Chapter 168

"Face, what face, since the day my father left with that woman, the Yan family's face has disappeared. What you are defending so hard is just the poor self-esteem in your heart. I know why you look down on Xiao Xi so much. , isn’t it because she doesn’t have a noble origin and background? But so what, you and dad are like that? But in the end, are you willing to let your tragedy happen to me again?” Finally, these buried in Under the impact of anger for a long time, the bottom of my heart turned into sharp language and spoke out.

" unfilial son." Immediately, a slap landed on Yan Feimo's face. Yang Yinqing was so angry at Yan Feimo's words that his entire face turned blue and purple. Everyone had self-esteem, Especially for a strong woman like her, she can't tolerate others challenging her dignity, especially if this person is her own son, this is something she can't bear: "Get lost..."

Yan Feimo touched his face, then looked at his angry mother, and said nothing, he knew that his words were impulsive, but when he thought of his future being so limited, the anger in his heart was still not gone, Then he gritted his teeth and turned around and rushed out the door...

Li Yiting, the black Ferrari, was tinkering with the steering wheel while thinking of ways to make Yuxin happy. Although today was the first time she saw Yan Feimo in so many years, she already regarded him as the object of her upcoming marriage, and She sees herself as a member of the Yan family, so what she has to do now is how to please his children, because she knows that Yan Feimo is not so close, and his attitude just now has also shown that he treats her well. He didn't call, and now the boy named Yuxin beside him is his only weakness, and it is also the most direct, fastest and most beneficial way for her to approach him and let him accept.

"Little Xinxin, what do you like the most?" After a while, Xiang Yiting finally opened her mouth, and glanced at Yuxin who was sitting motionless with twinkling eyes.

"Mom, Dad, and brother." Yuxin's tone was not salty, her eyes were still looking straight ahead, and her expression was still as dull.

The first question failed, and Xiang Yiting shrugged her shoulders and felt embarrassed. She didn't expect to be pushed back as soon as she made a move, so she was very unwilling, and then asked: "Then what do you like to eat?" It was because the way she asked the question just now was wrong, so the child's understanding was wrong. She felt that children of this age are curious about everything, as long as they satisfy him materially, it will be easy to settle.

"The braised lion's head made by mother, the boiled pork slices made by father." Yuxin uttered each word one by one, still looking straight ahead through the windshield in front of her.

Is there a mistake in my questioning, or is there really a generation gap with the children? Xiang Yiting, who always thought she had good communication skills, found that she couldn't communicate with Yuxin at this moment. Of course, being strong as a woman would not let her She was so defeated, so she asked again abruptly: "Then little Xinxin, where do you like to go the most, such as playgrounds, parks and so on." In order for Yuxin to understand, she said very clearly.

"The small garden behind the house where our family used to live in Toronto, Canada."

"Then what hobbies do you usually have, like drawing, collecting cards, playing games, etc."

"Running with my younger brother, quarreling with Yun Qi."

After several years of problems, Xiang Yiting finally lost the battle. She has always believed that children are easy to deal with, but this little guy who is less than six years old in front of her is very difficult. She thought it was a problem with the way she asked questions, but after contacting all of Yuxin's answers, she finally realized that she had been tricked, and this little boy was deliberately messing with her.As expected, they were father and son. Unexpectedly, this wall was so difficult to attack. This made Xiang Yiting very unconvinced. When she was still thinking about how to go next, the car had already stopped at the door of Yingcai's novel.

"Little Xinxin, when do you finish class in the afternoon, can auntie come pick you up?" Xiang Yiting turned to help Yuxin unbuckle her safety belt, and then wanted to touch Yuxin's head.

Yuxin reflexively hid by the car window, and then said loudly, "Don't touch me."

"What's wrong with you?" Xiang Yiting couldn't understand Yuxin's reaction. She didn't seem to have done anything wrong. Although his answers just now were very different, they still had something to talk to each other. And it's just the first time they've met, even if they hate it, it's not enough.

"Let me ask you, are you here to snatch Dad?" Seeing Xiang Yiting's first glance, such thoughts had already sprouted in his little heart, and seeing her eyes linger on Yan Feimo's body all the time When he was young, he was even more sure of this woman's origin, that's why he was always hostile to her along the way. He didn't want another obstacle in the process of combining father and mother.

Xiang Yiting didn't understand the meaning of Yuxin's words, thinking that he was worried that his arrival would pose a threat to him, so she couldn't help smiling, and then said: "So you are worried about this, don't worry, don't worry. Auntie will definitely treat you well, better than your mother, Auntie will not rob you of Dad, Dad will only have a child like you, and will only love you, and I will be like him after I marry Dad love you."

"I don't want you to love me, and I don't want you to marry Dad." Hearing what Xiang Yiting said, Yuxin panicked and yelled at Xiang Yiting. He hoped so much that his parents could get rid of all difficulties. After getting together, the family will be happy together. Jing Sihan is already difficult, but now a 'little three' comes out, which makes him very annoyed.

For Yuxin's sudden anger, Xiang Yiting felt very incomprehensible: "Why, isn't auntie bad? Little Xinxin, you can't do this. Auntie will take care of you in the future, and we will live together." Yuxin said that although she was very upset, she still tried her best to restrain herself when facing children, because there was still a long way to go, and she couldn't have her own children, so even if the eldest lady's temper was still there, she had to weigh it first. severity.

"I don't want to live with you. I have a mother. You are far worse than my mother, and my father doesn't like you. You are a mistress. It is wrong to destroy other people's families on TV." Yuxin actually doesn't understand the concept very well, but in his heart, the four of them are a whole and cannot be separated, so Xiang Yiting is naturally labeled as a mistress.

(End of this chapter)

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