Chapter 169

Being scolded by a child for no reason, and being scolded so badly, this made her very annoyed when she was held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, so the smile that had been hanging on her face disappeared in an instant, and the light in her eyes disappeared. From soft to sharp: "You little boy, what do you know? Do you know what a mistress is? Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, let alone compare your mother with me. She doesn't have the qualifications. She's just lucky. Your father is two seeds, without you, your father would never even look at your mother. Also, you should pay attention to me in the future, don't tell me that I didn't remind you, after I marry your father, you have to listen obediently If it's mine, be careful and I'll beat you up." Xiang Yiting raised her fist at Yuxin while speaking.

"I won't let you marry Dad, you bad woman, I hate you." Yuxin opened the car door as she spoke, and then a grunt disappeared from Xiang Yiting's sight...

Ever since he came out of the house, Yan Feimo has been restless, thinking about her, thinking about his son, thinking about the future of their family, and then thinking about his mother's opposition and determination. At this moment, his hope became even more bleak, so he couldn't settle down to work. Finally, when his son was about to leave get out of class, he immediately left the office and went straight to school.

"Xinxin, what's the matter with you?" Yan Feimo couldn't help asking worriedly seeing his son coming out of the gate, who had been depressed.

"Dad, will you really marry that bad woman? If you marry her, what will mom do?" Ever since he got off Xiang Yiting's car in the morning, he has been struggling with this question, thinking that he can't be with his mother , he couldn't help feeling sad and depressed, very worried that it would really be like what Xiang Yiting said.

"Father won't marry other women. If he can't marry mother, then father only wants you." Yan Feimo held his son's face in both hands, but he couldn't help but feel sore in his heart. His son's thoughts were also his wishes, but today's mother is so determined His opposition made him start to worry about Yu Xiaoxi's situation. He was afraid that Yang Yinqing would really go to negotiate terms with Yu Xiaoxi and rob Yufan as he said today, so he began to be more and more concerned about the happiness he dreamed of. no confidence.

"No, Dad, I want our family to be together. Dad, you must persist and work hard together." Yuxin's big eyes were shining with determination. All he wanted was his father's affirmation. wish fulfillment.

Now his son's support is his greatest comfort. Looking at his son's shining eyes, Yan Feimo felt a lot more comfortable in his heart, so he gently touched his head with his big hand, nodded and said: "Okay, Dad We will hold on, let's go home now."

"Dad, the teacher said that tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival and we don't have to go to class, so let's go to see mom tomorrow, shall we?" After getting in the car, Yu Xin said to Yan Feimo who was wearing her seat belt. Looking for Yu Xiaoxi, he was very frustrated, so he kept thinking about this matter.

"Huh? Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Yan Feimo was stunned for a while. It wasn't his son who mentioned it, but he had already forgotten it, because he has been busy with work for six years, and the concept of festivals has already faded.

"Yes, the teacher said that the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for reunion, so tomorrow we will go to see our mother and younger brother, how about a family reunion?" Yuxin emphasized again, with deep longing and strong expectations flashing in his eyes .

Yan Feimo hesitated for a while, then reached out to touch Yuxin's head and nodded, "Okay, let's go to see mother together tomorrow."

"Thank you, Dad, let's go home." Yan Feimo's agreement made Yuxin feel elated, and he couldn't help getting excited when he thought that he would see his mother and younger brother tomorrow, and that the family of four would be able to spend the night of the full moon.

Along the way, his son kept talking and planned tomorrow's plan very carefully, but Yan Feimo, who was steering the steering wheel, couldn't calm down because he didn't know how to face his mother now, because What happened in the morning made him brood, but as a son, he can't hold grudges. Although he really doesn't want to go home, doesn't want to face up to the problem, and even wants to take his son to another residence, but he also understands that many things cannot be escaped Yes, in order not to make my son suspicious, so after thinking twice, I drove the car home.

"Are you back?" On the sofa in the living room, Yang Yinqing was wearing her presbyopia and reading the newspaper. Seeing Yan Feimo and Yuxin enter the room, she put down the newspaper in her hand, and said to Yuxin: "Xinxin, come here, come to grandma." He glanced at Yan Feimo, but he didn't show any special emotions, and of course he didn't intend to repeat the quarrel in the morning, although she still insisted on educating her children. Opinion, but being fond of grandchildren is something that every elderly person is happy to see, so now her face is more of the kindness and kindness of an old man.

Yuxin hesitated for a while, looked at Yang Yinqing's expectant eyes, and then took small steps to approach her.

"Give me the schoolbag, young master." Just as Yuxin was hesitating, a middle-aged woman in her forties suddenly came out of the kitchen, approached Yuxin, and took Yuxin down smoothly. The schoolbag on the shoulder.

Yuxin stared at the strange woman in front of him with astonished eyes, and he didn't come back to his senses until his shoulders suddenly relaxed, because these days, he would go to his room to put down his schoolbag and do his homework after school, so He is not used to the treatment.

"Her name is Li Hui, and she is the nanny I hired in housekeeping today. From now on, she will take care of Xinxin's diet and housekeeping." Yang Yinqing didn't look at Yan Feimo, but let Yuxin sit on her own Then he picked up a banana on the coffee table, peeled it and handed it to Yu Xin: "Eat it."

"Thank you grandma." Yu Xin took the banana, put it in her mouth naturally, and smiled sweetly at Yang Yinqing.

"So good." Yang Ruanqing touched Yuxin's head, seeing him eating happily, she couldn't help but smile, and then asked softly: "Xinxin, Aunt Xiang will live with you from now on. Now, you have to get along well with Aunt Xiang, you know?" If you can't persuade your son, let's start with the grandson, anyway, children are easier to coax, as long as the children are coaxed, then Yan Feimo may not be able to As determined as in the morning, although his words hit her self-esteem very badly today, but after all, they are mother and son, and she doesn't want their relationship to deteriorate because of this matter, so it's better to fight for it in a gentle way. .

(End of this chapter)

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