Chapter 185

"Thank you." Yu Xiaoxi took the water, but was not in the mood to greet him, where the child went now is the key, so she asked, "I'm sorry, teacher, I'm worried about him now, Fanfan has always been timid, I'm afraid of the dark, so I haven't seen anyone so late, I'm afraid something will happen to him, so I want to ask Fanfan if there are any classmates who have a good time in class?"

Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's anxious look, the teacher also began to look worried: "Yufan is quite active in class, and he is also popular. How about this, I will send a few classmates who have more contact with him to his home. I’ll give you the phone number, go ask them if they’ve seen him, and I’ll help you go to school and look for it.” The teacher took out a communication card from the drawer, circled a few names and handed it to him. To Yu Xiaoxi.

"Thank you." After Yu Xiaoxi took the card, she followed the teacher's instructions and called Yufan's classmates one by one, but she made several calls in a row, but all she got was an answer like "I don't know, I don't know."

"Student Ziyue, hello, I'm Yufan's mother. I want to ask, have you seen Yufan after school today?" What a hope.

"Oh, hello, auntie, I saw Yufan today." A very clear girl's voice came from the phone.

After hearing the affirmative answer, Yu Xiaoxi regained her spirits immediately, and then hurriedly asked: "Then did you see where he went?"

There was a little hesitation on the other end of the phone, and after a while, the little girl's voice rang again, and then she replied: "During activity class today, I saw an uncle come to look for him, and he happened to be going to class at that time. I went to the toilet, and I didn’t see him after I came back.”

"Uncle, what kind of uncle?" Could it be Jing Sihan?Yu Xiaoxi thought to herself, but if it was Jing Sihan, he wouldn't have picked up Yufan without telling her.

"I didn't see that uncle clearly because he was wearing sunglasses, but he is tall and has a small crew cut. He looks a bit fierce."

"Okay, thank you Ziyue." Hearing the child's description, Yu Xiaoxi finally began to panic, because it was obvious that the man Ziyue described was not Jing Sihan, and of course it couldn't be Yan Feimo, then it would be who?What happened to Yufan?
After hanging up the phone, Yu Xiaoxi felt a chill all over her body when she saw it was already half-dark, and it reached her heart, because now she can conclude that something happened to her son.Because although Yufan is not as witty as Yuxin, he is very vigilant and usually does not come into contact with strangers, which is why he doesn't like Yan Feimo, so it is impossible for him to be abducted by others.Then there is only one possibility, he was kidnapped by bad guys!

Thinking about it, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help calling Jing Sihan, because at this moment, the only person she could think of who could help her was Jing Sihan, and this was also a habit she had developed over the past six years.

The breath of late autumn finally infected every corner of City C, suppressing the wildness and hustle and bustle of this bustling metropolis a lot.In the chaotic night, ink is splashed, and the whole sky is painted black, with the bleakness of autumn and the tranquility of autumn, which also makes those depressed and gloomy people want to vent, so the bar is naturally the best place.

Hot songs, passionate music, neon red lights, a demonic figure on the dance floor, and sudden wild laughter from an unknown angle from time to time, fully displaying the wildness and charm of this place. debauchery.

On the bar counter, Jing Sihan was sitting alone on a revolving wooden chair, holding a glass of brandy that was [-]% full in his hand, looking through the transparent liquid with blood red eyes at the bartender who was spinning the bar with skillful skills. Those wine bottles that have already appeared double images.These days, he has come here to get drunk almost every night. Ever since he saw that scene in the hospital that day, he has become uncertain about the future.Every time he thinks of the happiness on Yan Feimo's face that day, he feels thousands of thorns pricking in his heart, making him feel so painful that he almost wants to suffocate.He always thought that with the relationship between them for six years, everything could be broken through, but now he finally knows that he was wrong, and many things are beyond his control. These days, he has been thinking whether he is too kind to her , so good that he has already belittled his own dignity, so he would look down on his feelings, thinking about it, his thoughts got into the horns...

Just when he was holding the wine glass and was about to pour the remaining liquid into his belly again, music suddenly sounded in his pocket. This was the ringtone he specially set for Yu Xiaoxi, so he put down the wine glass and was in a trance. He took out his phone, looked at the name on the screen, and put his fingertips on the hang up button. He wanted to be so proud at first, but in the end he was suppressed by the sudden desire in his heart. Yes, then gritted his teeth and answered the call.

"Sihan, where are you?" Yu Xiaoxi's voice on the other end of the phone was urgent, and before he could answer, she immediately added another sentence: "Fanfan is missing. I heard from his classmate that a strange man killed him. Take it away, Sham, I'm afraid."

Although it was just such a simple sentence, it chilled Jing Sihan's heart at this moment. Originally, he made up his mind to answer her call just to hope that she would care about him and tell him anyway that she still has him in her heart, even if It doesn't matter if you lie to him, but unexpectedly, after so many days, the first phone call was for the child, so under the influence of alcohol, his sanity finally collapsed, and he sneered at the phone: "Is it because your son doesn't care?" If something happens, you will never think of me, Yu Xiaoxi, what am I in your eyes?"

"Sihan, what did you say?" Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help being taken aback. She never thought that Jing Sihan would treat her with such an attitude. Originally, she thought he would be as worried as she was, because Since then, he has treated Yufan as if he treated his own son, so Yu Xiaoxi was nothing but dumbfounded about Jing Sihan's words. This is not the man in his impression who loves his children.

"What are you talking about? Do you want me to explain clearly? It's been six years. Haven't I been good enough to you in six years? Why, why did you treat me like this?" Jing Sihan picked up the phone on the table while holding the phone. The wine glass, and then continued: "In six years, you will only think of me when your child encounters difficulties. I am not your nanny, and I have no obligation to help you with those things that wipe your ass. Hehe, not bad , these years, I was too lowly, I almost forgot what dignity is in front of you, I trampled a man's self-esteem under my feet, and let you trample on me. I allow you not to accept, allow you to choose, but I can't Put up with your hypocrisy, your deceit."

(End of this chapter)

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