Chapter 148

"You're not late, I'm ahead of time." Xiao Qifeng didn't mind Yu Xiaoxi's indifference, he expected her reaction, and asked very naturally: "How long has it been since you came?"

"I haven't been here since I graduated. It's been so many years. It's still the same here." Looking at the familiar buildings, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but sigh. Although the place hasn't changed, he and she can't go back. Once upon a time.

"Yes, it's still the same, but it's a pity that many things can't come back." Xiao Qifeng said intentionally and unintentionally, and then pointed to the corner in front: "Do you think that shop is still there?"

"I don't know, I hope it's still there."

"I also hope that when we went to eat shaved ice back then, I remember that the boss and the proprietress also said that they hoped that we could take over their class after graduation." Xiao Qifeng's tone was still calm, although he was recalling, but in his tone Very normal and hardly any different from six years ago.

"At that time we were all too innocent, so our thinking was also naive." Perhaps infected by Xiao Qifeng, Yu Xiaoxi's thinking also kept up with the beat, although she didn't know what else he could say to her, But she would not pretend to be affectionate and think that she wanted to revive the old relationship, because she heard that he was already married, and his wife was the third party back then.

Xiao Qifeng didn't answer, but turned [-] degrees and walked to a shop, asked for a bunch of candied haws, and handed it to Yu Xiaoxi: "Your favorite flavor, I can't imagine being so lucky today."

Yu Xiaoxi was also polite, took it calmly, and then replied lightly: "Thank you." She took a small bite and didn't say anything. The shop owner of this kind of candied haws only makes twenty skewers a day. , so although Yu Xiaoxi liked to eat it back then, it was difficult to get it, so Xiao Qifeng skipped class to buy it for her.

"Boss, two bowls of shaved ice, one with strawberries and one with grapes." Not long after, the two entered the shaved ice shop around the corner.

"What a rare visitor. I haven't seen you for several years." The fat proprietress came out warmly, and looked at the two people who entered the door with smiles on their faces: "It's so rare that you are still together after so many years, our husband and wife I have been on this street for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen a couple who have been together for so many years, so the two bowls of shaved ice today are the treats of the two of us."

Yu Xiaoxi wanted to explain, but when she saw the excited expressions on the faces of the couple and the shaved ice that had been put in front of her, she smiled helplessly and didn't speak, and Xiao Qifeng seemed to be more happy to hear such misunderstandings, and didn't say anything. Open your mouth.

"I heard that you are now a famous designer, congratulations." Xiao Qi finally opened his mouth after the boss and the proprietress left, and then picked out the raisins in the bowl one by one and put them in Yu Xiaoxi's bowl .

"Thank you." Yu Xiaoxi mixed ice cubes, but her mood couldn't feel better. Although she felt that she could let go of the past, in such an environment, she couldn't help remembering some memories.

"You have always been smart and outstanding, and it is inevitable to have such a charming grade." Xiao Qifeng frowned slightly, and finally showed his first unsteady expression all along.

"It's the same for you. Not everyone can join the China Banking Regulatory Commission." Yu Xiaoxi has never understood how Xiao Qifeng got into the China Banking Regulatory Commission, because to enter that organization, one must have a considerable background, and it is very difficult. Obviously, Xiao Qifeng's power in it is not low, but Xiao Qifeng told her when he was in college that he was just from an ordinary intellectual family, so she was very curious about his status today.

Xiao Qifeng smiled wryly, but he didn't intend to explain it, because this was also the difficulty in his heart all along. In fact, the reason why he chose to break up back then was not because Yu Xiaoxi refused to give him a body, but because of his background. and background, the pressure from his family forced him to make this choice: "Xixi, I'm sorry."

"It's nothing. Everyone has their own difficulties and privacy. It's your choice whether to tell the truth or not. To listen or not to listen, to listen for the truth or to ignore it is my right. I believed in you at the beginning. , That's my choice, so you don't need to apologize." Yu Xiaoxi picked a grape and put it in her mouth, then turned her face away, as if she didn't care.

Xiao Qifeng's face darkened at this moment, watching Yu Xiaoxi move his lips for a while, but he didn't say a word.

"Qi Feng, I think you should know that we have already gone the opposite direction, so there is no need to apologize or remember. What I want to know now is what is going on with MOD and what are your plans? What?" Memories are sometimes too hurtful, so Yu Xiaoxi chose to face the reality.

"Are you concerned about MOD or about him?" Xiao Qifeng's face became very serious for a moment, and he asked solemnly.

"Do you think there is a difference?" MOD is fine, and Jing Sihan is naturally fine, and if Jing Sihan's negotiation is successful, the crisis of MOD will be resolved.

"Of course there is a difference." Xiao Qifeng met Yu Xiaoxi's eyes with a pair of dragon eyes: "MOD does not belong to Jing Sihan alone."

"Well, how is his situation now?" Yu Xiaoxi then chose to refine, just because what Jing Sihan represented was the result.

"Do you love him?" Xiao Qifeng didn't answer Yu Xiaoxi's question, but asked another question very abruptly.

Yu Xiaoxi's hand holding the spoon trembled slightly, and the ice that had already been picked up in the air couldn't help falling down, splashing all over the table, then she looked straight at Xiao Qifeng, hesitated for a while before answering slowly : "At this age, is it important to love or not?" She admitted that she likes Jing Sihan, but that kind of liking has not yet reached the level of love.

"Of course it's important. It will be very painful to live with someone you don't love." Xiao Qifeng lowered his eyes as he spoke, feeling a little lonely in his heart, then heaved a sigh of relief, and then raised his face to face him Yu Xiaoxi: "So Xixi, you must think carefully, and don't be like me, regretting the beginning." If he could do it all over again, he would definitely do his best to love vigorously once, and then bravely face all obstacles , instead of reluctantly giving up love like six years ago, helping others, but wronging myself.

"Everyone has to be responsible for their own choices, so I also hope that you can turn your eyes back and forth. Many times, people think that the answer they have no choice is better. In fact, this is all selfishness and desire." Of course Yu Xiaoxi understood what Xiao Qifeng was referring to, but she had already decided to forget the past and everything between them.

(End of this chapter)

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