I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 239 "My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror"

Chapter 239 "My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror"

Fujimaru Tachika was a little hesitant about whether to go with this child, although now, she no longer foolishly thinks that everything is normal.But seeing Matthew beside her in a daze, unable to wake up no matter how much she screamed, Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't help but say that the school girl stayed here alone.

"Stop dawdling!" The little boy said anxiously, his voice getting louder involuntarily.While looking back, he urged Fujimaru Tachika: "I asked Maomao to wake up other people before I woke you up, but you were the only one who woke up, so even if you shake that sister now, it's not good." It might work!" The little boy said anxiously, "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

Do you choose to leave Matthew, or choose to stay?Fujimaru Tachika has experienced many battles, and she is no longer the inexperienced waste master.She knew that she must not hesitate in times of danger, and only by making a decisive decision can she gain a chance.Rather than just staying here and waiting for Mash to wake up, seizing the opportunity to unravel the truth and save everyone is the correct strategy.

After making up his mind, Fujimaru Tatsuka gritted his teeth and nodded to the little boy.She turned around and cleared the bed, tried her best to pretend that she was still on the bed, and tiptoed out of the palace.

The road was very strangely empty, and the maids who had been everywhere before had completely disappeared.Fujimaru Tachika also found that the heroic spirits transformed into spirits in the dark did not respond to her at all.

With a little milk cat behind her, Tatsuka Fujimaru carefully found the place where the little boy was just now.

"You finally came out!" As if he was relieved, the little boy with the younger sister's head was not as nervous as before. He was one or two meters away from Fujimaru Tachika, and gave her an angry look. Said: "It's so stupid, it's so simple to sleep here!"

"Do you have a way to wake up other people?" Not caring too much about the child's unreasonable tone, Fujimaru Tachika hurriedly approached the child and took a step or two, and said, "You seem to know this paradise island very well. Can you Tell me what you know!"

Seeing Fujimaru Lixiang approaching, the little boy took two steps back vigilantly, and then said: "I said it before, I only woke you up, and the rest of the people probably fell for that guy Lu Jiahao." ability"

The little boy glanced at Fujimaru Tachika, turned his head directly, and ran in a direction without street lights.Turning back while running, beckoning Fujimaru Tachika to follow quickly.

Fujimaru Tachika didn't hesitate much, followed the little boy and started running too.There is no turning back when the bow is opened. The current situation can be said to be very critical. Instead of groaning there, it is better to follow this little guy, and he should be able to know something.

Sure enough, after seeing Fujimaru Tachika following up, the little boy started talking.

"My name is Hayato Kawajiri." After briefly introducing himself, the boy continued to run and said, "This paradise island is not a good place. Although I don't know why you came here, it's better to leave quickly!"


"I will rescue your companion later." Kawajiri Hayato stopped Fujimaru Tatsuka's unspoken words: "The most urgent thing now is to keep your sanity!"

Seeing that Fujimaru Tachika didn't quite understand, Kawajiri Hayato glanced at her with a bit of contempt, sighed and said, "Where did you come from? Really, you still don't understand when I'm talking about it." .”

The visitor from another world, Fujimaru Tachika, smiled bitterly.

"I'll just say it again!" Kawajiri Hayato ran to an unlit palace, motioned for Fujimaru Tachika to come over, and said, "Those people who fell asleep all fell into Lu Jiahao's substitute [Neverland] The ability. This ability can only be activated when others are sleeping, and the person who has been affected by the ability will fall into a coma, and after waking up, the memory will return to the 8-year-old childhood."

After finishing speaking, Kawajiri Haya looked at Fujimaru Tachika, talking to himself in a strange way.

"According to common sense, it is impossible for you to wake up." Kawajiri Hayato picked up the little milk cat and fiddled with its paws with cute pads: "And no one was beaten by it before."

So it turned out that this cat hit me?Fujimaru Tatsuka couldn't laugh or cry, recalling the pain that woke her up from the dream, the pain could be called an attack, and I really can't see the "credit" of a golden British shorthair cat.

"So, Mash and the others will lose their memory after waking up, right, Hayato?" After roughly understanding the meaning expressed in Kawajiri Hayato's words, Fujimaru Tachika seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a frown: "Let's just forget about it." With this strange ability, does it mean that there were other people like us before?"

"Ah, you've finally come to your senses, yes." Nodding generously, Kawajiri Hayato said, "The maids you saw turned out to be people from other islands just like you. All those who came to this island All the people have been affected by the [Neverland] ability, the men are treated as coolies, and the women and children stay. Good-looking people will be picked away as food for the island owner, and those who are almost will be controlled to take drugs. Even if you break free from the ability of [Neverland], you will stay here forever because of drugs."

Fujimaru Tachika was startled by Kawajiri Hayato's words, breaking into a cold sweat, and involuntarily wanted to go back to the palace just now to rescue Mash.But then she immediately calmed down, looked around and turned on the electronic communication on the bracelet.

The image of Holmes was then projected in the air, and Kawajiri Hayato, who hadn't expected it, was taken aback and immediately took several steps back.

Fujimaru Tachika gave Kawajiri Hayato a consoling smile, and then cheered up and told Holmes what happened just now, as well as the information he knew now.Holmes probably did not expect such an accident, and he frowned in thought. After all, he and Da Vinci were still sorting out the data of the submarine just now.

"This kind of ability." Before he finished speaking, Holmes had already realized that such a strange ability that does not belong to the category of magic should be unique to this world. He thought for a while, and asked Kawajiri Hayato alone: ​​"Hayato, did you Have you tried to save these people, too?"

Seeing Kawajiri Hayato with a cold face, Fujimaru Tachika shook his head and said, "No."

Hayato Kawajiri stretched out his hands that belonged to children, and said calmly: "Those people, without a companion who wakes up like this sister, I, a child, have no way to face the five substitute messengers of Paradise Island." After a pause, Hayashi Kawajiri withdrew his hand and looked up at Tachika Fujimaru and Holmes: "This action is not only because some adults have woken up, but also because I really don't have enough time."

The moonlit night has come, and it’s time for the night emperor Dio Brando’s activities. Hayashi Kawajiri doesn’t want Dio to continue using his "Paradise Island" scam to attract innocent people to die here. He wants to go back to Atlas. Report this information to Mr. Jotaro.Thinking of this, Hayato Kawajiri clenched his fists, even if he couldn't go back to Atlas, he couldn't stay in this hell called "Heaven" forever.

Holmes nodded, and secretly memorized the unfamiliar vocabulary of stand-in messenger.He responded, "So that's the case. But, I think, you should have a hole card to save your life, right?"

Holmes looked at Hayato Kawajiri with clear eyes, slightly frowned brows, and tightly pursed lips.This calm, intelligent, strong and brave child cannot blindly wait for an "opportunity" when he is unprepared.He will definitely simulate many plans, and then act without fear at the most suitable time.

Hearing what Holmes said, Hayashi Kawajiri ran into the palace without much hesitation.He twisted and twisted all the way in, and finally stopped at a place, squatted down and stretched out his hands to feel the ground.

Then Fujimaru Tatsuka only heard a soft "click--", which seemed to be the sound of the mechanism starting.Then, a dark passage appeared in front of them.

Kawajiri Hayato turned back to Holmes and Fujimaru Tachika and said, "Come with me."

Seeing Holmes' expected expression, Fujimaru Tachika had no choice but to accept the surprise on her face.She followed Kawajiri Hayato down the stairs, watching him press a button, and the door behind her closed tightly again.

"Your companions won't wake up until about five or six hours later." Hayato Kawajiri took out a glass lamp with fireflies out of nowhere and said, "So don't worry, we won't act until then."

"If you act now, your companions are still sleeping in the dream of [Neverland], and even if they are rescued, they are just a burden."

"Is this your hiding place?" Without responding to Kawajiri Hayato's words, Holmes looked at the underground passage with the keen eyesight of a heroic spirit and asked, "Live with your partner?"

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for such a secret and complicated underground passage to be built by a child like Hayato Kawajiri.People who can establish such a private base on this mysterious paradise island should have some status no matter how they look at it.However, why does such a person of status help this kid? Is it an alliance with the organization Jonny mentioned before?

All kinds of thoughts were spinning quickly in his mind, and Holmes continued with a smile, "Master, we are on the same front now."

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't cooperate with you so much." Cutting off Holmes' words, Kawajiri Hayato walked up to a closed door with a lamp in his hand, and he knocked on the door several times with regularity. Then he looked back at Holmes and said, "I want to save you, but I don't have to. So stop here if you're trying."

If it wasn't for guarding against that man, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to find someone to cooperate with.
Seeing that the children were being teased, Fujimaru Tateka slapped him haha, so he had no choice but to appease Kawajiri Hayato.

"I'm not angry." Kawajiri Hayato said with a slightly puffy face. He saw that the door that was closed just now was slowly opening, so he took the lead and walked in.

Fujimaru Tachika hurriedly followed, and she saw that the decoration of the underground building was very similar to the decoration style of British nobles.Hand-woven carpets, hanging crystal chandeliers, and leather sofas along the walls, with a touch of retro luxury, remind Fujimaru Tateka of clock towers.

"Earlier." An elegant male voice slowly sounded: "Is this your favorite ally?" The blond man who spoke raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Fujimaru Tatsuka and Holmes in the electronic communication: "Look at this. Chaldean?"

Hearing the blond man's words, Fujimaru Tachika's heart stopped beating subconsciously, and then she realized that the other party was talking about Chaldea in this world, rather than knowing their identities.

"I don't know, she is the one I rescued from [Neverland], this sister's system is very strange." Kawajiri Hayato said to the blond man, he seemed less nervous when he returned to this place, even Sitting on the sofa, he picked up the earphones and put them on his ears, and played some music: "Fani, tell her about the plan."

Looking at Hayato Kawajiri, who seemed to be listening to music with all his heart, Holmes understood that the child seemed to be saying "I don't listen to your conversation", but it was not necessarily true.He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and turned his gaze to the blond man in this room.

Hayashi Kawajiri asked him to contact Fani to contact the members of Paradise Island that Joni had mentioned before. It seems that this is the "Fani Valentine".

Fanny Valentine was tall and slender in pink, with long blond hair that fell on broad shoulders and curled inwards at the ends.At first glance, there is even a strong feeling of an elegant lady.

However, although this man is exquisitely dressed and looks handsome, his temperament is not very feminine.

When he saw Holmes and Tachika Fujimaru, he first made a belated meeting ceremony, bowed slightly, and introduced himself: "Although I don't know if the two of you know my name, let me introduce it first." He went straight Standing up, he showed an elegant smile: "I am Fanny Valentine, the President of the United States, a person who works for the justice of mankind."

Looking at Fujimaru Tachika's dilated pupils, he couldn't help but take a step forward and said, "Although we are in such a dark place now, the light will surely come in the future, and now is the best time."

"The night has come, and now is the time when Dior's strength is at its strongest. Josuke Kujo is still being chased by Veronica, the guardian is still busy maintaining the growth of the sky tree, and the research of Chaldea is progressing slowly. "Fani Valentine said: "It seems to be the darkest time, but this is also the most appropriate time."

After all, only in the dark night can the Emperor of the Night be extremely proud.

Hearing what the other party said, Holmes smiled and understood what he meant.

It seems that this American president, who doesn't know whether it is true or not, wants to take advantage of the carelessness of "Dior" and succeed in one blow.However, Kawajiri said earlier that there are five so-called stand-in messengers in this place.Even if this "Fani Valentine" is removed, there are still four left.

Probably seeing Holmes' serious doubts, Fanny Valentine smiled gently and said comfortingly.

"Although we seem to be alone now." He walked up to Kawajiri Hayato, patted the child on the head, and said, "Actually, that's not the case."

They have a trump card [——].

 Thanks for the support of the 0 starting point coins for turning the bar to 100! ! !By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket? (It feels like I haven't asked for it for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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