I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 246 "Under the Real Plan"

Chapter 246 "Under the Real Plan"

Ramses II was a very famous pharaoh in ancient Egypt. It was once said that he was the child of the sun god Amon, and his love story with Princess Nefertari was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But for Fujimaru Tachika, this noble and powerful king left all the impressions on him.
"Hahahaha——Everyone krypton, everyone krypton!" "Witness the power of the pharaoh! Haha, haha, cough, cough—" "There is nothing impossible for the pharaoh on earth, everything is in the palm of my hand !"

To be honest, it was a bit too brainwashed, and it left a strong psychological shadow on the young and helpless Fujimaru Tachika.

The pyramids inserted upside down outside the snow-capped mountains of Chaldea in the past are really fresh and unforgettable. Now seeing this familiar pyramid, Tatsuka Fujimaru immediately felt a sense of helplessness.

"This pyramid." Fujimaru Tateka signaled Holmes and Da Vinci to look at it: "It really is Ramses II, Osmandias, right?"

"Sometimes the pharaoh is really high-profile." Matthew couldn't help but feel interesting, showing a smile: "It's really courageous to insert the pure gold pyramid upside down on the edge of the crater. behavior."

"Ah, once this volcano erupts, the Pharaoh will be 100% angry." Cu Chulainn couldn't understand the brain circuit of the opposition: "Put the pyramid there, isn't it like roasting on the fire?"

"Maybe it's because of the high concentration of magic power there." Emiya thought for a while and gave a more reliable answer.

Hayato Kawajiri and Holmes followed, with their little hands lying on the edge of the window.After he saw the pyramid, he turned his head and nodded to the heroic spirits.

"It should be right here." Hayato Kawajiri nodded. He stayed in the submarine for a while, and got a lot closer to everyone under Cu Chulainn and teasing. "Ramses II is a well-known pharaoh in history, and his summoned personality is also very high-profile. The place where he lives can now be said to be a landmark building."

"Looks like we're almost there." Da Vinci tilted his head and said, "Hum, it's quite a delicate meeting with a heroic spirit who once fought side by side~ Lixiang~ "

Nodding speechlessly, Fujimaru Tatsuka recalled what happened in the First Lost Belt.In the ice and snow over there, the heroic spirits who once fought side by side with Chaldea turned to the side of the Lost Belt out of sympathy.Although Fujimaru Tachika doesn't blame that heroic spirit, he even understands the other party's thoughts very well.

Compared with suddenly coming to another world and destroying the normal life of the aborigines, the heroic spirit who is always in the position of justice will naturally choose to protect the innocent aborigines.

But Tachika Fujimaru looked at Kawajiri Hayato hesitantly, this brave and simple child, probably wouldn't have thought that these people are actually bad guys who will destroy the world soon, right?Thinking of "finding an alliance with a common goal", he went to Paradise Island abruptly, almost killing Kawajiri Hayato, not to mention, but in the end he failed to save the girls and children who were controlled by drugs.

Gero and Jonny who helped them so enthusiastically, Fanny Valentine who sacrificed everything to protect the people, and that powerful Kujo Josuke who swore to protect the pillars of the world.
Falling into the abyss of guilt, Fujimaru Tatsuka did not reply to Da Vinci's words in time.She thought of Kawajiri Hayato who kept saying that he wanted to go home, and that his mother was still waiting for him.But if they cut down the fantasy tree in the end, wouldn't that just destroy another family?
Taking the topic away calmly, Holmes said: "Since we don't have a long journey, let's pack up and do the preliminary work for contacting Chaldea!" He patted Fujimaru Tachika and let her see the two Matthew, who was worried in his eyes, whispered to Fujimaru Tachika: "Don't think about those things now, and finally have a good rest before releasing Chaldea."

After speaking, Holmes walked towards the control room.Da Vinci followed silently, leaving this space for others.

"Da Vinci, it's inappropriate to bring up this topic now." Holmes walked quickly to the control room, sighed and said, "That child Lixiang is very guilty now, destroying other people's worlds again and again, which is not easy for her. "

"I know." Da Vinci shook his head helplessly: "But this kind of fact cannot be avoided by evasion. Instead of pretending to be stupid and evading the fact, it is better to face it positively." But speaking of this, Da Vinci Finch also sighed: "I can't give Lixiang any more psychological pressure, but if she still can't see it, what will she do in the future?"

"The world of the Obscure Belt is becoming more and more cruel."

Obviously no one is wrong, but they all want to save their own world, but in this world where the Alien Tree exists, these two goals have become contradictory.

This is indeed a problem, Fujimaru Tatsuka is a gentle girl, very soft-hearted, very kind, few heroic spirits would hate her.But because of this, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't be cruel to innocent people.Especially in the Qin Dynasty, the sincerity of the emperor's questioning caused the conscience of Fujimaru Tatsuka to be condemned.

"Are you really righteous to the sub-world?" The eternal emperor was simply curious: "Or are you just relying on violence to achieve your goals?"

At that time, Fujimaru Tachika did not reply because she was speechless.She couldn't put a cloak of justice on herself with a big face, and she knew that the latter option in the words of the first emperor was her truth.

"." Holmes nodded. He stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the supervision room, and went in: "Next time, let's use a softer method together."

"Of course~" Da Vinci followed closely, ready to analyze the data of the submarine.The green fluorescent lights on the big screen shone faintly on her face, and that face could vaguely show the appearance that people yearn for when they grow up. "Everyone has agreed to save the world of pan-human history, and we must have a healthy Lixiang in the end!"

The door of the supervision room was tightly closed as the two people entered, and the sound was completely isolated.Fujimaru Tachika and Mash were still chatting in the lounge on one side, Cu Chulainn was racking his brains to make his sullen Master happy, Kawajiri Hayato next to him couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, only Emiya was still serious Try to talk to Karna.

Karna: "." He is so difficult.

At this time, as the distance gradually shortened, the goal of the "Chaldea Research Institute" gradually approached, and everyone was in a good mood.

Although they failed to save the children on Paradise Island, what they thought was that after Kawajiri Hayato's news was sent back to the guardian, those children should also be able to be saved.

Although they didn't form an alliance, fortunately, they are used to acting alone, and they don't regret it too much.

Well, so everyone is in a good mood now.


"Director Mary!" The young man in a slightly wrinkled uniform looked excited: "The clock tower said that there is a result!" Running to Mary's side, the young man was a little out of breath: "They said that another heroic spirit is willing to respond call."

"Really!?" Even though she is the director of Chaldea, Mary will not be jealous because of the achievements of the Clock Tower. She clapped her hands happily, and then walked a few steps excitedly: "Very good, this way The number of heroic spirits we can summon will be able to make up for the lack of combat power caused by our lack of "pillars".

Although she has formed a secret alliance with the Guardian Organization, Mary can't completely trust the other party.Kujo Jotaro is a very good person, calm and righteous, but even if he is the leader, he does not fully represent the Guardian.The Guardian organization is huge, and the many pillars of the world allow this organization to firmly control the current world order, and it also allows this organization to have many secrets.

Not to mention anything else, Mary thought of the carefully prepared active volcano and the boiling magma inside.

Although they don't know why that person asked themselves to do this, they obviously have no choice.As the director of Chaldea, Mary has indeed reached a cooperation with the Church of the Holy Church and the Magic Association, but even the "New Chaldea" that integrates these three organizations has no way to fight against the behemoth Guardian.

That being the case, you can only choose to bow your head.

Mary, who was thinking this way, inevitably felt a little depressed.Although Mary paid attention to Kujo Jotaro's words before the world changed, but this did not change anything in the magic world, and it just made the situation of Chaldea a little better. Now it is more important to speak in front of the Magic Association and the Holy Church Servings only.

After telling the good news but seeing that the director was only excited for a few seconds and then fell silent, the uniformed youth couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.He didn't know if he should leave immediately or if he should stay here any longer.

At this moment, the uniformed youth saw the door of the central control room being pushed open, revealing a golden head.Before the young man had time to get excited about someone breaking the awkward atmosphere, he saw that person speak in a panic.

"Boss!" The blond young man showed fear on his face, and it could be seen that he had tried his best to suppress it: "Outside, outside is coming"

"Calm down!" Mary said mercilessly. She has always been a strong workaholic on the outside, and her tone is tough when dealing with her subordinates. This time is no exception: "Clean up your language!"

After being reprimanded by Mary, the young man finally got better.He breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was still a lot of fear hidden in his eyes, he could at least speak completely: "There are enemies! Five heroic spirits and pseudo-servants have been detected."

"They said they were here to escort a framed magician, but I searched the list of all magicians in the database, and there is no magician whose location is unknown, and the ones beside them are not magicians either."

Such a big battle?Mary frowned, it seemed that she had to inform the leaders of the Magic Association and the Holy Church in time
As if gasping for breath, or unwilling to tell the truth, the blond young man hesitated for a while before saying with a painful face: "The one next to those people, that young girl, the data on her is only in Umbrella I've seen it on the one who's here!"

Before Mary had time to be shocked and think about what the blond young man was saying, she saw the other party's body go limp and collapsed on the ground without a sound.

"Gail! Gail!" The unbelievable voice of the uniformed youth came from the ear: "What happened?! Director!"

Director Mary pursed her lips, and ordered the surrounding staff vigorously: "Gal, you use the communication to contact the Magic Association and the Church of the Holy Church! Selina, you organize the defense department and ask them to rent and stop those enemies, don't Let them enter the facility! Linna, contact the doctor, let them quickly come to the central control room! Cromwell, contact the heroic spirits, tell them they must come here now!"

After saying these words, Mary controlled her gaze, not to touch the young man who was limp on the ground and breathless, and wanted to go out while stepping on high heels.But as soon as she took a step, she was caught by a sentence.

"Director." The uniformed young man's voice was weak and full of confusion: "Gail, can you still save him?"

The uniformed youth hugged Gail, shook him in vain, tried to wake him up, and then told himself that it was all just a prank.

already.But Gail, the blond young man who had completely lost his breath, obviously couldn't do this anymore.

Clenching her fists tightly, Mary couldn't say anything, she wasn't a pillar of the world, she wasn't a stand-in messenger, she wasn't even a magician.Even if she didn't want to admit it, she was just an ordinary person with no strength, and she couldn't even beat anyone with a little strength, let alone that Umbrella monster.

The monster that can extract the virus stock solution from her and truly change the human gene chain.

Veronica Ashford, so-called, "Goddess of Life".

So until the end, Mary couldn't say "I will avenge Gail for sure", she laughed at herself, and strode away.

"Defense Department, follow me quickly!" Director Mary shouted, clenched her fists tightly, regardless of the nails that were sunk deep into the flesh, and took the pain as a prop to make herself more awake. "Cromwell, are the Heroic Spirits in touch!?"

"Yes!" The man with long black hair nodded, and responded solemnly: "Attila, Osmandias is ready!"

"Okay!" Mary gritted her teeth and raised the corners of her mouth, forcing out a sneer: "Let me see what the purpose of this [framed magician] is!"

When the chaos broke out inside Chaldea, everyone in the history of Pan-Humanity didn't notice anything.They just waited for the door in front of them to open, and then they could take a good rest.

Fujimaru Tachika is still looking forward to seeing Mary, that tsundere girl with a knife mouth and a tofu heart, I really miss it.
At this time, Chaldea didn't know the real name of the red-haired girl beside her, and her real reason for coming.

This Outer God named "Veronica Ashford" came here and would not leave without a full meal.

 Author Ji will host the competition tomorrow, so the time may be very late, and you may even ask for leave, so I apologize in advance!Some book friends said that chapters are always repeated recently. This is probably because the sophomore author, Ji Ji, is the student union and the head of the club. Sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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