I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 238 "Moon Night Garden of Eden"

Chapter 238 "Moon Night Garden of Eden"

This white-haired, black-skinned man with a strange hairstyle and eyelashes and hair forming a five-pointed star shape is called Enrique Pucci, a devout and kind priest.

After learning about the request of the Chaldeans who "wanted to obtain food supplies", they agreed without any refusal, and directly let them go to Paradise Island, and generously showed them the buildings on the island.

"We welcome everyone who lands on Paradise Island." Father Puqi led the crowd forward, stepping on snow-white floor tiles made of marble, his voice was thick and full of magnetism: "God will not abandon him Children, you can get the best hospitality here."

The ancient Greek architecture of Paradise Island is beautiful, and even the scenery is full of carefree feelings.There are palaces with the color of white dove wings, and occasionally children can be seen laughing and playing in them; the roadside is dotted with glass street lamps with fireflies, like stars in the sky falling into the mortal world; the feet are clear and flowing The beautiful stream, the gentle and fresh spring breeze, and the innocent smiles of the children, this is a picturesque and beautiful scenery, and it is a veritable paradise.

Once again pushing away a child playing hide-and-seek who bumped into him, Cu Chulainn complained softly: "These little guys are not afraid of life at all."

"Hehe." Emiya shook the apple in his hand as if showing off, and mocked Cu Chulainn mercilessly: "Probably because you look too scary, you see, everyone has fruits given by children, just you Always getting bumped." Probably due to lack of bumping.

Numerous wells appeared on his forehead, and Cu Chulainn looked back at his companions.Sure enough, everyone held something more or less in their hands, such as apples, pears, mangoes and all kinds of strange fruits, which seemed to show the richness of this place.

These are gifts from the children, probably a welcome gift for the new arrivals to the island.Among them, Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew received the most things, and they almost couldn't take them anymore, but when they wanted to refuse, Father Puqi stopped them.

"Accept it. It's just a little thought from them." Father Puqi looked gentle, and he rubbed the hair of a little boy who was running around: "There are a lot of these things on the island."

The little boy who was interrupted in the game pouted, impatiently pushed away the big hands on his head, and ran to chase some screaming little girls who ran away.

Karna's eyes followed these children playing games away, his eyes were a little strange.

Because Sherlock Holmes and Da Vinci are still on the submarine, Fujimaru Tachika and Mash are the only three heroic spirits who went to the island this time.Facing the gentle Father Puqi and a group of innocent children, the two soft-hearted girls couldn't say no to them, and obediently accepted the greeting gifts.

"Hello, priest." Cu Chulainn felt a chill when he said the word priest.Obviously, Cu Chulainn was not impressed by this gentle priest.It's just because he looked at Fujimaru Tachika and Mash as if they trusted Puqi very much, so even if he was disgusted, he would not provoke each other. "Where are you taking us?"

However, not provoking is not provoking, and what should be asked should still be asked.As experienced warriors, these heroic spirits actually didn't believe in Enrique Pucci that much.

"Look for a place to stay first." He stopped for a moment, but quickly covered it up.Father Puqi looked back at the crowd and said, "The food supplies will be delivered soon. For now, I still want you to enjoy the hospitality of Paradise Island."

"We also want to meet the owner of this island." Looking directly at Pucci, Emiya said calmly, "We were recommended by Jonny Joestar and Gero Shepilly. I need to meet the owner of the island."

Fujimaru Tachika and Mash were a little confused, but what Cu Chulainn and Emiya said was normal, so they both nodded.

"That's it." Father Puqi pondered for a while, and said, "It's okay, it's easy to see the island owner. We are all children of God, and we should help each other."

After all, Puqi looked up at the sky and turned around again: "But let's arrange a place to rest first. You must be very tired when you arrive at Paradise Island. Let's take a good rest first."

This time, everyone in Chaldea had no reason to ask questions. After all, they came to ask for something from others, and it was safer to listen to others.

Father Pucci led the crowd for a long walk, and finally stopped at the gate of an empty palace.

There is a Greek-style column in front of him. Father Puqi turned around and said to Fujimaru Tachika and the others: "The reception is not good, please rest here for a night. There are maids in the palace, and someone will come to give you some Food, I’m going to report to the island owner that there are visitors.”

This is natural, and the host cannot be required to accompany the guests all the time.

Fujimaru Tachika nodded, bid farewell to Father Puqi, and walked to the palace with his companions.

The palace is also white from the outside, without any other color decorations.The interior is decorated in a very luxurious and gorgeous style, coupled with a group of beautiful maids, it is like dreaming back to the age of the gods in Greece.

However, there are twenty or thirty maids in one palace, isn't that too much?
Emiya pulled Cu Chulainn who wanted to flirt with the maids with one hand, and waved the other hand to signal the maids to back away.After the entire palace was more than half empty and after confirming that the maids had retreated far enough away, Emiya let go of Cu Chulainn's collar.

"What are you doing?" Cu Chulainn was very dissatisfied: "I don't know how to be sympathetic to women at all. What do you think of driving so many girls out of the palace this night?"

Ignoring Cu Chulainn, Emiya explained to Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew: "Those maids have very simple expressions and there are a lot of them. I suspect that they may be controlled and used to monitor us. This paradise island is a bit weird, we still need to be careful. wonderful."

Matthew hesitated to speak, and finally nodded. Although she really didn't want to see those maids suffer outside, she could still tell which was more important.

Cu Chulainn also understood Emiya's meaning, he rolled his eyes and muttered: "Cut"

Finally, no outsiders were present, and Leonardo Da Vinci in the electronic communication seemed to hold back for a long time. He came out with a "wow--" and looked around, saying, "Wow, the buildings here are very nice!"

Fujimaru Tachika nodded: "The buildings along the way are all in the same Greek style, and even the clothes worn by the children and maids are Greek." Speaking of this, Fujimaru Tachika looked at the maids at the palace gate, Then he said with some concern: "However, the weather here is warm like spring, and everyone wears a lot."

Long sleeves seem to be uncommon in Greek-style clothing, but those children and women are still wearing long-sleeved clothes that don't match the Greek style, which is a bit strange.
"It's really strange." Holmes nodded in the electronic communication, seemingly remembering this point.Then he looked around and asked, "Is there anything else you find strange?"

As if wanting to compete with Emiya, Cu Chulainn lazily raised his hand, and said with a naughty smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yes! Those girls are not quite right except for their strange clothes. Although only for a while, But when I talked to them, they didn't respond at all, they just smiled and smiled." Cu Chulainn threw a look at Emiya, and said proudly: "These girls do have problems."

Holmes nodded, ignoring Emiya and Cu Chulainn, the two uncomfortable guys who didn't bicker all day long.He looked at Karna who had been silent all this time. The silent hero caught Holmes' gaze, so he spoke slowly.

"I have the skill [The Wisdom of the Poor], I can see through the character and attributes of others, and I will not be deceived by lies." Karna said: "The priest Puqi did not lie, and he is indeed a pious person. Father."

Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, they both felt pretty good about the priest.

"However." Immediately afterwards, Karna added: "The hearts of those children and maids are completely disorganized. It's strange."

A normal child should have a simple and straight line in his heart, and even a complicated adult should have an orderly mind.But those people on Paradise Island, their inner thoughts are jumping like mental patients.

Karna, who was not good at words, repeated it emphatically: "It's strange."

"So... um." After listening to Karna's words, Da Vinci and Holmes looked at each other and said to everyone: "There are indeed many strange things in this paradise island now, and with the hints from Jonny and Gero before, in short We need to be on the alert."

"Strive to obtain food supplies from them first." Holmes added: "As for the matter of cooperation, we can put it aside later. If they have malicious intentions, everyone must be prepared."

"But let's rest now~ If the time is set according to the normal time now, it will be after 20 o'clock in the evening!" Da Vinci said in the electronic communication: "Holmes and I will collect data, everyone should save their energy first, and then we will be counted." If there is a battle, it won't be too sluggish."

The two people and the three heroic spirits present all nodded in agreement.Living in a small submarine for several days is too much for one person, but now resting in this exquisite and comfortable palace is indeed very exciting.

Matthew called back the maids who had been kicked out, and the maids started tidying up the rooms of the palace as normal.They brought fruit, bread, etc. to satisfy everyone's hunger, and then took them one by one to find a room to stay and rest.

To be on the safe side, Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew decided to live in the same room. Anyway, the room is not small, and it is more than enough for two people.

As for the remaining three heroic spirits, they rejected the proposal to rest.Instead, he pretended to go back to the room to rest, but in fact, it was Lingzi who took turns to keep watch at night to protect the safety of the Master.

"It shouldn't be that dangerous." Fujimaru Tachika lay on the bed after washing, and whispered to Mash beside him: "Those children and maids, although they are small and strange, are actually quite normal."

Probably used to seeing miserable people in the previous rumor belts, this time I met so many carefree children and girls in Paradise Island, Fujimaru Tatsuka instinctively didn't want to think about them badly.After all, if these people lived in too much pain and misery, Tachika Fujimaru would not be able to accept it.

Even if the homeland will be destroyed in the end, but at the last moment of life, it is better to live carefree and happy, right?
"Yeah." Matthew looked at Fujimaru Tachika tenderly, and nodded lightly under the quilt.After hearing what Jie Luo said, she thought that Paradise Island was just a name for paradise, but she didn't expect that it actually existed like a paradise of Eden, which made Matthew very relieved.

The reassuring Matthew raised her mouth slightly, hugged Fujimaru Tachika, and the two fell asleep next to each other.

The night wind blows the veil that falls to the ground, and the fragrance of flowers and plants breaks into the mind of the sleeping person through the house.

Fujimaru Tachika vaguely felt as if she was dreaming, the empty lawn, wanton and joyful laughter, her mind was full of relaxing thoughts. "Don't worry, everything will pass—" "Go to sleep, everything in your dreams is so beautiful—" "Come play with us, let's play games—"

The laughter of the children and girls echoed unscrupulously in the ears, and Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't help but want to join them.

But at this moment, Fujimaru Tateka, who was still dreaming, was suddenly awakened by the heavy pressure above her body and a pain, "Who!" Fujimaru Tachika immediately opened his eyes and sat up, and scanned the surroundings in shock, Finally found the culprit in himself.

"Meow meow meow!--"

It's a kitten with a baby-like meow and short golden fur.Obviously it doesn't seem to weigh much, but when it is pressed on Fujimaru Tatsuka's stomach, it makes people feel very heavy.

"Where is the cat?" Fujimaru Lixiang realized that it was the kitten who made the mistake, so she was not angry anymore.She gently stroked the cat, and seeing the kitten bowed in enjoyment, she couldn't help laughing: "It's quite cute."

However, there will be cats here.Fujimaru Tatsuka glanced sideways at Mash who was still sleeping, and hesitated for a while whether to wake her up.

It’s still nighttime, but if you count the time, it’s been 5 or 6 hours.

"Meow meow!"

Just when Fujimaru Tachika was hesitating, she found that the kitten who had been docilely enjoying the smooth hair under her hand just now suddenly exploded.It jumped down from the bed in a flash, then kept barking, and even pulled Fujimaru Tatsuka's sock with its teeth.

It seems like it wants to take Fujimaru Tachika somewhere.

"Wait!" It was obviously a small cat, but it was very powerful. Fujimaru Tatsuka was pulled off the bed by the little milk cat, and even moved a certain distance.She struggled for a long time but failed to get back her sock from the kitten's mouth, so she could only shake the still sleeping Matthew vigorously, dumbfounded: "Wake up! Matthew!"

However, Matthew couldn't wake up no matter how she shook it.No matter how hard Fujimaru Tachika exerted, he was still frowning and unable to wake up.

"Stop shaking!" Just when Fujimaru Tachika started to panic unknowingly, she heard a child's voice.

Looking back, it was a little boy with a younger sister lying on the window, talking to her nervously.

"Come with me, or it will be too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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