Chapter 138

Facing Jing Sihan's questioning, Yuxin's face was flushed, and she was too nervous to speak while holding the hem of her clothes with both hands.

"Is Uncle Jing treating you badly?" Yuxin's acquiescence made Jing Sihan feel a little resigned. In fact, he also knew that it was too much for him to force a child like this, but when he thought that if Yuxin followed Yan Feimo, then The relationship between Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo couldn't be broken, which he couldn't tolerate no matter what.

"Uncle Jing, you are very kind to me, but you are not my father." Yuxin gritted her teeth, and finally met Jing Sihan's eyes bravely.

"Then tell me, what is he doing better than me?" Looking into Yuxin's eyes, Jing Sihan's eyes also became sharp and sharp in an instant. He never imagined that six years would not be as good as Yan Yan's. For the contribution of Feimo's sperm, he didn't know whether he had failed too much or Yan Feimo was too lucky.

"Uncle Jing has done nothing wrong, but I hope that Uncle Jing is just Uncle Jing." Yuxin looked directly at Jing Sihan, with complex expressions flashing in her big eyes, and she was afraid of Jing Sihan and gratitude, as well as persistence and affirmation of my own decision...

"Then what if Uncle Jing must marry mother?" At this moment, Jing Sihan felt a sense of fear for this child who was less than six years old. His eyes made him feel scared, and the determination in his eyes made him feel scared. He felt threatened and uneasy.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Jing, I only have one father, but it won't be you." Yuxin jumped off the sofa after speaking, and then quickly ran back to her room, because she didn't want to face Jing Sihan's persecution anymore.

It wasn't until Yuxin's figure completely disappeared into the door that Jing Sihan straightened up slowly, and then comforted Yufan who was still staying aside, and walked towards Yu Xiaoxi's room.

In the room, Yu Xiaoxi was talking on the phone with Yan Feimo. She made up her mind after thinking about it for a long time, because the child has been with her for so many years, even if it is a temporary separation. It's still like a heart-wrenching pain.

"Xiaoxi..." Yan Feimo on the other end of the phone saw the caller ID and couldn't help feeling excited. He originally wanted to say more, but in the end he only uttered these two words.

"Well, it's me." Yu Xiaoxi replied indifferently, her voice was still somewhat desolate and helpless.

"Is it about the child?" Sensing the loneliness in Yu Xiaoxi's words, Yan Feimo knew that it must have something to do with the child, and it must be good news for him, so he immediately returned to normal.

"Yeah." Yu Xiaoxi simply answered one word, and then said word by word: "I've already decided on this matter, so I want to discuss it with you."

"Go ahead." Yan Feimo grabbed the phone, waiting for the result.

"Fanfan will continue to stay by my side. Xinxin, I will let him come to you to get used to it for a period of time. I wonder if you can accept this arrangement?" Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but tighten her five fingers holding the phone, because she was the only one I know how much courage and determination it takes to say this sentence.

In fact, Yan Feimo also expected this kind of result long ago. Although he longed for both children to return to him, Yufan's rejection of him was very obvious, and as the child's father, he was also aware of this kind of situation. Things cannot be forced, so I calmly replied: "Well, I respect the child's choice and agree with your arrangement."

"Then let me know when the arrangements are made, and I'll send Xinxin and some of his things over there." Yu Xiaoxi gritted her teeth, enduring the pain in her heart and said.

"Well, I will prepare the things the child needs as soon as possible, and then I will pick him up in person." He can't wait now, and he can't wait to take the child to his side immediately.

"Then Xinxin will be handed over to you."

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely not let him be wronged, and I will make up for what I owe him bit by bit." Yan Feimo's voice is full of the love and pain of a father. drown.

"Okay, that's it for now, goodbye." Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to say anything more, and then disconnected the phone.

Yu Xiaoran closed the phone and sighed a long time, but when she turned around, she found that Jing Sihan had stood behind her at some point, and was looking at her with angry eyes. Xi jumped reflexively, then touched her chest with one hand, swallowed and asked, "You... why are you back?" Yu Xiaoxi was still a little surprised by Jing Sihan's sudden appearance, because Jing Sihan Sihan usually seldom goes home at this time.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't answer your calls, so I just came back to have a look." Jing Sihan endured the anger in his heart, and didn't say a word about what she said to Yan Feimo just now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was in a mess at that time, so I'm sorry." Because what happened to Ruan Lingjia hit her too hard, she didn't know how to face Jing Sihan again, she just wanted to be alone, so she just I deliberately didn't answer his call.

"It's because of her that you've been rejecting me for so many years, right?" After failing to catch up with Yu Xiaoxi, Jing Sihan immediately went to find Ruan Lingjia, asked the matter clearly, and made things clear to Ruan Lingjia, and then It was only then that she finally understood why Yu Xiaoxi often rejected him with inappropriate reasons. It turned out that it was because of Ruan Lingjia's troubles. When the truth came to light, his heart was really hurt. She thought that his status in her heart was just inferior to Yu Xiaoxi's. Xin and Yufan didn't expect that they couldn't even compare to a woman.

Yu Xiaoxi bit her lip, and answered slowly with silver teeth: "Lingjia has always liked you, the reason why she allowed me to move to the Jing family was because she hoped that I could match you up, but I..." Yu Xiaoxi Xiaoxi didn't go any further. Although she knew that the reason was far-fetched, it was really the reason she couldn't say.

"I really want to know, where do I rank in your heart? Fanfan and Xinxin are your biological sons. I can understand that you love them more, but for Ruan Lingjia, you belittle my feelings so much. Have you considered my feelings?" Jing Sihan said with red eyes.

"I just don't want to hurt my friend. Is it wrong to do so?" Facing Shangjing Sihan's red eyes, Yu Xiaoxi's eyeballs were also bloodshot.

"Yes, you're right. You didn't want to offend your friend so you chose to hurt me, but do you think it's fair to me? And Xiaoxi, don't you think your handling of this matter is absurd? Anyway, this It's all between the three of us, but you blindly suppress your feelings and don't want her to be hurt. Have you ever asked me if I love her? Is there any possibility between me and her? Not only are you not Helping her is harming her instead." In fact, Ruan Lingjia has confessed to him more than once, if not for considering her working ability and Yu Xiaoxi's relationship, he would have given her to K a long time ago, he thought Yu Xiaoxi didn't know , I was afraid that she would think about it, so I kept it a secret, and I never thought that Yu Xiaoxi's rejection of him would have something to do with Ruan Lingjia, so things have been so messy for six years.

(End of this chapter)

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