Chapter 137

"I just want you to live with my father, not to abandon my mother. Besides, my father has promised that my mother can visit you at any time."

Yuxin hesitated for a while, then looked at Yu Xiaoxi seriously with big eyes: "Mom, if I choose to be with Dad, won't you be angry?"

Yu Xiaoxi was very relieved by her son's sensibleness, but when she thought that she couldn't see him every day, she felt very uncomfortable, and then hugged him tightly: "Mom is not angry, but if you don't stay with Dad If you are used to it, you must tell your mother."

"Okay, mom, don't worry, if dad is not qualified, I don't want him."

"Then you used to be obedient and not naughty, you know?" Yu Xiaoxi asked, although she has always been strict with her children's education, but considering that she will go to a strange environment and face some strange people, she still I hope that my children can be welcomed by everyone.

Yuxin nodded and replied: "Well, yes, Mom, I know, I will listen to Dad as if I were at home."

Yu Xiaoxi took a long breath, and then held Yuxin tightly in her arms. Thinking of the child leaving her, she felt very uncomfortable, but for the sake of the child's long-term consideration, she could only take herself Put away your selfishness.

"Okay, you guys go and play." Yu Xiaoxi let go of Yuxin, and then straightened up.

The two children obediently left the room.

"Why did you leave us? Is that man so nice?" Out of the room, Yufan looked at Yuxin angrily and asked very unhappy.

Yuxin lowered her head and said slowly after a long time, "Because his blood flows in our body, he is our father."

"Blood relationship? Hehe, we are just a small tadpole in his 15 army. He gave birth to us but never raised us. He never hugged us or kissed us when we grew up. How is he like a father?" Humph, I don't want him to be our father, I just want Uncle Jing." Yufan raised his voice, very annoyed at Yuxin's decision.

"Uncle Jing is just Uncle Jing, he won't become a father." Yuxin raised her face, her eyes gleaming with determination.

"Why don't you want Uncle Jing to be your father? Could it be that that strange man treats us better than Uncle Jing?" Yufan couldn't understand.

"It's not a question of who is good or not, Fanfan, you are still young and don't understand, if Uncle Jing and mother get married and they have their own children, he won't be so kind to us." Yu Xin gritted her teeth, Although he felt that Jing Sihan was a little ungrateful, but in fact he thought so, and he also hoped that his younger brother could understand his thoughts.

"No way, you can't slander Uncle Jing, and don't call yourself big in front of me. Although the teacher said you are smart, but you were only born a few minutes earlier than me, as if you are really an adult, I don't believe it. You." Yufan said with his hands on his hips and shouted at Yuxin: "Don't think I don't know, it's because you think Uncle Jing treats me better than you, that's why you don't like him, hmph, you just White-eyed wolf, you have no conscience."

Being scolded by Yufan like this, Yuxin's eyes instantly filled with tears, but the masculinity of the little man did not allow him to show weakness in front of his younger brother, the previous composure disappeared in an instant, and the decibel of his voice became much higher : "No matter what you say, he is our father after all, and let me tell you, I will not let Uncle Jing marry my mother, I will definitely help my father to snatch mother over."

"I won't let you succeed, hmph." Yufan turned his face away, and said bitterly, "Then we'll see."

"Wait and see." Yuxin said and sat down on the sofa with her hands folded in front of her chest.

The two brothers then sulked and stopped talking.

"Fanfan, Xinxin, why are you all here? Don't you have to go to class this afternoon?" Just as the two were fighting coldly, Jing Sihan pushed the door open and asked, looking back and forth at the two little guys who were fighting coldly.

"Hello, Uncle Jing." Seeing Jing Sihan, Yu Xin couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and immediately lowered her head after calling out.

Yufan gave Yuxin a white look, and then said coldly: "Stop being hypocritical, it's really unbearable."

"Fanfan, Xinxin, what's the matter with you?" Jing Sihan realized something was wrong between the two of them at this time, because according to the past, whenever Yufan saw him, he would jump at him immediately, and the two children always They are also very close to each other, but now their faces are flushed, and they are obviously angry.

"Uncle Jing..." Yufan called Jing Sihan, then walked towards him, put his arms around his waist, and pressed his face against his body, as if he was wronged.

Jing Sihan squatted down, saw the tears in Yufan's eyes, and asked very distressed: "Fanfan, what happened?" Although Yufan's body has always been weak, he doesn't like to cry, and every day Cheerful, it is rare for him to show such a melancholy side. Of course, he is not only happy for himself, but also always thinks of ways to make everyone happy together. This is why Jing Sihan prefers him.Yufan turned his face and glanced at Yuxin who was sitting on the sofa with her head bowed and silent, and after hesitating for a while, she asked slowly, "Uncle Jing, will you marry your mother?" Although he was very angry with Yuxin's words just now, But he didn't intend to tell Jing Sihan what he said.

"Does Fanfan want Uncle Jing to marry Mom?" Jing Sihan asked softly while holding Yufan's arm with his left hand, and touched his small face with the big palm of his right hand.

Yufan nodded quickly, and then said in a milky voice, "Of course I thought about it, and I always wanted to, and I said I would help Uncle Jing, but..." Yufan lowered his head as he spoke.

"But what?" Seeing the child's expression, Jing Sihan's heart skipped a beat. The businessman's sensitivity made him immediately smell something bad, and he couldn't help looking at Yuxin, and then turned back to Yufan. Waiting for his answer.

"Mom said that I want to give my brother to that man." Yufan said in a calm voice, his face was full of melancholy, and he paused for a long time before explaining slowly: "My brother called that man's father, but Uncle Jing, I don't want that man to be my father." Dad, as long as I want you to be my father, you must marry my mother, okay?" Yufan sobbed as he spoke.

Hearing this news, Jing Sihan's body couldn't help being startled, a cold light flashed in his eyes immediately, then he stood up and approached Yuxin and asked, "Xinxin, do you admit that he is your father?" Jing Sihan Trying to maintain a gentle tone, although he has always loved Yufan alone, he understands that he can't be too serious with the child.

(End of this chapter)

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