I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 247 "Preparation"

Chapter 247 "Preparation"

For a long time, not only Fujimaru Tatsuka believed Venia's words, but Holmes was not too suspicious of her.You know, it is very difficult to hide something from the world's number one detective. To Sherlock Holmes, debunking a lie is as easy as breathing normally.

But Vinia was able to "successfully lie in front of Sherlock Holmes", obviously not because of her outstanding acting skills, nor because she really thought what she said was true, but because, what everyone has seen all along She is just a painted skin.

The appearance of this body is the lively and cheerful "Veronica Ashford", the appearance of this little girl, but the other "Veronica" inside is not a normal human being.The human-like painted skin and the inner core of the outer god are two parallel lines that do not intersect.

In other words, the human Veronica is being parasitized by the Outer God.

Moreover, the Outer God can abandon this human being at any time, but human beings cannot escape the situation of this Outer God.

So, although the Outer God lied, "Veronica" whose mental memory was controlled, never lied.

In her eyes, she was just a third-rate magician Venia who was squeezed out by other factions in Chaldea and almost lost her life.

It's no wonder that Holmes, who is the incarnation of "reasoning", walked into this paved trap like this.And even if they were all standing at the door of Chaldea now, they didn't think in the direction that "Venia" was lying.

"Why don't you open the door!"

Because the most anxious person present was Vinia.

"It's obviously hard to come back." The red-haired girl couldn't help but a few tears fell in her eyes, her expression was filled with irritability and anxiety because she couldn't enter the facility: "Could it be that those people erased my data records? No Maybe, director Mary won't allow such a thing."

Seeing Vinia like this, even Da Vinci felt unable to speak out the words of temptation.It always feels like this little girl is already on the verge of collapse. If they are prodding him at this time, something unexpected will happen.

Cu Chulainn, who couldn't see the girl crying, scratched the back of his head, and wanted to go forward to comfort the girl, but he noticed the doubtful look in Michimaru Tatsuka's eyes, so he could only back away dumbfounded, and couldn't move forward.

"Hello." Cu Chulainn elbowed Emiya beside him.

"What are you doing?" Emiya frowned impatiently. Emiya was standing with folded arms and waiting for the staff who said to verify the data to come back. Sensing Cu Chulainn's movements, he rolled his eyes at him. "Are you ADHD, can you be more honest."

Cu Chulainn, who was slandered out of thin air, widened his eyes in disbelief, feeling that the spear he was carrying on his shoulder could hardly bear it: "What? Can you think of me better! I just want you to Go and comfort that girl, okay?"

Wei Gong was silent, with a delicate expression on his face: "Who gave you the illusion that I would comfort the girl?"

Is it "Feite Stay Tonight" your illustrious record as Emiya Hero?
No, no, it's just Emiya's good relationship with the opposite sex.

Cu Chulainn, who originally wanted to tell the reason, was slammed by Emiya, and now he is a little suffocated.He chuckled, turned his head and said to Karna: "Hey, Mumu, don't you have that kind of [the knowledge of the poor]? Find a way to stop this girl from crying!"

Karna: "." This is beyond my ability.

Although this farce was finally stopped by the Matthew Sutra, it did not have any effect on the current situation in the end.However, Venia, who was crying a little, was somewhat embarrassed when she saw the group of heroic spirits arguing over her, so she didn't cry, but couldn't help sobbing occasionally.

How should I put it, I feel like crying makes me feel more distressed.
Fortunately, not long after that, the gate of Chaldea opened.Seeing this, Matthew quickly shook Vinia's hand, and pointed to her: "Vinia, the door is open, it seems that your record is still there!"

Fujimaru Tachika also comforted her with a smile: "Of course, Director Mary has a sharp mouth, but she is actually very soft-hearted haha."

Will you meet a familiar stranger in a while?Perhaps this term is not used in this way, but Fujimaru Tatsuka feels that it is really kind.She is very familiar with Mary, and she also has a good impression of Chaldea, so the mood now is a bit complicated nostalgia.This time, I will probably be able to see this old man again soon, right?Fujimaru Tachika thought.

In their minds, Mary, as the director of Chaldea, is most likely just a nominal name, and maybe she has no real power in her hands.After all, in this last world, it would be embarrassing for the leader of a magic organization to have no magic talent, right?With Chaldea, no matter how you look at it, there is no way to compete with behemoths like the Magic Association and the Holy Church, right?
Therefore, Fujimaru Tachika is still thinking, should he help Director Mary regain the real power of Chaldea?Although this kind of thing should be meaningless, but it still has to be done, right?
At this time, Fujimaru Tatsuka was thinking about something and nothing, staring at the door slowly opening, but not feeling much nervous.To be honest, although the actual behavior is to destroy the world, Fujimaru Tachika and the others still have the obsession in their hearts that they are saving the world, and this obsession stems from "Chaldea · Phoenix" Humanity Survival Agency.

That being the case, how could they not have a good impression of this Chaldea?

However, although Fujimaru Tachika and the others had a good impression of this Chaldea, the other party did not regard them as a group of people who could communicate.

After the closed gate was slowly opened, the first thing people saw were rows of pitch-black gun holes.

"Shoot!" The captain of the defense department waved his arm, his expression hidden under the tactical mask.

Such an unexpected attack surprised Fujimaru Tatsuka comfortably. Although she was not injured because of Matthew's reaction, she rushed up and raised the shield in time, but such a unique welcome gift really made her unable to react.

"Please suspend the attack!" Matthew, who was holding a shield to protect her senior, said in the hail of bullets. Although these enchanted bullets were just a nuisance to her, with such a large number, it was still a big burden. "We are not enemies!"

Emiya immediately turned on the projection magic, and the huge petal-shaped shield unfolded layer by layer in the air, protecting most of the people on his side. "They're really single-minded." Want to kill us.
Holmes frowned slightly. He and Da Vinci exchanged glances, and shouted, "Please pause, we are not hostile!"

In any case, we must first explain the situation clearly. Until the final stage, Holmes does not seem to fight the Chaldea of ​​this world.

"No malice?" The clear female voice contained anger, and came from the gunshots.

After the female voice spoke, the defense department's firearm attack stopped immediately.Everyone in Panhuman History only heard the sound of high-heeled shoes walking, and then saw a familiar face.

Exquisite face, pure white long hair, domineering expression, noble and elegant temperament.This woman in retro clothes is obviously the director of Chaldea, Olga Marie Asmiret Animsfia.

The monarch of the clock tower's astronomical department showed his arrogance as a nobleman at this time.Seeing that she was almost a group of people who didn't pay attention to the history of pan-humanity, she laughed a few times coldly.

"There is no malice, you brought such a monster here!?" Olga Marie raised her eyebrows, and her snow-white fingers wanted to poke Vinia's face.She said to Fujimaru Tachika and others: "Do you know that because of this monster, we even died!?"

After confirming for a long time, Fujimaru Tachika realized that Director Mary was referring to Venia.Then they came to Chaldea to explore the way. Kawajiri said that he should stay in the submarine, so they let him stay in the submarine with Munir and the fat director.Except for the three newly summoned servants and one Venia, there were almost no outsiders who came out this time.

Of course, this is almost nothing more than that.

When Director Mary's accusation came to Venia, Holmes was already looking at her probingly. Even Tachika Fujimaru couldn't help but ask her, "Vinia?"

"No, no!" Vinia covered her head: "It's not me, I'm not a monster!"

Seeing Viniya's repeated denials, Olga Marie sneered even more.She was [-]% sure that this guy was Veronica, that famous monster.Now if you want to expel her as quickly as possible while reducing losses, you can only drive away this group of guys with heroic spirits, and then drive her away when the virus on Veronica's body is not spreading.

Therefore, Olga Marie said without any hesitation, "I'm not interested in your reasons!" If you don't drive Veronica away, and wait for her real body to come out, wouldn't it be another tragedy in Paris! ?Mary didn't want Chaldea to become like Paris, where everyone died so miserably because of the virus. "Leave quickly, or we will attack!"

The soldiers of the defense department obediently raised their guns.

"There may be some misunderstanding." Looking at the face of Director Mary, Tatsuka Fujimaru didn't want to leave so soon.She wanted to explain Vinia's origins to the other party well, and if this Vinia was really a bad person, they wouldn't cover it up.So, there must be some chance of explanation, right?
"There is no misunderstanding!" Seeing Vinia covering her head, her voice getting softer and softer, Olga Marie already had a bad feeling. "Attila, Osmandias!" She immediately regretted it, and was going to take her men back to the facility, leaving the work of driving these people out to the heroic spirit.

Hurry, hurry, hurry back to the inside of the facility!If there is building isolation, the spread of the virus should not be so fast, right?They still have healing magic, and the medical equipment that Umbrella exchanged earlier
Olga Marie didn't know that those people in Paris didn't die because of the virus on Veronica.Those who died without a whole body were healthy, and their dilapidated bodies were just because they gave their vitality to the "Goddess of Life".

The people of the world who are charmed by the brilliance of the gods will bring that fiery emotion into the grave until they die.

"! Wait a minute!" Fujimaru Tachika couldn't imagine how things would come to this point, why did Director Mary suddenly decide to start a war immediately?She looked down at Vinia who was crouching on the ground in pain, but she couldn't blame the girl.

Fujimaru Tatsuka felt something was wrong with him?Why does she feel so distressed seeing this red-haired girl crying so pitifully?Obviously, she should be suspicious of Vinia?No one can testify to what this girl said, but there are many people who testify against her?However, even so, Fujimaru Tachika was still unwilling to doubt this girl.

Under Matthew's incredible eyes, she took Vinia's hand and made a protective gesture.

At this time, the inverted pyramid not far away made a frightening sound, and a rainbow-like light appeared within the field of vision.

"Give you a reward, man without light!" High in the sky, the brown-skinned man stood proudly, with a rare serious expression on his face. "Almighty God, witness to Yu's Wieba! Let's bow down!" He raised his scepter, his eyes filled with the light of the sun. "Besides the infinite brilliance, the great cause of the sun god will come here!——Huanghui's great compound temple!"

Shining pyramids descended from the sky, casting a vast shadow over the land.Holmes lost his voice and said, "It's the treasure of Osmandias, why did he suddenly release his real name to use the treasure!"

Karna has no golden armor. In this situation, Cu Chulainn can't stop Osmandias who is in the sky from using the treasure. The landing of the pyramid can no longer be stopped. Now we can only rely on Emiya's infinite sword system——

"I am the bone of my sword (I take the sword as my bone)." Emiya, who is experienced in combat, began to chant, and he wanted to unfold the inherent barrier: "Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.) , and the fire is blood.)”

If the inherent barrier really unfolded, it might be able to resist the attack of Ramses II's Noble Phantasm.However, that rainbow-like light struck like a sharp blade, interrupting Emiya's chanting.

You Xing's vanguard, the king of the Huns, attacked at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye. She held the sword of the military god and engraved the star's coat of arms on her body. Her natural body tilted the balance of this battle.

"Target—destroy." A cold voice rang in Weigong's ear.

"The power of the military god is in my hands." In front of the huge rainbow light, Attila's thin body can be ignored. "That's where the prosperity ends."

Looking from above, it was the glorious compound temple that was descending, and on the side, the retreat was blocked by the sword of the military god.

Chaldea really wanted to destroy the enemy, Fujimaru Tatsuka realized this now more than ever before.She covered the back of her hand, intending to use the Command Seal.Da Vinci's combat power is not strong, let alone Sherlock Holmes, and the treasure is only a functional support.Matthew wearing the exoskeleton's combat power has dropped significantly. Cu Chulainn's treasure is a treasure for one person, and there is no target to capture now.

As for Wei Gong, he was the first target among the military gods.

in the end--

"Ah, illic mea originale peccatum, quia peperit ei mille caprae nigrum nigrum silva mundi (Ah, appear, my original sin, the black goat of the forest that gave birth to a thousand worlds)"

The red-haired girl muttered to herself.

 Thank you book friend 20170514235151625 for your January ticket support! ! !Thanks for the January ticket support from Zhai to Grandma Bridge! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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