Chapter 147

Only the familiar face on the information, Yu Xiaoxi didn't look down, and then handed the things back to the woman in blue: "Give him a cup of coffee with milk every morning, don't be too hot, about sixty or seventy degrees It looks like a chicken leg burger and a sandwich with ketchup; the dishes for lunch must be tea oil or high-quality vegetable oil, and there must be no lard smell. The dishes should be as light as possible, and no soy sauce is allowed. Allergic to garlic, ginger needs to be shredded; medium-rare steak is best for dinner, and he has the habit of eating dessert after dinner, and his favorite is southern millet cake.”

After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, the two of them didn't answer, they both looked at her with shocked eyes.

"This person's habits are really strange, and I don't know how he grew up." The subordinate finally recovered and continued to complain.

"Thank you, I hope that today's lunch will not be withdrawn as it is." The woman in blue thanked her, and then said to her subordinates: "You go to the catering department and ask them to do what this lady just said. Bring a lunch."

"Thank you very much. I've been worrying about this for the past few days. I changed at least ten waiters, but I couldn't satisfy him. To be honest, this Xiao Qifeng is really not ordinary. Picky, I have been in the hotel for so many years, and I have never seen a person with such extraordinary taste." The woman in blue sighed, her face still full of melancholy.

"You don't need to thank me. I don't know if I can help. It's been several years, and I don't know if his taste has changed, but he is famous for being picky." Because of Xiao Qifeng's dietary requirements , so when she was in college, Yu Xiaoxi suffered a lot in order to accommodate him.

"Now I'm still in the hospital. They didn't want to live in a hotel. They didn't want to live in a hotel. They thought it was a director of the company. I don't know how the president talked with them." The woman shook her head and said Very melancholy, then turned to Yu Xiaoxi and asked: "Miss, what do you want?"

"Oh, I'm here to see your president, but he probably doesn't have time to see me right now." Yu Xiaoxi smiled faintly, but in fact, she just instinctively wanted to know the result.

"Well, the president is now discussing the loan with the bank chief of Minyou Bank, but it doesn't seem to be going well. Although they have been staying in the hotel these days, they don't see customers very much, and they are all very annoying, especially That Xiao Qifeng almost tortured people to death, not only the food and beverage department, but also the logistics department.

"So that's how it is." Yu Xiaoxi's heart also sank at this moment. Although she understood that a big company like MOD couldn't have a background, and they were willing to sell face to live in, they might not give this opportunity, and their The attitude is already evident.

"Although I don't know what's going on with you, I don't think the president has time to see you at this time, but they haven't left, and the president probably won't leave the hotel these days."

"Okay then, I won't bother him anymore." Yu Xiaoxi said as she took out a business card from her pocket and handed it to the woman: "This is my business card with my contact information on it. Please let me know what's going on."

The woman took the business card, looked at the name on it, was extremely surprised, then looked at Yu Xiaoxi and asked, "So you are the future wife of the president? I'm so sorry, I'm sorry."

Yu Xiaoxi shook her head: "It's okay, I also heard that something happened in the company, and I haven't seen him for a few days, so I want to know the progress of the matter."

"Don't worry, if there is any new situation with the president, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible." Yu Xiaoxi's words seemed to her to be a wife's concern for her husband.

"Thank you then, goodbye." Yu Xiaoxi said, then turned around and went downstairs with all her heart in melancholy.

Yu Xiaoxi left the Liwei Hotel very quickly, however, just as she took the car and was about to go home, her cell phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, I'm Single. M, who are you?" Yu Xiaoxi hung up the earphones, and then started the car, but when she was about to turn the steering wheel, a very familiar voice sounded after several years of absence. It sounded.

"Xixi, it's me, Qi Feng."

Hearing this brief answer, Yu Xiaoxi immediately braked sharply, her body also leaned forward inertially, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, and then said calmly: "Well, what's the matter?" ?”

"Do you have time now? I want to talk to you?" Xiao Qifeng's voice over there was soft and gentle, as if there was a hint of begging.

"Another day." Yu Xiaoxi didn't find any reason to shirk, and directly refused. Although many people said that they can be friends if they can't be lovers, but she thinks that people who can achieve that level are either hypocritical villains, or A saint with a broad mind, she can't be a saint, and she doesn't want to be a villain, so forgetting and ignoring is the best choice. Some people are destined to be passers-by, and some things will eventually come to pass.

"Don't you want to know the current situation of Jing Sihan and MOD?"

Maybe it was because she knew her too well, but with just this one sentence, Yu Xiaoxi's hard-hearted decision was finally shaken, and she thought for a while before replying: "Okay, you can decide the time and place."

"01:30, see you at the old place."

"Okay." Yu Xiaoxi looked up at her watch, hung up the phone after she finished speaking, then started the engine again, and drove to her destination in reverse.

The commercial street of C University is a leisure street integrating eating, drinking, playing and fun. There are many students of C University in their youthful years, the romantic footsteps left by countless couples, and the generous speeches and speeches when they entered and graduated. Bitter tears, this street has too many stories, too many memories, his, her, theirs...

When Yu Xiaoxi drove the car to the entrance of the commercial street, she saw Xiao Qifeng in white casual clothes standing not far away, waving at her who hadn't gotten off the car yet, the wind and sand of the years had been washed away Seeing the greenness and innocence on his face, although he is still dressed in the same way as before, when Yu Xiaoxi approached, he still saw the traces of the years engraved on his face, that once sunny and cheerful, blooming everywhere Xiao Qifeng, who was full of youthful vigor, had changed from a boy to a man with the passage of time, which made her feel very strange at this moment.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Yu Xiaoxi's tone was extraordinarily polite, and the familiarity in history had long been lost in nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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