her.

The last short message I sent last time seemed to be something strange like "I will find you". This Shiina Setsuna, if Asagami Tengno was right before, he must be a ghoul, right?Being so attached to him, do you want to try to eat it?

Although ghouls and humans, these things don't matter to him.But of course Shiina Setsuna wouldn't mind if he came to seek death by himself, and it happened that he also wanted to know how the body structure of ghouls was different from that of humans.


I had a sweet dream that I didn't want to wake up from, thought the wounded child.

In this dream, everything is perfect, I erased the mistakes that should have happened, so that the story can get the best ending.

The weak self grows up ahead of time, so no one will be injured or die, lovers will not be forced to separate, blood relatives will not suffer misfortune, the weak will not have nowhere to turn for help, and the righteous will not bear a bad name.

Good people have good endings, and evil people will eventually get retribution.

There won't be a night of whiteheads and tears turning into blood, and there won't be scars and forget the past.

I will have friends who will never give up, I will have like-minded companions, I will fulfill the ideals I can't ask for, and everything I dream of will come true.

As for the guests who accidentally broke into the door?

The wounded child thought in a daze.

I like this big brother. He let me know that the original white hair can also glow golden in the sun, just like the light of hope.

He is just like me before, but so powerful that he can easily do things that I can't.

Big brother, are you looking for something? Please wait patiently. When I finish this dream, I will take my most precious thing as my gift to you.

The injured child was immersed in a fairy tale dream, never feeling so happy. He cherished the golden cup in his arms and showed a sweet smile.

【First Turning Point: Pass】

[Holy Grail hatch rate 30%]

 There is a trace of reasoning plot, obviously, this Holy Grail is hatching, as for the hatching candidate, I will not say! (Chengjie’s last sentence, please don’t think wrongly, it’s very simple to dissect

(End of this chapter)

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